awaken Posted April 30, 2022 道家的修煉,雖然有老子的道德經,莊子等等,但是我們從老子道德經和莊子書中,可以看到這兩位對於道家修煉的究竟,也僅止於『傳說』,難道沒有人懷疑過,在這兩位的心中的『傳說』究竟是什麼? 我的想法,這兩位心中的傳說之古人,應該是就是來自古埃及夏朝傳承的『醫官』或者『神廟』,類似岐伯這樣的人物陰真君還丹歌註 從陳摶的陰真君還丹歌注,似乎可以略窺一二古代此等人物的風采。 北方正氣為河車, 北方黑帝,極尊也,人之下元陰也。正氣者屬水,人之血也。河車者,北方氣流歸南方,以火煉水成塵,得變為河車下元精也。北方黑屬水,人之腎也。腎為人生根本,分作日月 · 之精,虛無之氣,腎王即化為赤子也。 東方甲乙名金砂, 東方為青帝,主肝,甲乙者。以北方水,南方火,火生於木,以水養之,鬱鬱生於青翠,故日甲乙也。屬木,主人丹田也。生金砂者,今天下水有恆河沙數,只如漢江之水,嘉陵之江中,自生金砂,工人淘取煉成黃金也。故又法:以探於人身者,居上丹田,有屋宅,號為玉泉洞,洞中有玉泉水,名為清淨源,探之功志,名號大功德神水。不知涯岸,納至下丹田,日久自結為砂。 兩情含養歸一體, 兩者,陰陽也;天為陽,地為陰;左為陽,右為陰。陰陽者,夫妻也。在身上,丹田為陽,下屬陰,含養四時,運動五行,天地交感,百物自生。日含月,自然光明,月含日,自然生星宿。夫順妻和,遂生男女。今以法探上丹田大功德神水,修煉納至下元玉室含運。 朱雀調養生金華。 朱雀者,火也,在地者南方丙丁火,在天者熒惑星也。在地為火,在人為心,其火生滅由人,大包天地,細入毫釐,制之則止,放之則狂,經中呼為明火。火調運者,修煉為泥,以火燒作甍瓦,千萬年不朽;木以燒作炭,在土中,以得千萬年,其炭還在。人以調伏,探上丹田玉泉中水,以心火修煉之,入下丹田,鎳之玉牢之關。玉牢之關,別有陰丹之法,自然別生其魂,日月久深,自然色煥以結成,號日金池也。《大丹訣》云:金父木母真鉛汞也。鉛含五彩,屬北方水,水中有金,金作隄防,故號金華。 金華生出天地寶, 金華者,似漢江之水中金砂,自然生其中也。探丹於水中,居人下部精室之中。日久水中精成金塵,自然為珠,以號水中火出。又一法:留下部之精,以心火運轉居上元,自然結為珠,居泥丸官,以號火中出水。故《黃庭經》云:玉清池水灌靈根,審能修之可長存也。 人會此言真正道。 會者非幾人,人不信道,道號虛無。故經日:大道非常道。道如虛空,無所依。訣云:如魚在水,不見其水,人處道中,不見其道。龍不見其山石,鬼不見其土。此言者,豈妄說也!真正道者,人之精華也,多失泄於婦女,即生男女,更面貌形神,真似父母,根性若也。結留住在己身,又探上元之水,用合下田為丹,名日珍寶。故《陰符經》云:陰場相推,自然調和。人會此言。真正道畢矣! 子稱虎,卯為龍,龍虎相生自合同。 此二語,兩支事。子虎者,屬陰,陰者,屬女,女之水性,故號北方壬癸,此是水之位。《黃帝訣》云:呼之為黑鉛,能伏汞為砂,若人得真道,入陽丹田,以用之子後午前是也。龍屬木,木者東方木,訣雲汞也。汞者屬火,又呼為水銀是也。一云:綠水銀若有藥制伏得伏火,即成世寶。若人身中,即精華是也。訣云:以陰煉陽,其真可長。其法須在一支屬陰也。丹論云:陽動不能伏,陰殺不可伏也。若養之令伏,陰死陽生,生者如水銀伏火,以成世寶。陽,汞伏於陰,不動定為身寶。故《經》云:就養靈柯不復枯,閉塞命門保玉都。舌上探結,行之子後午前,探上玉泉中水,亦日陽汞。將含陰時,探者鉛水,號日雙龍虎。故《天豐上經》云:始青之下月與日,兩物相和合成一。出彼玉池入金室,人各有之慎勿失,子若得之萬事畢。豈在於外乎! 龍居震位,當其八,虎數元生在一宮。 此是朔至望行之,探上法行道,增魂;從望至晦喊之,益魄也。男八歲齒生,十六為之中,十歲已下,得法修真為上,餘並得屍解者也。 採有日,取有時, 上法行之,取避晦望朔。起下法者,候天上月圓,人神遍體,探之日月,順則有時,子後午前卯是也。探陰氣歸上泥九官,故經云:溉養靈柯不復枯也。雖不施精,亦還美,日日於珠,常為大空,空無可望可為,空中有物,元其空是陰氣轉上歸泥九官,卻取玉池中水,灌入下丹田金室之中,其元頭來,人亦不知從何處來,去歸何處,方位安排那裡,各有神化,日久自然變為寶珠。所以人皆不死是也。故經雲大道無形也。 世人用之,而不知收取,氣候若差錯,萬般工力徒勞施。 或遇天地禁忌,安排不知去處,或值,陰戶不開,取意行為害,令人速衰老也。故云:得一之時崑崙後,雖當截舌不忽道。妄言傳於世人,叉定流血身先夭。法文若常人則不可受也。其文傳在太一官,經云:太一有君,皆雲在心景中,不思議,誰能得見,不可度量也。居人頭,為崑崙,上官室,神明居,泊各有室宅。自項上至頭,自占九官,其神各有名字,在太一上索靈中,別有要文。至下臍室,別有三官,此依前十二官,各有樓臺。故《內景經》云:內有重樓十二級此是也。又丹田有十二樓,應十二時,用轉法也。 至神至聖極容易, 智者其探二件藥在身,雖不知涯岸,身有神明知也。但人只以浮花,皆不知變化,故云知長生道,敵隔萬山。是知幾間世人,不可知也。求官中者,向身上十二官求覓,方知大道之鼎器者,神聖也。 先向宮中求鼎器, 其法不傳,不可露天文,故《道經》云:金玉滿堂,莫之能守,富貴而驕,自遺其咎。是為人生下,綠天地人,須皆近驕奢富貴,不尋於大道也。 溫養火候審陰陽, 溫養者,令人無喜怒也;火候者,以心火四季之月,加喊行之兩數,其法在口傳。養陰陽者,別識真陰真陽,居人二命,探合為命級從。訝云:二物同一體。 安排鑪室須擇地。 安排者,探上真氣水,安於下元;探下陰氣水,運於上元,安排各著鑪室,自神化之功。若安排不著去處,於身有禍。鑪室者,妙法在女,別在陰丹一訣丹上法。鑪室者,以身口為鑪也,電者,以官室為寵是也。破不堪使用者,是人用過者弊物,不堪使用,是已不中也。房中至甚五級者,大肥不堪用,大瘦不堪用。道三合五級者,是十五已上,二十已下,是中道。人氣二十已上,並是不堪使用。可用須借其氣合汞者方住,以無制之,被鬼神偷他也。上擇地者,是知官室時候。 不得地,莫妄為, 幾欲煉其陰者,若不依前說年紀人,及鼎器之物,不可成寶。不及年借氣用之,即得暫住,有卻息除魔之功,又不得上救助之力也。若在法度,須不失度數行之,少年成寶也。若只欲取意行之,萬無一成也。 切須隱密審護持, 幾欲行道靜隱,閑居`導引,叩齒集神,握固平坐,密而行之。護持者,喊食少語,莫喜怒。 保守莫泄天地機。 保守者,盡一身之行用,若行年十歲,頭尾至心,行用久,即慢易,有頭無尾,定虛費工夫也。千萬不成矣! 此藥變化不思議。 其服藥之功,九年不失候,增喊十六兩數足,功滿三千,行有八百,藥方成,易矣!.天不能殺,地不能埋,其功不可思議。註天地有變化,其身堅固,其功有三:上者得上仙,中下者只得屍解也。 陽真砂, 下元陰精法,結為砂,上元陰時探者,沉以為砂,屬陽氣。 陰真汞, 上元氣結成寶,下元氣入崑崙泥丸,註為珠,可照三千大千世界矣! 時人求之莫妄動。 世人多取五金八石,諸般草木燒之,要覓大還丹,豈不妄也? 無質生質是還丹, 從無入有,從有入無,將無質氣,結為陰氣交感是也。大丹無藥,五行真氣是矣! 凡汞凡砂不勞弄。 世人取砂銀為汞,取朱銅鐵為砂是也,若將此求道,不成也。 逢此訣,會此言若逢此歌,煉之餌之,成真仙。 若逢此歌,免妄為諸事,遂默心修煉,靜意保持,不退初心,勤進前志,方乃煉之餌之成真仙耳。 