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Archaeoastronomer (Archi)

Sirius, Alnilam and Solar Calendars

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Have you ever wondered why Sirius culminates at New Year at exact minute, which it does only once a year within one degree in Gregorian Calendar, in places like the Greenwich or Giza as shown below? brightest star visible from Earth reaches its,and is visible from almost everywhere on Earth.


Any idea's how this happened?

It is alleged that the ancient Egyptians had a calendar that New Year started when Sirius was the heliacal rising star.

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We know that the last day of the Julian  calendar was 4th October 1582, after which ten days were taken out, thus the next day was 15 October 1582, the would have effected the first Gregorian New Year on 1st January 1583, but Sirius culminates 17 minutes before midnight:-



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To fully understand, we should start at the beginning ....

I wrote an article about the Julian Calendar some time time ago, i have included it below with link:-

The civil calendar that the ancient Egyptians used was 365 days long and although they knew that this was Approx. 6 hours too short, it was against religious practices to add a leap year every four years. In 238 BC , the Greek Ptolemaic rulers, (from a general in Alexander the Great’s army), saw that the Egyptian Calendar was nearly an accurate measure of the year, and thus decreed that every 4th year should be 366 days long, however the general populace didn’t accept the ruling due to superstition, hence it was put on hold till the introduction of the Julian Calendar on 1st January 0045 BC and the Alexandrian Calendar by Octavian (Augustus), in 26/25 BC.

Most general readers think that the heliacal rising of Sirius denoted the start of every year in the Egyptian Calendar, which simply wasn’t the case, as it was a “wandering year”, and held in place by their knowledge, and complicated adjustments involving the Moon etc. The ancient Egyptians knew that Sirius would rise with the Sun in the same location after 1460 years, a period called a “Sothic Cycle”, and very like a Millennium to them. Obviously in dealing with chronology and dates that have meaning to us with our calendar, this is very difficult as the original location of the first Heliacal rising of Sirius in the Egyptian calendar is often debated by historians and archaeologists, and measurements between Sirius (Isis) and the Sun (Ra), the basis of religion changed from the early years of the calendar, this was just purely upon what you could see, an example would be how we read Hesiod in Work and Days…”But when Orion and Sirius are come into mid-heaven, and rosy-fingered Dawn see’s Arcturus, then cut off the grape clusters, Perses, and bring them home…the clue is “Rosy-Fingered Dawn”, early star alignments wasn’t made by a cosmic rising Sun, being half way on the horizon in the East, mainly because it was too bright to see the stars at that point, they were calculating with the Sun below the horizon, when a slight colour of orange appears in the East, however by 0045 BC, mathematics had advanced, IT WAS POSSIBLE TO CHART THE SUN BEING HALF WAY ON THE HORIZON, and although you wouldn’t see Sirius in the night sky at that point as it was too bright, they probably knew that Sirius was rising too, this is a Cosmic Alignment!

Obviously the Julian Calendar started on 1st January 0045 BC, the Sothic Cycle wasn’t used as it had a leap year, this means for several centuries after, if an alignment had been put into the Julian Calendar, we would see it, until it was moved on by precession astronomy, defining Paranatellona can be seen on below link:-

We now see that how early humans valued the stars can be different to when mathematical skills kick in, some historians have conceded to the Roman writer Censorinus, that wrote that the Egyptian New Year fell on July 20th in the Julian Calendar in 139 AD, which was a heliacal rising of Sirius in Egypt, but this is by the eye, not cosmic alignment, the Egyptian priests liked the old ways that also didn’t involve leap years, however some say it is possible to calculate possible origin date of the Egyptian Calendar by using the Sothic Cycle, i find it dubious, but previous dates have been mentioned, like 2,782 BC and 4,242 BC.

This cycle was first noticed by Eduard Meyer in 1904, who then combed known Egyptian inscriptions and written materials to find any mention of the calendar dates when Sirius rose with the Sun, he found six of them, on which much of the conventional chronology is based, other researchers find this method dubious, you must make up your own mind, this is difficult for me to comment, the much latter paran alignments that are cosmic are easier and involve the Sun being half way on horizon, any eye observation is liable of a differing set of values in ancient times!
The calendar of 365 days long started on “The First of Thoth”, and had five days added at the end of 12 months of 30 days, Osiris had his birthday in these five days at the end of the year, but it must be remembered not to compare with our Gregorian calendar too much and Christ’s birthday….our calendar ends in the Winter, the ancient Egyptian one ended in the Summer!

