
If you want to learn Wu Wei Dan Dao, you can ask me questions here.

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I find that westerners have absolutely no idea why liver represents cyan

Liver represents cyan which is derived from the ancient Chinese definition

This definition can be clearly seen in the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine














The color of the liver is not just the color of the liver, but refers to the "upward qi" represented by the liver qi

Therefore, the lungs are downward Qi

The qi of the two are opposite, one goes up and the other goes down





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On 6/1/2022 at 11:50 PM, 鞏三孝 said:

eating hot dogs every day


Hot dogs kick ass. I like to get the $1 per pound at wallmart. They are an efficient and advanced form of protein, if you think about it. Not everyone can afford fillet mignon. Ironically, I have seen organ meats go for even more of a premium.


Unless you are worried about preservatives. Surely you have heard about advanced cultivators ingesting poison and not being harmed by it. So what are you afraid of?


I suppose vegetarianism would be ideal. Either way, as Jesus said (Mat 15:11-20): 


It is of far greater concern to watch the words that come out of your mouth, than the foods that go into it.

Food just gets crapped back out anyway.

Words can stick in the heart.



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On 6/1/2022 at 8:50 PM, 鞏三孝 said:

so the books don't even need to tell us. So how does Awaken know what only the authors 1000 years ago were thinking, when nobody else knows this? 

You're seeing it then.  good.

The posturing and posing as authority.


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Please pardon my slightly off topic post here. Only slightly, IMO


Many university classes I’ve had the great fortune of attending had Professors. They all did actually, some professed more adamantly than others. It was my choice to attend or not, to subject myself to a term I coined, the tyranny of professors. 
Example/ in creative writing class I was told what to write, didn’t seem right lol (at the time)

TDB, ever since my arrival, and I’m certain it was always like this on TDB, was that “teachers” would appear, begin posting, start threads, 97% of them Professing adamantly, thus drawing blowback and criticism from members who were adamant too in disagreement, often leading to insults exchanged, “teachers” deciding to leave or in some instances walked to the gate because things flamed up and someone lost their cool. However we choose to look at this recurring type of event, I think that many bums  sense a sense of loss had occurred.

Think of all of the schools that once posted here that no longer do. I can say that one such school I sense will no longer post here, the majority will not miss. But I digress, and that is a rare exception, I think regarding sense of loss rather than setting something entirely used up by the curb for pickup, where it may find use somewhere else. I am certainly not referring to anything related to this thread.

What can be done to prevent loss?

Anyone has the choice to log onto any thread they choose or not. If a bum isn’t finding value, or it isn’t there cup of tea, why go to a thread like that?

And just because one bum or several don’t see the value or validity,   Or like that flavor of soy sauce,  of any particular school or teacher doesn’t mean that some others look at it the same way. IMO

There is an abundance of choices and that is a good thing. Makes sense to me, that bums would gravitate to the threads that suits their taste or where they happen to be along the path at that time.

We all ain’t the same. Thank goodness.

We have some that think fajin is some great accomplishment while others may be trying to go through the gate of the sixth dimension, others may be trying to figure out how to breathe, or develop psychic abilities, some may want to heal, some might be window shopping, taste a little here, try it, go from there….not knowing what they’re looking for until they find it.


Bums choose the threads they visit, TDB does not endorse any. 
I have been posting recently opposing anyone to speak in absolutes or coming straight out and saying someone else is wrong. It ain’t carved in stone though, and on threads where a “teacher” is trying to lead “class” if it is their style to profess, I think we have to allow some of that. 
and will allow criticism or objections/ debate/ etc

It has always been this way on TDB but the results IMO have been a little too one sided. 
Consider to leave a thread rather than flame things up. No one is silencing anyone under my watch, except in the extreme rare cases that devolved into only trolling flame wars.  
TDB is a platform for any “teacher” to try and find a student. It has always been this way—-
Good students are hard to find—-

it has always been this way 


don’t be that bum who lost their cool



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On 3/30/2022 at 8:47 AM, awaken said:

If you have any questions, you can ask me here.




Somewhere, you said you know exactly what was meant at the time it was written a thousand years ago.


please overlook my lack of effort to locate that exact post.


my question is, is this solely due to your experience during practice?


And I have a follow up question;

how are you 100% certain the writings did not influence your experience?