陰真君還丹歌註 竟 Daoist cultivation, although there are Laozi's Daodejing, Zhuangzi, etc., but we can see from Laozi's Daodejing and Zhuangzi's book, we can see that these two people's cultivation of Daoism is only "legend", no one doubts However, what is the "legend" in the hearts of these two? In my opinion, these two ancient legends in their hearts should be "medical officers" or "temples" inherited from the Xia Dynasty of ancient Egypt, and people like Qi Bo Zhenjun Huan Dan Song Note From Chen Tuan's notes on Yin Zhenjun's return to Dan's song, it seems that we can get a glimpse of the demeanor of such characters in ancient times. The righteousness of the north is the river cart, The black emperor of the north is extremely respectful, and he is also the primordial yin under people. The righteous person belongs to water, the blood of human beings. For the river chariot, the air flow from the north returns to the south, and the water is refined into dust with fire, and it becomes the essence of the river chariot. Black in the north belongs to water, and it is also the kidney of human beings. The kidney is the foundation of life, divided into the essence of the sun and the moon, and the qi of nothingness, and the king of the kidney is transformed into a child. East A and B are Jinsha, The east is the Qing Emperor, who is in charge of the liver and the A and B. With water in the north, fire in the south, fire is born of wood, nourished by water, and stagnant is born of greenery, so the sun is the first and the second. It belongs to wood, and its owner is Dantian. For those who produce gold sand, there are as many as the Ganges River sand in the water today, just like the water of the Han River, and in the river of Jialing, gold sand is produced by itself, and workers scour it out and refine it into gold. Therefore, there is another method: Those who probe into the human body live on the Dantian, have a house, and are called Yuquan Cave. There is jade spring water in the cave, which is called Qingjingyuan. I do not know the end of the shore, and it is taken to the lower dantian, and it becomes sand after a long time. The two loves are united, Both are yin and yang; the sky is yang and the earth is yin; the left is yang and the right is yin. Yin and Yang, husband and wife. On the body, the dantian is yang, subordinate to yin, nourishing the four seasons, exercising the five elements, heaven and earth are sympathetic, and all things are self-producing. The sun contains the moon, naturally bright, the moon contains the sun, and the stars are naturally born. Husbands and wives reconciled, and a man and a woman were born. Today, I use the method to explore the great merit and divine water of Dantian, and cultivate and accept it to the lower Yuan jade room. Suzaku recuperates Jinhua. Suzaku is the fire, the earth is the southern Bingding fire, and the sky is Yinghuoxing. Fire in the earth, heart in people, the fire is born and extinguished by people, it covers the heaven and the earth, and it is fine to the millimeter. When it is restrained, it stops, and when it is released, it becomes mad. It is called an open fire in the scriptures. For those who use fire to make fortunes, they cultivate into mud, and they use fire to make tiles and tiles, which are immortal for thousands of years. When wood is