It has been argued that before the joining of Lower and Upper Egypt around 3,150 BC, the two countries developed their own calendars. In lower Egypt , the Winter Solstice was regarded as the birth place of their Sun god Ra, in Upper Egypt the year was measured as the time between the flooding of the Nile, which was important for farming communities living along the banks, where they noticed Sirius, the Isis star rising with the Sun.

The original Roman Calendar is thought to have been a lunar calendar, based on one of the Greek lunar calendars. The ancient Greeks started the day from sunset to sunset, the Romans and Egyptians started the day at sunrise. The ancient Roman calendar was closely linked to the science of the sky and gods, and Claudius Ptolemaeus, and was used throughout the life time of the democratic period in Rome.

Ptolemy’s teachings were based on those of Plato and Pythagoras, who thought that the Earth was the centre of the universe, and the Sun, Moon and planets all revolved around a stationary Earth at the centre of the cosmos. The Romans divided the day into 24 hours, 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of the night, obviously this didn’t run from midnight, but sunrise to sunrise.

The Roman hour varied according to the season, during the Summer Solstice , around 21st June, when the period of daylight is longer than the night, each hour was 1 hour 16 minutes long in Britain, during the short days of the Winter Solstice, around 21st December, the daylight hour was shorter, being only 44 minutes long, within the Roman Empire the hour was adjusted according to the difference in daylight time, the exact hour of 60 minutes only happened around the Equinox’s, the Vernal Equinox around 21st March and the Autumnal Equinox around 21st September, however these are Gregorian calendar settings, Sosigenes, the Julian Calendar specialist originally wanted the Winter Solstice to fall on 25th December.

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We still retain 3 days from ancient Rome, being Dies Saturni, meaning day of Saturn and Saturday, Dies Lunae, become Moon Day and Monday and finally Dies Solis become SUNday, other days of the week become entwined with viking mythology and therefore harder to explain from the latin. Like most of the ancient Mediterranean world, the Romans believed that each day of the week were ruled by a god, which related to the known planets being Saturn, Jupiter, Sun, Mars, Mercury and the Moon.

Apart from a Moon calendar not being accurate, the ancient Roman calendar was subject to political tinkering by the Roman Senate….no wonder Julius Caesar was looking for a “good calendar”, as he was a student of astronomy…..this leads us to “The Julian Calendar”.

There is little known about the architect of the Julian Calendar other than he was a student at the Great Library of Alexandria, and was an Alexandrian Greek like Cleopatra, but obviously he was an astronomer. Some scholars say that Sosigenes is credited with a book on the orbit of Mercury, that suggests that he knew Mercury orbited the Sun, and wrote a book on revolving spheres, other scholars disagree as Encyclopedia Britannia says this was a different Sosigenes who lived during the end of the second century AD.

When Julius Caesar visited Egypt, Cleopatra VII discussed with him how the Egyptians set their time by the Sun rather than the Moon, and introduced him to the astronomer Sosigenes, he told Caesar about Cleopatra’s ancestor, Ptolemy III’s calendar where he had tried to impliment a leap year every 4 years, Caesar liked it, dropping the Roman months, and he and Cleopatra negotiated the fine details such as the date of New Year. One reason why 1st January was adopted was from 0153 BC, the Roman Consuls had been elected to rule their regions on this date.

Pliny, the ancient Roman historian wrote something very curious about these times that is interesting to the research of this blog, “There were three main schools, the Chaldaeans, the Egyptians and the Greeks, and to these a fourth was added in our country by Caesar during his dictatorship, (Mystery School?), who with the assistance of the learned astronomer Sosigenes brought the separate years back into conformity with the course of the Sun”. You may wonder if Caesar set up one of the Ancient religious mystery schools, that the Western Mystery Tradition is made up from, being a gnosis of secret religious esoteric information included from the Hermetic secrets from Egypt to the Eleusian mysteries that originated in Greece. These secret fraternies have existed up to the present times like the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

The Hopeless Roman Calendar was sick in Julius Caesar’s time, partly due to political tinkering, being truly out of synch with the seasons, so the year 0046 BC was made to be 445 days long, which was called the “The Year of Confusion”, the new Julian Calendar started on 1st January 0045 BC, the Julian year of 365 and a quarter days was too long by 11 minutes and 12 seconds, but this must have been known to Caesar and Sosigenes, perhaps they thought that this could be left to future generations to correct, as Hipparchus had calcalated that a leap year every 4 years would create a small error, over a hundred years before. However the Julian Calendar was a stunning calcalation for the ancient world, it must be remembered that few owned a watch in the 20th Century that was accurate to 11 minutes in a year until the quartz watch was invented, and that was twenty centuries later!

