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Thanks to Yoda

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Between your many compliments, the attention Max gave us, and the Red Phoenix practice, my head can hardly fit through the doorway these days!!




There was a synergistic effect of getting all the bums together with Max that really transcends what any one person could have brought to the table and it was a real honor to meet you, Anne-Marie, and the many other bums who were able to make it.


Your pal,


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as the concierge, as the head cheerleader, as such a positive and loving human being.
Aye 2nd that!

Three cheers for the Green One!!!

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Yes, really great guy. And you really get to know someone doing a fun road trip. I knew Yoda had become a Kunlun devotee but didn't realize just how far things had gone until he was about to pull over on a busy highway in the middle of the night to do Kunlun.


Yoda:"Dude it's 3 am!...ancestor hour! I need to pull over to do Kunlun!!"


Cam:"Just drive down a couple more minutes..I am sure there will be an exit where we can practice."


Also, I don't know if anyone else would have been on the level to go see Harold and Kumar 2 in the middle of a spiritual workshop.




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Thanks y'all! :lol:


By the time we stopped for ancestor hour, our turkey "dmt subs" had worn off. Probably for the best. Cam did make a good point that if we did Kunlun on the side of the road we'd probably get sucked into a semi. :lol:


Btw, Cam is one of the funniest guys I know... he had me laughing about 7 hours straight on the way up and 10 hours non-stop on the way back. He did finally run out of material around 4:30 am... not human!!! Amazing guy and just the road trip I had hoped for. Some of his trippiest ideas came after he had smoked the turkey... unfortunately, we might as well have been speaking in tongues to each other as I don't remember much from that portion of the trip except that it ended with Cam channeling a desperate chain smoker.


Check it out: I'm a jeweler now!! Dionne and Lama Oscar were selling tektite rocks at the workshop as a fund raiser for their retreat center on Hawaii. They said that tektite holds the gamma vibe like meteorites do and she wore one as a necklace. I just did a wiki search on it, and there's a high probability that tektite is actually from the moon given that it is more similar to a sample taken on the Apollo 12 mission than anything found on earth.


Actually, I was wondering how I'd get my hands on a moon rock. Between the fact that moon rocks are expensive, rare, and illegal, I knew I would have to bide my time. I didn't realize that it would only be for a couple of weeks and $16 later! :lol:


So anyways, I went to Walmart and scored some black leather necklace cord and some black, thin, waxed linen cord and wrapped the linen cord around many times in a band down the centerline binding the tektite and the leather together. And then along the back I glued it with e6000 so as not to let the linen loops leave their formation and to prevent them from dropping the rock. I'll likely need to redo the linen every so often, but my new necklace is out of this world!! The black on black goes well. I had considered fine silvery wire to wrap it up, but decided on the black on black look in the end.




PS we forgot to chug the Oscar brew on the trip!! Next time!!

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Good stuff, I just saw this thread :)


Definitely a blast hanging with you guys!


I was thinking of taking my dremel and finding a small eyebolt for my tektite...what's worse, glue on it or a drill hole in it? :lol:

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While Dionne did have a drilled one, tektite is super hard stuff and can shatter with drilling per Shon who is a real rock head (so to speak). If it's a blessed rock, I wouldn't mess with it. I would wrap it up or glue it on the back side, etc.




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