awaken Posted March 18, 2022 以下這篇文章是轉貼自中國漏盡閣網站 不是我寫的,但是我蠻認同作者的想法,所以轉貼給大家參考,希望還在把周天功當成丹道的朋友要覺醒,不要把錯誤的方法當成丹道 從這篇文章,各位可以看出,中國已經有不少人認知到周天功並非真實的丹道,而是後天識神用事。 The following article is reposted from the website of China's leaking house I didn't write it, but I quite agree with the author's idea, so I reposted it for everyone's reference. I hope that friends who still regard Zhou Tiangong as an elixir will wake up, and don't take the wrong method as elixir. From this article, you can see that many people in China have realized that Zhou Tiangong is not the real alchemy method, but an acquired knowledge of the gods. --------------------------------------------------------------- 五步真气运行法是伪法,误人子弟不浅!!!! 缪误之处如下: 1、丹道修炼“贵先天,废后天”,“贵无为,废有为”。而此法却处处“人为做作”,丝毫不合“自然无为”的根本修道大旨。 2、把“浮阳之气”当作“真气”,把“人为做作”形成的“浮气周天”混淆成“气机”发动自然显现的“真气周天”。 3、此法很容易结成幻丹。挨!说的好听是气丹,难听就是气球、幻丹。此法不仅无益,反而会对真正的修炼形成障碍。 4、虽说此法背后,隐有真法;也可以说此法稍改,可为真法。但是,丹道幽微,差之毫厘、失之千里。 当今社会,有些人自持个人聪明,依据传统真正的丹书,私自意想、改编、创造“新气功”,以此谋财。 呜呼!!!诸君敢不慎乎!!!! “真气运行法”的第一步和第三步,还可以勉强说是某个“有为丹道”的入手法。但是,“真气运行法”的其它几步功法,并没有“坎离交媾以产药”。“真气运行法”所积聚的“气”,其实是“浮阳之气”并不是“真气”。“真气运行法”让人在缺少“坎离交媾以产药”环节的情况下,以“浮阳之气”来“空转任督”,这实在是一种不负责任的做法。“鼎内若无真种子,犹如猛火煮空铛”。大家试想一下,无水干烧锅,锅不烂吗? “空转任督”对性命无实际益处,反而有很大的弊端。如果“真气运行法”不“空转任督”,那么它还可以看作是一种“健身法”,而不能称“伪法”。但是,“空转任督”是“真气运行法”的核心,你叫我还能把它当成“健身法”吗?另外,不光是“真气运行法”,所有社会上流传的“周天功”,统统是伪法!!! “空转任督”的弊端,可参考《田诚阳道长关于修炼的问答*第45问》、胡孚琛的《丹道法诀十二讲*第四讲:慎转任督》、陆锦川先生的《太极养修说部分内容摘要》和胡海牙的《从“还精补脑”谈起》,原文见(复制地址有可能不全,请自己搜索): ... &extra=page%3D3 ... &extra=page%3D2 ... o=lastpost#lastpost 太极拳、八段锦,还有田诚阳、陈撄宁推崇的静功,这些都不是丹道功夫。我为什么不说它们是伪法,而惟独说“真气运行法”和其它俗传的“周天功”是伪法? 大家想一想,李少波是否真具传承,并且确实具有嗣法传承之资格?他的传承脉络是否清晰,又是否为大家公认的正统?他的祖师、宗师、祖庭是否都确有其人其事?没有!!!李少波自承,他的“真气运行法”是历代医家“周天功”的“集大成者”。 “些小天机论气精,吕公曾道别无他;今人功境既功法,迷得纭纭众生夸。”诚然,不合丹道的功夫不一定是伪法。但是,凭借着对丹书的一知半解而抄袭、拼凑丹书的某些说法而所谓的“集大成之法”,一定是伪法!!!有谁能否认,“真气运行法”没有抄袭道家真正的“周天功”呢? 修炼,必须依“法”修炼。“法”虽然是一种方便,但也不是随便乱用都是法。法有大法、小法、伪法之分。自持个人聪明,乱解传统真正的丹书,私自意想、改编、创造所谓的“新气功”,这些,通通都是伪法,连小法都算不上。 这类法,虽然“编法者”当初的愿望也许是“好的”,但是,此种行为造成的后果却很恶劣。因此,这些行为的本质,是坑人的!它要么让你修行多年一场空,要么让人出偏差。当年气功界就有不少“通灵大法”,让本来没有附体的人也变成附体的“大仙”了(即神经错乱)。 切记,修行最忌想当然!!! 因此,“真气运行法”确实是不负责任的伪法。“真气运行法”以意守丹田发动气机、以腹中作响发热为真气(其实为浮阳之气)并以此气周流任督。此法可以作为入道之初暂时习练的权宜之法,它能开关展窍、畅通任督。但是,长期练习此法是危险的。长期练习此法的危害有: 1、一个茶杯里面就是那么多的水,不管你如何倒来倒去,茶杯里的水始终都只是那么多,说不定还会因为搬运过程中抛洒了,水反而要减少!同理,只运行小周天而不会“坎离交媾以产药”,你聚在丹田也罢,运行小周天也罢,你体内的真气都不会增多,说不定还会因为搬运过程中消耗了,真气反而要减少! 2、意念是“火”、“内药”是“水”,不“坎离交媾以产药”而搬运周天,如同锅中无水而火猛烧。短时习练其弊不显,长期习练,势必烧灼一身精血,为害不小。而况心意未静,不能不有凝滞。倘或血气为杂妄所窒,在背则生背疽,在头则生脑痈,在肺则生肺痈肠痈单腹鼓胀之病,在肾不是滑遗精血,就生杨梅肾痈等症不一。世之学者多惑于周天搬运之法,烟火气味十足。整日搬运不停以为能事,不知是要修真还是要飙车?久成积习,无水自转,不出疵病者几希矣! 总之,无水行火,水愈灼枯而火愈炎烈,其势有不能遏者,此邪火焚身之患,学者所当戒也。 3、运行小周天工夫者,运气顺督脉而上行,其血亦随气而上行,《黄帝内经》云:“血之与气并走于上则为大厥。”此处所谓“大厥”,即后世中医所谓“中风”、“卒中”,亦即西医学所谓“脑充血”之类。弄不好气血不能及时下降,则脑部必然充血,使血液循环受阻,便会得今日西医所谓的“脑血管意外”,亦即通常所说的脑出血、脑溢血和脑血栓等症,因此,周天岂能乱通!胡海牙就曾亲见某人习练小周天功法,开三关,通九窍,十数年专行此道。有一年夏天的一个早上,其外出晨练,忽然气从尾闾经玉枕而直冲泥丸,此公随即瘫痪在地。后虽经及时治疗,身体康复,但还是留下了后遗症。 4、何止如此,“真气运行法”还缺少炼性(心)之法。现在的年青人大多贪欲,相火胜而君火弱。“真气运行法”让人在心性还未清净时,就慌忙的意守丹田。短时习练其弊不显,长期习练至静极生动、一阳来复阶段,势必引起功后梦中遗精(甚至功中走漏)。这种走漏,比正常的房事漏精损失的生命能量更多,对身体的损伤也就更大。 请大家三思! “今人功境既功法,迷得纭纭众生夸;鼎内若无真种子,犹如猛火煮空铛”,从宋朝开始,各代的仙真都不约而同的对“俗传周天功”展开了批判。 近现代,各位知名的修道大家,如陈婴宁、贾题韬、田诚阳、胡孚琛、陆锦川、胡海牙、盛克琦、陈毓照......他们也不约而同的反对“俗传周天功”。 除了“俗传周天功”(即真气运行法)的推广人和粉丝外,不论古代还是现代,为什么有那么多的修道大家要反对“俗传周天功”呢? 请大家三思! 除了“五步真气运行法”,我在论坛上发现,大部分未得师传的求道者几乎都有一个错误认识:把传统丹书中记载的一些功境当作功法,用意念来追求、并运转这些境界。这是不得真传的重大误解。 修炼,必须依“法”修炼。“法”虽然是一种方便,但也不是随便乱用都是法。法有大法、小法、伪法之分。自持个人聪明,乱解传统真正的丹书,私自意想、改编、创造所谓的“新气功”,这些,通通都是伪法,连小法都算不上。 这类法,虽然“编法者”当初的愿望也许是“好的”,但是,此种行为造成的后果却很恶劣。因此,这些行为的本质,是坑人的!它要么让你修行多年一场空,要么让人出偏差。当年气功界就有不少“通灵大法”,让本来没有附体的人也变成附体的“大仙”了(即神经错乱)。 佛家和道家修为的很多功境,并不是具体的功法,它只是依专门诀法修行自然而得的一些“证悟”。绝大多数情况下,你只管依照师传功诀、方法来修炼,功境自动就会出现,不要你用后天意念来追求什么,也不要你用后天意念来处理什么。此所谓的“自然修,自然成”。 但是,很多未得师传者,都喜欢把一些丹书记载的“功境”,用后天意念来处理或追求。这一来是他不知道上法大道的内涵,二来他根据丹经之类的描述,用后天意念做功夫。 以修大小周天为例:未得金丹真传者,以后天意念运转周天,以浮气或有为的在个别窍穴里聚气通关为大小周天。这些都是假周天,所出的感觉全是最初步的功夫,离真正的小周天十万八千里。 真正的周天是象地仙、天仙一样,是修行中的重大境界,并没有一个专门的周天功。周天功境是在依法修行的过程中自然证得的。即使小周天,在三关中也要各自贯通九层。现代社会“俗传”的大小周天也仅仅是把尾闾关通了九层中的两三层而已。其他层次需要更加强大的能量才能贯通。所以,当你修到地仙层次才能修通小周天,达到天仙层次才能修通大周天。 另外,玄关一窍也是一种“功境”,一种依法修证后自然开通的“功境”。在功夫没到前,玄关一窍其实并不存在。各家法门不一样,但是都是功夫到了才会自动开通(虽然具体内景不同,但是进入先天和产生智慧是其共同点)。 所以,丹道之修是依诀法而成功境和功果。至于发心、学理论和行善,乃至于智慧产生,都是以功诀和功境为核心的修炼体系的有机组成部分。 