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Newbie looking for gates....

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Hi.  I'm about to get my Acupuncture licence, and helping out with teaching in the clinic where I trained.  In Acupuncture we use a protocol called the four gates (2 pairs of needles in hands and feet) which seems to have an element of folklore about them - as there is nothing in the standard texts.  Anyway, a few years ago I found a list of other pairings, also called gates...which are now not available via the link I have.  


So, I'm googling gates and forums which led me here.  I'm specifically looking for acupuncture gates in the context of '4 gates'.  It's not to do with the 12 meridians or the 8 extraordinaries.  I've seen a list of approx 10 other gates - if anyone has any knowledge of them - I would greatly appreciate it!  Thank you for your attention.



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