
How exactly does females drain our Jing

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I've been reading Voidisyinyang(Drew) content and he talks a lot about how does attraction from the opposite sex happens and  how girls and also males can drain our jing.


I have so many questions on this subject, maybe you guys can help me, so:



1 - How exactly does women drain our jing?



2 - Did they just need to look at us or there needs to be eye contact(I need to look at her too)?



3 - Did they need to look at us or by simply being next to us they are already draining our jing?



4 - If I just look at a girl will I lose jing to her or I need to look at her with sexual desire?




5 - Do I really LOSE jing in these scenarios or it's JUST CONVERTED from Jing to sexual fluid and then there's the need to reconvert it back to jing?




6 - If I talk to a girl she will drain my jing, correct? What about talking to other males?



7 - How exactly males drain our jing? Drew talks about Male pervs who drains jing, so only male pervs can take jing from another male?




8 - Is that why people isolate themselves from society so that they can conserve the maximum amount of jing without people draining them?




9 - So, someone who retains his seed for 30 days away from society will have a lot more jing than someone who retained his seed for 30 days but is still living among society, correct?



10 - What role qigong, neigong, etc.. takes in this scenario? So now let's use an example of two people living among society: They both retains their seeds for 30 days, but one of the practices a form of qigong and the other doesn't. So that means the one who practices qigong will have more jing than the one who doesn't, correct? Considering they both have a good diet, good sleep, etc.. the only change is the practice or not of qigong.



Thanks in advance!:lol:

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Consider that the female's meridians, when pressed against the male's meridians, may make a cosmic circuit if the humans are sufficiently refined


Perhaps the traditional instructions are for unrefined humans




Edited by Lairg

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I don't know the answers to your questions, and Drew claimed to be fairly advanced which I find plausible (IMO) if he did indeed go on retreats with Master Chunyi Lin.


He did reference the Taoist Yoga book written by Charles Luk a lot, specifically about the role of celibacy in cultivation. He claimed something like it was the entirety of the path at some point (according to his interpretation of the book).


You might be able to it find online, it could have some answers for you.

Edited by searcher7977

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I will attempt to answer your questions based on what I’ve learned so far

1 - How exactly does women drain our jing?

They don’t, you lose jing by thinking sexual thoughts about women (or men if that’s what you are into)


2 - Did they just need to look at us or there needs to be eye contact(I need to look at her too)?

Only if them looking at you turns you on

3 - Did they need to look at us or by simply being next to us they are already draining our jing?


Only if them being next to you turns you on


4 - If I just look at a girl will I lose jing to her or I need to look at her with sexual desire?


You need to look at her with sexual desire


5 - Do I really LOSE jing in these scenarios or it's JUST CONVERTED from Jing to sexual fluid and then there's the need to reconvert it back to jing?
You lose jing, not sure if it’s converted into sexual fluid or just lost, maybe someone else knows better
6 - If I talk to a girl she will drain my jing, correct? What about talking to other males?
If you talk to her and you are turned on with sexual desire your jing will be drained, same if you talk to other males and you are turned on with sexual desire
7 - How exactly males drain our jing? Drew talks about Male pervs who drains jing, so only male pervs can take jing from another male?
Males drain your jing either by you having sex or other sexual activity with them, or you thinking sexual thoughts about them. Male pervs don’t take jing from you, you lose jing yourself from being a pervert towards males or females

8 - Is that why people isolate themselves from society so that they can conserve the maximum amount of jing without people draining them?


Isolating from society is for more than just conserving jing, it could be for undisturbed peace and quiet or to be surrounded by nature or various other reasons. Even then you can lose jing by thinking about sex or masturbating. 

9 - So, someone who retains his seed for 30 days away from society will have a lot more jing than someone who retained his seed for 30 days but is still living among society, correct?


If you retain your seed but still think about sex you lose jing, regardless of whether you are away from society or not. In my opinion it is better to have sex or ejaculate a few times a month rather than not have sex or ejaculate the whole month but continuously think about sex or obsess about not thinking about sex (it’s still indirectly thinking about sex)

10 - What role qigong, neigong, etc.. takes in this scenario? So now let's use an example of two people living among society: They both retains their seeds for 30 days, but one of the practices a form of qigong and the other doesn't. So that means the one who practices qigong will have more jing than the one who doesn't, correct? Considering they both have a good diet, good sleep, etc.. the only change is the practice or not of qigong.