古人云:“一诀千金”,此语唯真体验者才能意会。 The five-step infuriating movement method is a fake method, and it is not shallow to mislead the children! ! ! ! The mistakes are as follows: 1. The cultivation of alchemy is "precise the innate and abolish the acquired", "precise the inaction and discard the inaction". However, this method is "artificial and contrived" everywhere, and does not conform to the fundamental purpose of "natural inaction". 2. The "floating yang qi" is regarded as "true qi", and the "floating qi Zhoutian" formed by "artificial contrivance" is confused with the "true qi Zhoutian" which is naturally manifested by the "qi machine". 3. This method is easy to form a magic pill. suffer! The good ones are Qi Dan, and the ugly ones are balloons and magic pills. This method is not only unhelpful, but will actually create an obstacle to true cultivation. 4. Although there is a hidden truth behind this method; it can also be said that this method is slightly modified, but it can be the true method. However, the Dan Dao is faint, the difference is a tiny bit, and the loss is a thousand miles away. In today's society, some people hold their own intelligence, and according to the traditional real Danshu, privately imagine, adapt, and create "new qigong" to make money. Woohoo! ! ! You dare to be careless! ! ! ! The first and third steps of the "True Qi Movement Method" can also be said to be a certain method of entering the "Professional Pill Dao". However, the other steps of the "Zhen Qi Movement Method" do not have "recession of sexual intercourse to produce medicine". The "Qi" accumulated by the "Zhen Qi Movement Method" is actually "Fuyang Qi" and not "Zhen Qi". The "Zhen Qi operation method" makes people use "floating yang energy" to "idle to serve as a supervisor" without the link of "relying on intercourse to produce medicine", which is really an irresponsible practice. "If there are no real seeds in the cauldron, it is like boiling an empty pot with a fierce fire." Just think about it, dry-boiled pot without water, won't the pot be rotten? "Empty transfer to superintendent" has no practical benefit to life, but has great disadvantages. If the "Zhen Qi running method" is not "idle-shifting as a supervisor", then it can also be regarded as a "fitness method" rather than a "pseudo method". However, "idling and supervising" is the core of "Zhen Qi running method", do you think I can still regard it as "fitness method"? In addition, not only the "True Qi Movement Method", but all the "Zhou Tian Gong" circulating in the society are all fake methods! ! ! For the drawbacks of "Idle transfer to superintendent", please refer to "Q&A of Taoist Tian Chengyang on Cultivation *Question 45", Hu Fuchen's "Twelve Lectures on Dan Dao Law *Lecture 4: Be Careful as a Superintendent", Mr. Lu Jinchuan's "Tai Chi" A Summary of Some Contents of Yang Xiu Shuo and Hu Hague's "Starting from "Returning the Essence and Replenishing the Brain", see the original text (the copy address may be incomplete, please search by yourself): ... &extra=page%3D3 … &extra=page%3D2 … o=lastpost#lastpost Taijiquan, Baduanjin, and the Jinggong that Tian Chengyang and Chen Qining admired are not alchemy kung fu. Why don't I say they are fake laws, but only say "Zhen Qi Movement Method" and other popular "Zhou Tian Gong" are fake methods? Think about it, everyone, does Li Shaobo really have the inheritance, and does he have the qualification to inherit the law? Is his line of inheritance clear, and is it recognized as orthodox by everyone? Are his patriarchs, grandmasters, and ancestral courts all real? no! ! ! Li Shaobo himself admitted that his "Zhen Qi operation method" is the "master" of "Zhou Tian Gong", a physician of the past dynasties. "Some small heavenly secrets talk about qi and essence, but Duke Lv once said that there is no other. Today, people's meritorious practices are so fascinated by all living beings." It is true that kung fu that does not conform to the alchemy Tao is not necessarily a fake method. However, plagiarizing and piecing together some of the sayings in the elixir book by