burned to make charcoal, they can be in the soil for thousands of years, and the charcoal will remain there for thousands of years. People use subduing, explore the water in the jade spring in the Dantian, cultivate it with the fire of the heart, and enter the lower Dantian, the gate of the jade prison of nickel. The pass of the Jade Prison, there is no method of Yin Dan, it naturally separates its soul, the sun and the moon are long and deep, and the natural color glows to form, and it is also called the Golden Pond of the Sun. "Great Dan Jue" says: The golden father and the wooden mother are really lead and mercury. Lead contains five colors, belongs to the northern water, there is gold in the water, and the gold is used as a dike, so it is called Jinhua. Jinhua gave birth to treasures from heaven and earth, Jinhua is like gold sand in the water of the Han River, and it naturally grows in it. Exploring elixir in the water, inhabiting the lower part of the fine room. Over time, the fineness of the water becomes gold dust, which naturally becomes a pearl, which is called fire in the water. Another method: keep the essence of the department, use the fire of the heart to run the upper yuan, naturally form a pearl, live in the mud ball, and use the fire to produce water. Therefore, the "Huang Ting Jing" says: Yuqing Pond irrigates spiritual roots with water, and if it can be repaired, it can last forever. People will really say this. There are not a few people in the meeting, people do not believe, and the Taoist name is nothing. Hence the Sutra: The Great Dao is very Dao. The Tao is like emptiness, with nothing to rely on. The formula goes: Just like a fish in water, it does not see its water; a person is in the Tao, but does not see its Tao. Dragons don't see its rocks, ghosts don't see its soil. Whoever said this, how dare he say it! The true Taoist, the essence of human beings, is mostly lost to women, that is, to give birth to men and women, and to have more appearance and spirit, really like parents, with similar roots and nature. The knot stayed in his body, and he probed into the water of Yuan, and used the Hexia field as an elixir, known as the treasure of the sun. Therefore, the "Yin Fu Jing" says: Yin fields push each other and naturally harmonize. People will say this. Really finished! The tzu called the tiger, and the Mao called the dragon. These two words, two things. Zihu belongs to yin, and yin belongs to female. The female is watery, so it is called the Northern Rengui, which is the position of water. "The Yellow Emperor's Art" says: Call it black lead, and it can bury mercury into sand. If a person attains the true way, he will enter the dantian in the sun, and use his son before noon. Dragon belongs to wood, wood is oriental wood, and Jue cloud mercury is also. Mercury belongs to fire, and is also called mercury. One cloud: If green mercury can be subdued by medicine and can subdue fire, it will become a world treasure. If it is in the human body, it is the essence. Jue Yun: Refine yang with yin, it can really grow. Its law must be in a branch of Yin. Dan Lun says: Yang movement cannot be subdued, and yin killing cannot be subdued. If nourished