
Your opinion about reiki?

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20 minutes ago, Dev said:

True, but I never said i was going to rush into it. I definitely won't offer any services until i know that I am way past qualified to offer them. I'm going to start off with just psychedelic assisted psychotherapy, and add on more modalities as i master them/become proficient enough to offer them throughout my life. Not going to put people in danger

Didn’t say you were rushing into it. Just left a quote from Bob because it’s good universal advice. A lot of Millennials and Zoomers want to be like Tim Ferriss in one way or another without realizing that his philosophy is geared towards a kind of utilitarian and libertarian view that requires subordinates to do everything he does and allow him to have his fun. There’s no depth in what Timmy does, and the rest of us are better off exploring and deciding what we want to engross ourselves in, and so my call is to have you to focus on one target and with one arrow at a time to explore first and enjoy yourself before committing to all things, even in a sequence instead of all at once.

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24 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

Didn’t say you were rushing into it. Just left a quote from Bob because it’s good universal advice. A lot of Millennials and Zoomers want to be like Tim Ferriss in one way or another without realizing that his philosophy is geared towards a kind of utilitarian and libertarian view that requires subordinates to do everything he does and allow him to have his fun. There’s no depth in what Timmy does, and the rest of us are better off exploring and deciding what we want to engross ourselves in, and so my call is to have you to focus on one target and with one arrow at a time to explore first and enjoy yourself before committing to all things, even in a sequence instead of all at once.


Fair enough, I agree with you. Although these things are my 'goals', for me, a goal is just a direction to head in. I'm not attached to the ideas, it's just what direction i want to head in. If I felt it absolutely necessary to achieve those things, it would likely end up with me resisting the flow of the universe. Rather, I'd just give myself a direction, something to head towards, and actually just play it as it comes. Who knows, maybe I won't heal at all and will live in a cabin on a mountain lol. Not sure who Tim Ferriss is, I'll check him out. And i will heed your advice and focus on one thing at a time, and most certainly do what i enjoy :) 

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Does the healer have a past life connection to those they heal?


Edited by Bhathen

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14 hours ago, Bhathen said:

Does the healer have a past life connection to those they heal?



From the Daoist perspective there's are always Ming entanglements between healer and patient. This is also the case between spiritual teacher and disciple. Sometimes traditional teachers or healers will refuse to treat or take on a student because they see conflicts within the Ming.

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On 30/08/2021 at 11:53 AM, freeform said:

Even when there’s no strong flow of Qi from one to another, fields interact and things can get passed through in a therapeutic setting.


Off topic, I've always felt a little bit grossed out whenever I see qigong being used to heal animals. They do this in Spring Forest a lot. Teach a beginner a few tricks, sword finger etc, and suddenly they go off and try to heal cancer in their pets. Always strikes me as a bit dangerous.







Edited by Vajra Fist

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On 07/09/2021 at 10:31 PM, Vajra Fist said:

Teach a beginner a few tricks, sword finger etc, and suddenly they go off and try to heal cancer in their pets. Always strikes me as a bit dangerous.

People love their pets - and don’t get ridiculed by them when they start pointing sword fingers at them :) 


Yeah it’s weird - but to be honest few people can move enough Qi at that stage to do much (of benefit or of harm).

I’m sure just having an action they can take that shows love for their pet already has some benefits - but nothing to do with Qi emission.


Strangely Reiki is different, because as a method it does generally allow people to emit some Qi pretty much straight away - and with that, there’s a bit of danger involved.

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3 hours ago, freeform said:

People love their pets - and don’t get ridiculed by them when they start pointing sword fingers at them :) 


Yeah it’s weird - but to be honest few people can move enough Qi at that stage to do much (of benefit or of harm).

I’m sure just having an action they can take that shows love for their pet already has some benefits - but nothing to do with Qi emission.


Strangely Reiki is different, because as a method it does generally allow people to emit some Qi pretty much straight away - and with that, there’s a bit of danger involved.

So if you have a lot of chi (likie someone who's a relatively high level) and try reiki on someone would you like accidentally faqi and fry them or something?

