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Hey Luxin   ( who now claims to be transmitting for a Goddess ..... who appears to have been attracted by an internet forum post   :D  )


why move all that to here ?  I mean, you have been dumping posts in esoteric section and have been mainly left alone .


I suppose you did it to attract more attention and make it more public ?  Maybe to get more responses ?  Well,. yes, you will get them ...



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4 hours ago, Luxin said:

 .....    It would be nice to see your proof of this, which looks to me to be fantasy

or fabrication. Some people fabricate things unintentionally, of course. ...





... and some do it with intention  .... whatever the hell reason that may be !

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hmm, Luxin you are sounding cultish, odd  and kind of strange...anyway I suggest you address the board and not just me - if you hope for any further feedback or discussion which seems futile per your one-upmanship.  

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