Depends on their mindset. If someone practices qigong or neigong but has sex on their mind 24/7 they will have less jing than someone who doesn’t practice but doesn’t think about sex 24/7

Edited by Pak_Satrio
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Drew seems highly imbalanced.  His predatory nature is revealed time and again in his sharings here over the years.  His view of women reads as highly objectifying and to me is a rather dangerous mixture of judgement/blame and fear/anxiety.   He hyper sexualizes women and underage girls in addition to blaming them for his own thoughts, tendencies and obsessive notions regarding jing leakage, sex and communication.


He bragged repeatedly about sexually assaulting teen girls in public spaces with his immense subtle energy field perturbations due to sitting in full lotus.


I would recommend you cease feeding anxietous thinking about this topic all together.  These thoughts arise within and not from the jing thievery of others who likely are not even aware of your presence.  If you do only one thing, stop blaming such anxiety on women in your life.   These fears and this thinking arises within, not from without.


Sit down, calm your breathing and grow quiet. 

As mind begins to quiet, rest in this place and begin to explore within your own awarness.

The answers you seek are there. 

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8 hours ago, Lairg said:

the female's meridians, when pressed against the male's meridians, may make a cosmic circuit 


Has no one experienced this?


A symptom may be lines of light from stars entering the back of the male at orgasm





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Desires stir the jing. It's not just sexual.


Calm the mind, worry less, live life from a state of ease. 


Don't seek out external stimuli excessively, look into the concept of "dopamine fasting"

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Thanks for all the replies, specially @Pak_Satrio for answering all the questions.


But I want to understand: why avoid Drew's content? From what he speaks he is a high level practitioner. 


I know all the "O's at a D" thing isn't right but I feel like he was only sharing his experiences/knowledge.


Also, I can understand what he talks about, because when I go 2+weeks without ejaculation, girls notice me more and even some guys, when I release it, for the first few days I feel like a ghost, no one notices me. So retention plays a big role in how girls will notice you, so, isn't this how they try to suck off our jing? Because we are building it? It's unconscious, they don't even know why they are attracted to us.


I don't want to turn this thread into a "nofap" thread, even if I probably already did it lol


But can you guys explain why this attraction thing happens?


Oh and just to clarify: I don't hate women, it's nothing like that, I'm just trying to understand how this works, I perfectly accept talking to girls, eye contact, etc.. I'm not paranoid about that, because worrying about girls "stealing" my jing also depletes jing lol


hmm weird, I can't quote more than one answer while in the phone. When I get home I will quote some of you.


Edited by almaxy

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8 minutes ago, almaxy said:

Thanks for all the replies, specially @Pak_Satrio for answering all the questions.


But I want to understand: why avoid Drew's content? From what he speaks he is a high level practitioner. 


I know all the "O's at a D" thing isn't right but I feel like he was only sharing his experiences/knowledge.


Also, I can understand what he talks about, because when I go 2+weeks without ejaculation, girls notice me more and even some guys, when I release it, for the first few days I feel like a ghost, no one notices me. So retention plays a big role in how girls will notice you, so, isn't this how they try to suck off our jing? Because we are building it? It's unconscious, they don't even know why they are attracted to us.


I don't want to turn this thread into a "nofap" thread, even if I probably already did it lol


But can you guys explain why this attraction thing happens?


Oh and just to clarify: I don't hate women, it's nothing like that, I'm just trying to understand how this works, I perfectly accept talking to girls, eye contact, etc.. I'm not paranoid about that, because worrying about girls "stealing" my jing also depletes jing lol


hmm weird, I can't quote more than one answer while in the phone. When I get home I will quote some of you.


Almaxy please for the love of God find a teacher

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2 hours ago, almaxy said:

So retention plays a big role in how girls will notice you, so, isn't this how they try to suck off our jing? Because we are building it? It's unconscious, they don't even know why they are attracted to us.

