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serious affirmation problem

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Settling Things, Get To The Bottom... All of Them.

One Follows a Snails Trail. Gothya by the Head or Tail.

"Remember what old Jack Burton says. Yessir the Check is in the Mail!"

Call it Out Taller Tales Pentatronic Scales Cycling Condensation Trails

Little Love Little Big Miming Pleasing Glee Screams...

Greed, Grime or Clean

Doctor Who Haunting Whom?

Maybe its the old Red White and Blue

Green Genes Unseen

Whats Your Favorite Flavored Scene?

Somewhere Between Spleen and a Preening Queen

Riding an Aquamarine Submarine

Reaching for the Horizon Foreseen

A Broad Beam Theme

Edited by Spectrum

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Settling Things, Get To The Bottom... All of Them.

One Follows a Snails Trail. Gothya by the Head or Tail.

"Remember what old Jack Burton says. Yessir the Check is in the Mail!"

Call it Out Taller Tales Pentatronic Scales Cycling Condensation Trails

Little Love Little Big Miming Pleasing Glee Screams...

Greed, Grime or Clean

Doctor Who Haunting Whom?

Maybe its the old Red White and Blue

Green Genes Unseen

Whats Your Favorite Flavored Scene?

Somewhere Between Spleen and a Preening Queen

Riding an Aquamarine Submarine

Reaching for the Horizon Foreseen

A Broad Beam Theme


first of all

thanks for "hijackin" my thread :lol:

Edited by rain

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"Whole in One Aloha"


One Two Three Foour!

Hard wood floors galore.

Loving life all the more.

Lightening the Serious S'more.

Seriously Light.

Quiet Contemplation,

Of Actions Bright.

Anywhere. Anytime. Anysplace.

No Space Races.

Seeking Face to Faces.

Contemplations of Creation

Space Brace Traces.


"There is something to be learned from a rainstorm. When meeting with a sudden shower, you try not to get wet and run quickly along the road. But doing such things as passing under the eaves of houses, you still get wet. When you are resolved from the beginning, you will not be perplexed though you still get the same soaking. This understanding extends to everything." -Hidden by the Leaves (pg. 38)

"When discussing things with someone, it is best to speak appropriately about whatever the subject may be. No matter how good what you are saying might be, it will dampen the conversation if it is irrelevant." - Hidden by the Leaves (Pg. 51)


"For serious affairs that bear directly on oneself, if one does not take care of things by making his own judgment his foundation and breaking through headlong, matters will not be brought to a close. In conferring with people about matters of importance, there may be many cases when your affair is thought lightly of, or when people will not speak of the real circumstances. At such times one must use his own judgment. At any rate, it is sufficient to become a fanatic and choose to throw aways one's life. At such a time, if one thinks about doing things well, confusion will soon arise and he will blunder. In many cases one's downfall may be brought about by an ally one is trying to do something for one's benefit, or one may be killed by his friends kindness. It is the same as when one requests permission to become a monk." -Hidden by the Leaves

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nothing hidden in the leaves.

lets not have one conversation private that is different than the ones in public.


"I gave you my name many conversations ago.

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this is very strange. and creepy. i gave you a link to my card in the gallery and i pasted my mobile number in the next mail when you told me link didnt work for you. but now things are getting weird and you actually scare me. so Ill leave it at that.


you inspired me to bring a camera to tao garden. first time i ever used one. thank you.

you told me you were working on a video, about the bums i believe? you kept saying you were finished and would post it. i never saw any of it though..I posted my amateurshots so you could see them at youtube. ok...


yes I deeply appreciated our dialogues. i was especially moved by the videos about nassim haramein. again and this time in public; forgive me if i flirted with you. please dont call the cops.

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this is very strange. and creepy. i gave you a link to my card in the gallery and i pasted my mobile number in the next mail when you told me link didnt work for you. but now things are getting weird and you actually scare me. so Ill leave it at that.



Found it. Oh I see what you mean. There are 124 in my box now. Typed up more but SQL errors are preventing posting? Keeping it short for now. I lost a looong wordy post about artfarts. Was this the card link?


PM from Rain:

c r o s s i n g t h e e v e n t s h o r i z o n




3 Edited by Spectrum

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Ok. I'm at a stable connection now I think? Still weird probs though...


you inspired me to bring a camera to tao garden. first time i ever used one. thank you.

you told me you were working on a video, about the bums i believe? you kept saying you were finished and would post it. i never saw any of it though..I posted my amateurshots so you could see them at youtube. ok...


The first was finished a long time ago. Rough edits. I have posted two short videos as preludes on youtube filmed in March 2004 & 2005 respectively. The first being spiral movement experimentations at the grade school playground I grew up on, filmed by my friend Eric the Red who grew yogurt and live crackers for the local co-op and who always rollerbladed endless circles and eights at sunset. Influences by Rob Moses sticks that week. The second short being a combination clip of inspirations, the first little spot for breaking out of the weekend box base, escaping the corporate grind, the second part climbing through my artistic imaginations into inspirations closer to my heart. Her.


