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Tic tic tic tik-toc .

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For years now I have been commenting on  social media virus and effects of internet usage  .  It started as a sharp decrease in intelligence , a rise in stupidity and other related phenomena .  Now its got physical .... although perhaps 'psychosomatic' .  Its a cross between Tourette's Syndrome  and  fits in motor ability , sometimes violent and agitated , including hitting oneself in the head face and other body parts .  Fits can last up to an hour .


It seems to be a response to a lack of  real  social  dynamics .... seeded by  replacing that with social media time  ( and other  complex dynamics, that I won't go into now ) . Then pandemic lockdowns made the social isolation worse and it also increased social media , which made the problem worse again . Then  kids started posting about it on Tik-tok, including film of their fits and aberrant  and uncontrollable behaviour . That amped things up in a type of 'daimonic reality pandemic'  * /  copycat hypochondria   -  some kids already had mild symptoms  and watching the films  influenced an increase in severity of symptoms .



" ... Olvera believes that what’s happening among those Tourette's TikTok influencers and in teen girls is an example of mass sociogenic illness, which is when behaviors, emotions, or conditions spread spontaneously through a group."



* this type of 'spreading' of  an alleged event , symptoms, sightings, experiences is without a recognised medium  - in this case they think they have recognised the medium and cause of transmission  and  the cause of the spread is also the vehicle for the spread and 'copycat' symptoms.


-  The next stage  ( well, the next stage in a 'daimonic reality' outbreak )  would be  , people , in this case kids,  copying the behaviour , that is , pretending it is involuntary when it isnt .... but that can change and they can  get 'stuck' with it .  Next stage is , it becomes a 'fashion'  and  people 'celebrate' it .    Then, as mysteriously as it appears .... poof !   Gorn !    Let's hope so for this outbreak .   One girl I saw interviewed that had it bad   ( bad facial and limb twitches ,  slapping and punching herself in the head  .... sometimes for up to an hour  (imagine how frustrating and exhausting that must be ! ) ,  Tourette's like vocalisations  ( eg . shouting really  bad obscenities out loud about her mother when she was out to lunch with her in public , etc . ) .  She ended up having a good recovery so her doctor was saying  there seems to be a cure for it , but he never said what it was or what her treatment was .

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