
SoTG lineage

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Wasn't amusing in the least. 

And inappropriate. 


Nahfets is stefhan spelled backwards. 

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3 minutes ago, zanshin said:

Perhaps this is meant to be silly and amusing, but I feel like it trivializes the experience of those who are trying to process genuine trauma and being brave in documenting it to help others from experiencing the same. I noticed you’re on the thread pumping Straybird’s new forum. 


This is not meant to be offensive to either of the parts I mearly hoped to take some of the seriousness out it. Maybe too soon, I do find we need to laugh about sects and cults so we don't allow ourselves to become so serious about our practice that we therefore fall for such things. I sincerely feel for those who got hurt in this, and I also feel for SaToGo and those caught in spiritual battle or paranoia or maybe a bit of both. 

I'm not affiliated with this group though I don't know what you're insinuating, but actually I didn't know things became so twisted in there which came as quite a shock. 

Although there's indeed sinister groups present on this planet atm doing horrible things. Things that he seemed to be aware of, I didn't know a lot of the other stuff that played out and hope to see those who suffered this to come into healing and a healthy practice again, have no doubts about that. 

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Practice and cultivation better be a serious undertaking, and authentic teachers take their students' commitments rather seriously too. 

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25 minutes ago, Nahfets said:

This is not meant to be offensive …

I found it extremely offensive.



Edited by Cobie
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This thread has already developed quite a bit and there are now two women who are basically refugees from this so called lineage here and refugees need first aid before things can go further.  Back in the Summer of 2017 a member started a topic on exorcism to which I contributed.  The following is the beginning of my posts on some exorcistic self help that should be safe and effective, here is the first post for first aid as part of a self exorcism:


On 8/23/2017 at 10:22 AM, Zhongyongdaoist said:

I want to talk a little about “First Aid” and for that purpose I am going to recommend two practices which will complement and reinforce each other, the first of these focuses on the Heavenly Lord Taiyi and the second is a very powerful tradition Daoist invocation best known in English as “the Golden Light Invocation”.


Now why do we start with the Heavenly Lord Taiyi? Well for the sake of guests as well as continuity I am going to bring his picture from my PPD and some of the things that I said there here:







I first read about him in histories of the Han Dynasty as the patron God of the Han. Later I learned that he survived as a Chinese God of Mercy and was a recognized part of the Daoist Pantheon. In Daoism he is the most "Christlike" figure and the ruler of the Eastern Paradise of Eternal Happiness, as well as the great savior from earthy problems and bad after death neighborhoods, like hell.



There is a good discussion of him here:


The Heavenly Lord of Supreme Oneness and Salvation from Misery



for those not familiar with the site if is a great online reference which, while it doesn't seem to be active anymore is maintaining an excellent reference for all things related to what I prefer to call Ritual Daoism.


There are several reasons for starting with the Heavenly Lord Taiyi, first of all he can and will be helpful in himself, secondly you can use him to help you connect with other aspects of the Daoist Pantheon in a safe manner. I don't want to take up to much time here posting warnings, qicat has already done a lot of this, but if someone is in trouble and does not have access to good guidance you can't at least through them a life jacket.


So, the beginning practice is to print out the picture of the Heavenly Lord Taiyi and to frame or mount it in a suitable way. You need some nice sandalwood incense, Nippon Kodo's Morning Star brand being a good one and generally readily locally and definitely online. Sandalwood is used because of its good clean “energy signature”, and I will explain more about that type of thing as we go along.


The first practice involves a simple mantra which I created as a simple means of connecting with the Heavenly Lord Taiyi. It goes like this:


Heavenly Lord Taiyi who rescues from distress,

Bless, Heal and Protect me,

Help me to realize my Heavenly Nature,

To transform my Earthly Existence.


Now to explain this, why do I call him the refer to him as rescuing from distress, rather than saving from misery? That is because in John Lagerwey's excellent book, Taoist Ritual in Chinese Society and History, which I read, and deeply studied about thirty year's ago, describes him as “saving from distress” and I in time in my own usage became "rescues from distress", and so it remains my usage. If you want to use “who saves from misery” that is up to you. The original Chinese will support either translation.


The request to “Bless, Heal and Protect” is to be as helpful as possible. Blessing in this case should be taken to mean, expand my possibilities and potential and open new way to advance. Heal intended as physical and emotional and also to maintain health by healing imbalances that may not even have manifested as symptoms yet, and protect is pretty obvious from the context of this post, but means protect in every way, physical, emotional, spiritually and from spirits.


