
Does anyone have experience with Yuan Tze

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Hi everyone, Does anyone have experience with this website and the courses? His website layout is very clean and organized and courses seem straightforward. I want to learn qigong but also delve into some of the spiritual practices as well. I watched the documentary about his two students who increased their level of consciousness through the practices. Thoughts?

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I went to a live event with him and had watched some video. My acupuncturist, who I strongly trust, recommended him and has personally seen (and treated) people who have had remarkable healings from this system.


There was A LOT of energy at the event, I can't say I was impressed by the content, and afterwards I felt tired and disinclined to practice for days. I talked with my acupuncturist who said "apparently he is not the teacher for you."

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@Lo2022 Yuan Tze used to be one of the top students of Pang Ming. His main style for many years was Zhineng Qigong but he had already worked at developing his own style when he met Doctor Pang. As his ideas and Doctor Pangs Ideas were very similar, he stopped working on his system and just practiced Zhineng Qigong. He was the head of the cancer ward in the famous Huaxia clinic that was very famous for treating clients that had already been given up by Western and Eastern medical professionals. In the clinic they even had one case of a kidney regrowing after qi-treatment. It was Yuen Tze who had done the healing. A couple of years after he had moved to New Zealand he had an awakening experience and then finished the work on his own system. It is influenced by Zhineng but has many unique elements of its own. He added central channel work and a heart healing method which Zhineng Qigong did not have in his old 3-level form. I once talked with an awakened teacher about him who is clairvoyant from birth. She said that his depth of humbleness was inspiring. A good sign in my book.

Edited by Pai_Mei

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