virtue of a limited understanding of the elixir book, and the so-called "method of integrating great achievements", must be a fake law! ! ! Who can deny that the "Zhen Qi Movement Method" did not copy the real "Zhou Tian Gong" of Taoism? Cultivation must be done according to the "law". Although "law" is a convenience, it is not just law when used indiscriminately. There are big laws, small laws, and pseudo-laws. Self-sufficiency, deciphering the real traditional elixir, privately imagining, adapting, and creating so-called "new qigong", these are all fake methods, not even small methods. For this kind of law, although the original wish of the "law editor" may be "good", the consequences of such behavior are very bad. Therefore, the essence of these behaviors is deceptive! It will either make you practice for many years in vain, or it will make people go astray. In the qigong world back then, there were quite a few "psychic faculties" that turned people who didn't have a body into a "great immortal" (that is, insanity). Remember, practice should never be taken for granted! ! ! Therefore, the "infuriating operation method" is indeed an irresponsible pseudo-law. The "Zhen Qi Movement Method" uses the intention to keep the dantian and activate the Qi engine, and use the belly to generate heat as Zhen Qi (actually, the Qi of the Floating Yang), and use this Qi to circulate around and serve as the supervisor. This method can be used as an expedient method for temporary practice at the beginning of the Dao, it can open and close the opening and unblock the supervisor. However, long-term practice of this method is dangerous. The dangers of long-term practice of this method are: 1. There is so much water in a teacup. No matter how you pour it over and over, there is always only so much water in the teacup. Maybe it will be spilled during the handling process, and the water will be reduced! In the same way, only running Xiao Zhoutian will not "get away from copulation to produce medicine", even if you gather in Dantian or run Xiao Zhoutian, the infuriating energy in your body will not increase. Consumed, the infuriating energy will be reduced instead! 2. The mind is "fire", and the "internal medicine" is "water". Moving around the sky without "leaving copulation to produce medicine" is like a fire burning fiercely without water in a pot. Short-term practice has no obvious disadvantages, and long-term practice will inevitably burn the blood of the whole body, causing no small harm. However, if the mind is not still, there can be no stagnation. If blood and qi are suffocated by miscellaneous delusions, back gangrene will develop in the back, brain carbuncle will develop in the head, lung carbuncle and intestinal carbuncle will develop a single abdominal bulging disease, and the kidney will not produce spermatorrhea and blood, and Yangmei kidney carbuncle will occur. different. Scholars in the world are more confused by the method of Zhou Tian's transportation, and the smell of fireworks is full. Carrying all day long and thinking that it can be done, I don’t know if I want to cultivate or drive a car? After a long period of accumulated habits, there are few people who do not turn around without water and do not suffer from defects! In short, without water, fire will become more and more scorched, and the fire will become more and more fierce. If its potential cannot be contained, this evil fire will burn the body, scholars So when the ring is also. 3. For those who run Xiao Zhou Tian Gongfu, luck will go up along the Du meridian, and their blood will also go up with qi. "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic" says: "The blood and qi go up together, it is a big jue." The so-called "big jue" here Jue", that is, the so-called "stroke" and "stroke" in later generations of Chinese medicine, which is also the so-called "cerebral congestion" in Western medicine. If the Qi and blood cannot be lowered in time, the brain will be congested and the blood circulation will be blocked, which will lead to the so-called "cerebrovascular accident" in Western medicine today, which is commonly referred to as cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral thrombosis. , how can Zhou Tian mess around! Hu Hague once personally saw someone practice the Xiao Zhoutian Gongfa, open three passes, and pass through the nine orifices. One morning one summer, when he was out for a morning exercise, his anger suddenly rushed from the tail through the jade pillow to the mud pill, and the man was immediately paralyzed to the ground. After timely treatment, the body recovered, but there were still sequelae. 