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  I was closely associated with hippies. I got to the most important Amerian hippie forum. And after a while I got banned. Nasty! Let's talk about hippies. Below is the hippie museum.




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I think this could be a very interesting post Lois. Over the years I have met all sorts of interesting people, Various types of anarchists, socialists, greens, Buddhists, and Pagans. They all seem to have some early link with hippy ideas. Hippydom was very inspirational if nothing else.

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6 hours ago, rocala said:

I think this could be a very interesting post Lois. Over the years I have met all sorts of interesting people, Various types of anarchists, socialists, greens, Buddhists, and Pagans. They all seem to have some early link with hippy ideas. Hippydom was very inspirational if nothing else.


and then who are you?



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9 hours ago, Daniel said:

It was a counter-culture movement, right?


So, who are counter-culture now?



Punks are counterculture, hippies are not. There is another concept - non-conformism.




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On 01/11/2022 at 8:39 AM, Lois said:


and then who are you?





You dont seem to realise Lois ..... that right here , is a very prominent 'hippy'  .


I mean me  .......   Nungali .


Well. not anymore  but 'in the day ' .     Would you like to know more ?  About real 'hippy stuff' that actually happened  ( that is , I actually got a LOT of the Hippy dreams actually manifested !   While many others just talked, dreamed, fantasised about it . )


It started as son as I left school , I  dropped out and went straight into a commune , the  first and oldest 'community co-operative' in Australia  .    What  great experience it was !


Glenfield Farm :


I have VERY fond memories of 'Old JIm'  the founder and owner , he was in his 90s when I was there , helping to 'look after ' him - he didnt need much help , it was mostly making him  meals, as my share of the work was 'morning cook '  ( make 6 loaves of bread a night for the communes breakfast , stay up and make breakfast , serve, clean up and that was my duty for the day , the rest of the day off , I had a wonderful spot up in a huge tree house , the whole thing gently rocked and flexed in the wind  ) .


Jim was a legend ! He fought in 3 major wars ! Boar War , WWI and WWII ... and his horse, the same horse went  to two of those wars with him .


"  In 1920 James Leacock purchased Glenfield Farm. In 1924 he married a Broughton and in 1930 they moved into Glenfield Farm after modifying the homestead to serve as a dual residence, accommodating himself and his wife in one half and his sister and mother in the other. This dual dwelling arrangement began in 1932.[1]


James Leacock brought dairy farming to the Liverpool district. He formed the Hygienic Dairies Ltd at Concord in 1909 to supply Sydney with its first bottled milk. His idealism embraced many interests, ranging from organic farming to Aboriginal rights. He undertook many activities on the farm property which made Glenfield a meeting place for groups concerned for Australian and international justice and many humanitarian issues,[1] including a place of work for conscientious objectors during the Vietnam war.


Leacock pursued the establishment of communal living, discussion centres and co-operative farming. The first serious co-operative was the Rural Homes (Glenfield) Co-operative Ltd, formed in 1951. In 1960 the co-operative went into insolvency. In 1970 the Glenfield Goodwill Co-operative Society was registered.[1]


A decline in the co-operative spirit was brought to a head at the 1976 Annual General Meeting, when it was decided that the Co-operative should be terminated. However, the Co-operative adopted a more realistic landlord role and increased rents to near market levels. After the venture failed Leacock bought back the farm and approximately 14 acres on which he resided until his death in 1974. The residents at Glenfield Farm continued farming activities.[1]  "


Main farm house , community kitchen ( at rear ) and Jim's residence ;




The old barn - upstairs, along the wall was a line of mattresses on the floor , I was led there when I first arrived  and told that was my / our bedroom - pick a bed  ..... us 'young ones'  (back then ) sorta all slept together ;




After I 'proved my worth' (making bread and breakfasts) I was allowed a space in the tree house  :) )


Jim would tell  me mazing stories ; one was about how after the Boar War, him and a mate stayed there, travelling around as mercenaries for hire , making their way up through Africa  and through Arabia .  " Once , we even got a job rescuing the daughter of the Sultan of Oman, she had been captured by bandits who where demanding a ransom for the Princess .  We got her back for them ."


Hmmmm ... are these stories true ?   Then eventually, after Jim getting to know me , he let me look in his 'museum' - and old small farm building (out of shot , just to the right of the barn in the above picture )  always wondered what was in there  as the windows where covered up from the inside and it was always locked .  " What's in there Jim ? "   'Oh ... nothing you would be interested in ... just an old man's memories . "   Eventually he agreed to take me in there , with a lecture about keeping it secret , he was  cautious as he had done this before , trusted someone , and they ended up ripping some of it off . I guess he trusted me .


