
Telekinesis, Remote Viewing, Out of Body

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17 minutes ago, forestofemptiness said:

Anyone doing any weird new age stuff? I decided to play around with OBE as an extension of lucid dreaming, and it has led me down some weird rabbit holes. 


In regards to OBE I have in the past. 

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53 minutes ago, forestofemptiness said:

Anyone doing any weird new age stuff? I decided to play around with OBE as an extension of lucid dreaming, and it has led me down some weird rabbit holes. 




i am not doing this, because i am afraid to hurt myself,


i think my main interest in new age stuff is aliens and UFO's,


i do read, what are said to be, transcriptions from them,


most of which i do not understand, but there are interesting points about nature of existence,


i had seen flying saucer in daylight,


on one occasion bright circular light appeared when i was sleeping and connected to my "soul", i did heard a metalic sound in my head and pictures of terminal lines with hex numbers. Then i woke up and watched it for 2 seconds and then it dissapeared. It was a pleasant experience, pleasance was felt in the middle of forehead and middle of the chest.


i am sorry if this is out of topic, but i wanted to tell somebody.


be well.

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I've experienced OBE's and remote views arise somewhat regularly with eyes open and also closed.


I began scrying for a time some years back after the open eyed visions began during practice in pitch black; it became so effective I found it distracting and intrusive and so ceased.


Lately I'm considering taking it up again with a focused intent.

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On 11/3/2021 at 12:47 PM, dmattwads said:


In regards to OBE I have in the past. 


Did you use any methods or techniques that you found effective? 


11 hours ago, silent thunder said:

Lately I'm considering taking it up again with a focused intent.


Any specific methods or techniques, or is it more spontaneous? 

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I sometimes stop by the astral projection subreddit. My god, some of the stories.


It looks incredible, exciting but also terrifying. Definitely a high risk/high reward approach.


Lucid dreaming seems a lot safer. I listened to a guru viking podcast with a guy called Andrew Holecek yesterday who is a master of Tibetan dream yoga.


That's something I want to explore at some point, seems like a lot more systematic than the Western approach from Stephen Laberge and co.


I had a few lucid dreams when I was younger and was surprised by how realistic the experience felt. Like waking up in the matrix.


Edited by Vajra Fist
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44 minutes ago, forestofemptiness said:

Did you use any methods or techniques that you found effective? 


Um well yes, but it is going to sound odd, but back when I was in the Army so a long time ago, I was at a house party of one of my friends and I was sitting in one of his living room chairs and I felt like I was floating up to the ceiling. I guess he was just sensitive or something but he looked up and was like "did you know you are floating outside of your body". So later on he told me a good way to make it happen intentionally was to drink an entire bottle of Robitussin DM (I am not recommended one do this). I have no idea how he knew this but one night we sat down in my place and both chugged our Robitussin and in just a few minutes we both floated out of our bodies and went exploring together. Again I have no idea how or why that works, and no idea of how he figured that out. 

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There is nothing wrong with exploring our own relationship with other realms and the Monroe Gateway series is the best way to learn AP/OBE. It can seem frightening at first, but one can adapt to new and profound experiences.

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32 minutes ago, ralis said:

There is nothing wrong with exploring our own relationship with other realms and the Monroe Gateway series is the best way to learn AP/OBE. It can seem frightening at first, but one can adapt to new and profound experiences.


Did you do it at the Institute? Did it work? 


Looks like the early version is on Youtube after a FOIA to the CIA (which used it for their program):



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2 hours ago, Vajra Fist said:

It looks incredible, exciting but also terrifying. Definitely a high risk/high reward approach.


I would estimate that at least half (if not more) of the stories people post are made up, and another large chunk are probably sincere but deluded. I also don't think most people who AP are familiar enough with lucid dreams to distinguish the two (if they can be distinguished), or to distinguish the "false awakening." 


I have not heard of any danger, except from people who watched TV shows or movies. 


Lucid dreaming can be very educational. Andrew Holocek combines the best of Tibetan and Western. He is actually going over his book Dream Yoga on his site now. 




