
Evidnece for the super natural

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10 minutes ago, SongShuhang said:


It is clear he has wasted a decade with no results if he keeps going on the internet asking for evidence of something supernatural.


I should have been wiser and learned my lesson from the Inquisition and not have been so foolish as to question anything ever. Thank you for your wisdom

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15 minutes ago, dmattwads said:

I should have been wiser and learned my lesson from the Inquisition and not have been so foolish as to question anything ever. Thank you for your wisdom


You are probably incapable of learning anything if it took you over 11 years and you are still in search. Life ain't that long.

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Just now, SongShuhang said:


You are probably incapable of learning anything if it took you over 11 years and you are still in search. Life ain't that long.


That's probably the case

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12 hours ago, SongShuhang said:

so what if it would take 10 years to find evidence, would you go for it?

Yes. I've spent longer than that working towards other things.

12 hours ago, SongShuhang said:


I am not blindly believing anything, I have developed siddhi myself, and while there are powers I don't have, people in tradition whom I can trust have got many of those, it depends by hierarchy and to meet someone with high skill and ability, you might need to train first

I have no interest in being trained by someone who's not willing to prove that they even have the skill they'd be willing to teach me in the first place. I wouldn't even want to learn how to juggle from someone who can't even do it themselves.

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14 hours ago, dmattwads said:

yeah I'm fine with 10 years, 20 years, 100 years.


Oh well if you're that motivated, it couldn't be easier.


Book an appointment with Robert Peng and get zapped with yang qi - it's as objective a proof you're ever likely to experience yourself.


Or go for a few months to Singapore or Kuala Lumpur or even Chiang Mai and hang out in the parks in the early hours and just meet people - I promise you if you're sincere you'll find someone who'll happily show you what appears to be supernatural...

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13 minutes ago, freeform said:

Book an appointment with Robert Peng and get zapped with yang qi - it's as objective a proof you're ever likely to experience yourself.


Or go for a few months to Singapore or Kuala Lumpur or even Chiang Mai and hang out in the parks in the early hours and just meet people - I promise you if you're sincere you'll find someone who'll happily show you what appears to be supernatural...

Know anybody near North East Colorado, or near El Paso Texas? Even if I could afford to fly half way around the world just to meet random strangers & ask them questions about the supernatural and get answers in a language I don't understand, I'd prefer to not subject myself to the sunk-cost fallacy that would go along with it.

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4 minutes ago, CCD said:

I'd prefer


In all honesty (and with all due respect) - what you prefer is irrelevant.


No one owes you anything. No one is trying to prove anything to you. (and if you find that they are - then I'd suggest caution)


3 hours ago, CCD said:

I have no interest in being trained by someone who's not willing to prove that they even have the skill they'd be willing to teach me in the first place. I wouldn't even want to learn how to juggle from someone who can't even do it themselves.


That's spot on. And usually this is the only reason teachers will demonstrate something 'supernatural'.


But as I'm sure you understand - the teachers that can do this are very few... the people that want to learn how to do it, or at least experience it are probably a considerable percentage of the earth's population. And most of these teachers have no interest in teaching experience junkies.


15 minutes ago, CCD said:

sunk-cost fallacy


Sunk cost fallacy is applicable to the value you place on something - not the direct experience of something. If there's a cat in front of you it doesn't matter whether you spent millions to see this cat - or it just wondered over and sat in front of you.


Although you'd likely place a lot more value on it if you spent so much to see this cat.


Something like Qi - when demonstrated by someone who actually has Qi is as obvious and objective as a cat in front of you... But - you may well attach greater value to someone with Qi than they deserve. There are plenty of questionable teachers with Qi skills.

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So far during the entirety of this post I've not been given any evidence for the supernatural but I have observed something else interesting and that is what the Buddha calls attachment to views.


I honestly didn't expect the large amount of emotion that this post generated. Definitely the the most emotional feedback that I've ever gotten on a post since I've been on the Dao Bums.


The Buddha said that when we identify the self with the views then to reject a view is seen as a rejection of the self and since we attach to the self so strongly as being permanent and real any threat to that results in a very strong emotional reaction in direct proportion to the amount of attachment we have to the self and to the views that we associate with the self. So I can't say it's not been educational nevertheless.


