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Introduction to the Bums

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Hey Dao Bums,

I have questions,
But first introductions, 
Have just started getting back in to training with a daily practice (it’s been a long time, about 10 years :blush: should apologise to my body really)
I signed up with Damo’s academy and could not be happier, is just what I need to get back into training, my body is changing and the wealth of information has helped me put together things that I learnt years ago. Although Damo and I are still in our honeymoon period at the moment just 7 weeks in, I can see my interest building as things start to get more advanced. Getting 2 to 3 hours practice in a day, but with all the exercises to work on I feel I need to start increasing this. But I am in no hurry. 
To my questions, 
Wanted to ask the Bums, has any one used a Chinese medicine practitioner to help with their Practice; to fix things that have arisen due to Qi gong problems,  to aid in development of their art or just to keep the body ticking over nicely with a MOT now and then?
What should I be looking for in a CM practitioner? I take it they are not all made the same, as I have met some alternative types who I would not trust to pour me a pint let alone stick me with needles, sorry Cloud 
Thanks in advance for your time and answers


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