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4 hours ago, dmattwads said:


Um well yes, but it is going to sound odd, but back when I was in the Army so a long time ago, I was at a house party of one of my friends and I was sitting in one of his living room chairs and I felt like I was floating up to the ceiling. I guess he was just sensitive or something but he looked up and was like "did you know you are floating outside of your body". So later on he told me a good way to make it happen intentionally was to drink an entire bottle of Robitussin DM (I am not recommended one do this). I have no idea how he knew this but one night we sat down in my place and both chugged our Robitussin and in just a few minutes we both floated out of our bodies and went exploring together. Again I have no idea how or why that works, and no idea of how he figured that out. 



'  Robo-tripping ' .

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1 hour ago, Nungali said:



'  Robo-tripping ' .


I'm actually glad I did it with another person because other wise I might have thought I just imagined it, but since we were able to recall the things that we did, the places we went, and the conversations we had out of body that was pretty convincing to me. 

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5 hours ago, forestofemptiness said:


Did you do it at the Institute? Did it work? 


Looks like the early version is on Youtube after a FOIA to the CIA (which used it for their program):



Not at Monroe, but I have the CD’s and converted to FLAC for my MP3 player. 

I always have had full color dreams with only one black/white dream ever. Are they lucid? Who knows! Cross cultural definitions/teachings are not always helpful given language barriers, even with interpretation. 

I recommend Jose Silvia’s work as taught by his daughter Laura. 

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4 hours ago, forestofemptiness said:


I would estimate that at least half (if not more) of the stories people post are made up, and another large chunk are probably sincere but deluded. I also don't think most people who AP are familiar enough with lucid dreams to distinguish the two (if they can be distinguished), or to distinguish the "false awakening." 


I have not heard of any danger, except from people who watched TV shows or movies. 


Lucid dreaming can be very educational. Andrew Holocek combines the best of Tibetan and Western. He is actually going over his book Dream Yoga on his site now. 





There's a good list of astral projection resources, methods etc, in the subreddit wiki.


I agree that a lot of fears about possession etc, are largely based on misunderstandings about how out of body experiences work.


But from what I gather, many guides also teach some form of psychic defence as part of their method, for when you run into entities.


While I also agree that there a lot of crackpots, a common thread throughout a lot the stories people post on the sub involve some sort of figure who somehow attempts to block them on the threshold as they are leaving their bodies.


Many say its part of your own psyche, like a personified layer of consciousness that acts as a sort of gatekeeper. Personally I would find that terrifying!


But it's something I love reading about though. Let us know how you get on, I'd love to hear your experiences!

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1 hour ago, dmattwads said:


I'm actually glad I did it with another person because other wise I might have thought I just imagined it, but since we were able to recall the things that we did, the places we went, and the conversations we had out of body that was pretty convincing to me. 


That's pretty cool. Nothing like my teenage Robitussin experience. :lol:

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11 hours ago, forestofemptiness said:

Any specific methods or techniques, or is it more spontaneous? 

Sometime in adulthood I recognized that my day dreams as a child and young man were more intense than other's around me.  And that my dream life was far more intense than any of my friends or family. 


I've been a lucid dreamer my entire life.  My first memory in this life was a dream that induced my first obe.

So it began spontaneously as a child, lucid dreaming almost nightly and obe's on occasion.  I've received visions on and off my entire life, though the scrying and visions began arising daily during qi gong practice some years ago as I mentioned, particularly effective in the hours of dusk or predawn.


Curiosity drove me to study and practice several methods in my 20's to my early 40's.  Norse, Celti, Tibetan and Lakota traditions.  For dream work and projection I recommend Tensin Wangyal Rinpoche's book of The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep.  Of all the traditions I've studied, Tibetans come the closest to describing how I experience the dream state, waking life and astral experience.


Candle and crystal gazing are effective for me.  Eye locking and wall, ocean, or sky gazing are extremely effective.


Never tried a proper crystal ball, though my affinity and resonance with crystals probably means I'll endeavor it, when a resonant crystal chooses me.