I've also seen a lot of polarization of views. That is if you question this view then you obviously hold the extreme opposite view and I'm going to assume that you hold that view because you question this view, and if you question my view you're my enemy. This is basically the foundation of all the religious and political intolerance that we have seen on the earth throughout history.

Again it stems from identification of the views with the self and the self feeling threatened. When there is strong identification with views and thus the self when that idea of self is threatened and there is strong attachment to this idea of self this leads to fear of loss of the self and fear leads to anger as a means to fight for the preservation of the self and anger leads to accusation and quarrel.



Edited by dmattwads
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31 minutes ago, dmattwads said:

So far during the entirety of this post I've not been given any evidence for the supernatural

I think if you’re expecting objective evidence on an online discussion forum - you’re setting yourself up for major disappointment.


And that’s objective proof of anything whether natural or supernatural...


No one could even prove that their hair is black - let alone the existence of Qi :) 

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2 hours ago, freeform said:

I think if you’re expecting objective evidence on an online discussion forum - you’re setting yourself up for major disappointment.


And that’s objective proof of anything whether natural or supernatural...




It can be proven that the world is round and that it orbits the sun even though in the past it was thought otherwise and the people who questioned those things received a lot of annoyance for doing so. This is the way of progress, and to not do so is to stay in the dark ages forever.

Edited by dmattwads

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44 minutes ago, freeform said:

There are plenty of people on flat earth forums ‘proving’ that the earth is flat right this moment.


This just strengthens my point about seeking true knowledge. It's the only way to dispel delusion.

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21 hours ago, SongShuhang said:


You are probably incapable of learning anything if it took you over 11 years and you are still in search. Life ain't that long.


Mr. Miyagi, one should have the ability to unlearn something too.

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To me it´s not so much whether there´s such a thing as the supernatural; it´s whether I can expand my definition of the natural to encompass all that is.

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I am known in some parts as Natural. 

In addition I have had sometimes been described as super!

Does that make me super natural?

I am after all a legend in my own mind!

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There was a time when I was mystical, believing that I could mentally summon someone's inner self, or attentions, or influence their movement, or open their minds.  Then I was contacted by something Divine, they took possession of my body and drew out a symbol.  Later I called out to the Heavens and a God answered me.  The voice was extremely supernatural and unfortunately I didn't know its language so I have no idea what it replied.  Since then I have fallen into a Hell because, as I researched symbols, I found one that cracked open my root Chakra and demons took possession of me.  To make a long story short, I know there are entities around us, I know they interact with us, I recall as a child hearing voices tell me things- but I cannot tell you what they are, why they interact, what they want or what they intend.  So my advice to you is:  leave them alone.  

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14 minutes ago, helpfuldemon said:

There was a time when I was mystical, believing that I could mentally summon someone's inner self, or attentions, or influence their movement, or open their minds.  Then I was contacted by something Divine, they took possession of my body and drew out a symbol.  Later I called out to the Heavens and a God answered me.  The voice was extremely supernatural and unfortunately I didn't know its language so I have no idea what it replied.  Since then I have fallen into a Hell because, as I researched symbols, I found one that cracked open my root Chakra and demons took possession of me.  To make a long story short, I know there are entities around us, I know they interact with us, I recall as a child hearing voices tell me things- but I cannot tell you what they are, why they interact, what they want or what they intend.  So my advice to you is:  leave them alone.  


As a medical practitioner myself my first question to anyone making such a statement would be have you been evaluated by a medical professional or mental health professional for any sort of mental health issue?

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14 minutes ago, helpfuldemon said:

  So my advice to you is:  leave them alone.  


The lure of the supernatural is great but the draw, for me, is very much an ego thing.  That´s some useful advice you´re giving.  I guess they don´t call ya helpfuldemon for nothing.

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15 minutes ago, dmattwads said:


As a medical practitioner myself my first question to anyone making such a statement would be have you been evaluated by a medical professional or mental health professional for any sort of mental health issue?

Yes but don't discount that these were very real, mystical and supernatural experiences just because they have been labeled an illness.  Not everything the God does makes sense or is a blessing.

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8 minutes ago, helpfuldemon said:

Yes but don't discount that these were very real, mystical and supernatural experiences just because they have been labeled an illness.  Not everything the God does makes sense or is a blessing.


May I ask what the diagnosis was please? If you don't mind sharing something like? If not please feel no pressure.

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