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The Vortexijah is an intergeometrical vehicle that sucks up Jing, Chi, and Shen, and then exchanges them as a kind of Unified Field Internal Alchemy. In order practice Vortexijah you must be able to visualise and breathe well, it's a whole body 3 D animated vorticule mandala, as well as 3 separate vorticules that cover lower, middle, and upper Dan Tian, that looks kind of like gyroscopic Tibetan dorje thunderbolts. It incorporates the DMT principle at higher levels of training. My teacher is a teacher of Mantak Chia in terms of the crystal palace and dark room teachings.

Edited by Xienkula1

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The Vortexijah is an intergeometrical vehicle that sucks up Jing, Chi, and Shen, and then exchanges them as a kind of Unified Field Internal Alchemy. In order practice Vortexijah you must be able to visualise and breathe well, it's a whole body 3 D animated vorticule mandala, as well as 3 separate vorticules that cover lower, middle, and upper Dan Tian, that looks kind of like gyroscopic Tibetan dorje thunderbolts. It incorporates the DMT principle at higher levels of training. My teacher is a teacher of Mantak Chia in terms of the crystal palace and dark room teachings.



Do those Vortexijahs have paqua (eight trigramms) as their base? This is what Mantak Chia started to teach some time ago.

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Do those Vortexijahs have paqua (eight trigramms) as their base? This is what Mantak Chia started to teach some time ago.


Nope, Mantak never learned the vortexijah form directly from Ananda, but from one of Ananda's students during the DR. He was the only exception to be allowed into a DR, without taking the full preliminary vortexijah practice. The vortexijah has an iso-tetrahedral base. Mantak later decided to use the pakua instead, though they are not unrelated, since the Vortexijah has 8 spins.


You guys can start here if you prepared to dig the writing style :D :

Edited by Xienkula1

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is ananda still around?

are his books available anywhere?

Yes he's still teaching in Europe. His books are difficult to get, sometimes Korinna Mueller has them. I suggest you try her if you want to find them.

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