The request for help to “Realize my Heavenly Nature”, is a kind of poetic, but traditional way of saying realize the reciters full human potential. In writing this I particularly had in mind one of the most important concept in Chinese philosophy, that of rén, which is usually translated as benevolent or humane, and while these are satisfactory in a worldly sense, it leaves out the notion of “Human Potential”, which is to rise above the animal levels from which we start and become a Zhenren, an authentic person. These ideas are inherent in one very important interpretation of the character rén, which I will enlarge to show detail:



the left side is considered to be derived from the ordinary character for person rén and two horizontal lines, the top one is associated with Heaven and the Bottom one Earth and and is taken to be a symbol for the Human Potential to form a trinity with Heaven and Earth in which one ultimately becomes a Sage on Earth and a Shen in Heaven. Thus the request for help to realize one's Heavenly Nature to transform ones Earthly existence.


Look as the Heavenly Lord Taiyi's picture, burn incense and repeat the Mantra for Ten to Twenty minutes and then clear the mind as much as possible and focus on your breath. This should be at least as long as the incense is burning and longer if you it feels appropriate.




Believe me, if you have been working with the stuff that SOTG teaches, you need the equivalent of spiritual disinfection to get out of it.  The "Tunnels of Set" with which SOTG works is the equivalent of the cosmic sewer system and you need to wash it all away and get cleaned up before you can really be free of its influence.  The instructions started there are continued in several following posts.  Good Luck getting cleaned up.



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17 minutes ago, Zhongyongdaoist said:

The "Tunnels of Set" with which SOTG works is the equivalent of the cosmic sewer system ... The instructions started there are continued in several following posts.  Good Luck getting cleaned up.





Thank you for taking the time to post this for us! It truly means a lot. I've been lurking here a long time and I have always enjoyed your posts and advice that you give others. Unfortunate circumstances that this info had to be given to us, but much appreciated.


The group of us that left (10+) have actually been working on different cleanses and purged everything that had to do with STG, a couple of months ago. I believe we are on the right path now and working through the trauma. We have gone back to the basics, Doaism being part of that. We planned to post something back in Nov. however we thought since STG deleted everything, people would be safe. However, I am glad we were able to have a place to share and hopefully stop the nonsense.

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Also, thanks to the others for being so supportive during all of this. It was an interesting time. This forum has always been a rather special place and the members continue to express that.


Nahfets - I also found the post rather offensive but I also have friends in real life that do try to find some humor in the pain. Just a little too soon lol

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I posted the long quote below in a topic that has for all intents and purposes been erased as the OP didn't seem to getting the response that he wanted.  Unfortunately for him he erased everything and probably left the forum before having a chance to read it.


I am posting it here in response to this:


On 1/13/2023 at 7:17 AM, Nahfets said:

I'm interested in helping in any regards here. I didn't know him nor was active on his boards but he has made a huge impact on me for sure. Seeing the stuff he achieved, it is not safe to assume anything at this point I agree.  (Emphasis mine, ZYD)

I don't know what he achieved except create a long running energy equivalent of a Ponzi scheme masquerading as an esoteric "lineage".  The person mentioned above also thought that SOTG had achieved some great synthesis of East and West, that it was not should be evident from some o the posts above where both of the former women members talk about the "vampireism" that was part of the teachings and its fundamentally exploitative nature:


19 hours ago, ASimpleLeaf said:

while this concept is effective for energy work done privately it also opens the centers for feeding which is a side effect I believe he exploited


and more explicetly here:


9 hours ago, AbrelosOjos said:

STG indicated to me several times to “stop calling it a forum” or “it’s not a forum.” So, if it’s not a forum what is it exactly? The answer: it’s a battery farm. STG basically created his own internal alchemy system by perverting ancient ones, or simply making up non-sense and creating an egregore (which was often feared upon here on The Daobums) that functioned as a loosh farm.

The whole point of these phony lineages, like a Ponzi scheme, is to keep things going so that they demons who are running it can keep being fed, a little bit goes to keep the "minions" happy, but most goes to the evil spirits at the top of the food chain.


This is particularly interesting:


20 hours ago, ASimpleLeaf said:

However, this time, when he “died” in Aug. something was very different. He said he came back as a “God”. He said he “merged” with the lineage egregore and that the man known as “Tommy” was no more. He started becoming meaner, the videos/techniques he would “teach” were more vampiric.I stopped watching the videos back in Aug. but he would constantly write to me asking if I watched the videos because I needed to watch the videos to gain more power.


