
Mind Body cultivation

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11 minutes ago, Shadow_self said:

So, Channels, Mind, Body.


Strong relationship right?

I have never denied that! However, mind and body are two different entities need to be discussed separately here.

Edited by ChiDragon

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3 minutes ago, ChiDragon said:

I have never denied that!


Nobody suggested you did :D 


So we access the mind via the body through the channels :)


Mind body cultivation.


Shall we explore this further? What is your opinion

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Mind and body are two different entities need to be discussed separately here. We can do without connecting to the channels.

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50 minutes ago, ChiDragon said:

Thanks, I can only learn from my own mistakes. I shall remember and learn from this embarrassment

I’m sorry, I didn’t intend to embarrass you. I know it’s not your first language - just trying to be helpful. 

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29 minutes ago, ChiDragon said:

Mind and body are two different entities need to be discussed separately here. We can do without connecting to the channels.

Where is the separation? Where does mind end and body begin? Mind, body, channels… all just labels made up to describe and define elements of our experience.

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29 minutes ago, ChiDragon said:

Mind and body are two different entities need to be discussed separately here. We can do without connecting to the channels.

 Are they?


Get angry and tell me you dont feel something change in your body :) 

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6 minutes ago, steve said:

I’m sorry, I didn’t intend to embarrass you. I know it’s not your first language - just trying to be helpful. 

Oh no, It was not your fault.
I didn't mean you embarrassed me. It was my own embarrassment for making the spelling mistake.

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It could be that there is a physical/etheric body, an emotional body, a mental body and a buddhic/heart body.


Each is an energy structure on its own plane - with many resonances/harmonics to higher and lower octaves



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6 minutes ago, steve said:

Where is the separation? Where does mind end and body begin? Mind, body, channels… all just labels made up to describe and define elements of our experience.

Again, the mind is mental and the body is physical. Cultivating the mind is for mental health and cultivating the body by martial exercise is for physical heath. What takes place inside the body is biological. It is a different approach in explanation. The way you guys are suggesting is the Neidan approach. Thus we are speaking with different terms.

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5 minutes ago, ChiDragon said:

Again, the mind is mental and the body is physical. Cultivating the mind is for mental health and cultivating the body by martial exercise is for physical heath. What takes place inside the body is biological. It is a different approach in explanation. The way you guys are suggesting is the Neidan approach. Thus we are speaking with different terms.


If you exercise, it improves your mental health


Exercise is not neidan :) 

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29 minutes ago, Shadow_self said:

 Are they?


Get angry and tell me you dont feel something change in your body :) 

Part of Cultivating the mind is not to get angry. Even though you are real mad, but you must maintain the mind in a calm state. This is what cultivation is all about. Cultivation of the mind is to suppress some bad things from happening.

Edited by ChiDragon

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5 minutes ago, Shadow_self said:


If you exercise, it improves your mental health


Exercise is not neidan :) 

I'd never said the Exercise is neidan. I only said that: "The way you guys are suggesting is the Neidan approach."

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6 minutes ago, ChiDragon said:

Part of Cultivating the mind is not to get angry. Even though you are real mad, but you must maintain the mind in a calm state. This is what cultivation is all about.


3 minutes ago, ChiDragon said:

I'd never said the Exercise is neidan. I only said that: "The way you guys are suggesting is the Neidan approach."


The point of these examples are to show you that the mind and body are not separate


Cultivate the body, it affects the mind


Cultivate the mind it affects the body


The are on a continuum :)


Does that make sense friend? 

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9 minutes ago, ChiDragon said:

The way you guys are suggesting is the Neidan approach."


I’m referring to a natural and spontaneous consequence of the exercises the OP posted, yoga and qigong (and I added taijiquan) not to any particular internal approach. Although it is necessary to remain attentive and connected to what is happening. At least that was my experience and that of many of my classmates and students.

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9 minutes ago, Shadow_self said:

Cultivate the body, it affects the mind


Cultivate the mind it affects the body

Cultivate the body is easy to do and understand.

Okay, what is your approach in cultivating the mind?

Edited by ChiDragon

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8 hours ago, dmattwads said:

My question is aside from systems like Qigong and Yoga asana being healthy for the body, can they be used to cultivate the mind and if so, how so?

 How would you interpret this question?

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1 minute ago, ChiDragon said:

Okay, what is your approach in cultivating the mind?


I do it in three ways


I work with the body to affect the mind by using Yi Jing Jing principles, which are grounded in somatic experiences

I use non contrived breathing practices to manage the bridge between body and mind

I use mental training and certain training of other aspects or qualities (like gratitute)


All of this works in tandem to transform the mind :) But mostly, the body is the access point :) 

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4 minutes ago, Shadow_self said:


I do it in three ways


I work with the body to affect the mind by using Yi Jing Jing principles, which are grounded in somatic experiences

I use non contrived breathing practices to manage the bridge between body and mind

I use mental training and certain training of other aspects or qualities (like gratitute)


All of this works in tandem to transform the mind :) But mostly, the body is the access point :) 

"I use non contrived breathing practices to manage the bridge between body and mind"
I don't understand this part.

"I use mental training and certain training of other aspects or qualities (like gratitute)"
Finally, this sounds like the mental cultivation of the mind. This where the separation is, the mind and body are apart. This is what I want to hear from you.

