
Unconquerable Spirit

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So some floods hit Eastern Kentucky as they sometimes do. This one was deadly with at least twenty five lives washed away. Photos of a house sitting on top of a bridge revealed the force of Nature.

Somewhere past the outskirts of Hazard in Perry county, Missy Amburgey Crovetti pleaded for anyone to go find a boat and go rescue her 98 year old Grandma Mae Amburgey who was stranded on her bed with four feet of flood water in the house.


Granny Mae wasn’t stranded at all and decided to swim out of her house and swim on to safety on her own.

I don’t know WTF is up with “youngins” these days, I swear. Whether it’s a flood, fire, volcano, earthquake, hurricane, twister, or the devil comes calling——if you have a grain of grit, some sand, a High level Spirit, you gonna handle it.

If you don’t have a refined higher level Spirit you can bitch, complain, cry about it, I reckon. 
Nowadays, so many do.

I can tell you this, getting on in age ain’t for sissies. Toughen up, buttercup.


Edited by zerostao
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