Wow !  I could not believe the stuff, the collection, the variety of a things in there  ! I saw a 'golden coloured' smallish scimitar , ceremonial, decorative (not functional ) " Can I pick that up ?"   


Jim :   <  smirking > " If yer strong enough ! "   My God it was heavy ..... " This isnt made of gold is it ?  ???  "    It had huge red and green gems set into it  ....  "  Are these real rubies and emeralds ? "    -   Jim; " What do you think ? "  The blade was etched with designs, curlicues and intricate interwoven Arabic calligraphy   "  What does this say ? "   -  " English translation on the other side ." Jim told me .


So I turned it over ... I was stunned :  " Awarded to Jim Leacock  by the Sultan Of Oman , in celebration  and appreciation of his return of Princess  .....    "  :o


- and that was just one of the objects in there !


Due to its rare surviving architectural style the farmhouse has now been restored and is on the national trust ;


here is the old commune kitchen I used to work in ;






mr-jim-leacock-of-casulaat-an-openair-ce  mr-jim-leacock-a-90-year-old-pacifist-wh


This man, a Boar War and Gallipoli veteran , was probably Australia's first 'Hippy '.   Photo on  right is Jim  attending a meeting at the 'Australian Peace Institute' Sydney .





The second phase of Glenfield’s life began with
the purchase of the property by James Leacock
in the 1920s. A Boer War veteran, Jim Leacock planned to use Glenfield to set up a dairy farm.
He was an idealist, activist, advocate for Aboriginal rights and a social reformer. In the early
1970s, he converted Glenfield to a communally managed or “cooperative” farm, known as the
Glenfield Goodwill Cooperative Society. The farm was known for its herbs and home grown
produce. He used the barn as an art gallery and
showed and sold Aboriginal artworks there. He
lived at Glenfield until his death in 1974 at the age of 95. "



I'm still living on a Commune  ( well, the remains of one - how things have changed ! )   , if anyone knows about these histories ; it used to be fairly famous  (in such circles ) due to its early set up and association with Findhorn in Scotland




Plus my community was known to have one of the best small festivals put on  in Oz  ( some OS people  that came even said better internationally ) ... for a small 'low key' event .  I was on the organising committee for nearly all of them  ( about 8 I did , last one it was just me and one other organiser  ) ..... plus all the stuff I did at those festivals as well  ( like ;  being the person that  'held' morning circle / start of the day  / connection  for a group of hundreds ;   running a food stall   { for some income , as all or festival work was voluntary } , doing tarot readings , building (out of bamboo) and organising the indigenous Aboriginal village , ritual circle co-ordinator , including writing , organising and directing a  300 person spring equinox ritual  .... plus  plus plus  ... :D


Plus living on the place for more than 30 years and dealing with  that  ( we also had visitor programme and h guest accommodation  so we got a lot of hippy   visitors what wanted to come and stay at the 'famous hippy place '  ) ... it goes on and on .


So I have a 'little ' experience  in the area .


But I dont want to tread on Lois' toes here ... it's is his hippy  thread... and he is 'closely associated with them'   ... and he did make it to the ' most important American '   hippy forum      ( ceptin they then banned him )


I have to say ....    I dont have those  'qualifications'        .....   I'm an 'unqualified hippy '  .






I shall finish with the most delightful statement I have heard .... it came from Judge 'Betty'   ( luved her ! she ruled on our court case , when the government tried to seize all or land , houses and property and as accuse us of fraud and corruption , resulting in a 2 1/2 year court case in the Supreme Court (and appeal )  ..... that I WON !   - both of  ( in yer face !  har har ! ).   


Our solicitor kept freaking out and could not believe our 'luck' (as he called it   ;)  )  - 'Judge Betty ' is the Head Judge in the Supreme Court , she had to allocate our case to a Judge  and then  decided  ; " I will take this one myself ! " - turns out she is the only Supreme Court judge in the state that was bought up on a Hippy Commune !  :D


Anyway, the delightful statement part ;  the prosecutor just heard Betty deliver her final judgment - after 2 and half years of investigation, attack, cross examination , the court had found no wrong doing  , the prosecutor freaked out and ...

" But Your Honour !  These people ..... they are ....    they dont  work ! They... they dont do anything, they have no responsibility , they live on a multi million dollar property , on  hundreds of acres or pristine rainforest, park and farmland , on a riverfront adjoining a national park ... they dont even work, they dont have debts, or even a mortgage  !  They just all live toghter having a big party and all get away with it becasue they contribute a mere $30 a week to cover expenses .... it been going on for 40 years  ! "






And Judge Betty just smiled at her and delivered the line :


"  Yes , that's right .  They managed their company very well to be able to live like that . " 











Edited by Nungali
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14 hours ago, Nungali said:

and then who are you?


I am a composer. Bach stylization and avant-garde music.


