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Hello evryone. I recently joined this forum but have been browsing it as guest for a while. There seems to be community here with very interesting views and openness to share personal experience. I hope I can live up to this standard.


I found that as I get older my interest in taoism grew. I am a Chinese living in Singapore. As a child my exposure to taoism is the ritualistic version practiced by many Chinese. Even then I found the taoist rituals not appealling. As I started to read Tao Te Ching my perception of taoism has changed completely.


I am also into qigong meditation for about 2 years. Still have a long way to learn from the many seasoned parctitiners that I have read here. I am quite satisfied with my progress though. I could feel the qi now and get it flowing.

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Hi cktan !


Will enjoy hearing of your experiences!


The differences and the similarities !


Stay well!



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