
Plummeting sperm counts, shrinking penises: toxic chemicals threaten humanity

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8 minutes ago, Taomeow said:


The placenta, in a natural birth given by a healthy woman, is expelled right after the baby is out.  Most animal females eat it after that, including our closest relatives the chimps.  In humans, currently it is collected by the medical industry (alongside cord blood) and utilized in various drugs, surgeries, high-end cosmetic preparations, and genetic experiments.  It is the richest source of hematopoietic stem cells, hormones, immune and immunoprotective factors, and so on.  Nature took care to make this "supplement" for the female to restore her strength after the stress of giving birth, but we "conquered" nature and invented the word "yuck" for its best medicines, beginning with this one.  I don't know at what point humans started burying the placenta (typically in some kind of ritual aimed to preserve the spiritual connection between the mother and the child, and the family and the land) instead of eating it, but my guess is, it was a fairly recent innovation. 


In a healthy birth, the umbilical cord that's left uncut pulsates for an hour or more -- the blood exchange between the mother and the newborn keeps happening and ceases only gradually and smoothly, greatly easing the incremental transition to autonomous blood flow for the baby's organs and systems, without causing abrupt blood pressure drops and spikes that accompany the right-away clamping and severance (which cause micro strokes in babies, sometimes destroying some areas of the brain permanently right from the get-go -- to say nothing of the spiritual connection.  A friend of mine who's in his 50s was diagnosed with this kind of brain trauma just recently -- he's a very smart guy but he started having some cognitive and visual information processing difficulties recently which, upon thorough investigation, were attributed to a stroke he suffered at birth.  He had the motivation and the money for that thorough investigation.  Most people don't.  They just put up with all manner of limitations that they think of as their natural peculiarities -- some are "naturally" clumsy and discoordinated, some are "naturally" slow learners, and then there's a generous amount of diagnoses for all manner of "congenital" peculiarities, from mild to debilitating, from immediately obvious to delayed.)  After the cord stops pulsating, if left to its own devices, it starts drying up and eventually falls off.  It takes between 3 and 10 days.  (If nothing is done with the placenta, the same thing happens to the placenta.)  




There's an Egyptian God for everything:


Wepwawet's image is generally portrayed with a uraeus and a hieroglyph that has been described as representing the king's placenta, surmounting a standard known as a shedshed. The famous mace of Narmer shows such a standard in use as early as the 1st Dynasty. It is possible, given this context, that early on Wepwawet was a warlike deity and that in war, he also "opened the way" for the Egyptian army. Wepwawet's standard was carried preceding the king from the palace or temple during processions, and during the New Kingdom, Wepwawet's standard even preceded that of Osiris. In fact, Wepwawet's standard symbolized Upper Egypt in royal processions, while Lower Egypt's counterpart was the Apis bull of Memphis. However, one inscription provides that he was born in the sanctuary of the goddess Wadjet at Buto in the Nile Delta, though this was most likely politically inspired, considering that all evidence points to his Upper Egyptian origins.




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1 minute ago, Taomeow said:


Is it possible that Egyptians, like taoists, started out with Inner Gods?  There's a taoist deity for every organ of the human body.  


They do have gods for body parts/organs but I'm not sure that you could argue they were more original than others.  But on the other hand there is a lot of microcosm/macrocosm stuff so maybe.



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On 3/18/2021 at 9:22 PM, Cleansox said:

A shrinking penis is a true sign of an advanced Nei Dan practice, so I guess we are evolving spiritually? 



Is it true with decreasing sperm count and semen quality?



Decreasing sperm count is nature's way of saying we don't want more of you.

On 3/18/2021 at 9:01 PM, thelerner said:

Wonder if the problem isn't really a cure.  We're closing on 7.8 Billion people in the world.  That's alot.  If population growth slows or stabilizes I won't shed any tears.  An organism grows until it overruns resources or begins to poison its environment.  This is a warning shot.



It is happening in developed countries. Evident in Japan. It will put us in troubling situation. There will be more not so productive elderly than working age group. We need to address both declining and deteriorating environment and solve falling birth rate.

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On 21/03/2021 at 3:46 AM, Taomeow said:


From the point of view of social biology, as a species we are unique in only one respect.  Many other animals hunt in packs, horde resources, and protect themselves against the elements.  We are only different in that our young are born extremely immature (in a state of inability to autonomously take care of their physiological functioning that, in other species, characterizes the state of a fetus, not a newborn).  Our young are born much more dependent on adults in every respect and remain so for much longer compared to other species, requiring a much longer time to mature toward being able to care for their own needs without adults providing sustenance, safety, and guidance. 



The bolded statement grabbed my attention as,  studying anthropology all my life, it had become a key issue  ... a 'key' for the whole 'big picture' IMO .