We mustn’t inflict Cleopatra with the morality of the 21st century, from our standpoint we could say she was “a boil a bunny girl”, incest was standard in Egyptian royal circles, she did murder brothers and sisters to become Queen of Egypt, and she did play a deadly poker game with the most powerful empire in the world during her era and used sex to bring Julius Caesar and Mark Antony under her spell, but also we could say she was a patriot, and although being Greek, she knew many dialects, really did think she was Isis on Earth, and thought the gods of Egypt were only the true gods, so did she sneak Sirius/Isis into the New Year of the Julian Calendar?….the clue is the Romans and Egyptians used sunrise, but Cleopatra was Greek, we are joining concepts here as the Greeks used sunset as the start of the day, when superstition ruled Egyptian priests, they would have made New Year in the Summer months when only by eye Sirius could be seen when the Sun was below the horizon, but we must debate if Sosigenes could construct a calendar that was only 11 minutes out of being a true year, they must have known the horizons and how to place a “Cosmic Alignment”…..Greek style this would be the Sun half way on horizon setting as Sirius rises, even if this couldn’t be seen because the sky was too bright. Greek style day start for 1st January 0045 BC would be 31st December 0046 BC at sunset, we must look at the Great Cities down the Nile, Luxor that then was Thebes, Memphis that is now under Cairo suburbs and Alexandria…..can we find an Isis/Sirius alignment that probably Cleopatra would have wanted, did she sneak in an Egyptian Goddess under Caesar’s nose in the Julian Calendar, as he used sunrise.
Graph on link below;-


The alignment could have also been made at Aswan, Egypt.

I pasted this from my own work from link below called M.A.G.I.C, as a spoof.
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Another place this Sirius alignment could have been taken from is Aswan, Egypt, for it is here that the Egyptian priests used to go to check the level of the Nile flooding by the nilometer. so may have used it to view Sirius as well.
Quote and link below:-
"The River Nile wasn't only a source of great mythology. It was a significant scientific site, by which ancient Egyptians created their Calendar. The rising of the Sirius star towards the East was the sign of the Nile Flood, namely on August 15th of the modern calendar, and the flood was in turn the beginning of the new ancient Egyptian Year. The ancient Egyptian year is divided into three seasons: flooding, planting and harvesting, each taking four months. Due to the importance of the Nile flood, ancient Egyptians created two Nile-meters to measure water levels in Aswan."


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The Greeks during this period were able to calculate an exact alignment, the ancient Egyptians used to look for a slight amber light in the East, it is possible that Dendera and the Temple of Hathor were aligned to Sirius by the sunset method, as this also happens in Luxor/Thebes and Aswan, for as the Sun sets, Sirius rises.
I send a graph showing this and links:-

Beliefs of this kind use one degree margins, 4 minutes = 1 degree, so alignment is within those margins or orbs,

The Temple of Hathor was rebuilt by Cleopatra and her father so the alignment could have been taken there, whatever one you choose, the alignment was in this area of Egypt.


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A good video of these ancient times is below regarding Cleopatra:-


The Gregorian Calendar in Rome in 1582 seems aligned to Sirius culminating, but by the inaccurate projected measure used by mostly astrologers, who debate regarding using the astronomy measure or the projected on link below:-
If this was deliberate, astrologers use 1 degree margin or orb, again below i have pasted the article that i wrote regarding the Gregorian Calendar:-
In 325 AD at the Council of Nicaea, they knew the Julian Calendar was too long, as in Julius Caesar’s era, the Vernal Equinox was falling on 24th March, and by 325 AD it was falling on 21st March, regardless of this slip they fixed the Church’s date of this , even though the calendar was gaining a day every 128 years….so why didn’t they rectify the problem?