 The power of suggestion can be a powerful thing.

Also, another question. Is this spontaneous gong is entirely functional due to the individual’s own effort and does not have any guidance from celestial or other dimensional sources?

Edited by zerostao

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4 hours ago, zerostao said:


Somewhere, you said you know exactly what was meant at the time it was written a thousand years ago.


please overlook my lack of effort to locate that exact post.


my question is, is this solely due to your experience during practice?


And I have a follow up question;

how are you 100% certain the writings did not influence your experience?

 The power of suggestion can be a powerful thing.

Also, another question. Is this spontaneous gong is entirely functional due to the individual’s own effort and does not have any guidance from celestial or other dimensional sources?


















QQ Group ID:159754069







自發功本來就是人體本能之一,我不知道你為什麼會問這個問題,跟天體有關? 跟其他次元有關?























Your question was asked more than ten years ago.

Some people even say that this is my personal experience and does not represent the actual effect

So I started teaching courses in QQ in 2014

So far, my students have kept at least four diaries every month, and there are about twenty people who can stick to it.

My teaching has always been through diaries, not through courses, because people who are not at the level can't understand a lot of inner teaching

So the question of your sentence, I am the same, invite you to practice together, practice with me, you will know the difficulty of language communication

If you have doubts about what I say, please visit my students and hear what they have to say

My eloquence is not good, but some of my students are much better than me. I believe they will give you more scientific answers. They are in QQ


QQ Group ID:159754069



Recently, a student is a doctor of law from Peking University. He is very good expressiveness and once gave a speech at TED. You can ask him for advice.



Spontaneous gong is one of the instincts of the human body. I don’t know why you ask this question. Is it related to celestial bodies? Is it related to other dimensions?

How do you recognize that celestial bodies and other dimensions exist?

Spontaneous gong is to relax and make the body free, that's all, why should it be related to celestial bodies and other dimensions?

If we start practicing from the sitting position, there is a big problem, that is, the qi is too weak

The qi of spontaneous gong is very strong, so it can quickly open up the meridians and accumulate enough qi before it can be smoothly transformed into light

Although someone like me who can see light by nature can see light without spontaneous gong

But if there is no spontaneous gong, my light can only stay in the state of black liver and cannot evolve

So I started practicing spontaneous gong in 2004, and since then, my qi has become stronger

It began to produce positive evolution, and finally figured out what the classics were writing about

The advantage of spontaneous gong is that the qi is strong, and it does not restrict the direction of the qi, so it conforms to the principle of natural evolution

It can make Qi evolve into light smoothly

There can also be strong enough qi for the black liver light to evolve into a more advanced light

that's the purpose

It has nothing to do with monsters or supernatural event

Of course I know that there are a lot of spontaneous practitioners who have combined with strange powers.

But Buddhism is also a lot of combination with strange power and chaos gods

Taoism is also often combined with strange power and chaos gods

If a person's mind only has strange powers and chaos, no matter what he encounters, it will be twisted into strange powers and chaos.












You have another question, did these writings affect my experience?

I practiced the large full moon and other three-stage yangsheng interior scenes in 2011

I was very confused at the time, I asked everywhere, but no one could give me a definite answer

Later, I had to go to the Taoist classics to find the answer, and then I found the answer in the books such as Wuzhen chapter and Shentongqi.

So these books are what I read later

The key to leading me to practice the three stages of yangsheng is not the realization of
WuZenPian or CantonQi, but the key to two people, one is Krishnamurti and the other is Lin Xiaozong

Krishnamurti's liberation from the known made me aware of the limitations of the mind and thoughts

Lin Xiaozong let me know the power of spontaneous gong












Of course, in addition to these two people, there are other key people, too many

For example, the Huangdi Nei Jing, a classic of traditional Chinese medicine, let me know the level of qi. Qi is not only in the meridians, but also in the zang-fu organs

While I practiced spontaneous gong, I also started to learn Chinese medicine

So I have been studying Chinese medicine for 18 years

My TCM teacher is Ni Haixia



There is also the understanding of Xiuan Guang, the main inspiration is Huang Yuanji and Li Hanxu



The main inspiration for the understanding of black liver and rabbit marrow is Zhang Boduan








The understanding of the Four Dhyanas and Eight Concentrations mainly comes from the Buddha's Ahan Sutra