This is a massive case of "does not follow". This kind of partially but not totally reasonable line of though is exactly what Drew does constantly, and it shows the distortions of his mind.


Consider the following analogy: Many women are attracted to men who show signs of having a life of abundance (including but not limited to wealth). But does this mean that women are trying to drain men's abundance? You would have to be pretty deep down the misogynistic rabbit hole to say that.

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24 minutes ago, Creation said:

This is a massive case of "does not follow". This kind of partially but not totally reasonable line of though is exactly what Drew does constantly, and it shows the distortions of his mind.

Also if this was the case, monasteries across the world would have tons of horny women trying to break down the gates to drain the poor monks inside.


Please guys let’s not entertain these delusions.


@almaxy we have been interacting on here for months, maybe even a year now. In that time you could have found a good teacher and made real progress instead of trying to decipher what a madman like Drew is saying. 

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My own observation is that it is much more common that the sexual partner is carrying astral/etheric parasites that then spawn so that the new partner is also afflicted


Spawning is standard in sexual abuse of children so that abused boys often grow up to be abusers also.  Is child abuse the only infectious crime?


A female friend approached me after sex with a somewhat strange man that I knew.  She said she became possessed during sex.  The entity would get her to steal (to buy cigarettes for target humans) and then delete her memory of the theft a few minutes later.

Edited by Lairg
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Sexual desire and intercourse complicates things from an energetic point of view. So does overly fixating on it I agree. 


This is something that might help you understand

Women as a collective feminine carries trauma just like men does, so when they spot you with sparkly eyes and a calm deminor something in them longs for the compassionate masculine often in the form of a fartherly love and guidance. 

Because this has been lacking in most traumatized cultures, then women, from a lack of love and care, will instead try to survive on the only other form of attention they get which is often males sexual or negative shadows attention. This means the second your loving compassion tweaks into feelings of desire for the women you encounter they adapt into a more negative kind of interaction. Not because they themselves are negative, but because of their trauma of not being exposed to positive masculine love and guidance. 


So always cultivate the connection to your heart and notice when you slip into sexual desire. Actually you'll be able to mentally formulate or envision: I'm sorry I didn't wan't to sexual approach you and I'm still learning, but you caught my eye because your hair is very pretty etc. as a genuine compliment. Like a mantra you use to reprogram your own hearts "evil fire" back into a more loving qi. This humble energy they will sense if it is sincere and the relation will turn back into loving compassion from both parts. 


The same thing goes for men who haven't experienced a healthy motherly love, they too will tend to adapt to survive from negative female drives for wealth, beauty, brutality etc. which they use to mask their wounds. When they sense a woman deeply humble or hurt they too grow above their trauma, and will protect her in an instant. 


This is at least my experience from living in a large city with a lot of traumatized people with all of the misunderstandings making it hard to stay centered without having a strong heart connection. 

Edited by Nahfets
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If some dude told me that a woman in his life was trying to drain his jing, I wouldn't assume that it was the woman with the psychological issue.  More likely to be the other way around, imo.

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15 minutes ago, liminal_luke said:

If some dude told me that a woman in his life was trying to drain his jing, I wouldn't assume that it was the woman with the psychological issue.  More likely to be the other way around, imo.

Even this whole Us vs Them mentality concerning men and women is a red flag 

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Some people inherit trauma's through the family or some other constellation where they can end up showing social cues that instigate the negative interaction from the opposite sex also so bear in mind people mentioning this might also be in need of some assistence. 


Like if a woman told you she kept attracting violent boyfriends, you would most likely show compassion here not instantly judge her. 


Traumatized women often tend to discuss how to manipulate and take advantage of men in the hidden and most traumatized men tend to ignore the suffering of women or create a culture where women get's taken advantage of like you see in certain very wealthy circles in most nations. 


I tend to hold men at a high standard of how they treat women and I like how this woman on YT does the same for women. (JustPearlyThings) as a lot of modern women have come under a delusion trickled down from the abusive cultures on top about how to treat men today and those paying for this is often not the men who created the culture nor the trauma that gets triggered to push such behavior, 


Often we get highjacked to push certain agendas and views without even realizing due to the need for top powers to project their own misery and faults downward onto the lower classes, and it happens through media and the prestige economy. 


