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Welcome to the board.  A long time ago we had some threads on 'orgone' generators.  Swirly metalic paper weights said to generate positive subtle energies.  Now, a decade later, I don't think they ever became the 'hit' some hoped for.  imo Energy generation has gotta come from the bottom up.  Diet, exercise, sleep, chi gung/yoga/awarness and the like. 


On the other hand I applaud those who are willing to explore new things.. as long as they're careful.  Many good things are coming from those willing to 'hack' there life.  Keeping careful records and hopefully being careful not to fool themselves. 


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Hi MetaDao! Welcome aboard and hopefully you enjoy your stay.


There exists a lot of ancient technology relating to spiritual energy generation so shoehorning this into something exclusively enabled by modernity is a mistake.


Tibetan Buddhism in particular has a long history of having prayer flags and cylindrical prayer wheels that carry blessings and radiate energy to the environment. Wind and sound are very typical mediums for transmitting such energies. I have seen solar powered electronic prayer wheels that rotate on their own and computer programs can be used to run holy mantras to some effect if you know what you are doing.



6 hours ago, MetaDao said:

Can we take in chi directly from a generator to store in our dantian without going through the tedious processes of chi gung and such?


Receiving blessings and energy from mantras and other blessings doesn't lead to neigong or spiritual alchemy directly. You can be sure of this.


Even if the the practitioner receives plenty of good energy from "outside" sources, it settling into dantian is a matter of sufficiently calm mind and wisdom by the virtue of the sinking mind that remains composed at all times. Most likely the effects are going to be more holistic and stimulate the other energetic wirings of the bodymind complex.



6 hours ago, MetaDao said:

Also, I have recently discovered the existence of attunements to various energies, such as reiki.


These can be problematic because a lot of people are just playing around with energetic phenomena instead of having proficiency and understanding. Reiki in particular suffers from incomplete attunements that will damage the practitioner if persisted in that practice: the phenomenon is often called the wounded healer.



6 hours ago, MetaDao said:

People transfer these energies through chi because chi is infinite and everywhere. It has the metaphysical property of being able to traverse any distance instantly. Could we attune ourselves to the taoist energies of someone who is much further along the path than us to jumpstart our own path?


First, I would caution you to take your own speculations here with salt.


It seems you would benefit from reading Michael Lomax's writings and teachings. His user profile is @Ya Mu and you can search for what he has written around this forum. Michael has written a book called A Light Warrior's Guide to High Level Energy Healing that deals with his experiences with energy, and his lineage Stillness-Movement gives dantian empowerment to jumpstart new people's practice. Some traditional Daoist lineages have a long history of lighting the dantian, but it's usually given only very selectively to dedicated disciples.

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I would avoid anything being done by unqualified/unprofessional people, any kind of machinery, artefacts, charged items, without knowing the guy personally, without knowing whenever he has the skill, knowledge, and abilities. (I know people who charge genuine stuff and it is not something a beginner could ever hope to buy)


You are risking your life wearing or using something that at best is not beneficial at all, and it could be quite damaging.


It is very questionable when the guy "with esoteric" background picks up random Hz waves from google/youtube pseudo esoteric databases.


Many things radiate Qi, and just because you can feel Qi from object does not determine its value or benefit. You can also feel heat from the convector heater but that powerful heat energy did not make anyone enlightened yet. (although it saves ass in cold winder)


That Qi might not be the type that can be used in Dantien or can be absorbed by the body. It could be with pollution and e.t.c


I would avoid Reiki as well because the Qi is transferred and harnessed through a medium, which can be quite toxic and polluted. The guy who heals you with "Reiki" can easily transfer his own astral larvaes, energy parasites, and all kind of pathogenic information together with "healing" session.

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Null. Post was dumb and understanding was bad back then.

Edited by MetaDao
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21 hours ago, MetaDao said:

The chi generator I am talking about has various frequencies that it can be set to. One of those being the exact frequency of the earth, which would correlate with Ji if I am not mistaken. This would be equivalent to taking in Ji from your surroundings like under a tree for example. My main thinking is just to combine some ancient practices of meditation and energy circulation in the presence of a generator, which just provides an ample amount of Ji in the atmosphere. Like if you were in a forest. By no means would this take away the need for inner alchemy. I think it would just supplement it.


