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help! find me relaxation audio asap! for a class

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So I was doing a lesson on smoking, biofeedback, relaxation etc. tomorrow and in prepping found out MY RELAXATION TAPE SUCKS! It is this weird man with a scratch voice. If anyone has audio with relaxation techniques that is not scratchy or weird please send it to me asap! Except it has to be non-religious, etc... just a whole "feel the tension leaving your big toe, all the way down to your little toe" stuff. It is for 8th graders so anything that sounds like "feel a tingling sensation running down your legs" will be responded to with uproarious bursts of laughter, so it needs to be childproof and schoolproof (e.g. non religious). Also it has to be short enough that I can e-mail it to myself because websense blocks out taobums and stuff. please let me know asap if you can help.

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How about recording one yourself, with soothing music in the background. That way you can tailor it to your audience. I'm sure you can even improvise a progressive relaxation without a script! Tighten each area and then release the tension, etc. Do a search for Jacobson relaxation.


Or bring the music in and do it live.


Another fun exercise for kids to show them that they can influence things with thought, is to have them open and close their fist of one hand, quickly and many times until the hand gets tired. Then feel how that hand feels tingly and different from the other hand. Now think about transferring the tingliness to the other hand, and then the other hand feels tingly too.

Edited by karen

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LOL, my voice is NOT relaxed or relaxing...especially in that class, where I have to repeatedly get everyone quiet and then do the same thing 2 minutes later.

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