
The Grades of Initiation

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Once the Adept has crossed the Abyss, and mastered the emotion of sorrow; for they have learned the ways of Nature, and realize that all people inherit Karma, and acquire their own Karma in the process, they now are free to do as they choose, for they are aware that all things have their consequences.  Be compassionate, should that be your Will, but know; people don't want Wisdom unless they are seeking it.  I cannot say if we are Eternal.  I do not suppose to claim any supernatural knowledge of life after death, though from the visions I have, I can say that I suspect we go on to other places.  


The world is neither joy, nor sorrow; it just is.  The Ipssisimus resides above love, for they ARE LOVE.


Peace to you all!  May you find your voyage on the river of life to be an enjoyable one.

Edited by helpfuldemon

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In the end, I don't think there is much difference between Thelema and other religions, even Christianity.  The only difference is there is more freedom to be lustful and take chances here, though it is advised that what you do might be done to you, which is funny, because Crowley disputed the "Do unto others as you would have done unto you" bit of Christianity, yet according to his magical rules, it is the same.


The Ipssisimus is without self, and is Thelema, which also means Agape.  You can stop there, and be nothing, or you can be Agape, and devote yourself to aiding others, which I have declared to be the greatest definition of Good.

Edited by helpfuldemon

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I've realized that the Tree of Life is the Universal grid that we are all connected to.  It resides in our ethereal bodies, and it is the plane on which magick takes place.  You can use your Will to affect others here, and to call on the various beings that live on it.  We share in the health of our people and all things in Creation.  What we do carries over into the ethereal and affects reality.  


At the head of the tree is Kether, and in Kether resides God.  Outside of the Tree are other Gods, who interact with the Tree, and can affect reality.  


Each of the ten Sephiroth are worlds, and contain the rest of the Sephiroth in them, into infinity.  The worlds function according to their main attribute, and the subsequent worlds are lessons in that one attribute, affected by the secondary attribute of the world it travels on its individual tree.  When you have dreams, you look for the lesson in it, and can decipher what Sephiroth you are travelling in.  In the end, it is all the same, and there is only one Sephiroth, Kether, and in it we are all God, and God is us, for God is all that is; everything and the only thing.


When we dream, we meet other incarnations of people that have lived, for their souls are infinite, and their incarnations are infinite, but there is only one you, and you too experience the various incarnations of yourself. It is in the ethereal and astral that the law is Do What Thou Wilt, because in it is everything.  On Earth, we are closer to it than before, but there will always be other laws that govern us, and these laws will change, though my definition of Good and Evil will probably always be the same here; Good is to aid, and Evil is to harm someone else's health, wealth, or liberty.

Edited by helpfuldemon

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The Adept steps into Chaos with love, and is infected with Evil.  They receive the vision of God and are devoured by the Serpent on the Tree.  They must acknowledge both Good and Evil, and reconcile their opposites, in effect; conquer Evil should they want to find Love again.  Failing this, they will forever be in the home of the Snake, where Chaos prevails.  This type of salvation is about Love, not Good deeds.  One must perfect Love and become Love.

Edited by helpfuldemon

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12 hours ago, helpfuldemon said:

You can use your Will to affect others here


12 hours ago, helpfuldemon said:

At the head of the tree is Kether, and in Kether resides God.  Outside of the Tree are other Gods, who interact with the Tree, and can affect reality


12 hours ago, helpfuldemon said:

In the end, it is all the same, and there is only one Sephiroth, Kether, and in it we are all God, and God is us, for God is all that is; everything and the only thing


Two comments about this:


1)  Don't forget that there's more to Kesser than will.  Kesser, like everything, has an inner and an outer dimension.  The inner dimension of kesser is will, the outer dimension is pleasure.  Cultivating pleasure (aka joy) can be just as rewarding/empowering as cultivating will.  Both would be, of course, better than one or the other.


2)   Your observations about Kesser are dependent on your point of view, your perspective.  What you're describing is from the bottom looking up.  If you were able to zoom out, I think you would see things a little more distinct, and, for lack of a better word, more complete.

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11 hours ago, helpfuldemon said:

The Adept steps into Chaos with love, and is infected with Evil.  They receive the vision of God and are devoured by the Serpent on the Tree.  They must acknowledge both Good and Evil, and reconcile their opposites, in effect; conquer Evil should they want to find Love again.  Failing this, they will forever be in the home of the Snake, where Chaos prevails.  This type of salvation is about Love, not Good deeds.  One must perfect Love and become Love.


Sure.  Nicely said.  That's one way.  But love is fickle, unpredictable, relentless, possessive, and all-encompassing.  Love doesn't let go.  I would rather avoid becoming Love.


