
What exactly is stored in the LDT?

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I think it’s important add that this is my explanation according to my own training. It may well be completely different to Damo’s. So please do bear that in mind!

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Now that we're talking about anchoring, what about anchoring the breath? I started abdominal breathing something like 5 years ago when I was 17yo, but through the past 2 years I suffered a lot with overthink problems, should I have done the practice ''anchoring the breath'' from Damo before changing my breath forcefully to te belly area?


I tried to change it back to chest breathing some time ago but it's so hard, it's like my new breathing point is my belly, can these emotional and overthing problems be related to forceful belly breathing? I mean, it's not forceful now, but when I started I always kept reminding me to breath from my belly and then It become natural to belly breath.

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Many good points being made.


Throwing a few scattered phrases, thoughts, guiding ideals into the soup:


Master Kim, from (which has LDT-br as its’ main practice) mentioned the ideal of “silk breathing”.  That you should work towards the ideal of your LDT breathing being as smooth as silk all the way through, inhale and exhale.

He also mentioned that there are fizzy drinks with lots of flavor, but that his school was similar to the trend of drinking more clear water.  SunDo breathing was “tasteless”, he said.


The larger context of a Main path, something like, “integrating harmoniously into the One” (while maintaining a functional life).


Another useful dual concept, “scholar ~ warrior”, can be applied to breathing.  Sometimes it’s better to go slow, steady, carefully .. other times it’s fine to stride forward.  And it’s important that a student develops sensitivity in their own process.


A popular rule-of-thumb in the community is not to go beyond 70% pressure while doing the internal arts in general, qigong, breathing etc.  Leave some flexibility in the strength.

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4 hours ago, almaxy said:

anchoring the breath'' from Damo before changing my breath forcefully to te belly area?

Anchoring the breath is a little different to mechanically using the belly to breathe… 


You can belly breathe while your qi is not anchored in your belly… I like Damo’s anchoring the breath practice - you can get a lot out of it… there’s a lot more to it than just breathing :) 

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17 hours ago, Nintendao said:


In some systems it only occurs during a specific stage of development, while the nervous system is acclimating to mobilization of the lower dan tien.

According to Damo Mitchell,




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12 hours ago, freeform said:

There are many schools that get sidetracked with Zifa gong.


Zifa gong occurs when Yang Qi starts moving at the ‘depth’ of the nervous system… meaning the actual nerves through the body.


The Zifa gong stops when: 


1 - major blockages at the depth of the nervous system have been worked out.


2 - when the density of your qi has been sufficiently developed and the qi moves deeper of its own accord. (Into the channel system)


Zifa gong won’t stop if you have an emotional connection with the effects of it… it’s exhilarating to have qi flow through the nervous system - and this can become addictive.


So even if qi wants to move deeper, you can certainly force it back outward to have the same exhilarating Zifa gong effect.


It can be quite draining. That’s fine when it’s clearing out blockages - it’s a powerful way of clearing stagnation, bringing ‘life’ into frozen aspects of your body and energy system…


But if you perpetuate this process after it’s done it’s thing - then effectively you’re using your qi for entertainment and self stimulation.

Kidneys will suffer.




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7 hours ago, freeform said:

I think it’s important add that this is my explanation according to my own training. It may well be completely different to Damo’s. So please do bear that in mind!



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42 minutes ago, freeform said:

Anchoring the breath is a little different to mechanically using the belly to breathe… 


You can belly breathe while your qi is not anchored in your belly… I like Damo’s anchoring the breath practice - you can get a lot out of it… there’s a lot more to it than just breathing :) 

@freeform thanks! I asked because I read that people could get problems doing this the way I did it.

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On 2/21/2022 at 10:18 AM, almaxy said:

Hey guys, I have a question, what exactly is store in the LDT?

In the beginning mostly farts. And maybe some small deviations that we all mistake for progress. 

Then when the right things get activated and connected in the right order as the instructions from the teacher are followed, it doesn't matter how it can be categorized or what everyone types about it, because you are finally working with it directly and learning its behavior through firsthand experience and communication with the teacher. 

Edited by Uncle Fester
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7 hours ago, Uncle Fester said:

In the beginning mostly farts. And maybe some small deviations that we all mistake for progress. 

Then when the right things get activated and connected in the right order as the instructions from the teacher are followed, it doesn't matter how it can be categorized or what everyone types about it, because you are finally working with it directly and learning its behavior through firsthand experience and communication with the teacher. 

The first time I tried meditating I felt my LDT area and there was something solid there. I was so excited and couldn’t wait to grow it bigger. I thought I must be some superhuman if I managed to develop a LDT so quickly. After I went to the toilet I felt my LDT again and to my surprise it was gone.

I learned an important lesson that day, don’t be so sure about things, you might be full of shit!

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2 hours ago, Pak_Satrio said:

The first time I tried meditating I felt my LDT area and there was something solid there. I was so excited and couldn’t wait to grow it bigger. I thought I must be some superhuman if I managed to develop a LDT so quickly. After I went to the toilet I felt my LDT again and to my surprise it was gone.

I learned an important lesson that day, don’t be so sure about things, you might be full of shit!


But some people believe that this LDT shit is gold, so they hawk it for ridiculous prices so everyone can develop an LDT too!


I have the secret though:





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What's inside your hard drives? Just a bunch of protons, neutrons and electrons. But they're arranged in a certain way that give you access to these things called "data".


That's the way I see it. Just a bunch of biological processes arranged to give you the illusion of having the substance "Jing" inside your body. Which is why I like to call them "meta-substances". They simplify the relationship between your consciousness and your biological body. Like the code behind a program. Or the 0s and 1s underneath it.


See metamaterial for reference.

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I really don't like it when people start to argue about the meaning of unaccented Pinyin, such as the discussions of "jing" in this thread.


If we go to a nice Chinese/English dictionary like:




and enter "jing" we come to this page:


Gosh, can "jing" really mean all these things?


To which the answer is, yes it can.


If we go down far enough we will find this entry:


精    jīng    essence / extract / vitality / energy / semen / sperm / mythical goblin spirit / highly perfected / elite / the pick of sth / proficient (refined ability) / extremely (fine) / selected rice (archaic)


First of all notice that "jing" should be accented like this jīng in order to differentiate it from all of the other "jings" in the list.

Second notice that pretty much all of the "real, true and exclusive" meanings about which people have been arguing here are included in the list above, so that they are all "right", and the sensible thing to do is to stop pointing fingers at each other and see if there is some higher conceptual level which put those possible meanings in a context that will allow us to understand, and hopefully avoid wasting time on arguing.


It is useful to think of words like  jīng as syllables which make up larger words like "astro" can be used in words like astronomy, astrology, and astronaut.  In order to do this use your pointer to hover over the three vertical dots and a sub-menu will open and you will see this, *精*, and if you click on it you will come here:


A long page with all of the common words containing "jīng" used like it is a syllable


Some of which may help to understand what jīng may mean in a context of esoteric physiology and its relation to medicine and meditation.  Among other things you will find this:


精气神    jīng qì shén    the three energies of Chinese medicine: 精[jing1], 氣|气[qi4], and 神[shen2]


And what are "energies" in this context?  Let's not go there now, but also let's not argue either and instead put our heads together and see if we can better understand all of this.

Disclaimer:  I am not at all fluent in Chinese, but I am good at conceptual analysis and using a dictionary.  The above is put forward with the intention of ending arguments and providing material for discussion, for which purpose I hope it is helpful.


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