
Stand with Tibet

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Would post in the Off-topic forum, but here there's more traffic.


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Stand with Tibet - Support the Dalai Lama


After decades of repression, Tibetans are crying out to the world for change. China's leaders are right now making a crucial choice between escalating brutality or dialogue that could determine the future of Tibet, and China.


We can affect this historic choice -- China does care about its international reputation. But it will take an avalanche of global people power to get the government's attention. The Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, has called for restraint and dialogue: he needs the world's people to support him. Fill out the form below to sign the petition--and spread the word.

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Free Tibet!

Free Palestine!

Free First Nation!

Free Australia!

Free Vermont!

Free Earth!

Free your mind!

Free lunch, anyone?


Free your mind



About the link. They are pushing for a donation. I doubt they are serving the real interests of the Tibetan people. How many charities we have in this world? Gazillions???



Edited by durkhrod chogori

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I have related on these pages my brief and yet monumental, (for me) - meeting with the Dalai Lama many years ago.


That the Chinese Govt. is castigating him with name calling, shows what low-lifes they can be. I do stand with the Tibetans -as I'm able...


Even tho I'm not able to offer $$... I believe it is a good thing to sign such petitions. It won't hurt to let the Chinese Govt. know many are watching and judging them.


There are some more links on this page from my own web-site



Edited by Wayfarer64

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until now neither Amnesty nor the Tibetcommitee has mentioned boikotting the summer olympics in Beijing.

BUT, the foreign minister of France Bernard Kouchner says that EU/EC should at least consider boikotting the opening ceremony if the turbulence in Tibet continues. respect.

Edited by rain

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I wasn't able to open the group of 6 links, but the very first one was accessible. Enjoy!



There is much about Tibet people in the west don't know, just like there is much about China people in the west still don't know. There is a lot of fantasy built up about Tibet and China. Now that China is out in the world, there is much to investigate, because due to China's political influence, every major player in the world economy wants a piece of China, not for human rights, not for a true change of governing views, but for their own Financial gain.


Research history, and dig dig dig until there is nothing left to dig. There is so much propaganda being published about countries of financial interest, that one can not easily get the truth.


There is also major cover up in the Tibetan tradition, and it isn't pretty.


As for Tibet, history speaks for itself. I wouldn't want the Lamas back in there doing things the way they have done it in the past.


As for monks being peaceful, Tibetan monks are not the embodiment of peace. There are pictures of monks fighting, and even weapons being found in temples. These are no Buddhist monks, at least, traditionally. Even the Dalai Lama took financial aid from the CIA, and even weapons training to some monks, and lay people on Tibet. But financial interests changed the views, thus leaving the DL to change views from resistance to peace and compassion.


Life in Tibet was nothing like the movie Kundun, or even Seven Yrs in Tibet... all U.S. propaganda to cause people to have hatred towards China. Its been done to Afghanistan, Iran and its being done to Iran and China. There are more countries I haven't named, but you all get the point.




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That Tibet is part of China for 700 years is pure nonsense. Unless if China is also claiming that they are part of Mongolia now? Mongols ruled when Tibet was part of China, which is actually wrong, more right would be to say that Tibet and China were part of the Mongol empire. And during the Ching dinasty when Tibet was also supposedly part of China, the Han Chinese didn't rule, the Manchus did. But where are they now?


That 5% against 95% hehe. If you look in the world today it's pretty much the same thing. Most of the wealth in hands of the minority. And China is no exception.


I guess Burmese monks aren't monks either. But anyway, that's generalizing.

And pictures of monks fighting and weapons could simply be CCP construct.


I wonder how we would act if we were oppressed for decades. There's only so much people can take.


Even if the negative stuff from Tibetan history is true, why do you think Tibetans would rather die in the process of fleeing CCP rule than live under it?


It's said out of the frying pan and into the fire...


Oh great. Lin, I just noticed you posted basically the same BS article that Max posted, only separated in 6 parts. Do we have to go back to Beijing Orchestrating Tibetan Riots?


It's really ironic to talk about western propaganda and then post something like that. :rolleyes:

But then of course now it makes sense where your aversion towards Tibetan Buddhism comes from.

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That Tibet is part of China for 700 years is pure nonsense. Unless if China is also claiming that they are part of Mongolia now? Mongols ruled when Tibet was part of China, which is actually wrong, more right would be to say that Tibet and China were part of the Mongol empire. And during the Ching dinasty when Tibet was also supposedly part of China, the Han Chinese didn't rule, the Manchus did. But where are they now?


That 5% against 95% hehe. If you look in the world today it's pretty much the same thing. Most of the wealth in hands of the minority. And China is no exception.


I guess Burmese monks aren't monks either. But anyway, that's generalizing.

And pictures of monks fighting and weapons could simply be CCP construct.


I wonder how we would act if we were oppressed for decades. There's only so much people can take.


Even if the negative stuff from Tibetan history is true, why do you think Tibetans would rather die in the process of fleeing CCP rule than live under it?


It's said out of the frying pan and into the fire...


Oh great. Lin, I just noticed you posted basically the same BS article that Max posted, only separated in 6 parts. Do we have to go back to Beijing Orchestrating Tibetan Riots?


It's really ironic to talk about western propaganda and then post something like that. :rolleyes:

But then of course now it makes sense where your aversion towards Tibetan Buddhism comes from.



Really? I have an aversion to Tibetan Buddhism? You think I care for politics? I don't form my views from what media presents. I look. Regardless of what the media in this world presents, cultivate eyes, and see for oneself.