and ordered to subdue, yin and yang will be born, and the living will be like mercury subduing fire to become a treasure in the world. Yang, Mercury lies in Yin, and it is the treasure of the body that does not move. Therefore, the "Sutra" says: Just raise the spirits and keep them from withering, and close the gate of life and protect the jade capital. Probing the knot on the tongue, the son of Xingzhi probes into the water in the Jade Spring before noon, and it is also the sun and mercury. When it is about to contain yin, look for lead water, and call it the day double dragon and tiger. Therefore, the "Tianfeng Shangjing" says: The moon and the sun under the beginning of green, the two things are combined into one. When you leave the jade pool and enter the golden room, everyone should be careful not to lose it, and if you get it, everything will be done. Is it outside! Long Ju is in shock position, when it is the eighth, Hu Shu Yuan is born in the first palace. This is to do it from the beginning to the hope, to explore the way of the Dharma, and to increase the soul; from the hope to the obscurity, to call it, it is also good for the soul. Eight-year-old males were born with teeth, sixteen were among them, and at the age of ten, they were the top ones who had attained the Dharma and cultivation of truth, and the rest were among those who had been dismembered. There is a day to harvest, a time to take, Do it according to the law, and avoid the dark and hopeful. Those who start the Dharma, wait for the full moon in the sky, people and spirits are all over the body, and the sun and the moon are explored. Detecting yin qi returns to the nine officials of Shangni, so the scriptures say: irrigating and nourishing Lingke will not stop drying up. Although not applying essence, it is still beautiful. Every day in the pearl, it is always a big sky. There is no hope in the sky. There are things in the sky. In the lower dantian golden room, people don't know where the primordial head comes from, where they are going, where the orientation is arranged, each has a deification, and it will naturally become a jewel over time. So no one dies. Therefore, Jingyun Avenue is invisible. The world uses it, but does not know how to collect it. If the climate is wrong, all labor will be in vain. Or meet the taboos of heaven and earth, the arrangement does not know where to go, or the value, the vulva is not open, the intentional behavior is harmful, and it will make people age quickly. Therefore, it is said: After the Kunlun Mountains after obtaining one, even if you cut off your tongue, you should not ignore it. Rumors spread to the world, Cha Ding bleeds before death. French is unacceptable to ordinary people. Its text is passed down in Taiyiguan, and the scriptures say: Taiyi has a ruler, all of which are in the mind, incredible, who can see it, and it is immeasurable. The head of the people is Kunlun, the Shangguan's house, the gods' residence, and each has his own house. From the top to the head, and occupying the nine officials, the gods have their own names. As far as the lower umbilicus, there are three other officials, which are based on the first twelve officials, each