Okay! I understood your approach. Your thoughts are still maintained the same approach at the beginning. You have never step into my thoughts which is okay. I guess we can stop here!

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1 hour ago, ChiDragon said:

 How would you interpret this question?


My interpretation:

i know yoga and qigong are good for the body, can they benefit the mind and if so, how?


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1 hour ago, ChiDragon said:

"I use non contrived breathing practices to manage the bridge between body and mind"
I don't understand this part.


I know you dont :) But ask a few questions and maybe you will


1 hour ago, ChiDragon said:


"I use mental training and certain training of other aspects or qualities (like gratitute)"
Finally, this sounds like the mental cultivation of the mind. This where the separation is, the mind and body are apart. This is what I want to hear from you.

Hold on a moment


The mental training creates somatic sensations, and I work with these sensations too


Nothing is as simple and straightforward as you think my friend :) 


1 hour ago, ChiDragon said:

Okay! I understood your approach.

Do you? 


1 hour ago, ChiDragon said:

Your thoughts are still maintained the same approach at the beginning. You have never step into my thoughts which is okay. I guess we can stop here!


I know what you are trying to say


But like I said, try to get angry and see if you can do so without it affecting your body :) 

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36 minutes ago, steve said:


My interpretation:

i know yoga and qigong are good for the body, can they benefit the mind and if so, how?


My understanding in cultivation of the mind is to increase the mentality of the mind such as enhancing wisdom and knowledge. Thus does the good body resulted from qigong and Yoga enhance the wisdom and increase the knowledge of the mind as benefits?I would say it did not. Wisdom and knowledge have to acquired externally, not internally from the body to the mind.

Edited by ChiDragon

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14 minutes ago, ChiDragon said:

My understanding in cultivation of the mind is to increase the mentality of the mind such as enhancing wisdom and knowledge. Thus does the good body resulted from qigong and Yoga enhance the wisdom and increase the knowledge of the mind as benefits?I would say it did not.


Would you say that a sick and  burdensome body support a healthy and well functioning mind?


Do you feel that you’ve experienced no mental benefits from your decades of taijiquan and qigong practice? From your breathing? 


Where is the dividing line between mind and body, at the skin?

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It is because the Buddhism you have come into contact with only takes care of the heart but not the body. This is not the original appearance of Buddhism.

The original Zen Buddhism is the Zen Buddhism taught by Bodhidharma, with the Lenga Sutra as the fundamental classic.

After the Political Monk Shenhui, it was changed to focus on the Six Patriarch Altar Sutra.


The meridians, qi and mind are always together, and they will be separated only when they practice heresy.

Cultivating the mind is not not to be angry, but to see yourself who is angry.
The cultivation of the mind in Taoism is mainly the pure soil, that is, the mind that is not drawn by blind desires.


Cultivation is not about suppressing emotions, and suppressed emotions will eventually be deposited in the five internal organs.

Therefore, in the process of cultivating, not only should you not suppress your emotions, but you should let your emotions volatilize.

Our brain does not need to be in a state of calm, but the brain has to stop functioning temporarily to allow deep awareness to emerge.











There is too much distorted knowledge in the world of cultivation, and it is impossible to find the truth among these distorted knowledge.




For example, if you wishfully believe that Buddhism only has a cultivation mind, this is distorted knowledge.




Why do you think so?

Because you only listen to Buddhist masters, you never read Buddhist scriptures directly.





Why do you think that the practice of Taoism is to suppress emotions and keep the mind calm?

That's because you only listen to qigong masters, and you never directly read Taoist classics.





When you think that masters can understand classics, then you are really mistaken.
The world these masters live in is different from ours. We live in an information-rich age. There is no reason for us to make these mistakes unless your values lead in a certain direction.




The four foundations of mindfulness are one of the most basic teachings of the Buddha. If you ignore the four foundations of mindfulness, you are tantamount to fabricating a non-existent Dharma.

The four places of mindfulness are the places where the four thoughts are placed.

The first is the body.
The cultivation practice taught by the Buddha begins with the body.

Please stop saying that Buddhism ignores the cultivation of the body. This is a lie and a wrong message from false masters. Please discard such wrong statements.







Taoist practice never talks about suppressing emotions, please read Lu Zu's hundred-character inscription carefully.

"Whether it's moving or quiet, you know that you can truly dominate"

Taoist practice does not focus on suppression, but on awareness of the existence behind.







The accumulated emotions are suppressed in the five internal organs, and will gradually surface during cultivation.
These blind emotions are not easy to create as long as we are not drawn by blind desires.
But as long as we are drawn by blind desires, emotions are bound to arise.
When emotions arise, in order to create the illusion of calm, we take actions to suppress emotions, which will harm our body.
The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine clearly states that emotions harm the body.
Emotions do not hurt the body only when they are released. On the contrary, emotions that are not released can also damage the body, and are repressed deeper.



Edited by awaken

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16 minutes ago, steve said:


Would you say that a sick and  burdensome body support a healthy and well functioning mind?


Do you feel that you’ve experienced no mental benefits from your decades of taijiquan and qigong practice? From your breathing? 

The former is not.

To answer the latter.

Yes, it does. It only gives me a healthy mind but does not enhance my wisdom without acquire external knowledge. To acquire knowledge, the mind has to be done externally.

Edited by ChiDragon

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If the mind has the wisdow with the desirable knowledge how the body functions and gives what the body wants, wouldn't you say that the body would be more beneficial?

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