4. More than that, the "True Qi Movement Method" still lacks the method of refining nature (heart). Today's young people are mostly greedy. The "True Qi Movement Method" makes people hurriedly guard their dantian when their mind is not yet pure. Short-term practice has no obvious disadvantages, and long-term practice to the stage of extremely quiet and vivid, one yang recovery is bound to cause nocturnal emission in dreams (or even leakage during the practice). This kind of leakage, loss of life energy is more than normal intercourse leakage, and the damage to the body is also greater. Please think twice! "Today's people's meritocracy has both practice methods, and they are fascinated by all living beings; if there is no real seed in the cauldron, it is like boiling an empty clang with a fierce fire." criticized. In modern times, well-known monks of Taoism, such as Chen Yingning, Jia Titao, Tian Chengyang, Hu Fuchen, Lu Jinchuan, Hu Hague, Sheng Keqi, Chen Yuzhao... They all oppose the "vulgar tradition of Zhou Tiangong". Apart from the promoters and fans of the "Public Zhou Tiangong" (that is, the True Qi Movement Method), whether ancient or modern, why do so many cultivators oppose the "Plain Zhou Tiangong"? Please think twice! In addition to the "Five-step True Qi Movement Method", I found on the forum that most of the seekers who have not been taught by masters almost have a misunderstanding: they regard some of the merits recorded in the traditional alchemy book as a practice method, and use their thoughts to learn Pursue and operate these realms. This is a major misunderstanding that cannot be reproduced. Cultivation must be done according to the "law". Although "law" is a convenience, it is not just law when used indiscriminately. There are big laws, small laws, and pseudo-laws. Self-sufficiency, deciphering the real traditional elixir, privately imagining, adapting, and creating so-called "new qigong", these are all fake methods, not even small methods. For this kind of law, although the original wish of the "law editor" may be "good", the consequences of such behavior are very bad. Therefore, the essence of these behaviors is deceptive! It will either make you practice for many years in vain, or it will make people go astray. In the qigong world back then, there were quite a few "psychic faculties" that turned people who didn't have a body into a "great immortal" (that is, insanity). Many of the cultivation realms of Buddhism and Taoism are not specific exercises, they are just some "enlightenments" that are naturally obtained by cultivating according to special formulas. In the vast majority of cases, you just follow the master’s teachings and methods to cultivate, and the realm will appear automatically. You don’t need to use acquired thoughts to pursue something, and you don’t want to use acquired thoughts to deal with anything. This so-called "natural cultivation, natural success". However, many people who have not been taught by masters like to use acquired thoughts to deal with or pursue some of the "advantages" recorded in the alchemy book. This is because he does not know the connotation of the Dao of Shangfa, and secondly, he uses acquired thoughts to do kung fu according to descriptions such as the alchemy scriptures. Take cultivating the big and small Zhoutian as an example: those who have not obtained the true inheritance of the golden elixir will move the Zhoutian with the mind of heaven in the future, and use the floating air or the promising ones to gather qi in individual orifices