There are many other people, if you say too much, you may not know

Because many are ancient



I often consult two websites of Buddhist scriptures








Yesterday I was talking about Tsongkhapa with my students

I gave them a homework

Ask them to identify what's reasonable and what's not in one of Tsongkhapa's essays

One of the students found



《密宗道次第廣論》卷5:「外四支念誦中初事支者,於自生為本尊之前應修空性,當如是思。自與本尊俱無自性,自身五蘊依止四大諸佛了達於勝義中猶如虛空,於名言中猶如影像。除彼所見更無過上,故自亦應如彼所見而正通達。自及所修本尊俱無自性,是緣起故,猶如影像。次想自與本尊無自性之空性,二無分別。必須獲得堅固定解,乃生本尊。《大日經》云:「若諸菩薩由密咒門行菩薩行,當於身中生起身色。較正等覺更無過上。如我之眼耳鼻舌身是四大種所攝,自性本空,唯假名攝,等同虛空。從業因起不可取執,猶如影像。如是如來現正等覺,亦是互依緣起相續。凡是緣生即同影像。由是因緣,互緣起故,天即是我,我即是天。如是應由身色生起天身。」四部修天之前皆應如是修習空性,若未以見抉擇,唯誦娑拔嚩等真言,收攝現事,全無心要。略釋論中亦引以離一異正理決擇蘊無自性修天瑜伽之教。又從空中起天之法,《略釋論》云:「修本尊瑜伽師,此世俗次第中明二種相,一者謂自心相離一切相,變成月輪等相,而修自身為天。」此說有先修月輪等而生,及不修彼等頓生之二法。說是此經〈天真實品〉等中所說。現譯經中缺此。若依前法,先想自心變為圓滿月輪,上有嗡字。從彼收放光明,自身變成毘盧遮那佛。一面二臂,手結定印。其身金色光鬘圍繞,坐白蓮花及月輪座,頭戴寶冠頂有髮髻,身穿絹羅上下二衣。咒印加持之法,廣略隨宜,茲不詳述。次於前面修與自相同之如來,是為第二事支。次於彼尊心間月輪,安布所誦咒鬘,是為四支念誦。此如《大日經》云:「字與字相合,如是事成事,善防護心意,持誦一洛叉。字是菩提心,第二是為聲,事於自身處,當立自為天,應知第二事,是佛兩足尊。咒師於彼心,想清淨月輪,諸字如次第,於中善安布,當加收攝句,修習命及力。命即說為風,說力名為念,防護此二已,先善修承事。」二種字者,兩部《大日經》釋皆未明說。然如前引《後靜慮釋》,說是四支中之月輪咒鬘。有說為修天時之月輪及咒者,非是經義。防護命力,先於明顯天身求安住分,次緣諸字修念誦等,與前事部所說皆同。此經又云:「咒師一月中,善防護念誦,先行密咒者,一事入一事,大稱一切佛,說名為前行。」此說修習一月,一事入一事者,謂緣前方心間月輪所布咒鬘。若生疲厭,可與自心展轉而修。經說意中念誦,且舉一例,俱說意誦與微誦故。《大日經》云:「或由意持誦,或微聲二相,勝瑜伽當觀。」又此二中,先修微聲念誦。意念誦時遮止命力,與前說同。」(CBETA 2022.Q1, B10, no. 68, p. 818a1-b1)





But I doubt anyone here can see the problem

Edited by zerostao
Edited only what was posted by me in the quote box. Not have rather than have.
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6 hours ago, silent thunder said:

You're seeing it then.  good.

The posturing and posing as authority.


Needing to feel absolute authority...

So easy to unintentionally become an authoritarian. 


76.人之生也柔弱,其死也堅強;萬物、草木之生也柔脆,其死也枯槁。 故堅強者,死之徒;柔弱者,生之徒。是以兵強則不勝,木強則折。強大處下, 柔弱處上。
In life, man is supple and tender; in death, he becomes rigid and stark. Myriad things such as grass and trees are supple and frail in life, and shrivelled and dry in death. Therefore, the rigid and stark are disciples of death, while the supple and weak are disciples of life. Therefore the army that uses strength cannot win, the tree that stands firm will break. The strong and large are subordinate, the soft and weak are superior.