By the way, I am not Chinese, if that's what you think brother. :D


There is no generalizing what is and isn't a monk of Buddhist education. If there is violence, political action, killing by a Buddhist monk, they are no longer monks. Its very simple. Buddhism isn't about over throwing governments and getting what ne wants for their on personal interests.


And about those links, I couldn't open them out here in China. I was sent those by people researching news and history on Tibet.



The truth can be seen by looking at karma. If Tibet was a "country" with peace and compassion in every facet, and was spreading the Proper Buddha Dharma throughout its land, there would have been no problems such as those we have seen in the past 50 somewhat yrs.










And just for the record,


I am not for any government hurting, killing and oppressing anyone. I hope that the Chinese are wrong,

but I hope that "if" there are indeed monks hurting people, that they stop as well.


There is no peace when fighting for it manifests. There is only peace when there is no fighting.

Change in one's behavior, and characteristics, habits and mind is what changes the world, not fighting.

Edited by 林愛偉

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Really? I have an aversion to Tibetan Buddhism?


Well I'm sorry, but that's the impression I got.


You think I care for politics? I don't form my views from what media presents. I look. Regardless of what the media in this world presents, cultivate eyes, and see for oneself.


Yes, but where do you look? There is nothing that is not presented by media in one way or another.

I mean look, you're telling me to see for myself and at the same time you're posting articles from media...


By the way, I am not Chinese, if that's what you think brother. :D


I know. :)


There is no generalizing what is and isn't a monk of Buddhist education. If there is violence, political action, killing by a Buddhist monk, they are no longer monks. Its very simple. Buddhism isn't about over throwing governments and getting what ne wants for their on personal interests.


I meant generalizing that because some monks fought, now nobody is a monk in Tibet.

And again, people have limits. Being a monk doesn't automatically make one a Buddha or something who can do no wrong.


The truth can be seen by looking at karma. If Tibet was a "country" with peace and compassion in every facet, and was spreading the Proper Buddha Dharma throughout its land, there would have been no problems such as those we have seen in the past 50 somewhat yrs.


Well, maybe you'll be surprised, but I don't really disagree. That doesn't mean however that things should just be left as they are. Karma isn't fatalism.


And just for the record,


I am not for any government hurting, killing and oppressing anyone. I hope that the Chinese are wrong,

but I hope that "if" there are indeed monks hurting people, that they stop as well.


There is no peace when fighting for it manifests. There is only peace when there is no fighting.

Change in one's behavior, and characteristics, habits and mind is what changes the world, not fighting.


Agreed. :)

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Well I'm sorry, but that's the impression I got.

Yes, but where do you look? There is nothing that is not presented by media in one way or another.

I mean look, you're telling me to see for myself and at the same time you're posting articles from media...

I know. :)

I meant generalizing that because some monks fought, now nobody is a monk in Tibet.

And again, people have limits. Being a monk doesn't automatically make one a Buddha or something who can do no wrong.

Well, maybe you'll be surprised, but I don't really disagree. That doesn't mean however that things should just be left as they are. Karma isn't fatalism.

Agreed. :)



You are right that when one leaves the home life, it doesn't mean they are realized Buddhas...I would be the first to say that, and have presented that point to many Sanghans. To the extent that a monk should take up arms, he/she should disrobe so as not to confuse people.


As for the karma of it all, of course fatalism isn't karma, yet at least someone on the inside can take a look and figure out where they have gone wrong in order for their current situation to manifest.


In regards to taking a I meant through meditation :D


Peace and Blessings Brother,


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As for the karma of it all, of course fatalism isn't karma, yet at least someone on the inside can take a look and figure out where they have gone wrong in order for their current situation to manifest.


Well, a particular spirit worship comes to my mind...



In regards to taking a I meant through meditation :D



Oh :lol:

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Well, a particular spirit worship comes to my mind...




Really? lol I was thinking more of self reflection, without possession... :lol:

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This picture was created by my Dharma Brother Dharmakara in response to Monks in politics as well as violent monks.


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Are they historians that have studied the tyrany of Tibet for generations of surfdom? Are they militarists who have the true data avilable? Are they foolish children that absorb the medium as if it were truth?


Is he a historian? It seems not. Is he a militarist? I hope not. Or is he a foolish child that absorbs the medium as truth?


It's truly ironic to talk about propaganda, when in China CCP controls everything. I hope there will come a day when the Great Firewall of China falls...


Meh, I was thinking of replying to the rest, but I don't want to argue and it'd be a waste of time anyway.



May all beings everywhere,

Plagued by sufferings of body and mind,

Obtain an ocean of happiness and joy

By virtue of my merits.


May no living creature suffer,

Commit evil or ever fall ill.

May no one be afraid or belittled,

With a mind weighed down by depression.


May the blind see forms,

And the deaf hear sounds.

May those whose bodies are worn with toil

Be restored on finding repose.


May the naked find clothing,

The hungry find food.

May the thirsty find water

And delicious drinks.


May the poor find wealth,

Those weak with sorrow find joy.

May the forlorn find hope,

Constant happiness and prosperity.


May there be timely rains

And bountiful harvests.

May all medicines be effective

And wholesome prayers bear fruit.


May all who are sick and ill

Quickly be freed from their ailments.

Whatever diseases there are in the world,

May they never occur again.


May the frightened cease to be afraid

And those bound be freed.

May the powerless find power

And may people think of benefiting each other.

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