The Venerable Bede the English scholar, who lived from 673-735, noted that the Vernal Equinox had slipped three days earlier than the traditional 21st March, he complained to the Vatican, as many monks were……but the Julian Calendar remained in use….why didn’t they adapt it?

Roger Bacon believed that the calendar was out by 11 minutes every year, he complained to Rome, but nothing was done for nearly another 300 years…why?
Indeed at a time that religion was everything, it was a terrible thing to happen, imagine innocently going to church for Sunday mass, and not realizing that it was a Wednesday!

Roger Bacon worried and rightly so, that religious functions were being celebrated on the wrong day, like Easter and Christmas day! It wasn’t a difficult thing to put right, as they knew that the Vernal Equinox was slipping 3 days in every 4 hundred years- after all Sosigenes had done all the hard work, the calendar only needed slight adjustment to correct the error. It seems strange that the Julian Calendar remained for over 1600 years, yet the error stayed in place….perhaps the Vatican was waiting for a special alignment to 1st January? Precession takes centuries before the right alignment appears…….


The motivation of the Catholic church in 1582 in changing calendars was that the Julian Calendar was too long and getting out of step with the defined seasons by 11 minutes 14 seconds a year. Further to this they wanted to calculate Easter as defined and agreed at the first Council of Nicaea in the year 325 AD, which is now modern Iznik in Turkey. The Council defined that the Spring Equinox would occur on 21st March , this means that the Sun crosses the equator from South to North around this time each year. Easter was defined to occur after the next full Moon, picking the appropriate Sunday. However by 1500 this was a difficult calculation as the real Vernal Equinox had slipped back to 11th March!

From early in the Julian Calendar a leap year day had been added every 4 years, amounting to 100 days every 400 years of 365 days. When the Gregorian Calendar was implimented only 97 leap year days were added every 400 years. To prevent future misalignment, leap years were subtracted from some start of century dates divided by four, for example 1600 was a leap year but 1700, 1800 and 1900 were not, thus the calendar we follow today is far more accurate, and only needs an extra adjustment of 1 day in 3,225 years, (26 seconds out of true in a year.).
In 1563 the Council of Trent approved a plan for calendrical errors- this required the Spring Equinox to be restored to that held at the first Council of Nicaea.
The last day of the Julian Calendar was 4th October 1582, after which 10 days were taken out making the next day the 15th October, latter we will examine why this day was chosen!

Aloysius Lilius is one of two people that is credited with their work on the Gregorian Calendar, who was an Italian docter and astronomer. Very little is known about his early life other than he came from Calabria, he studied medicine in Naples, and lectured in medicine at the university of Perugia from 1522. He wrote a Manuscript titled “Compendium of the new plan for the restitution of the calendar”, however the reform of the calendar didn’t occur until 6 years after his death, when his brother Antonio presented the manuscript to Pope Gregory XIII.


Christopher Clavius was a German Jesuit mathematician and astronomer being the main architect of the modern Gregorian calendar, he was the most respected astronomer in Europe. Clavius joined the Jesuit Order in 1555, he attended the university of Coimbra in Portugal, in 1579 he was assigned to compute the basis for a reformed calendar that would stop the slow process in which the church’s holidays drifting relative to the seasons of the year.
After 4th October 1582 when ten days were taken out, riots broke out amongst many people, holidays, birthdays and other anniversaries were now officially reset 10 days later. This was confusing to people who were afraid the saints might be upset, some continued for a while observing Julian dates. The new calendar firmly established 1st January as the beginning of the year, many countries had been celebrating New Year on a number of dates, which was chaotic , including 1st March, 25th March, 1st May, 1st July, 1st November and 25th December!

POPE GREGORY XIII (1502-1585).

Pope Gregory XIII (Born Ugo Boncompagni) was born in the city of Bologna, he studied law and graduated in 1530, he was summoned to Rome by Pope Paul III, and held a number of appointments as first judge of the capital and vice-chancellor of the Campagna, later he was created a cardinal priest and sent to the Council of Trent by Pope Pius IV. He also served as a legate to Philip II of Spain, being sent by the Pope to investigate the Cardinal of Toledo, and during this time formed a lasting relationship with the Spanish King, which was important during his foreign policy as Pope.