to clear the customs as the big and small Zhoutian. These are all fake Zhoutians, and the feelings they give are all the most preliminary efforts, and they are 108,000 miles away from the real little Zhoutian. The real Zhou Tian is like the Earth Immortal and the Heaven Immortal, it is a major realm in practice, and there is no special Zhou Tian Gong. The Zhou Tian Gong Realm is naturally attained in the process of cultivating according to the law. Even Xiao Zhoutian has to pass through the ninth floor in each of the three stages. The size of the "popular legend" in modern society is only two or three layers of the nine layers of the tail. Other levels require more powerful energy to penetrate. Therefore, when you reach the level of Earth Immortal, you can cultivate through the Small Zhoutian, and when you reach the level of Heavenly Immortal, you can cultivate through the Great Zhoutian. In addition, the one orifice of the entrance is also a kind of "power realm", a kind of "power realm" that is naturally opened after cultivating the certificate according to the law. Before kung fu, there is no one orifice in the entrance. Dharma doors of different schools are different, but they are all opened automatically after kung fu (although the specific background is different, but entering the innate and generating wisdom are the common points). Therefore, the cultivation of alchemy is to achieve success and achievements according to the law. As for initiating one's mind, learning theories, doing good deeds, and even generating wisdom, they are all organic components of a cultivation system centered on kung fu and kung fu. The ancients said: "One formula is a thousand pieces of gold", this phrase can only be understood by those who experience it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
awaken Posted March 18, 2022 (edited) 轉貼這篇的一個很重要的想法,請不要把氣導引到下丹田,這是危險的行為,會傷害你的身體和心靈。 也請不要把這種行為當成丹道,這跟丹道完全是兩回事,這種導引氣到下丹田的行為,稱為搬運法,是一種被丹道修行者所反對的練法。 A very important thought for reposting this, please don't channel qi to the lower dantian, this is a dangerous act that will hurt your body and mind. Please don't take this kind of behavior as alchemy, which is completely different from alchemy. This behavior of guiding qi to the lower dantian is called the transfer method, which is a practice method opposed by alchemy practitioners. 莫把孤陰為有陽,獨修一物轉羸尪。 勞形按引皆非道,鍊氣飡霞總是狂。 畢世謾求鉛汞伏,何時得見虎龍降。 勸君窮取生身處,返本還元是藥王。 這是悟真篇的其中一段,很清楚了批評了練氣並非丹道。 不識真鉛正祖宗,萬般作用枉施功。 休妻漫遣隂陽隔,絶粒徒教腸胃空。 草木金銀皆滓質,雲霞日月屬朦朧。 更饒吐納並存想,總與金丹事不同。 這一段說得更直接了,直接批評吐納不是丹道。 Don't take the lonely yin as having yang, and cultivate one thing alone and turn it into a slut. It's not right to work according to the form, and the chain gas is always crazy. Life has been asking for lead and mercury, when will I see the tiger and dragon descend. To persuade you to live in poverty, to return the original and return the original is the king of medicine. This is one of the passages of the Enlightenment Chapter, which clearly criticizes the practice of Qi and not the Tao of alchemy. If you don't know the true ancestors of lead, you will be in vain in all kinds of roles. Divorce the wife and send the yin and yang to separate, and absolutely teach the stomach to be empty. The vegetation, gold and silver are all filthy, and the clouds, sun and moon are hazy. It is always different from the golden elixir. This paragraph is more direct, directly criticizing Tuna as not Dan Dao. 我覺得這裡有些人很誇張,練的是搬運法,卻在批評練丹道的人,一直在傳播錯誤的訊息,不看丹經。 如果我被禁言了,很明顯的,這裡已經淪落到『搬運法』的天下了,毫無是非黑白了。 I think some people here are exaggerating, they are practicing the transfer method, but they are criticizing the people who practice the alchemy way, and they have been spreading the wrong information and not reading the alchemy scriptures. If I am banned, it is obvious that this place has been reduced to the world of "transportation", and there is no right or wrong. Edited March 18, 2022 by awaken Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cleansox Posted March 18, 2022 I'm sorry to say, that there are so many specific terms in those texts that translate poorly, so the point you are trying to make is thoroughly lost. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cleansox Posted March 18, 2022 If I get it right, you are lifting the old discussion about what a proper nei dan shu should be. Truth to be told, one persons nei dan shu is the other persons "Bloody stupid practice". While nei dan is based on reversal, which is not natural in the normal sense of the word, some methods are more contrieved than others. But which methods will allow us to Awaken to Reality? And which will not? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
