
Books on Qi

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Hi Everybody,


I am a relative beginner in Qigong, using a particular set of instructionals online from a highly experienced and long time teacher and with downloadable materials. I believe it is of high quality - good pedigree and painstaking texts and illustrations.


BUT: I want a well-known, recommended text----that is accessible for an intelligent layperson, a beginning practitioner----on qi, its various forms, the abstract and theoretical, its relationship to the breath, and how it works in practice, phenomenologically.


I have seen books - Yang Jwing Ming, Damo Mitchell among others - but it gets rough, confusing, for me, a beginner.


The issue is both that of correct theory, in TCM and internal arts, and good presentation - for a modern, educated readership. Rather than arcane points of detail.


Any suggestions or advice from any instructors / practitioners with many years experience?


Thank you in advance.



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Hi Dan, two books that I think meet your criteria and would recommend are The Way of Qigong by Kenneth S. Cohen and The Healing Promise of Qi by Roger Jahnke.

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