We continue onward...


yes I deeply appreciated our dialogues. i was especially moved by the videos about nassim haramein. again and this time in public; forgive me if i flirted with you. please dont call the cops.


You've done nothing but bounce inspirations back and forth w/ me. It's been a pleasure.


More on film work:


This week I am surveying environments that compliment subjective-objective dissolution. This is much like the musician looking for the perfect acoustical environment, or the painter looking for the perfect combination of elements to combine on canvas. The difference with movement art being the space existing betw3een the subject and object. What is there before and what happens when you fill it with... something. You? You and Me? Us or Them? We'll SEE what happens here.


In the last 3 years I feel lucky to have been observant of spaces that are complimentary to this dissolution-resolution process, and spaces that inhibit it. Ultimately there are many words that are used to try and describe the spectrum of movement experience inside and out, hopefully if we succeed in any part of this endeavor it will be to transmit practical knowledge through a visual medium w/ minimal use of words.


As time and bandwidth permit I will continue to edit and upload video works in progress, including any Taobum gatherings I attend if this is within our destiny.



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Rain, broke PP repaired. :o)


yes Spectrum :o ? :)


there has been some wind

what exactly is a PP?

should one stay tense and gritty shivering in the corner

or go with that aching body to work for the next belt?


gotta go sifu waiting

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Wow. Wind really releases that ring rust! lol Better to be achy and smooth than tense and gritty. You can slow down forever! Timing slow changes with the ebb and flow of body-temple eddies. Nature takes her water way whoas.... working that grit into sandy shores. Pouring sands s l o w l y from the hour glass, into and out of each leg.




Pushing off,

from central foundations,

Relax into aligned relation.

Back foot forward,

forward foot back,

that'll really do,

to workout the cracks.

Wuji dew glue,

blood rushes through,

heat and cool subdue,

opposite end views.

Pushing through,

is letting go,

more or less,

less is more.

Enjoying the chore,

of open the door

cleaning clingy meanings

implore without intervening

refusing to choose yet

admiring good shoes...


"You gotta know when to hold em, know when to fold em... know when to walk away, know when to run...."


Sifu said : "minimum to maximum" training ... Listening to the body to get the feeling for that day/week/year... Observing, walking, jogging, or sprinting through whatever part of the forest you're a part of at that time. Daily, Weekly, Seasonally, Now. Michi. Safe Journey.


I had a very charged conversation w/ my friend today (Mayas step-dad) about how people inhabit and value (in deed) the spaces around them. He was also very receptive to filming. He is part of the movement community here.


Off to work. Aloha

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Close? That's almost a backyard bungee jump to just dip your hair in the water! Lucky. Something very real about that! It's a six hour plane ride for me or a very long swim. One of the reasons why i've focused on practicing in different splaces is because I find it as interesting as finding different teachers. When I would walk with my teacher he would always remind me to open my perspective to the possibilities of the whole environment.


Walking Stick


A waterfall, a limb, a teetering rock.

High canopies, dry reed, even a wind sock.

Pretending to mimic is a gimme gimmick,

Yet mi-mi-cry has made-me-cry.

The grounding effects of sky born sighs.


In documentary fashion we'll start from the ground up. There is no other plan I've found worth the time.


Minimum preparation, maximum effects. No need to cook the life out of it. Complimentary flavors brings coincidental surprises.


Ikkyu celebrated the joy in human love, and within sexuality there lies a profound sacred

practice, similar to Tantric Buddhism. He infused Zen for the first time with a feminine

element that had long been missing...


"From the world of passions returning to the world of passions:

There is a moments pause.

If it rains, let it rain; if the wind blows, let it blow."- Crazy Cloud


...Chao-chou visited Mount

Wu-tai, his teaching spread widely in north China.


"It is as if a transparent crystal

were held in ones hand. When a foreigner approaches it, it mirrors

him as such; when a native Chinese approaches it, it mirrors him as

such. I take a stalk of grass and let it act as a golden-bodied one,

sixteen feet high, and I take a golden-bodied one, sixteen feet high

and let it act as a stalk of grass. Buddhahood is passion, and

passion is Buddhahood."- Chao-chou


During his sermon a monk asked him, "In whom does Buddha cause

passion?" Chao-chou said, "Buddha causes passion in all of us."


The monk asked, "How do we get rid of it?"


Chao-chou said, "Why should we get rid of it?"


"Isnt the secret intent

of this great Earth, when it forces lovers together,

that inside their boundless emotion all things may shudder with joy?"-Rainer Maria Rilke

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