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11 minutes ago, Dev said:

So if you have a lot of chi (likie someone who's a relatively high level) and try reiki on someone would you like accidentally faqi and fry them or something?

No - nothing like that. Just that in Reiki they believe that they’re using a universal source of energy - so it’s limitless and pure.


But in reality it can be very depleting (you’re using your own Qi), and almost always transfers ‘pathogenic’ Qi between the two people.


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9 hours ago, freeform said:

No - nothing like that. Just that in Reiki they believe that they’re using a universal source of energy - so it’s limitless and pure.


But in reality it can be very depleting (you’re using your own Qi), and almost always transfers ‘pathogenic’ Qi between the two people.



Just like someone selling investment proposal of using an unlimited supply of OPM (other people's money ), it sounds too good to be true.  

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On 9.9.2021 at 8:21 PM, freeform said:

No - nothing like that. Just that in Reiki they believe that they’re using a universal source of energy - so it’s limitless and pure.


But in reality it can be very depleting (you’re using your own Qi), and almost always transfers ‘pathogenic’ Qi between the two people.



Then it's not Reiki but something else.


You can try this form which doesn't suffer from the limitations you describe


Since Reiki is initiated by an thought directed to a reiki crystal in your heart.



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12 minutes ago, johndoe2012 said:


Since Reiki is initiated by an thought directed to a reiki crystal in your heart.

That's a new description. 

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I think people can claim it’s universal energy all they want, but when developing the neigong body, it most definitely is not universal energy. The awareness of how Reiki is working after development of this makes one realize Reiki isn’t universal divine energy working through you due to how the body is still transmitting. Most people who disagree have not developed this internal body.

It might not taste like what you think  poison should taste like because it’s sweet, but people die slowly from poisoned honey.

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I have communicated with the founder of Reiki Mikao Usui through the crystal and through that and the results I see when I use it I have no doubts about how it works.





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As a Reiki Master Instructor - my opinion is that Reiki is very beneficial so long as the person does the foundation work. It is very possible to complete a weekend class and receive a certificate saying one is a Reiki Master. Personally, I wasn't taught any qi emission therapies until I had ~9 years of cultivation practice and I received a separate Vajra transmission with its own qi emission therapy prior. Reiki translates from Ling Qi in Chinese - it's literally one of the most refined energies one can access. So long as the person doing your healing is out of the way it will be without pathogenic qi. That assumes the person even knows how to get out of the way. I'm teaching a Level 1 class at this very moment and chose to teach it over the course of a month so people would have a good way to integrate the energy and take a practice home.



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On 9/10/2021 at 10:13 PM, johndoe2012 said:


Then it's not Reiki but something else.


You can try this form which doesn't suffer from the limitations you describe


Since Reiki is initiated by an thought directed to a reiki crystal in your heart.


I'm certified in this system - it definitely works.

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The average person can practice Reiki. A cultivator can practice Reiki, but the question is should they practice it. Most people don't run into this problem unless they're doing something that leads to faqi as @freeform is explaining. 


Reiki isn't a problem with Flying Phoenix, but it is a problem with something else I practice, so all three levels of empowerment that I have in Reiki have served their purpose for the first few years of practice when I was tasked with healing people as a volunteer at a mental health and trauma sanctuary. I haven't seen much use since 2017 or 2018, which were the last time I taught a student from level 1 to level 2 and gave Reiki therapy to some guests during the World Cup. 


Now, I probably won't use it only because of the limitations of my current practice. 

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On 8/31/2021 at 2:30 PM, Dev said:


Yeah that's a very good point. There are so many underqualified "reiki masters" out there. I think the only way would be to go to china

and find an actual reiki master


Reiki is Japanese, nothing to do with China.  Its founder was a Christian priest.

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On 9/15/2021 at 10:01 AM, Master Logray said:


Reiki is Japanese, nothing to do with China.  Its founder was a Christian priest.


You're gravely mistaken about the origins. Usui Mikao was not Christian - that was marketing created by his grand student Takata Hawayo so American students wouldn't feel intimidated by foreign culture. It is linked to Chinese Maoshan Thunder Magic through Onmyodo as well as Golden Light practices descendant from Joh-Rei that are also present in things like Zhengyi Daoism.