But , I find your premise does not cover many of the species in Australia







On 21/03/2021 at 3:46 AM, Taomeow said:


Is it a weakness of our species?  It was a strength for at least a million years -- because that's how you can capitalize on the acquired collective knowledge and learned skills that are not hardwired as instincts.  Did it become a weakness?  Yes -- it has become a huge, monumental disadvantage once we started messing with our natural hardwired developmental process.  Once we invented (debatable that it was "our" invention though -- I'm a proponent of the intervention hypothesis) things like cord cutting at birth (profoundly and imprintingly traumatic), premature/forced non-carrying of the baby on the mother's body, premature/forced weaning, prolonged or nearly constant physical aloneness and solo sleeping for the baby, social taboos on free as-needed elimination, and eventually punishments for babies for immaturity, in the form of all manner of enforced/forbidden behaviors and, eventually, physical violence -- from ritual mutilations (with knives, ingested or injected poisons, physical restraints/immobilization, etc.) to beatings and emotional abuse as "teachings," withdrawal or enforcement of food intake, and so on -- and then...  Then came what we have today by way of child-rearing that combines all of the above and more -- which I don't even want to talk about because it horrifies me most profoundly. 


By the way, to refer back to the original subject (please pardon a detour, OP), falling sperm counts are not our only reproductive problem today -- we also have record figures of female infertility and spontaneous abortions.  Every veterinarian scientist knows that if things like that start happening and progressing in a domesticated herd of, e.g., sheep, that particular herd is going extinct -- the deaths to births ratio will get reversed at some point and then the process of demise of all sheep in the herd will progress at an accelerated pace.  Those are very bad signs for the human race.  Very.   


Well, its fairly obvious we cant continue the way we have been  ...   another area I studied was 'Cultures in Crisis' ;  what things indicate a culture is unhealthy and in crisis . To my surprise i found indications, in specific order across the board that showed  cultures in crisis and those that went through these processes  ( and ended ... whole 'civilisations' in some cases  ) .  also there are the opposite ,  processes which create healthy cultures or heal ones in crisis (if its not too late ) .


Thing is 'the world' is being overtaken by a 'monoculture ' and that monoculture  clearly exhibits these indicators . 

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On 21/03/2021 at 11:59 PM, Apech said:


There's a postulated number (the name of which I have forgotten) which is the maximum number of people you can easily identify - it is thought to be around 150 (though figures vary but always in the few hundred range).  This is literally familiarity - as in your family - and is probably the rough number of people in a tribal group.  They would be the ones you 'know' - while the strangers would be 'others'.  I think this in-group, out-group thing is probably hard wired into us.


Being primates , not herd animals or 'loners'  we function best in extended family groups, so those numbers seem bout right .


The' in group ' thing is  hard wiring, but not the only one , otherwise we never would have got anywhere .  Outsiders are essential for a good mix of genes  .  Like a good alchemical process ;  introduce an outside element and then 'close the experiment up' let THAT mix ferment and brew a bit , then add some more goodies .  Biological  wiring  surfaces in this regard in two types , the xenophobe and the xenophile  ( I am the latter, fascinated and attracted to anything new and unusual  ) .


I noticed this surface at work , a couple of the guys thought I was strange as  I got infatuated with a woman  ,what I would call  beautiful but what   they described  as ' weird looking '    ( she had bright 'red' hair ,  penetrating green eyes and masses of freckles )


....  I think the sperm count went up 


... apparently, foods that increase sperm count are asparagus , bananas ......   hmmmm .    'doctrine of signatures ' ?





I think also there is a huge psychological shift that occurs when the hunter gatherer or pastoralist tribes start to settle in fixed places - which is the beginning of civilisation (in the strict sense of becoming 'civic').  I am not saying the nomadic tribes were less developed and so on - in fact the opposite.  I think we lost something fundamental about our relation to our environment, our selves and each other by forcing ourselves to live in one spot.  Also this is when disease would start to be quickly spread.  In fact it's kind of ironic that we now do 'lockdown' in response to pandemic when our ancestors would have practiced exclusion.  People would have been thrown out of the 'cities' if they became sick and made to wander in the wilderness beyond - the survivors becoming 'outlaws' and perhaps living as their forebears did, adapting to the wilderness and having no love for the City dwellers and their laws.  the same thing would happen, I would suggest to other law breakers and particularly those who broke sexual taboos.


Maybe I'm taking this too far but I like to think that humans are half compliant and half rebellious because of the mixing in the past between the city dwellers and the outlaws.  You can even see it in the various responses to the lockdown, wearing masks and wotnot - there's a tension between wanting to comply and resisting imposition from 'the Law'.


Hmmm just thinking out loud.


I dont think I could EVER live in a city again . ... not as 'home' , - like city folks say when they come here  "  I love going on a visit or short holiday there  , but I could never live there . "

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9 minutes ago, Nungali said:



The bolded statement grabbed my attention as,  studying anthropology all my life, it had become a key issue  ... a 'key' for the whole 'big picture' IMO .


