
Any interesting Health Hacks to share?

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Daily meditation


…disclaimer, for me this also means 9 breathings of purification and tsa lung, powerful energy practices.


When I practice very consistently, it is almost as if time stops. I feel more youthful despite the occasional health issue, far more available energy and far more peaceful. Inner tension is a primary cause of poor health. With daily practice a domino effect occurs relative to diet, sleep, hydration, use of intoxicants, drive to exercise, and so on. Health issues and death of this body are unavoidable but can be far better integrated and allowed to move through. Wonderful to do what we can to prevent, ameliorate, and cure maladies. Equally (more) important is to  find a healthy relationship to the one grasping at health and life when sometimes an alternate perspective is transformative or transcendent.




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11 hours ago, steve said:



They are from the Bön Mother Tantra


I tried them some years ago and found them compelling, but I didn't continue. I picked them up again to try them for a couple for months to see. They are simple and effective. 

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6 hours ago, forestofemptiness said:


I tried them some years ago and found them compelling, but I didn't continue. I picked them up again to try them for a couple for months to see. They are simple and effective. 


They are very specific and integrate well with other Bön practices (in particular the tantric and dzogchen practices). 

I suspect they can be a valuable support to non-Bön/Buddhist practices to varying degrees. 

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On 11/1/2021 at 9:19 PM, liminal_luke said:

Lots of great ideas here.  The tricky part is often that works for one person might not work for another.  We´re all so individual.  I like to try things and see.  One unusual suggestion I´ve played with is mouth taping before sleep, putting a piece of surgical tape over my lips to encourage nose breathing.  

Agreed. Also ‘health hacking’ has become such a marketable commodity there is a lot of nonsense out there currently. Spend any time on IG or Twitter and you immediately feel you’re missing out on some great addition to life if you’re not following an influencers contrived daily regime.

Often these practices do make you feel good in the short term too; you feel part of the cool gang and some of the techniques do provide a rush of novel sensation to boot.


But while they may or may not be harmful, I would say that I know plenty of healthy, active and happy folk in their 80’s and 90’s and none of them are doing this stuff. Nor are they following outlier diets either but who knows, perhaps in a generation’s time the west will be full of jacked no-carb centenarians  🤷🏻‍♂️

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