This is a dynamic that mirrors a lot of the issues from within the constellation of the opposite sex, so when cultures go into such turmoil it get's difficult to stay on top of things mentally and emotionally and many get's taken advantage of on either side right now really. 




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15 hours ago, almaxy said:

Thanks for all the replies, specially @Pak_Satrio for answering all the questions.


But I want to understand: why avoid Drew's content? From what he speaks he is a high level practitioner. 


I know all the "O's at a D" thing isn't right but I feel like he was only sharing his experiences/knowledge.


For what it's worth I've been on here long enough to talk with Drew in his various incarnations a number of times.  My conclusion was that there was a level of inbalance in him and what he was doing which would not be good to copy.  He's obviously an intelligent guy (I read one of his books once) but his own rationalisations about what was happening to him energetically were over rationalised and abstract.  He was, I agree, just sharing what he believed was his experience but the problem was that this involved others, young girls in fact - and if what he thought was happening, actually was happening then he should have paused and considered the ethical consequences of it.



15 hours ago, almaxy said:

Also, I can understand what he talks about, because when I go 2+weeks without ejaculation, girls notice me more and even some guys, when I release it, for the first few days I feel like a ghost, no one notices me. So retention plays a big role in how girls will notice you, so, isn't this how they try to suck off our jing? Because we are building it? It's unconscious, they don't even know why they are attracted to us.


I think this is a real effect.  But you should be aware that as much as they are noticing you, you are noticing them.  Energy, if you like, bounces around and it's not always clear where it starts.  Anyone, I think, who does any kind of energy cultivation will quite easily heighten their awareness of the energy field around them and the interactions in it.  Cultivators become more energetically 'interesting' but of course you need to have clear ideas about what you are doing and why, as well as a level of purity in your subtle body to negotiate this space.  Even some so called 'masters' fall foul of sexual energy.


15 hours ago, almaxy said:

I don't want to turn this thread into a "nofap" thread, even if I probably already did it lol


But can you guys explain why this attraction thing happens?


Oh and just to clarify: I don't hate women, it's nothing like that, I'm just trying to understand how this works, I perfectly accept talking to girls, eye contact, etc.. I'm not paranoid about that, because worrying about girls "stealing" my jing also depletes jing lol


hmm weird, I can't quote more than one answer while in the phone. When I get home I will quote some of you.



The word 'seduce' means something like to draw out.  In a dualised energy field beings with a certain energy configuration unconsciously seek to draw out from the field (which usually means other beings in the field) the energy mode that they lack.  Yin and yang if you like, continually try to achieve union and/or balance.  It's nature.


There are though, some beings who are conditioned into an addiction for this, in a variety of ways.  Such that they might feel so driven that they cease to see the other being(s) as valid individuals and just 'prey'.  You could say its a form of psychopathy.  It's not always explicitly about sex either, it might be dominance and power.  The subconscious acknowledgement of this is what makes vampire books and films so popular.  It's not a trivial thing either and makes playing around with energy quite dangerous sometimes.



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Some guys choose celibacy because they genuinely want to stop having sex and sexual thoughts.  But I've noticed that there's another group of men who choose celibacy because they want women to find them more attractive.  They often remark that after a few weeks of "jing retention" that women are more sexually interested in them.  Is this a benefit?  Seems to me that there's something twisted about deciding to stop having sex with the (secret?) purpose of involving oneself still deeper in sexualized contexts.

Edited by liminal_luke
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1 hour ago, liminal_luke said:

Some guys choose celibacy because they genuinely want to stop having sex and sexual thoughts.  But I've noticed that there's another group of men who choose celibacy because they want women to find them more attractive.  They often remark that after a few weeks of "jing retention" that women are more sexually interested in them.  Is this a benefit?  Seems to me that there's something twisted about deciding to stop having sex with the (secret?) purpose of involving oneself still deeper in sexualized contexts.


Yes.  And I think it's all quite confusing because even that behaviour of doubtful intent isn't a million miles from the karmamudra idea of 'joy of no joy' as the fourth form of joy coming from union with a consort in Tantra.  It's kind of like in tantra - you can have sex provided you don't want to.  Which to quote Alanis Morrissette, is ironic.