Parasitic egregores like this can be very stable, among other things it does no good to try to end them by working on individuals, the egregore will protect is food source, but if for some reason the egregore is being pushed past a certain point, it will no longer be able to hold together and disintegrate.  That is really the only way that you can get rid of these things, is to overload them to the point where they can no longer hold the feeding chain together, and Sa To Ga had to go and was replaced by something much more sinister.  A real lineage is run like a good mutual fund and everyone genuinely benefits, unlike a ponzi scheme where they are deceived and exploited.


So what exactly did this guy achieve that makes him so wonderful?  Everyday thought that his synthesis of East and West was great, this was my reply to him.  He probably never read it and it is effectively almost unreachable, so I am going to repeat it here so it will be more easily available for those who are interested:


On 12/21/2022 at 9:31 AM, Zhongyongdaoist said:

I often posted critically in response to Son of the Gods, and it doesn't surprise me at all that:


On 12/21/2022 at 12:38 AM, Everyday said:

having visited his forums it kind of seems like he went off the deep end a bit  (Emphasis mine, ZYD)


What he had worked on was dangerous and unnecessary in terms of practice, there are safe and very effective ways to combine Chinese and Western traditions.


As for this:


On 12/21/2022 at 12:38 AM, Everyday said:

I never really saw anyone else bridge the gap between these two interests of mine but him


I started working to bridge the gap a long time ago:


On 1/4/2018 at 3:50 PM, Zhongyongdaoist said:

First of all some background, I first became familiar with the Dao De Jing, Yi Jing and Taiji quan in the Summer/Fall of 1966, from my older brother who brought them home from College with him.  There was not much available in books at the time, though there was some literature on acupuncture and between us we managed to find enough to keep us interested.  Early in 1971, my brother got Charles Luk's Taoist Yoga book, as well another book by him, which I think was called Secrets of Chinese Meditation, which while it dealt mostly with Buddhist meditation, had a couple of chapters on Daoist meditation and was a useful supplement to Taoist Yoga.  Over the next several years I bought everything that I could find on qigong.  There was precious little at the time, but if you actually studied and thought about what you were reading, it was possible to learn a fair amount.  I was also working on Western magical practices at the time, and had some background in hatha yoga, which was helpful.  It must have worked because by the time I actually started to study Internal Martial arts with a real teacher, he was very impressed with how much my qi I had developed.


Around 1976, 1977 at the latest I read Michael Saso's Taoism and the Rite of Cosmic Renewal, which was my introduction to the "religious" Daoist system of ritual and meditative alchemy, which as I have said, I prefer to call ritual Daoism.  This resulted in a major reorientation in my thinking about Daoism, and "internal alchemy", and since I was already also interested in Western Ritual magic, and had practiced it some years I became primarily interested in learning more about the Daoist Ritual System, though I kept the material and practices dealt with in Taoist Yoga, as containing fundamental insights and being of great importance, the practical question being was it possible to achieve the same type of results through Daoist Ritual methods as the deep meditative methods outlined in Taoist Yoga.  I will post more about what I consider to be the relationship between these practices, and also qigong such as Mantak Chia wrote about, in subsequent posts.


My research into Daoist Ritual developed slowly but I continued with working out the synthesis of qigong and Western magic which I had started earlier in the 70s.  The 80s were a particularly strong period of development in Western magic as I proved in practice the usefulness of practicing Golden Dawn type magic within the fuller worldview and practice of Cornelius Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy.  At the end of the 80s I would humorously summarize my studies and their directions as "Cornelius Agrippa meets the Golden Dawn in Medieval China".  In the 90s I started practical investigation of Ritual Daoism with good results.  I have continued to work toward a synthesis of Chinese and Western Esotericism since then and it is this synthesis which I am thinking about teaching.


This is from my PPD where I talk some about various aspects of the two subjects, unfortunately non Dao Bums cannot access this area of Dao Bums.  There are more post there that you might find interesting, and there are more of my posts on Dao Bums, such as my discussions of Cornelius Agrippa and his work in Agrippa Textual Study, which are available to non Dao Bums who may be reading this.





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11 hours ago, Zhongyongdaoist said:


I don't know what he achieved except create a long running energy equivalent of a Ponzi scheme masquerading as an esoteric "lineage".  The person mentioned above also thought that SOTG had achieved some great synthesis of East and West, that it was not should be evident from some o the posts above where both of the former women members talk about the "vampireism" that was part of the teachings and its fundamentally exploitative nature:



 First of all this comment you're refering to was made before this thread was made I had no idea of these things and find it distasteful that you're insinuating that I did. I never mention anything about synthetis and what ever you're on about here, now you're clearly rambling.