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7 hours ago, Lois said:


I am a composer. Bach stylization and avant-garde music.



Errrmmmm ... yeah, I know .


I quoted that question 'who are you ' ... that came from you  ... so I could tell YOU who I was , regarding my 'hippie side '  since that is what you are seeming to want to know about or post about  .


But knowing you  ......  



I cant really say anything  ... I'm laughing too much   ....


( I'm wondering what a person to person conversation with you would be like   :D 

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Come on dudes


is this all waffle, fluff ,  youtubes , and 'I was on a hippy forum once'


what ????   NONE of ya were ever real hippies or did anything like that ? 

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On 02.11.2022 at 9:53 PM, Nungali said:

Come on dudes


is this all waffle, fluff ,  youtubes , and 'I was on a hippy forum once'


what ????   NONE of ya were ever real hippies or did anything like that ? 



In hippie terminology, you are fat.




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:lol: If you can remember it, you weren’t really there. :P


Edited by Cobie

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8 hours ago, Lois said:



In hippie terminology, you are fat.





I guess that means  'no'   then  ... no you have no involvement with the real culture .... you are just internet hippie  ?

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8 hours ago, Cobie said:



‘Hippies’ was most definitely a “counterculture”. Using mushrooms/LSD for years, I hardly remember anything at all. Anyway. I was living in squats, getting chased out by thugs. No jobs, some did drugs-trafficking or prostitution for money. Lived in the Bhagwan ashram in Poona, saw mental illness around me. See no merit now in any of it.




Thats tough !   Here we got supported for being hippies ,   via social security .


You would go to the 'dole office'  ; " Got any jobs ? "


" No.  "  


"Okay , here is my form. Can I have a cheque please ? "


" Here ya go. "


Ohhhh Man .... gotta go to town once a fortnight and hand me form in ...... hassles !   Then they let us post it in .   OH, Man ... hassles ! - getting to the post office once a fortnight .   WELL  ?   Just leave the letter in your  mail box and the post man will collect it .


Ohhh Man ..... hassles  have to go down my mail box once a fortnight and post the form in  !  






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2 hours ago, Nungali said:



Thats tough !   Here we got supported for being hippies ,   via social security .


You would go to the 'dole office'  ; " Got any jobs ? "


" No.  "  


"Okay , here is my form. Can I have a cheque please ? "


" Here ya go. "


Ohhhh Man .... gotta go to town once a fortnight and hand me form in ...... hassles !   Then they let us post it in .   OH, Man ... hassles ! - getting to the post office once a fortnight .   WELL  ?   Just leave the letter in your  mail box and the post man will collect it .


Ohhh Man ..... hassles  have to go down my mail box once a fortnight and post the form in  !  







521 Australian's  died in Vietnam and 3k were wounded,  58,220 Americans died in Vietnam and 150k were wounded.


American and Australian counter cultures and hippies were largely against the Vietnam war and not just slackers!  "Make love (or Peace) not war" was what many were hoping for as an option to the daily death counts...  

Edited by old3bob

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I dont recall suggesting those guys where slackers .  In any case , I  was too young for all that .  My elder brother had to go in the ballot, but got spared .


It was the 'first time war horror  visuals on your lounge room'  ( TV )  back then that made me instantly decide to drop out, as a school kid   .  I realised these guys  ( my 'peers' in 'being civilised' ) did NOT have their shit together .   Still don't.


My own  'non-slacker' actions where later and more geared towards the environmental movement . Doing that I also met a  few VETS who also joined in on that protest movement .




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2 hours ago, Nungali said:

I dont recall suggesting those guys where slackers .  In any case , I  was too young for all that .  My elder brother had to go in the ballot, but got spared .


It was the 'first time war horror  visuals on your lounge room'  ( TV )  back then that made me instantly decide to drop out, as a school kid   .  I realised these guys  ( my 'peers' in 'being civilised' ) did NOT have their shit together .   Still don't.


My own  'non-slacker' actions where later and more geared towards the environmental movement . Doing that I also met a  few VETS who also joined in on that protest movement .



ok, just that the previous sarcasm sounded that way...

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18 hours ago, Nungali said:


I guess that means  'no'   then  ... no you have no involvement with the real culture .... you are just internet hippie  ?



I've been involved with hippies long before the internet came along... .

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On 04.11.2022 at 3:31 PM, Cobie said:

‘Hippies’ was most definitely a “counterculture”. Using mushrooms/LSD for years, I hardly remember anything at all. Anyway. I was living in squats, getting chased out by thugs. No jobs, some did drugs-trafficking or prostitution for money. Lived in the Bhagwan ashram in Poona, saw mental illness around me. See no merit now in any of it.



Can you show me the pictures you made under LSD? Below is my favorite picture.




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