
Pursuit of Knowledge

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Up to this moment of human history, there are three forms of Knowledge/Intelligence that we know:


1. Everyday common sense plus scientific knowledge.


2. The 1st form yet materialized and re-processed outside human brain as Expert System, AI ...and stored in database ,web servers...


3. The Intelligence told by taoism and Buddhism.


First form of intelligence does not understand the 3rd one , it guess, but no matter how hard it tries, through Psychology or Philosophy for example , it always fails.

Edited by exorcist_1699

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I would categorize knowledge like this:


1. What you've received second hand. Knowledge you've heard, read, etc


2. What you've thought about. Knowledge you've incorporated into a logical framework for understanding. The type you can "say in your own words", critically analyze, dissect, and synthesize.


3. What you've experienced. Knowledge you know personally through first hand experience.


Even the knowledge of our world's wisdom traditions (not just Taoism and Buddhism but also Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, and countless other smaller traditions), even this great knowledge is empty words. At this, the first level, meaning doesn't even come into play. It's just following, regurgitating. Brainless. Don't mistakenly believe Christianity and Islam own exclusive rights to blind fundamentalist idiocy.

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I heard this one recently: seek the root of the mind otherwise you may know everything but understand nothing.

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The circle, a point and the wave of ever-becoming, ever-returning!


Darkness and light are only apparent do not discriminate and flow with the ever-becoming, ever-returning ecstasy.





This from ten years ago:



Edited by Patrick Brown

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