
Nei Kung Master

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Where can I find a real nei kung master, I'm willing to do anything to train with a master but I cannot afford the expensive seminars that they are offering online. I am a poor man, living in a 3rd world country. 

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Please keep in mind, the online seminars are for the conductor to make money from the innocents. FYI To accomplish the effect of Nei Kung requires lots of practice, day by day, on one's own. Those so-called one day seminar will lead one nowhere. If I am greedy, then, I would have had being a so-call master long time ago.

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10 hours ago, kino said:

Where can I find a real nei kung master, I'm willing to do anything to train with a master but I cannot afford the expensive seminars that they are offering online. I am a poor man, living in a 3rd world country. 

If you are going to sing the “I’m poor” song, you probably won’t benefit much from learning because Neigong won’t magically solve your life problems. You’re better off getting your life in order first to be able to afford Rudi’s neigong seminar and monthly tuition of £50, which is really not a lot, but if that’s too much for you, you probably need to balance your finances and life better.

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4 hours ago, Earl Grey said:

monthly tuition of £50, which is really not a lot

not a lot for what? what do you get exactly for it?

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1 hour ago, Taoist Texts said:

not a lot for what? what do you get exactly for it? or just ask Rudi himself, a member here.

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1 minute ago, Earl Grey said: or just ask Rudi himself, a member here.

errm no i asked you. i am satisfied that you have no answer. it was a learning exercise that i provided for the benefit of the others. thanks for playing.

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5 hours ago, Taoist Texts said:

not a lot for what? what do you get exactly for it?


I heard you can learn to shoot electricity out your hand. I'm not even joking. I don't know what you'd use if for if you're not an acupuncturist. But since it builds the dantian storage, and open channels, if you go on to practice, at least you know you have the real thing instead of just a tingly feeling.

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32 minutes ago, Nintendao said:


I heard you can learn to shoot electricity out your hand. I'm not even joking. I don't know what you'd use if for if you're not an acupuncturist. But since it builds the dantian storage, and open channels, if you go on to practice, at least you know you have the real thing instead of just a tingly feeling.

Correct, but emitting qi is just a signpost that you have developed to a certain level. A very useful signpost that can be used to help others. However if you don’t want to be an acupuncturist you can do whatever you like with an active LDT, the qi you’ve built up and learned to replenish quickly. You can use it to go into deeper meditation if you like.

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9 hours ago, Taoist Texts said:

errm no i asked you. i am satisfied that you have no answer. it was a learning exercise that i provided for the benefit of the others. thanks for playing.


Nah, you aren't paying me and I am not Rudi's errand boy.


You got played too.


Ca va.

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16 hours ago, Earl Grey said:

If you are going to sing the “I’m poor” song, you probably won’t benefit much from learning because Neigong won’t magically solve your life problems. You’re better off getting your life in order first to be able to afford Rudi’s neigong seminar and monthly tuition of £50, which is really not a lot, but if that’s too much for you, you probably need to balance your finances and life better.

£50 is a lot if you are from a 3rd world country though. He says he is from Jamaica in his introduction post. That's pretty much the weekly wage there. 


On 11/24/2022 at 6:32 PM, kino said:

Where can I find a real nei kung master, I'm willing to do anything to train with a master but I cannot afford the expensive seminars that they are offering online. I am a poor man, living in a 3rd world country. 


Try emailing a teacher running an online course and tell them your situation. It's entirely possible that they might give you a discount. From what i know Nathan Brine has an online course where it is just one time fee so it's possible that you can slowly save up and eventually pay for it. There is always a way if you try.

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5 minutes ago, chaosbananaman said:

£50 is a lot if you are from a 3rd world country though. He says he is from Jamaica in his introduction post. That's pretty much the weekly wage there.


I live in the third world actually. :) If it's worth it to you, it should never come freely without any effort.


"I want neigong! I'll do anything for it!" Anything except work harder to afford the reasonable price.


5 minutes ago, chaosbananaman said:

Try emailing a teacher running an online course and tell them your situation.


Yes, this is viable, as while they may be running a business, they're also human, and based on how a conversation goes, they might be willing to make some compromises.


I've found more often than not that certain people play the "I have no money" recording and then their actions show otherwise, such as going to Disneyland or paying for someone else's seminar that is significantly higher.


I've also seen people send me messages saying they're poor and they come from a poor country, then when I ask which "poor country?", they say, "Malaysia" or even one who said "Singapore" and at that point, I don't bother replying because they're just haggling or being stingy.

Edited by Earl Grey
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Interesting .... I was thinking that maybe they are 'really poor'  in a third world country , not a  'reasonably well off person in a third world country .  I am from a first world country .... :huh: well, maybe .... anyway, some of the most poor and destitute people on Earth here  .


 So they could actually be poor and destitute and from anywhere  .....  but then I  wondered if those people have  internet  access and a computer and a desire to do ' nie - kung '  ?


