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Tensegrity, Dreaming, Recapitulation

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i studied CC and tensegrity for over 10 years now.


the more you research into it, the lesser you feel to make absolute conclusions on it. i have mentioned in another thread that i think very fiew of his cohorts even understood the purpose of his work... this is not to say i do understand it. all i know is that it's not the one he claims he is. he was a first class trickster, and he tricked everyone into his game.


the things that i've learned from such... they were, and still are, warriors of freedom. being a free warrior meant for them that they had to obey a complex set of rules and regulations called The Rule of the Nagual. their freedom was to be impecable. any other choise would have ment death for them.

so it is so different from what modern seekers have as an attitude. i wont comment in what way.


tensegrity movements, recapitulation and dreaming were the first activities they were taught.


- tensegrity deals with the setting the body's parameters to be able to digest the huge quantities of energies they were accesing during dreaming and non-action meditations.

- recapitulation was a clearing of the xin, the mental/emotional, and making an inner-world discipline of the shaman, that one needed in order to be fit for encounters well beyound human expectations.

- dreaming... was meditation to them. they build an new type of assemblage point, anchored it's perceptions into it, and with it they hunted down power sources and knowledge from beyound.


they did constantly reiterate that all of the training they were involved with, was not an investment, and the odds that they would fail their mission were alot bigger than the odds they would succeed.


anyhow, it was the first meeting with a real school of teachings, that helped me make a structure of priorities and build a perspective, that i found no where else in what i've studied up until now. they helped me ward off wacky ideas about spirituality.


i know it may sound a little creepy, but a real school is like a fire, if you dont know the proper distance, you will burn alive if too close, or freeze to death if too far.


i felt like starting a new topic because of the new perspective that this ideas would imply.


good luck




PS: feel free to add your own comments and posts on it, as i said, i dont know any truth, these are only a couple of things that worked out for me

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i know it may sound a little creepy, but a real school is like a fire, if you dont know the proper distance, you will burn alive if too close, or freeze to death if too far.


Nice Analogy. Beautiful thoughts. Next time you shake someones hand feel how close they naturally let you into their bubble, the distance they set or let. Feel what happens the moment you touch hands, how both of your connections to the ground creates a two person connection. Meet eyes and introduce yourself. Hello. We are together for a moment.

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thanx. a lot of the seekers are looking for the way for a simple reason: they cant fit inside this world, they cant fit inside their life, and both of these seem to run over their most intimate feelings on how LIFE is supposed to be.


paths like the one CC described is not for the easy-life seekers, they are for people that found another way of dealing with the suffering: other than recognizing the illusory nature of the causes of suffering (ignorance), and other than transforming the negative into positive.


what he speaks about is giving a meaning and sense to suffering, which can make a terrible force out of it. then the more you have it, the stronger you become.


intriguing... also the intense passion for life that it develops... which does not bow to any dry abstract philosophical argument



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put up a book for discussion in the Book Club,


Encounters with the Nagual by Armando Torres


see you there :)

Edited by Little1

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