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A question about 'The Way of Energy

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Hi everyone, I have a question about the book on the title. 



It starts off with two basic excersises, which I found to be more than enough. Five minutes alone changed so much for me. 



Now the question is, after those two excersises there comes a chapter about breathing. Should I learn and include that chapter in my practice? My gut feeling says no, as I didn’t even learn 'how to stand'. That I should only incorporate it after 9 weeks of increased direction like the book suggests. It is potent enough in 5 minutes per excersise, I should be careful. 



But you guys have more experience than I have so I am asking this. Much appreciated. 😃

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That’s a kindergarten practice! Well, we all start in the kindy level. :)


Just breathe normally focusing your attention on the abdomen as well as the sensation of breathing in and out from the nostrils. Also observe your thoughts and how they are constantly shifting from one perspective to another but for now “breathing” is the most important part. 


Make sure to fully relax whilst you stand.


Do not worry about the timing the book is suggesting, breathing starts from the get-go.


Good luck. 

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10 hours ago, Gerard said:



That’s a kindergarten practice! Well, we all start in the kindy level. :)

Indeed it is. I am also getting the vibe this is as safe as it gets. Better be cautious than sorry in the long run though, right? 😃



Appreciated the insight about the breathing. Well, here I go practicing. Thank you. 

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All practices are safe what is not safe is:


1. Ego. Pushing yourself too hard trying to achieve something on this path.

2. Sudden release of heat/blockages/unresolved emotional trauma.


How to deal with:


1. Personal SOUL evolution. You’ll learn by yourself from your own mistakes.


2. Chinese medicine various treatment methods + keep going with your practice until you resolve/clear them. It takes many years to do so.


Edited by Gerard
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