doc benway

Current Events Discussion

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3 hours ago, Apech said:

Is 'current events' still active?  If so I would like access.


Done.  :)



I'm 'following' this topic, so I get a notification any time someone posts/asks.

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I've just made my first post in Current Events (which, incidentally, seems to be a really interesting section of this forum & one in which I'll probably spend most of my time here) & I discovered that I was unable to edit it to reformat my reply.

Could you therefore check if I have editing privileges regarding my own posts in this section please?

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On 13/12/2021 at 10:44 PM, schroedingerscat said:

yes please.

('read only' was only to mark my intention not to be a troublemaker there.)


From what I've seen of this forum, the modding is now excellent, so I think that you can rely on the management to point out and enforce the boundaries should you inadvertently or deliberately transgress them.

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Edited by Giles
Double Post - please delete/hide

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Somewhat odd is the fact that I made another post in Current Events & I was able to edit it for a typo but on returning to the first post, I was still unable to reformat it.

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1 hour ago, Giles said:

Somewhat odd is the fact that I made another post in Current Events & I was able to edit it for a typo but on returning to the first post, I was still unable to reformat it.



Your editing permissions in Current Events do not appear to have any restrictions. I believe the software has some inherent limitations when it comes to editing the initial post in a thread. There are differences between editing the OP and subsequent replies. If you want more specifics, please PM me with more detail on what changes you were trying to make to the OP. 

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9 hours ago, steve said:



Your editing permissions in Current Events do not appear to have any restrictions. I believe the software has some inherent limitations when it comes to editing the initial post in a thread. There are differences between editing the OP and subsequent replies. If you want more specifics, please PM me with more detail on what changes you were trying to make to the OP. 



Thanks Steve.


It was my intent to edit my reply in order to format it like this.

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1 hour ago, Giles said:
  Hide contents



Thanks Steve.


It was my intent to edit my reply in order to format it like this.


If you tried to do that with cut/paste it will not work in the first post of a thread. 

You would have to copy, then paste into a spoiler box, then delete the redundant info.

This is because first posts in a thread cannot be empty or deleted. 

You may want to give that a try.

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Since the DDJ is primarily a treatise on government policy, I would love access. We should be talking about stuff (constructively ofc). Access requested. 

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14 hours ago, Wu Ming Jen said:

Count me in> I like to stay current in events.


Done.  :)


Curious what the translation of your moniker is?

I know only scraps, all in doubt (so many nuances), my guesses:

wu - emptiness

ming - brightness

jen - ?


- Keith

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37 minutes ago, Trunk said:


Done.  :)


Curious what the translation of your moniker is?

I know only scraps, all in doubt (so many nuances), my guesses:

wu - emptiness

ming - brightness

jen - ?


- Keith


It seems like it's using the Wades-Giles system more, wuming - no name, while jen is actually "ren" instead in Pinyin.


Nameless person.

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18 hours ago, Ursus mellifera said:

Can I have access to the Current Events forum, please?

@Ursus mellifera

Please try now, you should have access.

PS - please make sure you also still have access to the Garden Men's forum.

Sometimes adding one secondary forum access can interfere with another.

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I would like to have access to the current events subforum

Edited by Kojiro
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