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5 hours ago, GreytoWhite said:

It is linked to Chinese Maoshan Thunder Magic through Onmyodo as well as Golden Light practices descendant from Joh-Rei that are also present in things like Zhengyi Daoism.

Source citations might help before the more invested people scrutinize this statement. 

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6 hours ago, GreytoWhite said:


You're gravely mistaken about the origins. Usui Mikao was not Christian - that was marketing created by his grand student Takata Hawayo so American students wouldn't feel intimidated by foreign culture. It is linked to Chinese Maoshan Thunder Magic through Onmyodo as well as Golden Light practices descendant from Joh-Rei that are also present in things like Zhengyi Daoism.




All Chinese websites say it is Japanese.  

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And it is usually linked to esoteric buddhism, although the power symbol absolutely has an equivalent in thunder rites. 

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Reiki is a Voodoo Magic cultivation system, it is a kind of energy pyramid scheme. All reiki practitioners and their patients are nothing more than batteries, used by Voodoo priests to recharge themselves or conduct some kind of spiritual work. The more reiki believers or people who got the mark transmission, the more they have batteries to use. All this crap about how it got founded, is no different from christianity saints fairy tales.

I doubt, I will ever see someone who developed themselves to a high level via reiki or similar system. Simply because transmission systems like Reiki take % comission on all transactions, which can also be quite high.

Well, for people who are not high in spiritual matters, I can explain in simpler words.

Reiki is a like crypto miner on your PC, that installs, and sometimes gives you something, but takes much more for itself.

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Reiki, and any system of channeling (such as pranic healing), has long term negative side effects because it causes your energetic “open/close” system to stay open all the time. Think of it like a filter to block negative qi from invading, while preventing your own qi from leaking.

In the beginning, people will feel great because their channels are more open. They can also quickly develop psychic sensitivity and can feel people’s emotions. Later on, they start to pick up bad vibes from specific people or places, whether they want to or not. They feel uncomfortable around sick people, or places with a lot of negative energy, like hospitals. 

Once the energy field stays open all the time, they are randomly leaking qi while absorbing negative qi from people or the environment. A common complaint is “feeling drained” and blaming it on their clients when they are actually leaking qi. In the late stages, reiki practitioners can actually send out their own qi instead of channeling it. Since the filter is no longer functioning, the type of qi that enter/exit can’t be controlled. Sometimes it works fine, sometimes they channel negative qi, sometimes they absorb negative qi while giving away their own qi. It’s random.

This is called “healer’s disease” and it only happens to serious practitioners. Someone who only does reiki on weekends won’t get this disease. I’m talking full time job doing reiki for 5, 10, maybe 20 years. How quickly it happens depends on the constitution; the more energetically sensitive the person, the quicker it develops.

I know so many reiki practitioners and I’ve never seen a case where this didn’t happen.

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I’m Reiki Master, I found with my clients to be  relax/song feeling enable full healing session but that’s it🥲. It’s good system to newbie understand how energy work and it’s usage. Reiki is for kindergarten vs learning real internal  ✨qigong/Neigong/Neidan is college/Master/PHD. 
Reiki to me is more Energetic Spiritual vs Shen expression. 

I just attune someone become reiki levels 1&2 also taught him three dantians cultivating and micro circulation so he won’t be those new age reiki practitioner.  


For those Reiki players should definitely transition to Michael Lomax Neigong,spring forest qigong and prana healing. 


Edited by lightminefire

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On 05.10.2021 at 6:48 AM, Dreamwalker said:

has long term negative side effects because it causes your energetic “open/close” system to stay open all the time. Think of it like a filter to block negative qi from invading, while preventing your own qi from leaking.

That explains why I talk with some practitioners, who cannot travel public transport or feel constantly intoxicated around other human beings by negative energy.

When I travel I feel nothing. Even when I see dirt, it does not cling to me, nor does it influence my inner state.
If I was doing reiki, or any system like that, my "energy cocoon" would be without a firewall or natural protection.

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