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On the Becoming of a Xerxes and Privelige of Serfdom

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First passage:

“Xerxes restore temptation of Flesh”


Second Passage:

“Privelige of Wisdom obtains no belonging”


Third Passage:

“A Drought Lord Considers vast belonging”


Fourth Passage:

“Way low Unbridled Pleasure”


Fifth Passage:

”The Strength of Raj Athen’s Particle Space”


Sixth Passage:

“The Practice of Strength standing still”


Seventh Passage:

”A Xerxes can be wounded by an arrow”

Edited by Mithras

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Reading the passage, A Xerxes considers serfdom the safest way for those outside his order to be cleansed of purity.


Those seeking the naturalness of my order may become my serfs. Privelige or other, it is no shame to be a serf to a gracious arm.


The Sturdiness of Flesh and the Uncertainty of Steel is the promise of a Xerxes

Edited by Mithras

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