Another less perilous way is to draw the chaotic energy into a vessel of sorts.  The most common is the ritual.  But I would expect there to be others I'm not aware of.  A ritual is orderly, chaos is drawn to it.  It can be approached and channeled without entering into it.  A ritual has a defined beginning, a defined ending.  There's no infection, no reconciling opposites, no conquering evil.  Yes, it's less dramatic than what you've described.  But at least you, and other readers, now know there is at least one alternative.

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The Exempt Adept is shred into ten thousand little pieces, nay; a hundred thousand!  They are reduced to an atom, and then that atom is destroyed!  Built again, and destroyed again; their consciousness is raised and shrunken a hundred times, nay;  a thousand!  They are tortured with their fears, and taunted for their hopes.  Is it real?  Should he listen?  Is he Evil?  Is he the son?  Will he go to Heaven?  Does he deserve Gods love?  


The Adept must fight to discern hallucination from truth, for they know that God can speak.  Perhaps none of it was hallucination?  The confusion baffles their learning.  Somehow, they must complete their quest, and when they are satisfied, they must master their minds to stillness, forever silent, there is no more imagination.

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If you ask me, all initiation and spirituality is based on a technology from another planet, or some "other" form of reality.  The ethereal network functions by technology placed in our bodies, whether inborn or put there after we mature.  I found my chakras when I was 22 after chanting "Amun" and meditating.  They lit up and aligned when I broke through a barrier in my mind.  Since my initiation I have had wires implanted in me; the destruction and creation of my mind and body comes from this technology.


Why I'm saying this is that this technology is connected to your thoughts, and it is as if the Adept creates personalities based upon what they believe or read, and these semi alive creatures speak in the language of your ideas about the Divine.  You have to defeat or organize them, but really they are hallucinations mostly.  The real truth of it is that we don't know the life of the Divine, their names, or what they do.  Perhaps it is just an experiment of an alien race to raise mankind to a level of organization based on previous creations of mankind.

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19 minutes ago, helpfuldemon said:

If you ask me, all initiation and spirituality is based on a technology from another planet, or some "other" form of reality.


I agree that spirituality is based on some other form of reality.  But not from another planet or based on technology.

20 minutes ago, helpfuldemon said:

The real truth of it is that we don't know the life of the Divine, their names, or what they do.


If I recall this is detailed in the Greater key of Solomon and Sefer Raziel.

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After the 7=4 rises from the Abyss, and becomes a vessel of the Divine, they work through their new knowledge and rise to Magus, and develop a perfect understanding of the Universe.  When this happens, the Masters Above will raise them up and declare them a God, and create myths about them.  However....  one must be very careful that they have conquered themselves, for any chinks in the armor, and they will destroy you, returning you to the Abyss, where you will become a Babe again.  However, having ascended already, it is easier to become the Magus again, for the Adept, upon being destroyed again, reconciles their weaknesses and deduces their Karma back to null.  


This is as far as I have gotten.  My tale is no longer heroic.  Where once I had answers and ideals, I now submit to the might of the world, and cannot see a new need for enlightenment of souls.  I have no war to fight now.  I have become some other kind of god, one that submits to allowing mankind to do what they will.

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After I ascended and was presented with my myth, I realized my own ignorance, and still had self that desired the power of becoming a god.  It was my downfall, and then as I fell, they said "Don't self defile", which, thanks to the power of suggestion, and my own belief that if I did self defile that I would return to my grandeur, I immediately started doing.  


The Masters don't want weakness in character.  

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God is both Good and Evil, and God does what He will do, but why?  Because only God understands what needs to be done in the name of Creation.  The revelation of the Jews is that He separates the Good from the Evil, and that is what I mean by "you will get what you earn", for should you be Evil, you will find (in the higher realms) that you are Evil, and if you are Good, then you will find that you are Good.  Crowley was a Christ, who defined a way of life that gives us Good and Evil, though this truth is not outrightly stated.  Crowley believes God is Chaos, and he believed that he was free to do both Good and Evil, being demon and angel.  I assume because to Crowley, the Ipsissimus is all of these, because God is all of these, but that is of the Tree of Knowledge, not the Tree of Life.

Edited by helpfuldemon

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In the end, it is back to the simple truths that I knew a long time ago, with some adjustments.


1.  Life is Chaos and Order.

2. God is both Evil and Good, for God is all that is.

3 Good is to aid, Evil is to harm or hinder someone else's health, wealth, or liberty.

4. Life is both joy and sorrow.

5. Death and old age come to us all, and it is debilitating.

6. People will do what they will because we have free will.

7. Every choice has a consequence.

8. Religious, Magick, and mystical systems provide motive for action, and enlightenment.  They can all lead to the same place in the end, and are just rituals that can lead to initiation.