But then I thought ..... many of the poorest people have mobile phones . ....  ?   I have no idea how they pay for that , or for call fees .... or even recharging .


Then I thought ...... if they did ' nei-kung ' , they could shoot the electricity out their fingers into the phone ! 





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10 hours ago, Nintendao said:

I heard you can learn to shoot electricity out your hand. I'm not even joking. I don't know what you'd use if for

i can use it to light up the Brooklyn Bridge after i buy it next

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On 11/24/2022 at 6:49 PM, ChiDragon said:

Please keep in mind, the online seminars are for the conductor to make money from the innocents. FYI To accomplish the effect of Nei Kung requires lots of practice, day by day, on one's own. Those so-called one day seminar will lead one nowhere. If I am greedy, then, I would have had being a so-call master long time ago.

Do you know of any books i could turn to or where I could begin... Seems like a lot of controversy and confusion about which system and where to start. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


On 11/25/2022 at 5:04 AM, Earl Grey said:

If you are going to sing the “I’m poor” song, you probably won’t benefit much from learning because Neigong won’t magically solve your life problems. You’re better off getting your life in order first to be able to afford Rudi’s neigong seminar and monthly tuition of £50, which is really not a lot, but if that’s too much for you, you probably need to balance your finances and life better.

You speak with the same condescension of most first world citizen. rudi is charging 1000 euros... Do you know what kinda of money that is in my country. Not to mention the reoccurring 50 euros? Not everyone was born with a silver or gold spoon to be throwing away that type of money. I am getting my finances in order fyi, just not at that place where 1000 euros is nothing for me. 


10 hours ago, chaosbananaman said:

£50 is a lot if you are from a 3rd world country though. He says he is from Jamaica in his introduction post. That's pretty much the weekly wage there. 

The 50 euros wouldnt be so bad but its the initial 1000 euros that you have to pay first that's raising red flags for me. I dont have that kind of money to risk for a system that I'm not sure will bring me the results I seek. Im not looking for super powers, I just want to know the truth of this world. Why does it have to have such a high price tag. If I had known it I would share it for FREE cause thats the type of person I am.


10 hours ago, chaosbananaman said:

Try emailing a teacher running an online course and tell them your situation. It's entirely possible that they might give you a discount. From what i know Nathan Brine has an online course where it is just one time fee so it's possible that you can slowly save up and eventually pay for it. There is always a way if you try

Thank you dearly for your advice, I will definitely try that... (you are the only one that actually gave me a good advice) 

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1 hour ago, kino said:

You speak with the same condescension of most first world citizen. rudi is charging 1000 euros... Do you know what kinda of money that is in my country. Not to mention the reoccurring 50 euros? Not everyone was born with a silver or gold spoon to be throwing away that type of money. I am getting my finances in order fyi, just not at that place where 1000 euros is nothing for me. 


Work hard and save.


1 hour ago, kino said:

The 50 euros wouldnt be so bad but its the initial 1000 euros that you have to pay first that's raising red flags for me


That's the one-on-one cost, not the group seminar, which if you paid attention, you would know.


1 hour ago, kino said:

Im not looking for super powers, I just want to know the truth of this world. Why does it have to have such a high price tag. If I had known it I would share it for FREE cause thats the type of person I am.


Go fly to another country, learn the language, earn the trust of the teacher, and practice for years. If doing that for the purpose of giving it to others for free is what you would do, go do that. Otherwise, people need a chance to recoup what they've sacrificed that people like you feel entitled to for free.

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4 hours ago, kino said:

You speak with the same condescension of most first world citizen. … 



14 hours ago, Earl Grey said:

I live in the third world actually. …


Retired there with a USA pension? 



If I had known it I would share it for FREE cause thats the type of person I am.

Keep that in mind, and don’t trust a person with lower moral standards than you yourself have. 


Edited by Cobie
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17 minutes ago, Cobie said:

Retired there with a USA pension? 


Nope. Peace Corps Volunteer. WAY younger.


19 minutes ago, Cobie said:

Keep that in mind, and don’t trust a person with lower moral standards than you yourself have. 


If you say so.

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16 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:

… Peace Corps Volunteer. …

A privileged first world citizen, living abroad. 

I quoted this wrongly:

5 hours ago, kino said:

If I had known it I would share it for FREE cause thats the type of person I am. 


@kino Keep that in mind, and don’t trust a person with lower moral standards than you yourself have. 





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5 minutes ago, Cobie said:

A privileged first world citizen, living abroad. 


Keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep better.

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Blessings @kino 

At the beginning you really can get valid free material on youtube. There's a million qigong junks; my suggestion of the best place to start is watch every video on Damo's channel

There are always mixed opinions for any teacher but pound for pound he is providing very clear and useful theory, as well as a few practices you can start right away. Just do a little bit every day and keep track of your progress. You will get there!