{not my own translation, just borrowing :blush:}

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come listen to a good song


[00:00.849] 作词 : 代岳东/王裕仁/忘语
[01:26.911]任我 跌跌宕宕 浮浮沉沉 过一生
[01:34.601]太多纷扰 太多执念 何必太认真
[01:41.195]看得 真真切切 明明白白 每一寸
[01:49.037]聚散离合 一笑而过 你我皆凡人
[02:43.387]任我 跌跌宕宕 浮浮沉沉 过一生
[02:50.803]太多纷扰 太多执念 何必太认真
[02:57.546]看得 真真切切 明明白白 每一寸
[03:05.460]聚散离合 一笑而过 你我皆凡人
[03:25.960]任我 跌跌宕宕 浮浮沉沉 过一生
[03:33.959]太多纷扰 太多执念 何必太认真
[03:40.223]看得 真真切切 明明白白 每一寸
[03:48.262]聚散离合 一笑而过 你我皆凡人


[00:00.849] Lyricist: Dai Yuedong/Wang Yuren/Wangyu
[00:02.549]Arrangement: Cen Siyuan
[00:27.018]Escape from the world
[00:30.344]There is no need to ask the way back
[00:33.935]The mood is like still water
[00:36.326]There is a world inside
[00:41.285]Half life ups and downs
[00:44.583]Don't ask about the past
[00:48.049]May the hands
[00:50.291]I can pick up the stars
[00:54.994]Fix my heart
[00:56.914]A half-life mad dream
[01:04.145]Heartbeat like spring rain
[01:09.254]Light a beacon
[01:11.299]Teach me to break through all living beings
[01:16.238]Is it phantom or empty
[01:18.630]Who took my soul
[01:26.911]Let me go through ups and downs, ups and downs, live a life
[01:30.832]I dare to fly into the fire and love and hate
[01:34.601]Too much trouble, too much obsession, why take it too seriously
[01:41.195]I can see it clearly and clearly, every inch
[01:45.463]Who will push the door of enlightenment with me
[01:49.037]Gathering, breaking, and laughing, you and I are both mortals
[01:58.472]Escape from the world
[02:01.165]There is no need to ask the way back
[02:04.636]The mood is like still water
[02:06.829]There is a universe inside
[02:11.548]Fix my heart
[02:13.368]Retain my half-life crazy dream
[02:20.459]Heartbeat like spring rain
[02:25.534]Light a beacon
[02:27.521]Teach me to break through all living beings
[02:33.223]Is it illusory or empty
[02:34.804]Who took my soul
[02:43.387]Let me go through ups and downs, ups and downs, live a life
[02:47.618]I dare to fly into the fire and love and hate
[02:50.803]Too much trouble, too much obsession, why take it too seriously
[02:57.546]I can see it clearly and clearly, every inch
[03:01.902]Who will push the door of enlightenment with me
[03:05.460]Gathering, breaking, and laughing, you and I are both mortals
[03:25.960]Let me go through ups and downs, ups and downs, live a life
[03:30.340]Also dare to fly into the fire, love and hate
[03:33.959]Too much trouble, too much obsession, why take it too seriously
[03:40.223]I can see it clearly and clearly, every inch
[03:44.616]Who will push the door of enlightenment with me
[03:48.262]Gathering, breaking, and laughing, you and I are both mortals

Edited by awaken
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11 hours ago, awaken said:

… 自發功就是放鬆,讓身體自由,如此而已 …  

True. That’s how I did it. : )



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56 minutes ago, Cobie said:

True. That’s how I did it. : )








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13 minutes ago, awaken said:

… 你還要懂中觀

I have always understood this, was born that way. : )



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Dream of Red Mansions:
Even if there are three thousand weak rivers, I will only take a scoop to drink


Just waiting for the person with bright eyes







Dao's delivery

No need for more people

As long as one really reached




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5 minutes ago, Cobie said:

I understood this from birth. : )











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15 hours ago, zerostao said:

Please pardon my slightly off topic post here. Only slightly, IMO


Many university classes I’ve had the great fortune of attending had Professors. They all did actually, some professed more adamantly than others. It was my choice to attend or not, to subject myself to a term I coined, the tyranny of professors. 
Example/ in creative writing class I was told what to write, didn’t seem right lol (at the time)

TDB, ever since my arrival, and I’m certain it was always like this on TDB, was that “teachers” would appear, begin posting, start threads, 97% of them Professing adamantly, thus drawing blowback and criticism from members who were adamant too in disagreement, often leading to insults exchanged, “teachers” deciding to leave or in some instances walked to the gate because things flamed up and someone lost their cool. However we choose to look at this recurring type of event, I think that many bums  sense a sense of loss had occurred.

