
Encounters with the Nagual

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Yeah Seadog, You are probably correct in the assumption that agriculture is a complete debacle!


I have no need of CC's contribution (only because it is the working definition of one assemblage point I habituate)!


Terror and wonder, don't mess with Mr. Inbetween. Not wasting energy by entertaining doubts or denying them.


The highest tradition in terms of subtlety is, in my opinion~ not-doing.


Cheers, Little1.

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"You see, when an ordinary person dreams, he is not able to focus his attention on anything; he doesn't have anything but his fragmented memories, fed with experiences he has accumulated in the course of his life. If that person dies, the difference is that his dream lengthens and he doesn't wake up again. It is the dream of death.


This is called "bardo" by Tibetans. This is also my view of death. However I am different in that I say waking and dreaming are cyclical. In other words, it's not the case that energy simply fades. Every fade is also a rebirth in process. It's like kinetic energy converting into potential, back to kinetic and so on. Since this process is a process of consciousness, and not a physical process, there is no such thing as friction or loss of energy. It just continues ad infinitum. Soon, new memories appear, and a new person is born.


Waking is a kind of dream, and dreaming is another dream and so is death. Tibetans would say, "it's all bardo". There is no state that's not a bardo state of some kind. In other words, folks, you are all dead right now. A-yup. Dead. Yes sirr-ee.


You don't think you are dead now, right? Of course not. So when you really die and your new dream begins, you won't think you are dead then either. This is how you go on being ignorant forever, just being reborn forever. Floating from one dream to another and never realizing it's a dream.


See, memory is empty. This is why memory can appear. The past can appear. The past doesn't have to be "from the past." When you start dreaming, suddenly there is a coherent, detailed and believable past. You can ask any dream character about the past, and you'll hear a good, coherent, believable story. And all it took was to just close your eyes in bed and relax for a second for all those colorful, vivid, believable stories to appear. So memory appears just like that, together with the visions of the past. This is how time-perception appears. It can disappear and re-appear again. You can change your past, because memory is not solid. The past is not solid. The past is a mind construct. Sometimes it changes by itself due to some traumatic or other events. At other times you can change it consciously. Or you can just be oblivious and float around forever, like ghosts. Just forever floating around, convinced you're all having real life experience. The key to this floating is to never ever question anything. If you begin to question, the dream starts to look less real and more like a dream.

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'For those who dissipated


their energy,


death is like a fleeting dream,


filled with bubbles of steadily fading memories,


and then





You see, you don't need to look for dissolution too hard...

or for the void...

we all get there, if we just sit on our asses...

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The highest tradition in terms of subtlety is, in my opinion~ not-doing.



I really agree with this. As to Castaneda, I've spent many years in the midst of his writings and on that journey. At the same time, I've loved the TTC. They are not incompatible. When one gets to the point where it is understood what the Power of Silence is (Castaneda's words), this is the same as wu-wei; it's just another vocabulary, that's all. Both the Tao and Castaneda require an impeccability of spirit to fully grasp the intended meanings.

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You have elegantly stated

that which I fully agree with.


Thank you.


- Chris



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I found this thread 5 minutes ago and skimmed through the first page.


I then navigated to youtube looking up a song called "neon bible" ... at the top of the page was a suggestion for a new castenada book ...


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It has some potential, but it looks crappy to me. Doesn't have the bite of the authentic stuff we're talking about...

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The YouTube video above is

THE ART OF NAVIGATION - Travels with Carlos Castaneda and Beyond - Book Trailer

and is narrated by Felix Wolf.


Felix is one of the former acquaintances of Carlos Castaneda

and is one of the several individuals who were in the

Tensegrity classes while CC was still alive

and who were featured in the video

"Enigma of a Sorcerer"


Please note that although the following link

is to the "Enigma.." video,

and although the video plays in my FireFox browser

when I simply click the following link,

that might only be because I have FireFox's Options

set to a cache of 1024 MB versus the default of 55 MB;

and so you will most likely find it beneficial

to download the *.avi video linked below

before you attempt to try to play it

instead of your simply clicking the link below.


Please follow the instructions below to download the file.




Downloading A File Onto Your Computer.


When a webpage 'link' is a link

to a file instead of a link to a new page, ..


Using the mouse, 'RIGHT-Click'

the file name link,

and NOT the normal left-click mouse button.


Then choose the drop-down menu item

similar to the expression

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Enigma Of A Sorcerer - Video

(The file size is approximately 746 MegaBytes [MB])

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One way to decide whether there is real knowledge in the books is to try out some of the techniques. The Recapitulation is a main method talked about especially in Taishar Abelar's book which is quite easy to learn, but if you are seriously interested you can get a class here http://www.shamanscave.com/ which goes into the technique into a much deeper level than you find in Castandeda books, with teachings about how to recpitulate body parts, recapitulate rooms and places, your energy body, your senses etc and even how to recpaitulate bones even of dead people :ninja:

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Little1, I so appreciate your starting this topic. I've been so reluctant to even mention CC anymore because of the loud hollerings of people who feel that they have been betrayed by Carlos; maybe the man went into a little dementia later on - so what? That takes nothing away from him.


I hate to make this about me, but I need to make this about me for a minute. I never searched for the CC path. My husband had started reading the books (he's very metaphysical as well, as I am) and really got into them. He started noticing that things in the book had started happening to him too - odd things with crows, with seeing maybe an entity that wasn't really there - stuff like that.


I thought that was grand, but I was still really loving the Tao and other eastern writings at that time. I gave no thought to CC. Until the things in the book started happening to me too. Until I found myself on a trail wrapped up in some roots and realizing I was in a dirt coffin. So many coincidences; I can't begin to tell you about the events with me and the little frog singing the same song, or having the cosmic sexual experience with a horse that had told my husband mentally that he wanted to have sex with me; he led me over to the horse and put my hand on the horse's neck, and the horse and I were off together on some sort of weird cosmic adventure that made both of us (me and Mr. Ed) shake.


Until these things are experienced for one's self, there is no possible way the left brain can come up with this kind of communication, lol. Shamanism is so very real, and we are so very lucky to have had Carlos Castaneda and his Don Juan to show the way to all of us; particularly those who have written fabulous books as offshoots from Castaneda - Ken Eagle Feather, etc. It just gets better and better. And it aligns closer and closer with Taoist traditions and Eastern shamanism the further up the totem pole you get.


Nobody will ever, in a thousand years, be able to convince me that Carlos Castaneda and Don Juan didn't know exactly what they were talking about. What a trip that path is. You'll end up at the same place as here, pretty much, but it's sure a ball along the way. They can holler Fraud!! all they want, Little 1, but you and I know better.

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manitou, thanks for sharing!


Edited by Little1

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It's amazing how synchronicity works, particularly when you look behind you. I had the opportunity to work the steps of recovery thru alcoholism, which started the internal process of self discovery. This aligns so clearly with the recapitulation that Carlos was required to do for years! To look at each and every setting in his life, his relationships, his wrongs, the junctions in his life that could easily have become a separate reality. The impeccability, I carry as the 11th step of recovery - to continue to take personal inventory and when wrong promptly admit it. This must relate to the impeccability of the warrior.


I just feel so strongly that so many of us on this forum dwell in the room where all paths meet. It is so wonderful.

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Torres, Armando - Three Books


2002 - Encounters With The Nagual





2010 - Secret of the Feathered Snake (Plumed Serpent)





2019 - Universal Spider-web



### End: 2020.12.22

Edited by zzR
I love me, I love you: In that order; by my free, and easy choice.

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