Pope Gregory XIII’s foreign policy was directed to the dangers from the Protestants, and was involved with Philip II’s plan to dethrone Elizabeth I of England, during the period he was Pope , he outfitted adventurer Thomas Stukeley with a ship and an army of 800 men to land in Ireland to aid the First Desmond Rebellion, hoping to overthrow Elizabeth’s rule, this and the Second Desmond Rebellion was unsuccessful. Another embarrassing moment for the papacy was the Massacre of Huguenots in France, although it isn’t clear if he was involved in any way. In Rome he built the Gregorian Chapel in the Basilica of St. Peter. He appointed his illegitimate son, Giacomo, Castellan of St. Angelo and Gonfalonier of the church, and Philip of Spain general in his army. Pope Gregory died in 1585 and was succeeded by Pope Sixtus V.

There is no doubt that Pope Gregory XIII would have known when he decreed that the last minute of the Julian Calendar would be 23:59pm on 4th October 1582, that Sirius was rising in the East in Rome, being a last salute to the calendar that was started in Egypt by Cleopatra, Julius Caesar and Sosigenes over 1600 years earlier! Graph at bottom of thread.

However this was very secret esoteric electional astrology, for by taking out ten days this effected midnight and the night sky on 1st January 1583 and then on, as there is another measure that astrologers use that isn’t accurate called “PROJECTED MEASURE”, and is based on fitting all stars on the Ecliptic, being the imaginary path of the Sun throughout the year, however most stars don’t sit on this line and Sirius is one of them. Yet by this measure Sirius is aligned to the center of the sky on January 1st at midnight, astrologers use a margin or orb of one degree, and Sirius by this measure was still there in 1752 when England adopted the Gregorian Calendar, a few decades later this finally become out of synch by precession, however by approx. 1800 the accurate paran took over, thus by the efforts of Pope Gregory XIII we still have Sirius bringing in New Year, by this approach he was able to extend the period of the alignment against procession, by using 2 different measures, that come into play after one had faded, graph below.
Link showing the astronomy graphs below:-


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The last minute of the Julian Calendar was 23:59pm on 4th October 1582 in Rome, they aligned Sirius rising along the horizon at this time to send off the great calendar that we had kept for over 1600 years,
Paran Graph below:-


Taking out ten days, which only goes back to the First Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, and not back to 1st Jan. 0045 BC, Put Sirius on the M.C. by projected measure at midnight on 1st Jan. 1583.

It was there to the 1770's by one degree, soon after 1800 the paran took over what we have today, however the church fathers knew that would happen, which is startling electional astrology and increased the period that Sirius is culminating or being on the M.C.

To see Sirius Culminating at the exact minute of New Year, we have to be at the right longitude as the Gregorian Calendar was constructed using Local Time, and we have changed to Time Zones.
This means from Greenwich or London which still has local time as the Prime Meridian, every 15 degres of Longitude will show the same, as one degree is equal to 4 minutes of time.
New York is near enough to adding every 15* at 74*W and Cairo at 31*E,

The Southern Hemisphere is different as the Culminating angle is Due North and you have to adjust Summer Time.

England and American colonies changed to the Gregorian Calendar in 1752, with New Year happening at midnight 1753 where parliament sits in London, can you see anything that would expand the power of Sirius (Projected measure),that is rare?
Please read below:-

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Before i add more parans it may be interesting to see who was involved with the Calendar reform, top of the list would be George Parker 2nd Earl of Maccesfield, who made observations as an "astronomer" at Shirburn Castle,
link below:-,_2nd_Earl_of_Macclesfield

He was President of the Royal Society, that did have esoteric associations during this time, and it's beginnings was the "Invisible College":- College is the term used for a,a number of natural philosophers around Robert Boyle.

He did have a chemical lab at his Castle, so perhaps was an Alchemist?

Below on link are pages of the official file on who were Freemasons of the Royal Society, i have included the first page with heading and the page where George Parker is mentioned at top of page:-


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Shirburn Castle does look spooky doesn't it:-

Obvious England took out 11 days so after 2nd September 1752 it become 14 September 1752, so we can look to the horizon at midnight on 14 September 1752 being the first minute of the new calendar, where we find Alnilam, Belt of Orion and Osiris star rising in the East.
The Gregorian Calendar reform bill in Parliament was passed on 13th May 1751, and on this day the Sun rose with Jupiter.