Think of all of the schools that once posted here that no longer do. I can say that one such school I sense will no longer post here, the majority will not miss. But I digress, and that is a rare exception, I think regarding sense of loss rather than setting something entirely used up by the curb for pickup, where it may find use somewhere else. I am certainly not referring to anything related to this thread.

What can be done to prevent loss?

Anyone has the choice to log onto any thread they choose or not. If a bum isn’t finding value, or it isn’t there cup of tea, why go to a thread like that?

And just because one bum or several don’t see the value or validity,   Or like that flavor of soy sauce,  of any particular school or teacher doesn’t mean that some others look at it the same way. IMO

There is an abundance of choices and that is a good thing. Makes sense to me, that bums would gravitate to the threads that suits their taste or where they happen to be along the path at that time.

We all ain’t the same. Thank goodness.

We have some that think fajin is some great accomplishment while others may be trying to go through the gate of the sixth dimension, others may be trying to figure out how to breathe, or develop psychic abilities, some may want to heal, some might be window shopping, taste a little here, try it, go from there….not knowing what they’re looking for until they find it.


Bums choose the threads they visit, TDB does not endorse any. 
I have been posting recently opposing anyone to speak in absolutes or coming straight out and saying someone else is wrong. It ain’t carved in stone though, and on threads where a “teacher” is trying to lead “class” if it is their style to profess, I think we have to allow some of that. 
and will allow criticism or objections/ debate/ etc

It has always been this way on TDB but the results IMO have been a little too one sided. 
Consider to leave a thread rather than flame things up. No one is silencing anyone under my watch, except in the extreme rare cases that devolved into only trolling flame wars.  
TDB is a platform for any “teacher” to try and find a student. It has always been this way—-
Good students are hard to find—-

it has always been this way 


don’t be that bum who lost their cool



























There are indeed a lot of people here who like to make personal attacks on others

Such is the quality of man

have good

also bad

bad, we stay away from him, ignore him

good, let's make friends and talk


Forums are inherently messy places

This isn't the first forum I've been to

Nor is it the only forum I've been on


It's good to have you here

you are a wise man

grateful to have you


About the so-called teacher teaching

I didn't volunteer to be a teacher

It's when I find out what I'm saying that almost everyone doesn't understand

I knew that I had to teach them so that I could communicate with them

The inner world, if not to a certain point, is completely incommunicable

Talking to a hundred blind men about color is worse than talking to someone who can see, right?



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Publish the answer


The mind is separated from all appearances and (the light) becomes the moon wheel






My teaching is to "getting away from the illusion is to know what is illusion", but if there is no "illusion", it is difficult to tell the students how to "leave"

If there is no teacher-student relationship, it is difficult to tell him what "illusion" is, because those who are obsessed with illusion will not admit that they are addicted to illusion



If you don't achieve "getting away from the illusion is to know what is illusion", you will never be able to reach the full moon



For the inner full moon is not a full moon, but a pure white light from the central vein of the empty






What I teach is the ultimate Dharma taught in the scriptures

So in the face of people with poor qualifications, I have no choice but to stay away from these people

Because it's a very difficult road



If there is no transparent mind, only a heart full of desire, there is no way to cultivate

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I have some rules for myself when interacting with people online so that I don't waste too much time arguing with others

For example, do not communicate with people who do not want to cultivate

When I confirm that there is absolutely no hope for someone to reach the third stage of yang birth, I will give up communicating with this person

Because the only reason I spend time on the internet is to find out who has the potential to reach the third stage of yangsheng






I'm not doing nothing all day, just surfing the web to find someone to chat with

In fact I don't need anyone to chat at all

I go online just to find genuine practitioners






So when you were identified as hopeless by me

I can only apologize to you, my time is limited

I just want to save time for the important people










I see a lot of people here who like to have a fight

Of course this is the source of the forum's vitality

I have followed this tradition

But I find it too wasteful for me

So when I find someone like that, I put someone like that on the ignore list

This can avoid wasting too much time on people who don't want to cultivate

Then I can focus my time on those who want to cultivate



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My teaching is through journaling

There is no set way

I will check to see if your cultivation can evolve

Because the focus of alchemy cultivation lies in evolution

If you can generate the ability to evolve

It will be able to evolve from Qi to light and samadhi, and then evolve into Yang Sheng, resulting in Jin Dan.