Edited by silent thunder
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4 hours ago, forestofemptiness said:


That's pretty cool. Nothing like my teenage Robitussin experience. :lol:


Well ..... what was  it like , do tell  .... or as they say   'cough it up'  .


Entonox is pretty good for it .  A medical gas ; 50% N2 O  ( so the O is 'bonded' at not available - hence  the danger in breathing it  straight ) and  50%  0  ( so very available ) a 'breathable' safe mix .


I used to have to change the medical gas bottles when I worked at the hospital.  Important gasses  get changed at 10% so they dont run out during a procedure . Why waste them   .... I mean , I feel it was my duty as an employee of the hospital to make sure the hospital got its full use and money worth instead of sending 10% back to the company   :)  .


One most curious time  I was  'discharging ' the excess entonox gas  in the hospital basement , in a room we used down there .


Weeeee   ..... but that didnt last long .    Somehow I found myself in an alien environment , like a huge maze made out of cyclopean blocks .  They where  too high to stretch my hand to the top of them , even with a jump, so I was sorta trapped in there .  They where all laid out in neat rows in both directions. I was wandering around the corridors between them . When I looked down a corridor I could see all the other corridors intersecting it at 90 degrees .   They where all square and even .   Also I felt some HUGE gigantic presence looming over me , watching , as if it was wondering what I would do ..... like a rat in a maze .   After realising I was trapped and there was no way out , I started to think I would have to come up with a better idea . Thats when I started levitating . I went up above the level of the blocks and could see the whole maze stretching out to each darkened 'horizon'  all laid out in an even grid . But as I got higher and the grid below me got smaller , I too started getting bigger .  Then I went higher , the blocks got smaller , I could feel that huge presence above and behind me  , sort of sucking me in .


Then  I got to the height where I realised the blocks where tiles  and I got drawn back into my skull, looked out my eyes and realised I was  slumped in the chair , the a gas mask had dropped from my face and was in my lap and I was staring at the tile floor .



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11 hours ago, silent thunder said:

Of all the traditions I've studied, Tibetans come the closest to describing how I experience the dream state, waking life and astral experience.


A natural, that's what I figured. It is interesting to see how people seem to have certain "talents" --- lots of stories can be told about that. I've never had a talent for things like this. 


I agree that the presentation of dreaming is the closest as to how I experience the dream and waking state. What do you think distinguishes an OBE from a hyper lucid dream? 

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I am almost don't want to admit this, but in researching OBEs, I did come across experiments in weak forms of so-called telekinesis. The culture around it is wacky to the point of absurdity, and the people who do it are incredibly ignorant of both basic physics (especially convection and air), the mechanics of magic tricks, and the magic of video editing.  


However, I have found that one can produce the appearance of the effect that defies most common explanations. Of course, it is one of those things that you'd never believe if you didn't do it yourself. Swami Rama evidently demonstrated such an effect in the same lab he demonstrated control over his heart. 

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10 minutes ago, forestofemptiness said:

What do you think distinguishes an OBE from a hyper lucid dream? 

That is often a real grey zone, but my obe's tend to be more intense and free.

Within dreams and astral the landscapes, settings and characters are often so fluid the entire scenario can morph instantaneously, whereas in an obe, it's more like I'm exploring waking world, but in awareness free of bodily restraint, so while I can travel vast distances quickly, the setting changes as I move, not as I imagine.

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On 03/11/2021 at 3:30 PM, forestofemptiness said:

Anyone doing any weird new age stuff? I decided to play around with OBE as an extension of lucid dreaming, and it has led me down some weird rabbit holes. 

I APd once when I was younger, but my interest has always been in telekinesis(mainly due to Superboy in comics that uses telekinesis to emulate many of Superman's powers).


I tried lucid dreaming but at most could only gain cognition in some dreams, enough to know I was in a dream but not enough to be able to willingly control it.


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I went through a phase of being really interested in OBE.  I think of dreams and OBE as taking place with similar mechanics, the perception of a non-physical space, but in a dream you are experiencing the internal space of your own mind, an OBE a collective space.  There are even different degrees of subtlety of this non-physical space, the "planes" spoken of in Western estocericism.  A fellow named Kurt Leland goes into this in detail, he is the most interesting author on OBE, and for me Western esotericism generally, that I found during the phase that I was interested in this.  His writings profoundly influenced my worldview.  His astral projection log and dream interpretation guide on his site are pure gold. 


