Master Milo

I am that I am

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Hello everyone, this is my first time ever posting In a forum. So it's a new experience for me. I have in the past tried to stay away from interactions of this sort. Yet as of late, I have had a New perspective.


I believe this is a part where I'm supposed to tell you something about myself. I am that I am an embodied master in service. Which essentially just means I am realized. This does not make me special or unique. All soul beings in creation are all ready enlightened. They just haven't realized it yet. I know before posting this what the  reaction will be. Most will say I'm just making this up, and my response to that would be absolutely. I am just making it up,

But that doesn't make it not true.

Enlightenment is a natural given. All one has to do is assume they are becoming enlightened and allow it to happen organically and effortlessly. The humans only responsibility in enlightenment is to experience what it is like to become enlightened, everything else is just a distraction. The wisdom of the soul and the I am takes care of everything else. For when you assume, all the energies of creation come in to serve you. So when you stop the seeking and the searching, and just allow yourself to experience it. That when you truly become a master.




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Hello Master Milo, Welcome to the Dao Bums.  Good to have you here, though you should note that introducing yourself as a 'Master' puts a certain chip on your shoulder.  I hope that you write in the spirit of sharing and Humility.  Nobody likes to be talked down to.  I look forward to hearing about your experiences.  


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I agree, that as far as a persons subjective opinion goes- they are already enlightened.  But as far as the coined phrase by the many that claim to know what it is, enlightenment requires a certain knowledge of Law and rule, and those laws are required for that enlightenment so that the thinker can say "I know"

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The mind is the trap. You must go beyond the mind. Any study is just mental masturbation. The secret is just to realize that you already are enlightened and allow the experience to just happen. The human being can never become enlightened. The human being is just the experiencer of creation nothing more. The I am has always been enlightened. The I am is freedom it has no structure no rules you will never find it within a a book or a philosophy.

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2 hours ago, Master Milo said:

The mind is the trap. You must go beyond the mind.


I've seen some people live by that philosophy and it works great, they live in flow.

I've seen others and for whatever reason, it leads them from disaster to disaster.  


So experientially, its good to try, but realize if its not working, take a few steps back.  imo, Some of us, maybe many, don't do well operating thru the quiet subconscious.


< for me a quiet mind is a good mind, but not so quiet that it doesn't make peeps and chews on problems now and then.  Not that my  consciousness out of meditation is all that quiet.>  

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You don't get rid of the mind you just go beyond it. You no longer identify the mind as you. It's just a tool now. You can still use it for it's everyday practical purposes. The mind is a beautiful thing but it should not be running your life.

As William Shakespeare said

"Love sees not with it's eyes but it's mind. therefore winged cupid is painted blind". For the mind is the physical manifestation of duality. for as long as you try to see the world with the mind all you will ever see is separation. And like cupid you well shot your arrows of desire willy-nilly at one experience to the next. Until you come across psyche the soul and you to trip and fall into your self cuting yourself on your own arrow of desire. 



Edited by Master Milo
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I never really understood the concept of duality in thinking.  I see the world as a myriad of ideas.  In my initiation I guess I did have a duality- it was the liberty of Thelema and the restraint of Christianity.  I was constantly comparing the two, and it felt like a duality, but in retrospect, it was pretty minor conflicts.  I simply dont know how I got caught in dual thinking back then, because there really is no such thing.  Everything is, and everything has a reason, and the only time there is conflict is when there is no moral or ethical code of reason for a person to take action.

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