So if you are interested in cultivating Wuwei Dan Dao with me

Please send me a private message and I will open a diary topic for you in the private discussion area

Then look in your journal for suggestions for improvement

This is how I teach

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For beginners, the reason for using spontaneous exercise is because there is no limit to the posture of spontaneous exercise.

Since spontaneous gong is not limited by posture, posture and action follow the qi

Therefore, the qi can be freed to open up the meridians

This way of letting qi free can induce a strong sense of qi, and can quickly open up the meridians

Faster results than sitting still , standing still , fixed posture or fixed movements.


Therefore, I will ask the beginners to start from spontaneous gong.

I give another topic about spontaneous gong.

Please read them first.



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Someone opened a topic and asked what it felt like to open the meridians

That's a bit of an exaggeration

It is not difficult to open the meridians, why don't you practice it and you will know










































Meridians are complex, not a single feeling

The earliest sense of air is a shift in the center of gravity, and you may feel the back and forth swaying

You may also experience an increase

may feel floating upwards

earthquake may be felt

A little more advanced, you will feel a weak current on the skin

May start with the skin of the hands

then the skin of the head

Then the whole body skin

If you advance a bit, you may feel that there is Qi flowing in your body

Might as well start with hands




If you advance a little, you may feel the qi circle in the body

more common in the abdomen

If you advance a little, you may feel the qi beating in your body

more common in the abdomen


back of head


palms will also

even the soles of the feet

A little advanced, you may also feel the swirling air circling upwards from the abdomen

You may feel the chi in your hands pulling the chi in your body

You may feel that wherever your mind is, you can generate qi anywhere in your body

A little more advanced you may feel a weak current moving in the bones




rib cage

thigh bone

calf tibia

ankle bone

nasal bridge

When expelling badQi, you will also feel the bad Qi in your body being discharged through your hands or feet

You will feel a rush of heat escaping from your feet along your thighs

You will also feel the heat evaporating in your body and evaporating from the top of your head

Wait for the others to come to mind

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Of course, I also had some strange Qi sense

For example, the epidermis of the forehead suddenly feels a burst of Qi

It seems like a puff of qi exploded in my forehead


For example I feel a big hole in my forehead

The hole is about eight centimeters in diameter.


For example I feel a big hole in the top of my head

This big hole is about as wide as my head


For example, I can feel the frantic beating of the abdomen of a transfer method practitioner through the Internet

For example, I can feel the wind rising on the back of a transfer method through the Internet

For example, I can feel a person's body's bad Qi through the Internet

For example, I can feel someone hate me all of a sudden, and my scalp is brushed with a weird electric current

For example, I can feel that someone is liking me, and my heart chakra is brushed with a warm heart

Of course, I won't dare to meet him next time to avoid disputes.



I can also feel that someone is angry through the Internet, and there is a sense of irritability in my chest



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12 hours ago, awaken said:

For example, I can feel the frantic beating of the abdomen of a transfer method practitioner through the Internet

For example, I can feel the wind rising on the back of a transfer method through the Internet

For example, I can feel a person's body's bad Qi through the Internet




Are you sure you are not overestimating your abilities? You mistakenly judged that I was a practitioner of the "Transportation Method", and said that you knew that I was practicing these methods, but I was definitely not practicing.


12 hours ago, awaken said:


I can also feel that someone is angry through the Internet, and there is a sense of irritability in my chest



How can you be sure that the source of that "irritable qi" is not within yourself?



These are not just rhetorical questions. Remote diagnosis requires special training, otherwise misjudgment is easy.

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These scents are not the point

it's just a process

Even if you can feel the Qi of others

It's just like one more sense

Sometimes it's not good

For example, if you meet someone with bad thoughts, you will often feel a bad aura.




It's like passing through a plastic factory that emits exhaust fumes

 just want to leave now





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But for a beginner


you just need to have the attitude of 'Keep Xin and then Qi will return itself. No matter movements or stillness, you all know what is the main role inside your heart' is enough.



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