I used to read a lot of his stuff on this forum before and got the idea that he wanted to make all of his teachings free and was targeted by other liniages etc. Stuff I can now see is totally BS but when the only source was from in here and the mythos he spread around clearweb then I had no idea of where I should have know about this. 

I watched a lot of his videos displaying everything from golden light to spirits and white light smoke this was for me rare to find people who go out on a limb to show. If I knew half of what was written in here i would never have said such things. 

I get that everyone is paranoid about new users in here being members trying to recruit etc. but dude take a look at my post history, do I look like someone right out of this place?

The former members can confirm that I wasn't on the forum too, and the fact that he acted the way he did to women and neglected the men I would have ran in an instant. 


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@Nahfets in fairness, I did look at your profile and your intro post has the same vibe, you’re funny! serious material and timing off here though. 

much thanks to ZYD for terrific resources and insights!

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Honestly I think ZYD resources are not helpful to say the least. Does he really think that chanting to a chinese supernatural being will help these women with their trauma? really? is that serious?

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31 minutes ago, Kojiro said:

Honestly I think ZYD resources are not helpful to say the least. Does he really think that chanting to a chinese supernatural being will help these women with their trauma? really? is that serious?

Intention of the thread is not to ask for help or resources, but simply to inform others. We rescued ourselves and will be fine. ZYD posted his extensive resume and I do appreciate his validation that there’s much better material out there for those interested in an East/West synthesis practice, nothing unique or worthy in STG system unless you’re into smoke and mirrors. 

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I’d like to express my gratitude to all that have viewed and commented in this thread. Special thanks going out to ZYD and his contribution, most notably the cleansing ritual and information on parasitic egregores/lineages, it’s greatly appreciated.
I’d just like to stress that it was both men and women who have been subjected to terrible practices on stg’s forum/lineage, the men were taken advantage of as well. Nahfets comment was distasteful, yet, the content of his joke, many of those things actually happened. Using menstrual blood, shocks to the huiyin, etc. It was alarming to read a joke comprised of our experiences, though he may not have have realized many of those things happened and were encouraged. 

Luckily, I’m a person who can laugh at the absurdity of it all. Upon greater reflection I teeter from laughing at the situation to being completely mortified, to experiencing great shame, then I feel nothing, desiring to move on with my studies and life. My only goal with this thread was to shed light on Stg’s lineage and hopefully prevent further turmoil, pain and a screwed up energetic system. 

There was a private message sent to me asking about Jadeqi and what I thought it “was.” I don’t know what is or was, but I believe Stg was influenced by a few texts, likely only on the periphery of the concept or just a misinterpretation. The notion of “fluorescent green” is noted in a few texts, “Foundations of Internal Alchemy The Taoist Practice of Neidan” translated by Fabrizio Pregadio notes the Secret Text of Green Florescence (Qinghua biwen ) as does Awakening to Reality. 

A quick google search coincidentally brings me back to this forum in where ZYD and others offered their great insight to this topic. In this thread a member mentions the “Green Florescence” is a reference to The Immortal of the Green Florescence, perhaps the entity that gave/inspired Zhang Boudan’s teachings. It’s worth noting that The Hulk is a godform used by Stg (yes, I’m cringing at the absurdity of this whilst typing). I believe Stg simply appropriated the concept to fit his narrative and practice. I hope this provides some insight on “Jadeqi” in the style of Stg.



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I won’t address the question regarding “The Horns” as it’s not clear if it was in reference to physical horns growing out of STG’s forehead or the tech in where we placed sword fingers on our foreheads in order to facilitate “piercing the veil” whilst running around the forest (or backyard). Good grief. What silliness.

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1 hour ago, Kojiro said:

Honestly I think ZYD resources are not helpful to say the least. Does he really think that chanting to a chinese supernatural being will help these women with their trauma? really? is that serious?



 IMO a break away from all supernatural stuff would be far more helpful…


Come back to it after 6 to 12 months - the body and mind need to reset away from that plane of existence…


Get the body and mind focused and strongly involved in something completely different (gardening… volunteering… learning to dance… swimming or some other exercise routine etc).


Anything esoteric one does (even the normally very helpful practices) without this reset will simply feed the existing process that’s already underway.