awaken Posted March 18, 2022 31 minutes ago, Cleansox said: I'm sorry to say, that there are so many specific terms in those texts that translate poorly, so the point you are trying to make is thoroughly lost. 可能因為作者是用的是比較中文的語法,而我在這邊使用的中文,我也會盡量採用可以容易被翻譯成英文的語法,所以你會看不懂他寫什麼。 Maybe because the author uses a more Chinese grammar, and the Chinese I use here, I will try my best to use a grammar that can be easily translated into English, so you will not understand what he wrote. 雖然你看不懂,或許別人能看得懂一些吧 只能等待緣份 Although you can't understand it, maybe others can understand it. Can only wait for fate Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
awaken Posted March 18, 2022 13 minutes ago, Cleansox said: If I get it right, you are lifting the old discussion about what a proper nei dan shu should be. Truth to be told, one persons nei dan shu is the other persons "Bloody stupid practice". While nei dan is based on reversal, which is not natural in the normal sense of the word, some methods are more contrieved than others. But which methods will allow us to Awaken to Reality? And which will not? 你這段文字也太英語了,透過google,我確實理解的也很有限,大概只有一半 Your text is also too English. Through google, I really understand very limited, only about half of it 內丹術,我不會這樣稱呼,我會說丹道 nei dan shu,I won't call like this, I will say Dan Dao. 丹道是怎麼回事,就是看悟真篇,參同契,這兩本是最根本的丹經 What's going on with the alchemy method, that is, to read the real chapters and read the same deeds. These two books are the most fundamental alchemy scriptures. 脫離了這兩本的內容,都是很有問題的 Without the content of these two books, it is very problematic 『Truth to be told, one persons nei dan shu is the other persons "Bloody stupid practice". 』 看不懂這段在說什麼,為什麼一個人的內丹術是另外一個人的血腥愚蠢練習? I don't understand what this paragraph is saying, why is one person's inner alchemy technique another person's bloody stupid practice? 內丹也不是基於反轉,我不知道你為什麼會講內丹是基於反轉 The inner alchemy is not based on reversal either, I don't know why you would say that the inner alchemy is based on reversal 你問什麼方法,那我知道了,丹道的反轉,意思是我們的注意力平常是向外的,但是要練丹道的話,注意力就要向內,所以這個反轉指的是注意力的方向 當注意力的方向轉了,修煉就開始了 What method do you ask, then I know, the reversal of Dan Dao means that our attention is usually outward, but if we want to practice Dan Dao, our attention must be inward, so this reversal refers to paying attention to direction of force When the direction of attention is turned, the cultivation begins 所以你問說什麼方法是可以到達真相的方法,就是注意力的反轉 但是要注意的,丹道練的是方向,而不是把注意力鎖定在特定的點 例如鎖定在呼吸,那肯定是錯的 或是鎖定在下丹田,那也肯定是錯的 我剛才稍早寫過一篇,起點的移動性,你還記得吧 注意力的起點是會移動的,而且隨著功力的加深,會逐漸內移 所以我們練的是方向,而不是注意力鎖定的點 一旦注意力鎖定在特定的點,那就是『住心』,就練錯了 So you ask what method is the method to reach the truth, which is the reversal of attention But it should be noted that Dan Dao practice is the direction, rather than focusing on a specific point For example locked in breath, that must be wrong Or locked in the lower dantian, it must be wrong I wrote an article a while ago, the mobility of the starting point, you remember The starting point of attention will move, and as the skill deepens, it will gradually move inward So we practice the direction, not the point of focus Once the attention is locked on a specific point, that is "hold the mind", it is wrong to practice Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