Astronomy graphs below:-


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Henry Pelham was Prime Minister at the time, link and quote below:-


Through strong family influence, and the recommendation of Robert Walpole, he was chosen in 1721 as Lord of the Treasury. At the 1722 general election he was returned as MP for Sussex county.[4] In 1724 he entered the ministry as Secretary at War, but this office he exchanged in 1730 for the more lucrative one of Paymaster of the Forces. He made himself conspicuous by his support of Walpole on the question of the excise. He, Newcastle, and the Prime Minister would often meet at Houghton Hall in Norfolk, where they would draw up much of the country's policy. These meetings became known as the Norfolk Congress. With Walpole, he served as a founding governor of the popular charity the Foundling Hospital when it opened its doors in 1739. Like his brother, the Duke of Newcastle, Pelham was an active FREEMASON of the Premier Grand Lodge of England, active alongside John Theophilus Desaguliers.[5]

In 1742 a union of parties resulted in the formation of an administration in which Pelham became Prime Minister the following year, succeeding the Earl of Wilmington after his death. "

Thomas Pelham Holles wasn't Prime Minister in 1752, he was in charge of the Southern Department, which isn't used any more, as it become The Foreign Office, It was his Brother who was Prime Minister, it was later when Thomas Pelham Holles become Prime Minister, link below will show he was a Freemason:-
"Other notables have included the Prime Ministers, Thomas Pelham-Holles, 1st Duke of Newcastle".

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The Iranian Solar Hijri Calendar is aligned to Sirius by approx. Vernal Equinox. i will deal with this on next thread section.
However it was adopted in Iran on 31st March 1925, which i have aligned to Tehran, the Islamic day start is previous sunset, so i will use this.,solar%20year%E2%80%99%2C%20as%20it%20was%20like%20this%20before.

As sun set, Sirius was culminating, graph below:-



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In 1925 Iran wasn't using time zones, the alignment that i now show isn't there because now time zones are used instead of local time.

As you can see on previous thread's link, the start of new year corresponded to approx. Vernal Equinox, this is pasted below:-

"Persian Month
Latin Month
21 March to 20 April"

Although Islam favours sunset as the start of the day, hermetic mystics that use parans would always look at Sunrise, Sunset, and Midnight.

They couldn't fail to see using midnight day marker for Tehran on 21st March 1925, that Sirius was setting thus used these dates for location, graph below:-


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The Bangladeshi Calendar was put in place by Emperor Akbar on the 10/11th March 1584, links below:-

His Capital city in 1584 was Fatehpur Sikri, which he would align the calendar from:-

This Calendar was marked twice, at midnight with Alnilam setting, shown below:-


It was also aligned to sunset on 10th March 1584 being the Islamic day start, with Alnilam culminating, as shown below:-

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Some think the Mayan Calendar is aligned to the Galactic Center, however on the Winter Solstice 21st December 2012, i have found the Calendar aligned to Egyptian Stars being Isis/Sirius and Alnilam/Osiris at the Location of Izapa, Mexico :-

Ancient Greek day marker is sunset , but as the Sun set at location, Alnilam, Belt of Orion and Osiris star was rising:-

What is interesting is the Calendar was aligned twice for at sunrise at location, Sirius/Isis star was setting, i wonder about the connection to Egypt, graph below:-

Chichen Itza was built between 9th and 12th Century, they left us with the shadow of the plumed serpent running down the Northern Balustrade of steps on the Pyramid during the Spring Vernal Equinox and the Autumn Equinox, we must investigate what else happened on these days at approx. time of building.,_Chichen_Itza

The First Council of Nicaea was important regarding Julian Calendar, it gave Christians ability to calcalate Easter, BUT the Spring Equinox was needed to do this regarding a full moon, but even then they knew that the calendar was too long, thus the real Equinox was moving backwards in the Julian Calendar, by 1582, this was happening on 11th March.

All my astronomy programmes show Gregorian Calendar back to 1582, before then it uses Julian Calendar, to get back to around 0950 with Chichen Itza, i have to take off 5 days regarding Julian calendar regarding Autumn Equinox, so i'm showing 17th September 0950, being accurate, strangely with both Equinox's it seems aligned to Sirius and the Sun although, i'm only showing Autumn Equinox below:-
As Sun rose at location, Sirius was culminating....



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