At some point I realized that some of my dreams took place in a "collective" space rather than my own mind, even without being lucid.  But most are in my own mind.  Hard to describe how I feel like I know this.  All I can really say is the space feels different, and in particular interactions feel different if they are an aspect of me or an external being.  Tibetan dogma says only advanced bodhisattvas can have dreams outside their own mind, I think this is completely mistaken.  Daoist sleep practice contains instructions on Hun travel, it was going to be in a certain online academy in year two, but was removed. 


Another fellow, Fred Aaredema, who is a psychologist I believe, wrote a book on his attempts to explore OBE in a scientific way, as he had a knack for it.  He tried to use it to remote view and had no conclusive results.  But if you think of it in terms of planes, this is not so surprising - you are in an astral body on an astral plane, how could you expect to get reliable information on the physical plane by doing so?  After all, a characteristic feature of a dream is that if you see numbers or letters, look away and look again, it will be different.  It's not made of "matter" which has stability, but information is being conveyed symbolically. 


As far as telekinesis is concerned, I haven't looked into it.  For the above reason, using a higher body to influence the physical is necessarily hard to do.  Feel free to share any convincing evidence you've found.  I recently encountered a new-ager who though she was controlling the movemement of a pendulum with the energy of her heart chakra.  It was a fairly simple matter to demonstrate to her that this was not the case. 

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15 minutes ago, Creation said:

I recently encountered a new-ager who though she was controlling the movemement of a pendulum with the energy of her heart chakra. 

I've seen many videos of people claiming to be able to do telekinesis...but here's the thing.All objects they tried to move were pieces of paper, very light stuff, or objects that while not as light as paper, were "mobile" due to their shape or you could see that were not stable enough and any force could make them fall/move.


If one tried to move a paperweight in the shape of a pyramid...then I would pay attention.But a piece of paper put on a needle?<_<

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15 hours ago, Creation said:

All I can really say is the space feels different, and in particular interactions feel different if they are an aspect of me or an external being. 


I get that. Samsaric dreams vs dreams of clarity. Dreams of clarity tend to be hyperreal, meaningful, etc. I've had predictive dreams as well, but the predictions are always fairly minor (although dead on). 


15 hours ago, Creation said:

you are in an astral body on an astral plane


Personally, my narrative is that there is no astral body. There is consciousness, and consciousness is unlimited. 


15 hours ago, Creation said:

Feel free to share any convincing evidence you've found. 


It is a DITY project. No way would anyone with discernment accept any of the evidence out there. It is too easy to fake, and even properly controlled, there may be unknown physical elements at play. The culture is definitely ridiculous. I found one person who sounded earnest, so I decided to try it for fun. I was surprised. I would certainly love to hear a good physical explanation. 


14 hours ago, Shadao said:

I've seen many videos of people claiming to be able to do telekinesis...but here's the thing.All objects they tried to move were pieces of paper, very light stuff, or objects that while not as light as paper, were "mobile" due to their shape or you could see that were not stable enough and any force could make them fall/move.


It is definitely problematic, but the claimed effect is so weak that it is claimed that one needs a low friction source to demonstrate it. Most videos use exposed objects, which move due to ambient air or hand convection. Even if it is under glass with no contact, there may be off camera subtle physical vibrations or heat sources (such as direct sunlight) that can move it. At least one enterprising person drilled a hole through a table and had some one breathing in it off camera. You can also buy magic-shop machines that perform the effect. 


However, under the right conditions controlling for much of this, the damn thing doesn't move. :lol: 






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On 11/5/2021 at 11:00 PM, Nungali said:

Also I felt some HUGE gigantic presence looming over me, watching


On 11/5/2021 at 11:00 PM, Nungali said:

I could feel that huge presence above and behind me, sort of sucking me in .




Do you know what that huge presence is?

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