
Daoist Classes Online

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Hey! I'm looking for daoist classes online, to learn daoism, use of talismans and etc...


If I need to pay it's ok but if know a place for free it would be better, It's been hard for me since pandemic crisis.


Thx in advance

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My friend and I are opening up an online leaning platform for Daoist and related stuff. It's called Cinnabar.


There will be numerous teachers, courses and classes. We want to push the envelope of what's possible through online learning. So far there are teachers for internal alchemy, meditation, qigong, neigong, tai chi, liuhebafa, Daoist temple arts, tao yin, yoga, wing chun, bagua zhang... and the list is growing. There is a monthly membership fee. But if you sign up now you can join our private launch and get a 100 day free membership to try it out. Also any member can open a teacher page who has knowledge to share (PM me if interested). 



Edited by Nathan Brine
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