with a tower. Therefore, the "Neijingjing" says: There are 12 levels of heavy buildings inside. In addition, there are twelve floors in the dantian, and at twelve o'clock, the Dharma is used. It is easy to be holy and holy, A wise man has two medicines in his body, although he does not know the horizon, he has a god who knows it. But people only use floating flowers, and they do not know how to change, so the cloud knows the way of longevity, and the enemy is separated by ten thousand mountains. It is to know how many people in the world, but not to know. Those who seek the official position, seek to find the twelve officials on the body, and only know the cauldron of the Dao, which is sacred. First ask the palace for a cauldron, Its law is not taught, and it is not allowed to be published in the open air. Therefore, the "Dao Jing" says: The hall is full of gold and jade, and no one can keep it. It is for the sake of life, the people of the green world must be close to arrogance, luxury and wealth, and do not seek the avenues. Warming the fire awaits the judgment of yin and yang, Those who are warm and nurturing make people feel no joy and anger; those who are warm, use the heart and fire of the four seasons and the moon, and add the two numbers of shouting and action, and the method is passed down orally. Those who nourish yin and yang, identify the true yin and true yang, and live in the second life of the human being. Surprised: Two things are one body. Arrangement of the furnace room must be selected. The arranger, probe into the water of true qi, and settle down in the lower yuan; probe into the water of yin qi, and transport it to the upper yuan, and arrange for each furnace room to be deified. If you can't arrange where to go, you will be in trouble. For those in the furnace room, the magic method lies in the female, not in the Yin Dan Yijue Dan. Those in the furnace room use the body and mouth as the furnace, and those who make electricity use the official room as their pet. It is unbearable to use, and it is the evil that has been used by people. Even those in the fifth grade are too fat to use, and too thin to use. The three-to-five level of the Tao is the middle way. The popularity is already in the 20s, and it is unbearable to use. It can be used to live with those who have to use its gas to combine mercury, so that it can be stolen by ghosts and gods. The one who chooses the land is the time of the official office. Don't do it, don't act rashly, Those who want to refine their yin will not become treasures unless they follow the age and the cauldron. If you don't use it in the year, you will be able to live temporarily, but it will have the power to eliminate demons, but it will not be able to help you. If you are in the test, you must practice it without losing the test, and the young man will become a treasure. If you only want to do what you want, nothing will happen. must be protected in secret, If you want to walk on the road in peace and quiet, live in leisure, guide and guide, knock your teeth to gather the spirit, hold your hands firmly and sit flat, and walk in secret. Supporters, shout food and talk less, don't get angry. Conservative