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Another Forum like this

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Hey guys, good night!


Is there another forum on the internet just like the dao bums to discuss this type of knowledge?

Edited by almaxy

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51 minutes ago, almaxy said:

Hey guys, good night!


Is there another forum on the internet just like the dao bums to discuss this type of knowledge?


Good morning almaxy,


What type of knowledge... so that I can remain focused


- Anand



Edited by Limahong

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Daoist and buddhist practices.


I forgot to mention the type of knowledge haha, thanks for noticing

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9 hours ago, almaxy said:

Daoist and buddhist practices.

Original dao 

The rum soaked fist 

Wong Kiew Kit's two sites. 

Yang Jwing Mings site 

Healing Tao 


Kung Fu Magazine 



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On 23/08/2020 at 11:43 AM, Vajra Fist said:

Dharmawheel is great too. Don't go there often enough. Rum soaked fist is good as well 


Thanks for the recommendation. Just popped over to Dharmawheel for a quick look. Holy Moley Buddhism is complicated!

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It does often seem that complication is something of a default setting among humans.  I know it's a tendency in my own awareness... one I've spent time working to diminish.


Much of my praxis has pivoted about simplifying, releasing and reducing my impulses towards complication and over-intricacy.


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On 28/08/2020 at 7:02 PM, silent thunder said:

simplifying, releasing and reducing my impulses towards complication and over-intricacy.

Nature is full of exquisite intricacy - but always based on and manifesting from rather simple principles.


Attachment to simplicity can obfuscate this intricacy - while attachment to complexity only obscures the underlying simplicity.


Each has its place. You need both ‘the trees‘ and ‘the forest‘.

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Which is one reason Sacred Geometry so resonates with me...


To engage in a drawing of intricate complexity... my work in the moment is to focus on the next small aspect, which is usually quite simple... a line connecting two points among varying sizes of circles.

Edited by silent thunder

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