
Neanderthal Legacy

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Patrick -- I appreciate you sharing again and so I'll try to clarify what I'm saying. For example I just biked from work across town. Parked my bike and then sat in full-lotus at an unused bus-stop at a busy intersection. Not sure how long -- maybe an hour -- but I do know it was about 4 internal climaxes with the last one being a "full" climax. That's how internal climaxes work -- the first two or three are build-ups and the final one is like the typical male external climax.


So that exorcised the stress from work -- or from posting this stuff online, etc. Back to the normal euphoric self. It's just like -- I'll take the machine out for a spin -- kind of thing.


Now then as for "sound" -- again the issue is resonating sound into ultrasound, as I already mentioned. This doesn't happen when you are using western tuning because it doesn't rely on the natural overtones which violate the commutative property -- they're INHERENTLY asymmetric whereas even quantum mechanics (the wave-particle duality you mentioned) is converted to classical symmetry via the Poisson Bracket.


You can read my blogbook for more details: http://mothershiplanding.blogspot.com

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Let's put it this way. How many hours have you sat in full-lotus TODAY?!?


I don't keep track anymore. On a good day I have 20 mutual climaxes with females -- we both have internal climaxes after I use my pineal gland to shoot electromagnetic energy into them while the full-lotus sucks up their electrochemical energy.


20 climaxes means I don't get hungry if I don't eat. Last summer I went 3 days with no food and no hunger -- just ecstasy.


That's religion to me.


The best I went was 8 days on only HALF a glass of water. The electromagnetic fields were so strong I healed my mom so she didn't need surgical stockings, I freaked my friends out, I pulled this old lady's spirit out of her head by accident, I saw dead spirits coming to hear Master chunyi Lin during his qi-emitting lecture, when I sat in full-lotus the room kept spinning around me.


That's when I stopped practicing and my channels closed up a bit but then Master Chunyi Lin stuck his finger to my forehead and this magnetic bliss burned up my pineal gland making it permanently magnetized with bliss.


From 11 to 1 at noon and at midnight the third eye automatically opens up everyday. But I just sit in full-lotus and have about 10 internal climaxes a day. At the full-moon the energy is strongest 3 days before and after and especially strong at the equinox full moons.


Precognition, telepathy, telekinesis, psychic healing and euphoria. These can all be the norm just by practicing:






Let me chime in.


Yes chi is very powerful when nourished and has a direct effect in our spirit. I experience same stuff, especially giving up food. However I also work full-time (my job not being exactly a librarian) and I need food to carry on otherwise I wouldn't be able to cope with it. I also have to drive near an hour to go to work and traffic is a bitch most of the time.


Really I am getting tired of the whole thing and willing to become a wandering monk in China and go through cave dwelling practice. Maybe one day. Who knows.



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