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Kunlun virgin no more

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Hi all I did my first kunlun practice last night. I was impressed---I have been doing qigong and arhatic yoga and pranic healing for over 15 years now. I have spontaneous movements during qigong.

So withing 5 min of doing my first kunlun my waist started moving then my spine and then my neck they got stronger and more intense as I kept going. It happened much faster than I thought it would. I guess its the hand position and the feet being on the balls of the feet. I also felt some heat and and I saw clouds of violet and green and gold but I see these anytime I meditate or do qigong. My lower back pain is much better today as well.

So that is that for now. I hope I exp much more.



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Guest winpro07

just wait till you fall of your chair!

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Guest winpro07

:D the endearing toothless smile of a happy face that learned to hit-the-deck. I didn't know gravity is an option? Guess the earths gravity is 5 gauss, and my body about the same. It must be the relative size of the earths to mine that keeps the appearance of gravity going? I wonder how much more the earths becoming, or less my own will tip the balance? :D

I've read that gravity is inconsistent over areas of the earth. It fluctuates here, and there over time. I bet a sudden decrease of my own would send me off like-a-feather-in-a-whirler-wind.... :o

Edited by winpro07

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Circling cycles of circular practice.

The sweetest relief from inertias geotaxis.

Riding free on sailing seas,

Spiraling cyclic like merkabular axis's.

Who pirates a plunder to tax us?

Edited by Spectrum

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WOW my Kunlun practice last night was powerful! I do 15 min of standing Zen and then do Kunlun--I could tell it would be powerful because the force was flowing strong all day.

As soon as I sat down I started moving like a snake my spine and whole body! I had some back pain from arthritis and injuries so I put my awareness on it and the movements changed to focus on that area and things went wild--I could hardly keep on my chair!! Then I just let go and my hands started going in all kinds of ways! Then they did some things like circles and rotating it felt great! Not much heat or much bliss feelings yet but I can tell its working on cleaning my channels and centers. I am looking forward to more exp. Can any one else give a detailed exp like mine and what are the long term exp of some of you?



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Squeeze the sponges royally

Inner sanctum soils uncoiling

Down fire keeper toiling

Steam raises the gates loyally

Crooks, kinks and other spoils

No time to think when oil is boiling.


Now is the time, align sublime

Spiraling through lasting lines

Guiding uncontrollable primers

Even unseen brine diners

Confusing divine designs

Following similar signs.


Overlay the one o eight

Point line planes so straight

Center to edge frames escape

Where form and formless mate.


Signs and signposts what to say

Absorb the days countless ways

Quietly observing each display

Of unsung keepers of the flame.


Staircases spinning on common ground

Sway play relating wound up sound

Surrounding the found with profound

What comes up, must come down.


Timeless ageless seekers abound

Treasure hunters sail the rounds

Sifting sandy shores renown

Plumbing lines at every mound

Drop sealed heels under cyclones gown

Float throat notes atop anchored ground.


Crown clowns drown in nouns

Keeper seekers weigh the pound

Ounces to inches, frowns and flinches

Down come must, up comes what itches.


Chairs, stairs, doors and hallways

Staring pairs polarize all ways

Sitting down to get up this tall maze

Knot a cliche to bring a bouquet

To a funeral birthday paradox buffet.


In the end the beginnings finish the fuss

Preserving careful curves diminish thus

Delegating point numeral uno a plus

Eight directions to infinity within us.

Edited by Spectrum

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Guest winpro07

very simillar experiences too. The pillar forms, and breath stops -there are no limits

Edited by winpro07

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No, not really here. It matters to much. It's a matter of common vernacular.


Since Kunlun is a root art than the spiral pathways that occupy the positive/negative space relationship is shared experience/knowledge. I'm sure there is much more in common than different. Maybe if we were face to face and could share original experiences. Circles and Figure Eights sound like common ground to me.


I've never met any Kunlun people, have seen some forms performed on youtube, but in person is the only way to learn anything instantaneously.

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