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3 hours ago, Cobie said:

Keep that in mind, and don’t trust a person with lower moral standards than you yourself have. 

I did not ask to get dragged into this thread but this really is something which gets to me.


When is the last time you went to the supermarket and it was free, or filled your car and it was free, or if you don't have a car, took the bus and it was free. The internet I use to teach, the computer, the electricity, the webcam, the zoom account, the house/apartment I teach from, that all needs to be paid for. I don't live in a monastery, I have to pay rent/mortgage, i have to look after my family and ensure they are clothed, warm, fed and safe.


Charging to teach what I myself paid and sacrificed 9 years of my life for is nothing to do with authenticity or moral character, it's to do with life being expensive and having to pay for things just like everyone else does.

Please do not insinuate that I am immoral, I do my best to help others while also trying to survive in a world that is increasingly expensive, charging a cost that is reasonable for most people and a monthly cost which for most people is less than the cost of filling your car once or a meal for two people at a restaurant. But there are some for whom this amount is a lot, and they speak to me and I do help with a reduced cost when possible.

We have a medical seminar (with some teaching) this coming January. The average cost for an airline ticket is over $2000, the hotel $400 for the duration not to mention the treatment costs or taxi costs, or loss of income due to not working during this time or cost of food for the trip. Haven't even met the doctor yet, not received treatment or learned any neigong and already the cost is well over $3000. My cost to teach what you can only learn from these kinds of doctors normally, isn't so expensive when you consider the only other way to learn it is to travel and find a teacher like this, who isn't free either.

Edited by 小梦想
Always fixing grammar.
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On 11/25/2022 at 1:49 AM, ChiDragon said:

 FYI To accomplish the effect of Nei Kung requires lots of practice, day by day, on one's own. 

This is 100% true. 

The only issue is this. If you are going to be spending years, decades even doing a practice, don't you want to know you are doing the correct practice?


You have to put in the work, day by day on your own yes, but you need to know how to practice, which practice to devote your time too. You can easily waste a decade doing something which brings no results, or, as is often the case based on all the daobums  "please help me threads", mess yourself up really badly.

There are some here who claim to be in authentic neidan schools practicing internal alchemy. Ask them how many books or online videos or posts contain actual neidan practices or give them in the correct order and for the correct duration so they can be practiced SAFELY. If you don't know how to practice, how can you practice?


On 11/25/2022 at 10:07 AM, Immortal4life said:

Yeah dude it’s not something you can learn online 

It's pretty hard to learn in person too and significantly more expensive unless you are local to such a teacher. For most it means an airline ticket, stay in a hotel which costs way more than most people charge for online teaching which is adequate for beginner neigong/neidan practices. 

None of my students live in Istanbul, so even if I taught for free and in person, just to get to me would have cost MOST of them more than I charge for 3 years online teaching. And they would have to make this trip every single year at least once, though multiple trips would be better. Teaching online saves people money, gives almost everyone access and the ability to review monthly, ask questions directly and get guidance as required when needed. It's got just as many pros as it has cons.

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On 11/26/2022 at 11:27 AM, 小梦想 said:

This is 100% true. 

The only issue is this. If you are going to be spending years, decades even doing a practice, don't you want to know you are doing the correct practice?


You have to put in the work, day by day on your own yes, but you need to know how to practice, which practice to devote your time too. You can easily waste a decade doing something which brings no results, or, as is often the case based on all the daobums  "please help me threads", mess yourself up really badly.

There are some here who claim to be in authentic neidan schools practicing internal alchemy. Ask them how many books or online videos or posts contain actual neidan practices or give them in the correct order and for the correct duration so they can be practiced SAFELY. If you don't know how to practice, how can you practice?

Thank you for your interest in my thoughts. Like in the case of Chidumbass, he have the tingle feeling in his arms and chest that shows a sign of biological activities in his body. Even though, he doesn't know but he can still find the answer by asking someone that might know.

I have the same situation before. Something that cannot be explained by traditional beliefs, I go some where else for answer. Like modern science. Since the body was changing biologically, from the practice, I would go look into how the body function and the internal activities. That will explain why the external practicing method works to improve the health of the body. Since I had done that knowing the reason, I pay more attention to the new discovery that I had learned. I appreciated more and more in my practice and benefited in accomplishment. Since I realized that breathing is the key to all practices, I have concentrated and emphasized on my breathing and my body health and strength had improved drastically.

When I practiced Taiji since twenty five years old, after twenty years I still get a cold or flue once awhile. Especially during the coldest days around Thanksgiving Day, I couldn't even go to the my mother's Thanksgiving dinner few years in the roll. Since I had found out breathing is very important to our health, and confirmed with physiology knowledge, I haven't got sick for many many years up to now. I could resist the cold weather much better.

Edited by ChiDragon
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