and don't let the world go. Conservatives, do your best to use your whole body. If you are ten years old, your head and tail are at your heart, and if you use it for a long time, it will be slow and easy. If you have a head and no tail, you will definitely waste your time. Don't do it! This medicine has changed amazingly. The power of taking the medicine has not been missed for nine years, and it is enough to increase the number of sixteen taels. The merit is three thousand, and the practice has eight hundred. The prescription is complete, easy! . Heaven cannot kill, earth cannot bury, its power is incredible. Note that there are changes in the heavens and the earth, its body is firm, and its merits are three: the upper reaches the immortal, and the middle and lower can only be disintegrated. Yang Zhensha, In the lower Yuanyin essence method, it is formed into sand, and when the upper Yuanyin is probed, it sinks into sand, which belongs to yang. Yin real mercury, The upper vitality is formed into a treasure, the lower vitality enters the Kunlun mud pill, and it is cast into a pearl, which can illuminate the three thousand great thousand worlds! When people ask for it, don't act rashly. People in the world take more hardware and eight stones, and burn all kinds of plants and trees. Wouldn’t it be presumptuous if they want to find a great repayment pill? The qualityless biomass is the redemption, From nothingness to being, from being to nothingness, it is also true that there is no quality qi, and it becomes a sympathetic feeling of yin qi. Great Dan has no medicine, and the five elements are infuriating! All mercury and all sand are not toil. People in the world take sand and silver as mercury, and vermilion, copper and iron as sand. If you meet this tactic, if you meet this song, you will become a real fairy. If you come across this song, avoid doing things rashly, then practice silently, keep calm, don’t retreat from your original aspiration, and diligently advance your forward aspirations. Yin Zhenjun returns Dan song note actually Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
awaken Posted April 30, 2022 這是一篇陳摶註解陰真君還丹歌的文章,我不敢看google會把這篇翻譯成什麼樣子,應該是很慘的 This is an article by Chen Tuan annotating Yin Zhenjun's return to Dange. I dare not see how Google will translate this article. It should be very miserable. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
awaken Posted April 30, 2022 北方正氣為河車 The North's Righteousness is the River Chariot 北方是腎的方向,腎主北,心主南,肝主東,肺主西。 北方是正氣是河車,這句話說明了幾點 第一,腎的主要形式是氣 第二,河車是氣的行走,也就是氣的特色是行走如車 但是氣的行走如車,代表氣的行走非得遵循特定的路線嗎? 並非如此 氣的行走有各種路線 當然最後的路線會走出任督沒錯 但這並不代表在過程中只有任督能走 因為身體有各種經脈 如果限制氣的行走方向 則會對經脈的發展產生限制 大部分的經脈將無法得到打通的機會 因此剛開始的氣都是全身性的探索 到最後即將要演化成下一個階段 才會以任督繞行的現象出現 也就是任督繞行並非是河車的代名詞 河車的意思是氣以行車的方式出現 也就是氣是會移動的 移動是氣的特徵 The north is the direction of the kidney, the kidney controls the north, the heart controls the south, the liver controls the east, and the lung controls the west. The north is righteousness and river carts. This sentence shows a few points. First, the main form of the kidney is Qi Second, the river cart is the walking of qi, that is, the characteristic of qi is that it walks like a cart But the walking of qi is