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is Tonglen a method of going a little farther into bringing about bodhichitta? are there any other meditations on compassion?

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check out the last post on the vortexijah thread. and please provide your feedback :D


Tonglen is a helpful method for developing compassion. 4 step tonglen is especially effective.

But the idea is to get past a technique and be in compassion. easier said than done.

Edited by Xienkula1

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is Tonglen a method of going a little farther into bringing about bodhichitta? are there any other meditations on compassion?

There's also Atisha's Seven Points of Mind Training, the Eight Verses of Thought Transformation and the Lojong slogans.

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There's also Atisha's Seven Points of Mind Training, the Eight Verses of Thought Transformation and the Lojong slogans.


Id definately recommend Atishas Seven Point Mind Training, the guide to it that i really love is called Enlightened Courage by the late Nyingma master Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, you really cant get enough of this kind of stuff,i would definately recommend Enlightened Courage, actually I think im due to read it again, if youve got a bit of a temper or can be selfish or negative like i know i can be bodhichitta is like a breath of fresh air beautiful, easy to practice no compicated visualisation or energy work all you have to do is remember the teachings and slogans and apply them to your everyday life, its something really concrete you can work with.

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