awaken Posted March 18, 2022 注意力不是鎖定在特定的點,但也不是漫無目的的放空,兩者都不是 注意力向內是有一種演化歷程的,如果有人有興趣了解,我再多說些演化歷程 否則基本原則就是鎖定不對,放空也不對 Attention is not locked on to a particular point, but neither is it aimlessly empty, neither There is an evolutionary process of paying attention inward. If anyone is interested in learning about it, I will tell you more about the evolutionary process. Otherwise, the basic principle is that locking is not right, and emptying is not right. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cleansox Posted March 18, 2022 12 minutes ago, awaken said: 你這段文字也太英語了,透過google,我確實理解的也很有限,大概只有一半 Your text is also too English. Through google, I really understand very limited, only about half of it Then we share the same problem. 😁 12 minutes ago, awaken said: These two books are the most fundamental alchemy scriptures. 脫離了這兩本的內容,都是很有問題的 Without the content of these two books, it is very problematic Would have been easier if you translated the titles. 12 minutes ago, awaken said: 『Truth to be told, one persons nei dan shu is the other persons "Bloody stupid practice". 』 看不懂這段在說什麼,為什麼一個人的內丹術是另外一個人的血腥愚蠢練習? I don't understand what this paragraph is saying, why is one person's inner alchemy technique another person's bloody stupid practice? That's an idiom, basically meaning that there is a disagreement when it comes to how to practice. And everyone likes his/her method.... 12 minutes ago, awaken said: 內丹也不是基於反轉,我不知道你為什麼會講內丹是基於反轉 The inner alchemy is not based on reversal either, I don't know why you would say that the inner alchemy is based on reversal Because it is sort of mentioned/alluded to in a classic text or two? "diandao" and "ni" are the terms that the term seems to originate from. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shubin Posted March 19, 2022 (edited) 五步真气运行法,I would translate it to "The five-steps of genuine Qi movement“. However, it is not a method of Nei dan shu. It is a qigong among hundreds qigongs, and it is not popular any more in China for many years. 漏盡閣 has nothing to do with a “leaking house”. It is a website of discussing Nei dan shu and Dao related topics. 漏盡 means "leakingless ", and 閣 is a building (pavilion). There are hundreds of interesting and important topics posted in 漏盡閣 every year, so I do not understand why you picked a 10 years old boring topic. Edited March 19, 2022 by Shubin 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bindi Posted March 19, 2022 5 hours ago, Cleansox said: Then we share the same problem. 😁 Would have been easier if you translated the titles. That's an idiom, basically meaning that there is a disagreement when it comes to how to practice. And everyone likes his/her method.... Show me an actual immortal and I’ll like his/her method most 5 hours ago, Cleansox said: Because it is sort of mentioned/alluded to in a classic text or two? "diandao" and "ni" are the terms that the term seems to originate from. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
awaken Posted March 28, 2022 On 2022/3/19 at 8:30 AM, Shubin said: 五步真气运行法,I would translate it to "The five-steps of genuine Qi movement“. However, it is not a method of Nei dan shu. It is a qigong among hundreds qigongs, and it is not popular any more in China for many years. 漏盡閣 has nothing to do with a “leaking house”. It is a website of discussing Nei dan shu and Dao related topics. 漏盡 means "leakingless ", and 閣 is a building (pavilion). There are hundreds of interesting and important topics posted in 漏盡閣 every year, so I do not understand why you picked a 10 years old boring topic. 你在漏盡閣裡面? 那你就不應該問我這個問題,你應該知道怎麼回事。 如果你不知道,那我告訴你,漏盡閣因為系統重置,造成帳號出問題,一堆人帳號登不進去,我就是其中一個。 所以我只能看到沒帳號的內容。 看看就拿來轉貼,如此而已。 Are you in the leaky pavilion? Then you shouldn't ask me this question, you should know what's going on. If you don't know, then let me tell you, due to the system reset, the account of the leaking house has problems, and a bunch of people can't log in to their accounts, and I am one of them. So I can only see content without an account. Take a look and repost, that's all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