If you have read any xianxia novels, then as an analogy, I would compare cultivating in an area with low levels of Ji to cultivating in the presence of a spirit spring. It doesn't take away the need for Neigong, but I think it has the potential of accelerating the cultivation.


You mean creating a place of power in your living area so that you can charge faster and work more efficient. It is possible, but it is unlikely you will be able to find and buy this online. Portable places of power won't be cheap as well. If you think some 10$ machinery put into the electricity socket can make a place of power, I don't believe such fairy tales.


21 hours ago, MetaDao said:

to take in chi from an external source if we can measure the chi coming from the generator as identical to the chi coming from the soil and trees around us


It cannot be identical, why would it be identical?


21 hours ago, MetaDao said:

I would be curious though about how reiki could cause damage. Could you elaborate more on that? Is it that I am channeling energy without having cleared out my energy channels for effective energy flow

I did not say that. However, I did not find the reiki system to be powerful or worthy of spending time personally, among all other existing systems.


21 hours ago, MetaDao said:

I don't understand your comment about a beginner being unable to buy charged objects. I can charge objects right now without having been trained extensively in Neigong. I challenge you to open your mind to the possibilities of maybe charging objects through different strategies? ;)


You may share with us a photo of an object you charged yourself (physical objects (no water)). I do think it takes about 10 years of training and certain attainments in meditation to begin to charge objects. I am open-minded and willing to look at your work.


21 hours ago, MetaDao said:

Here is a screenshot of an email I sent to Dr.Jerry Alan Johnson asking if it's possible if a chi generator would increase the rate of storing chi into the tan Tien where he replies with "yes."

Classic texts work with different principles rather than take energy from point X and put it into the Dan Tien. Its complex but the energy is not taken from outside but generated inside. 


21 hours ago, MetaDao said:

I can also charge objects like my water bottle with my energy through my hands to then drink the charged water. The water bottle heats up to about 90 degrees from where my hands are placed on it. In this way, I am drinking naturally charged water that is beneficial for my health. Is this different than eating food to gain chi? I am just charging it with extra energy before ingesting it.


90 degrees? So you are almost boiling it by hands?


If you do you may ignore all my advice as you are already at a higher level of cultivation.


I see 2 issues with charging the water.


Water is not conducting electricity. You cannot charge water technically. You can charge minerals or any other matter inside the water if they exist. None in distilled water or pure water.  But why charge 0.2gramm of minerals, when you can take a solid object?


You are charging water outside yourself to drink it later and gain the benefit, but you are living inside the body fully consisting of water. So why would you charge water outside of yourself to drink it back, when you are already full of water inside. Why charge 0.5l of water, when you can charge yourself with 60l of water or something like that.

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You don't need any fancy technology to create a technological chi generator. Most active members on this forum can do it. As a somewhat recent thread revealed, the original term for it is transmission through calligraphy. Masters would charge physical paper and words written with physical ink and it would keep emitting energy. Personally I don't fully understand that phenomena. But you can do the same through words and videos/images. Actually we're already living our energy signatures everywhere. Even reacting with an emoticon here on the site carries the users energy. And you can for example see some past accounts had multiple people posting on it to ensure high availability for their loved clients :ph34r:


Actually, this may be a weird example, but p0rno videos with like zoom in of the orgasm is a chi transmission lol


The amount of chi in this case is WEAK. Medics in Asia who give chi transmission for their patients have more than plenty to disturb the form field of the chips inside electronic devices - basically killing those devices. I mean LDT feels LAVA HOT .... it's not just psychological but physiological.


You're also actually glowing on an infra red camera and supposedly you can detect a small amount of visible spectrum light where someone 'astrally projects'.


It can get interesting when you consider on a cosmological scale. So chi surrounds us all like air or water in a fish tank. Yang chi is not in the soil and yin chi cannot survive? in the air? So where does it come from ? I know for a fact trust-able research of telepathy being different in different environments like space. So who knows how the chi in space is. Also apparently and this seems to be my little experience with it - you can use or convert animal or tree chi to human body chi. Even if you have ultra strong chi field already. I hear there is a specific method to converting it which I haven't found online yet.


So for chi generators just charge a pic or vid, get a no screen off and touch control/protection app. I've been leaving my phone like that on my lap a lot in past months actually. If I'm doing something else might as well plug in. You can emit ANY energy that you can increase or diminish or purify or aspect that you can evolve with/in.


To my knowledge cosmically and chronically chi is generated from yuan chi, the next "higher"-up 'substance'. So this is a spiritual technology. So this is another generator that cultivators can make use of.


But point is, you need DENSITY...a lot. So whatever generators you are using better make them strong because only hard work and commitment will get you results in anything in life.


As for Reiki which you mentioned. Playing with chi in the air is not Reiki. Reiki is a specific current of specific energy and spirits. They have an 'egregore' which looks like a white shiny male. And like with all entities it's not something you just knock on their door to say hello. Might just be the middle of the night for them....Just keep your distance. It's basic chi play what you are doing. Fancy terms will add confusion long term.


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1 hour ago, MetaDao said:

Water boiling point is about 212 degrees Fahrenheit my dude so no. And the chi generators can reach upward of 5 thousand dollars and emit a massive amount of chi. Please do some research before spouting nonsense. Our body heat is 98.6 degrees, so I could heat water to 90 degrees by holding my hands on it for hours. Not very outlandish.


who is using fahrenheit, when its celsius all over the world

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1 hour ago, MetaDao said:

Our body heat is 98.6 degrees, so I could heat water to 90 degrees by holding my hands on it for hours. Not very outlandish.


Exactly, so why you brag about heating water with your body heat as some of "qigong ability" if you would heat it above body temperature level, like smth around 43-45 degrees Celsius. That might be some sort of ability.


I know some people who heat up tea this way, by using their power.


Well, guys in Tummo heat up the body to dry cold towels in freezing winter.



I am just charging it with extra energy before ingesting it.


But you are literally wasting energy to the outside, to then drink it back inside, which is a pointless waste of time by either way you look into it. You lose energy through all the possible mediums, as water does not hold energy for long, it does not get digested well, it does not get absorbed well, it is not absorbing all energy you charge into. You waste 2 hours put 100% in, to drink 2% back. Does not sound like a smart cultivation move.


1 hour ago, MetaDao said:

If you're not saying anything useful about that then I don't really care.


You made some dubious claims about an ability to charge items and objects, and "anyone can do this".

It's hard to do and not many people can do it. That is hard work requiring high skills.

I can imagine you think to create a qi ball and hold hands on an object is charging it, but that is not how it is done. The proper charging technology is hard to find by itself, and it is not simple at all.


As @EmeraldHead said right indeed, it is about how much power you can put inside, and beginners cannot put much more power above their level so that the object would significantly speed up their growth and development.


I have given you a benefit of doubt by offering to post an image of your work.


1 hour ago, MetaDao said:

And the chi generators can reach upward of 5 thousand dollars and emit a massive amount of chi. Please do some research before spouting nonsense


They can sell it for 10 billion dollars to fools, but it is usually a 10$ Chinese machinery inside. Anyone who is any proficient in electronics usually debunks those machines after they gain public attention. Computer/electronic generated signals/waves are nothing like real Qi power. 


I am sceptical but not critical if you ever use those machines and develop tremendous supernatural abilities, like heating water to something that is not body temperature, let us know. I am open to all ways and methods of self-development and cultivation.


Well, I have a 15$ negative Ion Generator in my home, that can literally send lightning bolts across the room, and shoots any fool coming close with an electrical discharge. It also makes air pure without any dust particles like in the mountains.

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Interesting website MetaDao. While all that technical stuff way outclasses me and you seem pretty advanced into the craft from the website, I do want to say you should try to put chi into words/images/videos first. That already is a full fledged and safe generator (besides whatever entities may attached to the giver). Years ago I bought 5 of those fancy new age crystal pyramids from ebay. Paid a lot of them but it is not chi nor any energy that accumulated into the body as life force and which provides innate development to the quality of thoughts and the minds experience. Nope, it is quite alien or unabsorbable energy for the body. I put all 5 under my bed aligned to my torso and I was waking up early. Others from my then group reported it. The charge is too much to let you sleep. Similarly electricity from a storm or in your houses sockets are not absorbable energy by the body. I think user "Andrei" ? did a lot of trials with electric shockers and resulted in tired kidneys only.


You probably know this well already actually!


Actually those orgonite pyramids are NOT the organ energy accumulators of that scientists from the last century that was imprisoned by the FDA for his research (William Reich?). There are a few websites and blogs selling his legitimate devices and books and disclaim clearly against this new age invention. His machines are generaly HUGE, consist of metal boxes that you get into usually, and are very expensive. I've never tried them but you could even spend all day in them, the more the better. Whereas when I spend the night and day with these orgonite pyramids from 5 I couldn't stand still and the energy didn't refresh me, only artificially charged and no mental improvements where noticed. Only fuzzy state physically!.


Specifically these devices could be dangerous, even draining yuan chi / higher shens. So be REALLY careful. It's doable but governments have shown even beyond William Reich(?) case that they do actively abolish and ban any kind of revolutionary technology like this. There's been dozens of people from multiple countries who invented piss or water cars. All went quiet by themselves or dissapeared. None made it mainstream. I think the basic science behind those was extracting the hydrogen from water.

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I wonder why those medics in china don't just give chi charged pics or something to their patients to take home. Use everyday. Some of them die from giving too much chi. So it's a huge hassle, not to mention patients have to travel to you. Balancing meridians and organs is one thing, yes, but most old people patients just lack raw quantity of chi to begin so aging gets the best of them. I mean cultivators have an active "structure" an intelligent super computer processing and refining and regulating. Normal people just have random chi flowing about like the wind.

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5 hours ago, EmeraldHead said:


Actually those orgonite pyramids are NOT the organ energy accumulators of that scientists from the last century that was imprisoned by the FDA for his research (William Reich?). 

Wilhelm Reich, student of Freud. His book character analysis is interesting. His vegetotherapy developed in to psychosomatic physiotherapy in Norway and into Lowens Bioenergetics. 


But he wasn't imprisoned for his research, if I recall right he started to either do treatments with or sell machines which he, in violation of FDA regulation, claimed had medical properties. 

He also died of disease in jail, if my memory serves me right. 


I guess the moral of the story is (eat this Aisopos): Don't mess with the FDA. 

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17 minutes ago, Cleansox said:

if I recall right he started to either do treatments with or sell machines which he, in violation of FDA regulation, claimed had medical properties. 

He also died of disease in jail, if my memory serves me right. 

I don't know about his books which I doubt have esoterically correct information.


But no one reported his treatments as bad. Some with late stage cancer or similar diseases reported getting much much better. They tried to force sexual claims against him.


He was going to be released after 2 years of prison for good behavior. Then he got suicided. You don't get released for good behaviour and commit suicide. But no one is going to protest on the streets for him.


That is what I heard anyway.

Edited by EmeraldHead

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Welcome to Dao Bums


The only thing I will say about a Qi generator is that a few years back Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine did a study of Qi in the body and projecting qi outside the body Their conclusion, at that time, was internal Qi easy to prove, external qi (projection) fake. 


A Qi generator, I doubt its validity.... but then I could be wrong

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From my experience with western magic, it *is* possible to create an "energy" generator via patterns, and the simplest of which (from my experience) is the symbol of the squared circle. That said, the energy generated from those patterns does not seem to jive well with the energy used in cultivation, and it attracts rather pesky entities if you leave it be. You could likely use it as part of a larger formation if you figured out how to generate, gather, convert, and purify the energy, but I don't think that is something easily done without a lot of research. 

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On 6/28/2020 at 2:19 PM, Paradoxal said:

You could likely use it as part of a larger formation if you figured out how to generate, gather, convert, and purify the energy, but I don't think that is something easily done without a lot of research. 

interesting concept.


About that...doesn't chi give rise to form? So how could a form give rise to chi? That is like those people claiming various metallic pyramid around you or below you will give you chi. Or maybe even 'higher shens' energies.

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55 minutes ago, EmeraldHead said:

interesting concept.


About that...doesn't chi give rise to form? So how could a form give rise to chi? That is like those people claiming various metallic pyramid around you or below you will give you chi. Or maybe even 'higher shens' energies.


I'm not entirely sure on *how* it works, rather, I know it's worked for me on experience. The book I learned it from described a squared circle as an impossibility, thus the symbol for it generates energy, but I'm not exactly sure if that is actually why it works. Various geometric shapes have inborn effects on the world around them, (circles create "worlds", spirals create vortexes, etc.), so I assume that it's another one of those key shapes. 


That said, it does make sense that if energy gives rise to form, that form can give rise to energy. Easiest way to explain it would be that form is Yin, while energy is Yang. They will always attempt to keep eachother in balance. 

Edited by Paradoxal
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Your body and consciousness are far more powerful than any Qi machine. Far more.


People worry about EMF fields - and yes they can be a problem - but once you start to generate enough Qi - it will be you affecting the EMFs rather than the other way round.


External devises - even using ‘natural’ external sources for Qi (like trees, waterfalls or power points in the environment) can quickly become a crutch rather than assistance.


There are no shortcuts.

Well - only one - learning to love and enjoy the inherent sacrifices involved in training hard :) 

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Tree Gong and Other External Energy Generating Methods


2 hours ago, freeform said:

Your body and consciousness are far more powerful than any Qi machine. Far more.


People worry about EMF fields - and yes they can be a problem - but once you start to generate enough Qi - it will be you affecting the EMFs rather than the other way round.


External devises - even using ‘natural’ external sources for Qi (like trees, waterfalls or power points in the environment) can quickly become a crutch rather than assistance.


There are no shortcuts.

Well - only one - learning to love and enjoy the inherent sacrifices involved in training hard :) 


I feel this bit indicates clearly how modest attainment it is to tamper with methods that condition one's own energy to rely on some external setup. Also, such is the suspected level of attainment in styles that promote Tree Gong as an essential skill.

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12 minutes ago, virtue said:

Also, such is the suspected level of attainment in styles that promote Tree Gong as an essential skill.

Tree Gong and other similar methods of working with the environment are a part of several traditions. Some traditions specifically forbid it.

In most Dragon Gate lines it forms an important part of the early stages - and for good reason.


But it won’t build Qi. This is important to understand because there’s a level of complexity that’s hard to get across.

Working with trees and the environment tunes the quality of one’s Qi. For modern people in the early stages of their training (first 5 to 10 yrs) working with trees is very beneficial - it’s an effective way to purge pathogens, train Ting and Song (pine trees often directly transmit the quality of song).


But it won’t ‘build Qi’ - maybe a tiny bit - but certainly not more than a good meal for example.


To build Qi beyond the ‘normal’ healthy level (and from my teachers’ perspective very few people are actually at a normal healthy level) - but to build Qi beyond that requires you to transform the functioning of your body... in such a way that you effectively up-regulate the efficiency of the body and mind in a way that creates an internal Qi-building engine. This can be done with Neigong approaches or through Neidan approaches - but both methods effectively change the metabolic functioning of the body to create more Qi than is required for normal healthy function.


No natural environment or machine can do that for you. At least not in a way that’s accessible for humans... ocean waves are powerful - but they can’t interact with the functioning of your body. A fire can destroy thousands of hectares of forest with its power - but it won’t fill your Dantien.


Only through the use of your consciousness and your body can you generate useful Qi beyond a normal level.

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Thank you for your expanded thoughts @freeform!


I knew of the balancing aspect that is involved in the Tree Gong training, but I stopped short of commenting more and kept the message very concise.


My stab was the usual caveat aimed at claims and adverts that say connecting with the external sources makes for extraordinary practice. This obviously has a quality of exchanging and balancing information that can be nurturing, but it's not cultivation rather than preliminary practice.


That being said, maybe it's clear now that I posted my reply on the wrong topic. Please excuse me! :D

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On 2020-06-22 at 8:18 PM, Lao Xiong said:

The only thing I will say about a Qi generator is that a few years back Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine did a study of Qi in the body and projecting qi outside the body Their conclusion, at that time, was internal Qi easy to prove, external qi (projection) fake.

I was under the impression they proved external Qi. In fact from great distances. There is a document in the CIA archives I saved that went over all the studies done by the Chinese government or something along those lines. 


Read chapter 3 from the official CIA library. CIA-RDP96-00792R000300430003-5


If you don’t feel comfortable going to the link, PM me and I will happily send you the PDF.

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