9. People love in the way they know how to.


It is possible we go on to other worlds, and it is possible that we just die.  I knew from an early age that Heaven may not exist, and made my peace with it early on.  I think that God separates the Evil from the Good, and should you be Good, you know how to avoid Evil, if that is how you choose to handle life.

Edited by helpfuldemon

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7 hours ago, helpfuldemon said:

In the end, it is back to the simple truths that I knew a long time ago, with some adjustments.


1.  Life is Chaos and Order.

2. God is both Evil and Good, for God is all that is.

3 Good is to aid, Evil is to harm or hinder someone else's health, wealth, or liberty.

4. Life is both joy and sorrow.

5. Death and old age come to us all, and it is debilitating.

6. People will do what they will because we have free will.

7. Every choice has a consequence.

8. Religious, Magick, and mystical systems provide motive for action, and enlightenment.  They all lead to the same place in the end, and are just rituals to accomplish initiation.

9. People love in the way they know how to.


It is possible we go on to other worlds, and it is possible that we just die.  I knew from an early age that Heaven may not exist, and made my peace with it early on.  I think that God separates the Evil from the Good, and should you be Good, you know how to avoid Evil, if that is how you choose to handle life.


Not all paths lead to the same place, many teachings lead absolutely nowhere, and many others will leave you broken, weak, and mentally unstable.

You have logical fallacy in statements that should be addressed. It is the same as saying that everyone who walks on the planet eventually becomes an MMA world champion or that everyone who opens their mouth becomes the greatest singer.


Any real achievements on the cultivation path require many right factors and many years of effort.

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12 hours ago, Cobie said:

Your logic is faulty: you are taking your own thoughts to be facts.


Do you mean by me thinking I understand God, or that there is a God?

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5 hours ago, Neirong said:


Not all paths lead to the same place, many teachings lead absolutely nowhere, and many others will leave you broken, weak, and mentally unstable.

You have logical fallacy in statements that should be addressed. It is the same as saying that everyone who walks on the planet eventually becomes an MMA world champion or that everyone who opens their mouth becomes the greatest singer.


Any real achievements on the cultivation path require many right factors and many years of effort.

Noted and adjusted, thank you.

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In order for the initiate to have a valid entry into the mysteries, they must be pure of Will and intention, and preferably have an altruistic desire.  They must be sincere, and ready to pay any cost for Divine revelation. They must wholly devote themselves to their pursuit of the Divine.  Their entire being must be committed to the pursuit.


Again, I don't see the true value of this experience.  It doesn't appear to confer much other than the opportunity to have a vision of God, and the forced travelling through all the wisdom the Adept has ingested, to realign themselves more accurately with the Divine Nature of God.  This can be done by reading, but the Adept will not have certainty until they are received by the Divine.

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So basically, you begin climbing the grades by doing what pleases you, then you formulate an idea of what the Universe/God/your Will is.  Then you declare your Will and develop your philosophy around it.  When you are ripe, they will find you, and then you will have to do it all over again.


The demons of the Abyss are not sympathetic creatures.  These are no gods of compassion.  They are logical and believe in reaping what you sow.  They will have mercy at times, but only when you are on the edge of death.  If you try to rejoin the quest to declare your truth, they will return and are relentless until you have settled your mind upon it and rest. This is the Armies of Mara that Buddha fought off, this is the demons that tortured Saint Anthony.  I don't know why torture is their method, it seems that the Gods like a humble nature, for the torture reduces the magician to groveling.


In the end I have concluded that there is joy and suffering, love and hate, and that righteousness is to do the correct thing in the name of love and freedom, and that when we fail defending these, we reap ill.

Edited by helpfuldemon

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On 10/8/2022 at 11:18 PM, helpfuldemon said:

Since my initiation I have had wires implanted in me; the destruction and creation of my mind and body comes from this technology.


Wires and implants are rarely clean - being the province of denser entities.


At higher levels,  supplementary intelligences are offered to the initiate to augment existing capacities.  

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On 9/6/2022 at 2:52 PM, helpfuldemon said:

I believe that we are androids.  I believe that we are advanced machines, and inside of us is technology that we aren't quite aware of, that the Gods can manipulate.  I think magic people can manipulate it with some small effect, but that mastery over it is impossible.  I doubt that we affect each other magickally, but who knows?  For me, it became an obsession with madness, and I had to abandon it.  In abandoning magick, I also had to abandon my imagination, and I also can no longer think critically.  My mind is quiet, thankfully, and though it is boring, it is better than having to answer to demons.


....kinda sad you fell into madness.  Don't know what you really call "magic" to be.  But, it is entirely under our ability to control.  How else do you think the Buddha transported a group of people across a river with his mind/imagination?  How else do you think Jesus commanded the winds, rocks, and tress?  How else do you think the hindu yogis do things that stupefy everyone like levitating, being invisible, and teleporting and manifesting things out of nothingness?  

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