like a car, does it mean that the walking of qi must follow a specific route? it's not true There are various routes for qi walking Of course, the final route will be out of Ren Du, that's right But this does not mean that only the supervisor can go in the process Because the body has various meridians If restricting the direction of chi will limit the development of meridians Most of the meridians will not be able to get the chance to get through Therefore, the initial qi is a whole-body exploration It is about to evolve into the next stage at the end It will appear as the phenomenon of letting the supervisor detour That is to say, Ren Du detour is not synonymous with river cars. River cart means that qi appears in the way of driving That is, the air moves Movement is characteristic of Qi 這個移動,經常是以繞圈的方式產生 這個繞圈有各式各樣的繞圈 任督繞圈並非是唯一的現象 This movement is often generated in a circular fashion This coil has a variety of coils Rendu circles are not the only phenomenon 我在這裡為沈溺在任督繞圈的人大聲疾呼 不要在沈溺在任督繞圈的守竅練法當中了 你在浪費你自己的時間 I'm here to give a shout out to those who are drowning in the circle of governors Don't be drowning in the practice of keeping your tips in circles with supervisors. you are wasting your own time 也不要把教導任督繞行的老師當成大師了 他們不是大師 只是一群以盲導盲的氣功教練 Don't take the teacher who teaches you around as a master. they are not masters Just a group of qigong instructors who blindly guide the blind Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
awaken Posted April 30, 2022 陰真君還丹歌的邏輯和悟真篇不太相同,但是還是可以找出其中相同的規律 藍石 10:53:22 金砂,金華,天地寶 藍石 10:53:56 東方甲乙名金砂,很明顯的這個金砂就是東方肝,也就是烏肝 藍石 10:54:44 朱雀調養生金華,很明顯的,這個金華就是兔髓,也就是月魄,屬於性功,神火所生 藍石 10:55:17 金華生出天地寶很明顯的,這個天地寶就是陽生內景 藍石 10:55:34 知道了這個次第,我們在看這首詩就清楚多了 藍石 10:56:52 所以後面的陽真砂,就是烏肝,陰真汞就是兔髓,是在鼎器,也就是玄關竅當中練出來的 The logic of Yin Zhenjun Huan Dange is not the same as Wuzhen chapter, but the same rules can still be found. Bluestone 10:53:22 Jinsha, Jinhua, Tiandibao Bluestone 10:53:56 Dongfang A and B are called Jinsha. Obviously, this Jinsha is Dongfang liver, which is black liver. Bluestone 10:54:44 Suzaku rehabilitates Jinhua. Obviously, this Jinhua is rabbit marrow, which is moon soul. It belongs to sexual power and is born of divine fire. Bluestone 10:55:17 It is obvious that Jinhua gave birth to Tiandibao, this Tiandibao is the interior scene of Yangsheng Bluestone 10:55:34 Knowing this sequence, we are much clearer when we are reading this poem Bluestone 10:56:52 Therefore, the real yang sand in the back is the black liver, and the real yin mercury is the rabbit marrow, which is practiced in the cauldron, that is, the Xuanguan orifice. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
awaken Posted April 30, 2022 上次有人問我為什麼兔髓(月魄)是神火所生,我覺得我很難回答,因為他不練,我怎麼講都講不清楚 朱雀調養生金華,朱雀就是南方朱雀,也就是神火,這裡的金華不是『太乙金華宗旨』那種假丹經的金華,這裡的金華講的就是兔髓 The last time someone asked me why the rabbit marrow (moon soul) was born of divine fire, I thought it was difficult for me to answer, because he didn't practice, I couldn't explain it clearly. Suzaku recuperates Jinhua, Suzaku is the Southern Suzaku, that is, Shenhuo. The Jinhua here is not the Jinhua of the fake elixir of "Taiyi Jinhua Aim", the Jinhua here is about rabbit marrow Share this post Link to post Share on other sites