Yes an intervention from an attained master may be of help - but they’re very hard to find.

A reset would be easier :) 

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12 minutes ago, AbrelosOjos said:

Upon greater reflection I teeter from laughing at the situation to being completely mortified, to experiencing great shame, then I feel nothing, desiring to move on with my studies and life.


This all sounds like it was a pretty serious situation, and I don't mean to detract from that.


But the above words probably sound familiar to anyone who bought into one of these do-it-yourself lineages, only to end up judging that the master/teacher was unscrupulous. I thought about posting on this in the Side Effects thread, but I might as well do it here...


These schools aren't all as lurid as the one being described. But even when they're not, they can share similar dynamics. The all-knowing charismatic leader. The mysterious lineage story. An audience of lost souls looking for an answer in life. The repeated message that only this school possesses the only effective method. Justifying distance/isolation from pre-existing friends and family. The confirmation bias among students that they are the only true believers.


It's the basic cult dynamic, and I think it's more widespread than people think. It doesn't have to go full Charles Manson to be a cult, or display cult characteristics.


Be careful out there.



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24 minutes ago, freeform said:



 IMO a break away from all supernatural stuff would be far more helpful…


Come back to it after 6 to 12 months - the body and mind need to reset away from that plane of existence…


Get the body and mind focused and strongly involved in something completely different (gardening… volunteering… learning to dance… swimming or some other exercise routine etc).


Anything esoteric one does (even the normally very helpful practices) without this reset will simply feed the existing process that’s already underway.


Yes an intervention from an attained master may be of help - but they’re very hard to find.

A reset would be easier :) 

I agree that a break or reset is needed and required to rebuild my foundation. Yet, I’m hungry for real knowledge and feel this race against time. I have been focusing on more mundane activities like dance, “weigong” and interior design. These activities are fun and enriching, but they are not as fulfilling as Internal Alchemy and esoteric studies/practices. Yes, now would be a great time for an intervention from an attained master, I agree. However, until that moment occurs, I have to put the work in myself or just chill out for a little bit :)


thanks Freeform! Your words are very helpful.

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26 minutes ago, Barnaby said:

These schools aren't all as lurid as the one being described. But even when they're not, they can share similar dynamics. The all-knowing charismatic leader. The mysterious lineage story. An audience of lost souls looking for an answer in life. The repeated message that only this school possesses the only effective method. Justifying distance/isolation from pre-existing friends and family. The confirmation bias among students that they are the only true believers.


It's the basic cult dynamic, and I think it's more widespread than people think. It doesn't have to go full Charles Manson to be a cult, or display cult characteristics.

I think an interesting dynamic is that this can happen even when the "leader" actively opposes some of these things or if they have a more nuanced perspective on certain things, like say effectiveness of methods (let's be real most are crap) - the nuance can escape students ("only ours is effective, nothing else"). People will project all sorts of things to you, even in daily life, but especially if you have power, respect and authority. If you can do some things that are legitimately very unusual or rare, then the projections can also spiral in proportion to that...

I think these cult-like behaviors are just based on very human psychological processes, some of which come more from students than from the leaders. It is tricky business, but I have realized that just as important it is to look at the group, the people running it and all that on the outside, it is very important to look at our own motivations and projections on the inside.

Just some reflections, not trying to absolve any cult-leader here!

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1 hour ago, AbrelosOjos said:

Yet, I’m hungry for real knowledge and feel this race against time.


For what my opinion is worth, there is no knowledge more real than what one can learn by connecting with nature with a quiet mind and open heart. Nothing more healing than spending some time in a forest or a meadow, a mountain or uncrowded beach connecting with the five elements. I wish you well in your recovery and appreciate you sharing your experience here.


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29 minutes ago, steve said:


For what my opinion is worth, there is no knowledge more real than what one can learn by connecting with nature with a quiet mind and open heart. Nothing more healing than spending some time in a forest or a meadow, a mountain or uncrowded beach connecting with the five elements. I wish you well in your recovery and appreciate you sharing your experience here.


Well said! And nothing beats a simple practice. We don't need fancy cultivation techniques if we can stand in wuji properly and do the primary Taichi forms correctly. In my experience, the most messed up people are those who over-index on method acquisition. Learning the first tai chi forms properly (8 energies, 5 directions) can take a couple of years of dedicated, daily practice. And one can develop both energetically and spiritually with just that if the proper context and attitude are present.  