awaken Posted March 28, 2022 (edited) On 2022/3/19 at 3:26 AM, Cleansox said: Then we share the same problem. 😁 Would have been easier if you translated the titles. That's an idiom, basically meaning that there is a disagreement when it comes to how to practice. And everyone likes his/her method.... Because it is sort of mentioned/alluded to in a classic text or two? "diandao" and "ni" are the terms that the term seems to originate from. 還是看不懂你在寫什麼 still don't know what you are talking about 我了解你看不懂中文的感受,但是我無能為力,幫不上忙,你只能自求多福了 I understand how you feel about not being able to read Chinese, but there is nothing I can do to help you, you can only ask for more Edited March 28, 2022 by awaken Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
awaken Posted March 28, 2022 On 2022/3/19 at 8:57 AM, Bindi said: Show me an actual immortal and I’ll like his/her method most 要看真正的神仙?靠自己練吧 否則你只能遇到騙子 Want to see a real fairy? practice by yourself Otherwise you can only meet liars 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shubin Posted March 28, 2022 (edited) 2 hours ago, awaken said: 你在漏盡閣裡面? 那你就不應該問我這個問題,你應該知道怎麼回事。 如果你不知道,那我告訴你,漏盡閣因為系統重置,造成帳號出問題,一堆人帳號登不進去,我就是其中一個。 所以我只能看到沒帳號的內容。 看看就拿來轉貼,如此而已。 Are you in the leaky pavilion? Then you shouldn't ask me this question, you should know what's going on. If you don't know, then let me tell you, due to the system reset, the account of the leaking house has problems, and a bunch of people can't log in to their accounts, and I am one of them. So I can only see content without an account. Take a look and repost, that's all. 很多人都是注册一个新账号,之后再看是否要恢复原来的账号。 如果你想找回原来的账号,我也可以帮你联系版主,看看能否有可能重置或解封。 Edited March 28, 2022 by Shubin Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cleansox Posted March 28, 2022 4 hours ago, awaken said: still don't know what you are talking about I can tell... 4 hours ago, awaken said: I understand how you feel about not being able to read Chinese, Actually, I feel great. But thanks for caring 😁 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
awaken Posted March 29, 2022 22 hours ago, Shubin said: 很多人都是注册一个新账号,之后再看是否要恢复原来的账号。 如果你想找回原来的账号,我也可以帮你联系版主,看看能否有可能重置或解封。 我已經註冊了新的帳號了,藍石2就是我。 因為我也很少去漏盡閣了。 主要的原因就是覺得有點浪費時間。 而且我也在漏盡閣留下了足夠的訊息,有心的人,自然會透過QQ找到我。 我會在這裡,是因為這裡是我唯一找得到的英語道家論壇。 當我覺得這裡很浪費時間的時候,我就會少來。 當我覺得可以再努力一下的時候,我就會常來。 我來的目的很明確,就是找出願意練無為丹道的人。 然後把他教會到練出金丹。 至於其他的閒聊,能省則省,人生短短,時間寶貴。 I have registered a new account, and Bluestone 2 is me. Because I seldom go to the leaking pavilion. The main reason is that it feels like a waste of time. And I have also left enough information in the leaking pavilion. Those who are interested will naturally find me through QQ. I'm here because this is the only English Taoist forum I can find. When I think it's a waste of time here, I'll come less often. When I feel like I can try harder, I come here often. The purpose of my visit is very clear, that is, to find people who are willing to practice Wuwei alchemy. Then teach him to practice Jindan. As for other small talk, you can save it if you can. Life is short and time is precious. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shubin Posted March 30, 2022 Come on, it is Leakless, not leaking. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
awaken Posted March 30, 2022 12 hours ago, Shubin said: Come on, it is Leakless, not leaking. 好,謝謝,我實在分不出這兩個字有啥不同,這是google翻譯出來的。 漏盡閣,強調的是無漏。這個名稱就已經預告了一個搬運法的核心思想。搬運法的核心思想才會以無漏為指標。 雖然練無為法練到高段也會無漏,但是搬運法的無漏,和無為法的無漏是不一樣的。 搬運法的無漏,裡面隱藏了很大的無力感,很多年輕人練習搬運法,卻造成天天漏,不練則已,越練越漏。 搬運法危害實修者真的是非常的大。 只是很遺憾的,還是很多人沈迷其中。 我也只能盡力而為。 Ok, thank you, I really can't tell the difference between these two words, this is translated by google. Leaving the pavilion, emphasizing that there is no leakage. This name has already predicted the core idea of a transport method. The core idea of the handling method will be no leakage as an indicator. Even if you practice the Wuwei method to the high level, there will be no leakage, but the no leakage of the handling method is different from the no leakage of the Wuwei method. There is no leak in the handling method, and there is a great sense of powerlessness hidden in it. Many young people practice the handling method, but they leak every day. The transport method is really very harmful to practitioners. It's just a pity that many people are still addicted to it. I can only do my best. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites