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Hi everyone, I'm looking for an answer. Ever since my first rebirth into spirituality after a kambo ceremony, I began to get goosebumps. Before, they would be when I saw something awe-striking, now, they're just there most of the time. Every time i breath, if I'm concentrating on my body, goosebumps come in waves, and wash all over my body. I can't control them at all, they just move around randomly, in waves, at their own will. What are they? What do they signify or represent? Can someone explain this to me? I asked a reiki master before and she said that they were wind spirits. I asked an ascended master and she said that it was my bodies energy field expressing itself. What is the daoist explanation for this?

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15 hours ago, freeform said:

Qi moving near the surface and stimulating the nerves :)

Now you see thats an explanation that resonates more with me. Thank you :)

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