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30 minutes ago, steve said:

Nothing more healing than spending some time in a forest or a meadow, a mountain or uncrowded beach connecting with the five elements. I wish you well in your recovery and appreciate you sharing your experience here.


Respectfully, I think you are not correct in a sense that this is for everyone, if I understand your statement correct.

Looking at the trees, sea, lake is somewhat distressing for me, but looking at plain and mountains healing.

Also, being surrounded and dealing with material things is also relaxing for me. For example it is disgusting for me to think about living around many animals like in a farm.

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1 hour ago, AbrelosOjos said:

I’m hungry for real knowledge and feel this race against time


In my experience, the feeling of a race against time is something to be wary of.


I think most things of lasting value are better unhurried.

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Furthermore in ordinary circumstances the small things that make live valuable are already available here and now. Looking for satisfaction elsewhere is the real problem.

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4 hours ago, zanshin said:

Intention of the thread is not to ask for help or resources, but simply to inform others. We rescued ourselves and will be fine.

Just reiterating.


Nice to see you again zanshin. 

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This all makes for some very sad reading. Very sad indeed. I'm sorry to hear this. 


Ill throw 2c into the mix


I had a brief run in with SOTG a long time ago now (6 or more years perhaps). He showed me some basic stuff with breathing and muscular manipulation that had some rather strange results. There was some other odd happenings also. I never gelled with the entities or visualizing so its not something I did. 


I was also doing some other disjointed practices, not shown to me by him that do in fact have some very potent results, so its hard to make definitive statements about what caused what, so I'll refrain from being specific


There were no women around him or his websites during this period at all. There was no talk of sexual practices whatsoever.  


I remember hearing of women coming in there, but that was after my brief run in, so I'm in no place to make comments.


He was always a strange guy, but never came across as disrespectful any time id encountered him.


Its honestly a shame to read these posts and see these accounts. Very sad


However.  What is strange to me is though is there appears to be some conflicting information in these posts.


I have to be clear about this. I am neither accusing anyone of lying, or am I defending anyone. 


Id just like to hear a bit more if possible. Also these aren't directed at anyone specific, but rather questions  id appreciate anyone quoted may chime in one.


On 19/01/2023 at 2:31 AM, ASimpleLeaf said:

He would tell his students not to practice meditation or stillness as this makes you weak.

If i recall correctly, he promoted stillness. At the time, he'd told me to do it in equal amounts of active and passive work. IE if you do an hour of an active practice you do an hour of stillness. Did something change?


On 19/01/2023 at 2:31 AM, ASimpleLeaf said:

He would also ask for pacts, sending photos, and personal sexual rituals. 

He was, as I remember distinctly against this type of thing, in any shape or form. Did that change too? 


On 19/01/2023 at 2:31 AM, ASimpleLeaf said:

Leading up to the big fiasco in Oct/Nov. A few times a year, SoTG would constantly “die” and then come back to life 3 - 4 days later. 


However, this time, when he “died” in Aug. something was very different. He said he came back as a “God”.


He said that he would die for good in December ‘22 but we all could buy him more time like the year before.


Did he actually die any of these times? Was he sick?  Did nobody question what was happening here?


On 19/01/2023 at 11:54 AM, zanshin said:

I can attest also. I was on STG’s forum for some time and it went off the rails as documented above. I highly doubt he is dead although I believe his health is deteriorating and that he has no spiritual abilities. He ought to be ashamed to show his face for deceiving people who trusted him as a teacher and especially for preying on young women! 


On 19/01/2023 at 12:19 PM, AbrelosOjos said:

 STG basically created his own internal alchemy system by perverting ancient ones, or simply making up non-sense and creating an egregore


Is it nonsense, or did he  actually create an "egregore" ?


On 19/01/2023 at 12:19 PM, AbrelosOjos said:


I always believed this would occur because I had special access to a true immortal - from the words he said, to the ET’s (shaktipats) he issued, and the personal Siddhis he “gave” to me


So you had real energetic transmissions and siddhis? but if that is true, then what is the "made up nonsense" ?


On 19/01/2023 at 12:19 PM, AbrelosOjos said:

I’m not sure if STG was always this terrible. Something awful has happened to him, likely psychosis from brain trauma, something going awry with his internal alchemy and his multitude pacts with various entities.


Again I ask, did something change regards "pacts" ? 


Now my brief encounter was a very long time ago, but I was told this was an absolute no. No wiggle room


Curious to hear about what changed there


From everyone's posts here, it seems like a lot, sadly

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