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3 hours ago, Pak_Satrio said:

Even this whole Us vs Them mentality concerning men and women is a red flag 


3 hours ago, liminal_luke said:

If some dude told me that a woman in his life was trying to drain his jing, I wouldn't assume that it was the woman with the psychological issue.  More likely to be the other way around, imo.


Guys, as I said above "Oh and just to clarify: I don't hate women, it's nothing like that, I'm just trying to understand how this works, I perfectly accept talking to girls, eye contact, etc.."


I don't have this mentality of hate, I'm just lost in a hundred of posts over the internet of people with different ideas and I'm trying to understang who is right, Im trying to put the pieces together of a lot of information.


This is just another question that we have 2 different answers, just like the real lower dantian location, below or behind the navel...


1 hour ago, Apech said:

 He was, I agree, just sharing what he believed was his experience but the problem was that this involved others, young girls in fact - and if what he thought was happening, actually was happening then he should have paused and considered the ethical consequences of it.



Yea he should have stopped earlier, he said he did it for some years, in the end he realised he was wrong, I read in one of his posts. He did that(sitting in full lotus in public) because he discovered that while in full lotus girls and male pervs couldn't suck off his jing, but the side effect was that he would give girls O's at a D, lol I feel like Drew writing now:D. I'm not saying he wasn't wrong, I'm just explaining why he did it according to what I understood from his posts.


1 hour ago, liminal_luke said:

But I've noticed that there's another group of men who choose celibacy because they want women to find them more attractive.  They often remark that after a few weeks of "jing retention" that women are more sexually interested in them.


True. You can find them in the ''nofap reddit community''.


But most(and I mean 99% of them) don't even know what jing is nor cultivation. They literally cultivate semen.. This community started because a guy went 7 days off masturbation and pornography, and he noticed he had more energy, was feeling more confident, etc.. And then he started this thing called ''nofap'' to share with other guys his "discoveries". Then the community grew and the end of the story you already know.


People join this community to stop watching porn and retain.. semen.. This is the main goal there because they say that the benefits come with semen retention. 


And there people talk about the benefits they feel while retaining, how long their streak is, there are some dudes who claim to be 100+ days off masturbation but they also don't cultivate so I think this can be more dangerous than fapping once a week. And yes there are the guys who say nofap is magical and attract girls but there are a lot of dudes more skeptical who say this is not true and it just happens because you are feeling more confident because you are not masturbating and not watching porn.


I know, it's a mess, and I'm in the middle of









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59 minutes ago, almaxy said:


I know, it's a mess, and I'm in the middle of





I wonder if you'd be willing to give us some context here: what are you in the middle of?  Is your question simply a matter of intellectual curiosity or are you working out something in your life?  


The simple answer to your question -- how do females drain men's jing? -- is that they don't.  Certainly not as a group.  Each of us is responsible for our own energy and if it's being drained then we are the ones doing the draining.  Which isn't to say that there aren't predatory people of both genders out there.  There are.  But if a guy consistently finds himself thinking that his jing is being drained by women, then a think a little self-reflection is in order.  I'm not suggesting that this is true for you.  Perhaps you're just captivated by Drew's writings and trying to understand his perspective.  Drew is an interesting guy, arguably advanced by some standards, but I'd take his writings about sexual energy with a truckload of salt.

Edited by liminal_luke
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1 hour ago, liminal_luke said:

Drew is an interesting guy, arguably advanced by some standards, but I'd take his writings about sexual energy with a truckload of salt.


I rarely say anything negative about anyone here but occasionally make an exception. Drew’s writings about sexual energy and sexuality are offensive, misleading, and a sign of serious energetic disturbances. 









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5 minutes ago, steve said:


I rarely say anything negative about anyone here but occasionally make an exception. Drew’s writings about sexual energy and sexuality are offensive, misleading, and a sign of serious energetic disturbances. 



A wisely chosen exception imo.  -_-

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21 hours ago, Pak_Satrio said:

Almaxy please for the love of God find a teacher


Do you mean an English teacher ? 


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