But , I find your premise does not cover many of the species in Australia






OK, I should have phrased the premise with more precision -- I know that neoteny (which is the term describing our developmental history as a species much better than evolution) is not entirely unique to our species.  What I meant by "unique" is everything I mentioned -- neoteny plus the length of neoteny-induced period of infancy plus the length of dependency on mother period plus the rate of maturation of all vital organs and systems and the number of years it takes to reach the age of independence plus the number of years it takes to reach the age of reproduction.  All of these combined.  And more, but that's a subject too broad for an in-depth detailed TDB post.  


15 minutes ago, Nungali said:


Well, its fairly obvious we cant continue the way we have been  ...   another area I studied was 'Cultures in Crisis' ;  what things indicate a culture is unhealthy and in crisis . To my surprise i found indications, in specific order across the board that showed  cultures in crisis and those that went through these processes  ( and ended ... whole 'civilisations' in some cases  ) .  also there are the opposite ,  processes which create healthy cultures or heal ones in crisis (if its not too late ) .


Thing is 'the world' is being overtaken by a 'monoculture ' and that monoculture  clearly exhibits these indicators . 


Yes, monoculture is the set-up most vulnerable to change.  Change is inevitable, but monoculture as the mono method to adapt to any and all changes is most certainly doomed -- at least where multicellular organisms are concerned.  The history of eukaryots on this planet is the history of progressively increasing rate of changes (primarily of the climate) and progressively decreasing rate of adaptation to these changes for anything complex enough to be profoundly affected by them.  99% of all species that ever existed went extinct.  But the smart ones lasted for tens and hundreds of millions of years before they did -- no small feat -- and some of those are still here.  And only and exclusively those that adapted to the changing environment rather than trying to drastically change the environment.  We are also unique in that we are the first species to attempt survival not by adapting to changes but by refusing to adapt -- going to war with nature, throwing all we've got at conquering, subduing, subjugating, and ultimately canceling and replacing nature with our own bright ideas of what to replace it with.  Well, good luck to us.     

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On 22/03/2021 at 12:12 AM, Apech said:





Just curious - does the cord and placenta fall off naturally after a while - rather than being cut?


Except for a few. like monkeys , they chew it off .


.... waiting for our next 'proposition '  ......


On 22/03/2021 at 12:12 AM, Apech said:


I read the other day that our 'cousins' the Neanderthals lived in very small groups in Europe/Asia for hundreds of thousands of years but that because of the numbers there were significant signs of inbreeding and congenital problems therefrom.  Obviously, if one accepts the genetic results they did survive within us humans as did the Denisovans.


None of them really 'died out'  .  Most of us   ( HSS ) are a mongrel hybrid mix  of the above and several other hominins ... even Africans




On 22/03/2021 at 12:12 AM, Apech said:


I feel, but cannot really justify with facts, that the sperm count/penis shrinking and low fertility is related to a lack of purpose.  I think that possibly not for the first time in history there is 'world tiredness' and a kind of lostness.  There doesn't seem to be any inspiring vision of the future - and I'm not talking about fervid dreams of utopia - but more a kind of confidence that the world we make for our children will be better than the one we inherited and be filled with value and virtue.


I actually stopped telling the younger generations what things where like in my youth ; free university, cheap rent, jobs galore, social freedoms .... it depresses them too much now .


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Home remedy





Men are advised to "massage toothpaste on the tip of your penis" in order to "crush premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction".

But medical experts are warning this could have dire and unwanted effects, including burns, blisters and scarring.

Consultant pharmacist James O'Loan warns the peppermint oils and chemicals in toothpaste - which include bleaching agents - can be "extremely irritating" to sensitive skin.


"I'd urge anyone thinking of trying this rather worrying 'toothpaste' technique to cease and desist," he told the Daily Mail.

"It won't do anything at all to combat premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction, despite the claims being made in these videos.

"By putting it on your genitals, you actually risk a mild burn, as well as blisters and scarring. And toothpaste should in no way be used as a lubricant, either."


Urologist Rich Viney told the Daily Mail the "abrasive" properties of toothpaste make sex uncomfortable.


"It could lead to infections in the woman's vagina. You do not want foreign material inside the vagina, it's an irritant," he said.

"Anyone using toothpaste for sex is kidding themselves. There's real remedies that work out there."



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7 hours ago, Nungali said:


None of them really 'died out'  .  Most of us   ( HSS ) are a mongrel hybrid mix  of the above and several other hominins 


One trait of the male homo sapiens is the willingness to have sex with about anything... 

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15 hours ago, Cleansox said:

One trait of the male homo sapiens is the willingness to have sex with about anything... 


Here , the 'head' male homo sapiens are football 'legends' .




" The footage showed a female reject Pearce's advances and attempt to kiss him, saying "I'm a lesbian", before the Roosters captain turned his attention to a dog. Pearce was then seen picking up the dog and simulating a sex act. She then accused the 26-year-old of urinating on himself and the couch. "


But ... the advert for the footy games calls these guys 'heroes' .    ..... lounge pissing, dog molesting heroes ,  that is .



" ... and then ,  I pissed on the lesbian's couch ! "




" Hooray ..... good on ya mate ....    what a hero ."



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Yes , but   that does not matter if there isn't much inside it .










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