
Stranger things

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On 3/15/2025 at 5:48 AM, Apech said:

I got through the Younger Dryas with just a zippo lighter and a Swiss Army knife.



Yes ... they were terrible for one's hair   !    




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Scenario: A brick is flying toward you.

  • Seeing it in flight — this is Enlightenment.
  • Understanding that if the brick hits, it will hurt — this is Wisdom.
  • Calculating its trajectory and the exact moment of impact — this is Knowledge.
  • Dodging in time — this is Intelligence.
  • Cursing out the person who threw it, but in a way that prevents them from throwing another brick — this is Charisma.
  • And if, despite all these qualities, the brick still smashes you on the head — this is Karma.
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4 hours ago, Taomeow said:


Scenario: A brick is flying toward you.

  • Seeing it in flight — this is Enlightenment.
  • Understanding that if the brick hits, it will hurt — this is Wisdom.
  • Calculating its trajectory and the exact moment of impact — this is Knowledge.
  • Dodging in time — this is Intelligence.
  • Cursing out the person who threw it, but in a way that prevents them from throwing another brick — this is Charisma.
  • And if, despite all these qualities, the brick still smashes you on the head — this is Karma.


this is Brilliance (and that last line -- Hilarity)


Edited by liminal_luke
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Catfish are more closely relate to cats than they are to dogfish!
In fact, all bony fish are more closely related to all tetrapods (mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians) than they are to all cartilaginous fish. This is because the first tetrapods evolved from a type of bony fish, meaning we are all fully inside that group (even though we don't usually consider ourselves fish.)
Similarly unintuitive but true facts:
-Bullhead fish are more closely related to bulls than to bullsharks.
-Zebrafish is more closely related to zebra than to zebra sharks.
-An electric eel is more closely related to an electrician than to an electric ray.
May be an image of text that says 'Subphylum Vertebrata vertebrates Parvphylum Osteichtheys bony fish Class Mammalia mammals Class Actinopterygii ray-finned fish Order Carnivora carnivorans Specics Felis catus domestic cats Class Class Chondrichthyes cartilaginous fish Division Selachii sharks Species Squalus acanthias spiny dogfish Order Siluriformes catfish Specics Silurus glanis wels catfish Catfish are more closely related to cats than they are to dogfish -Starkey Comics'
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4 hours ago, Taomeow said:
-An electric eel is more closely related to an electrician than to an electric ray.


Unless ......



- Ever since Raymond was hit by lightening  he noticed an 'unusual discharge '  .  





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54 minutes ago, Nungali said:


Unless ......



- Ever since Raymond was hit by lightening  he noticed an 'unusual discharge '  .  






Poor Raymond.  


And here's a sculpture of an electrician saving a stranded cat in Veliky Novgorod, Russia.  Based on a true story.


Электрик, спасающий кота, жанровая скульптура, Новгородская область,  Великий Новгород, Софийская сторона — Яндекс Карты


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That reminds me of a strange thing ;


A woman I know  got a 'tiny house' built  .  IMO many of these younger 'modern types' will go for the hype and 'current coolness' of something, with no ideas about practicality !


The Pole climbing footwear  the cat rescuer is climbing ; we can see how it works and its 'easy design' accommodates the shape and normal usage of the human body .  Sometimes they just hammer in permanent foot pegs up the pole in the same position .  They been that way for years ....  for good reason ! 


Not with modern 'hipsters'  .. we can improve that !    So in this tiny house it has a large middle section with very high cieling (for a 'tiny' house ) and two end sections with lower ceilings one with a  kitchen and another room , 'upstairs' above these two are two bedrooms . They way up is up a pole , but did they design it like the above ? No . She wanted a spiral staircase , which takes up too much room ... I know, I will put the foot pegs in a spiral around the pole so its like walking up a spiral staircase ! 


If you have a good imagination, try and imagine doing that . You either have to hug the Pole while doing a restricted 'cross step' upwards , or shuffling  around the pole  while you hug it  and lead with one foot and follow with the other . And its in a corner that has not much room and  then you get trapped with your head under the upstairs floor    :D     Mind you this is ion the best of circumstances ... not coming home after a party late ... not being sick and wanting to get downstairs ... especially to the toilet .  And both rooms are joined by a 'gantry' narrow walkway with no rail .   The doors into the rooms look 'cute '  , like bulkhead doors , but you have to step over and duck as you go in .  That low sill and no vents in the bedroom creates a hot air pocket you can feel as soon as you  stand up in the room after passing through the doorway .  Oh, its got all super duper computerized  stuff in there , remote controls etc .     A HUGE expensive solar solar system, heat exchanger,   etc 


I offered her design and ideas help   during her first conceptions   ;  " NO Thankyou ... it will all be done 'professionally '  . "


Me:   "  Yes, but I have lived in this environment and on this land for over 40 years , and worked on a few designs and  helped work on the building of a few houses . I have seen 'professionals' make mistakes   local experienced people would not ... and I don't charge !  Also you saw my wet room rainforest shower I  solely designed and built , so much so that you  used it to film an advert in for your shower and bath  products  you sell . "     She smiled ... no answer . 


" For example , with heating ... in most cases I would recommend this , but a small slow combustion wood burning stove is very good, can cook on it too, not too hard to fit  ( I can do that , again for free , its fairly simple ) and consider you have 10 hectares of forest with wood all over the ground right behind you . In any case there are many people to sell you some ,  deliver and stack it . I have designed  a cooling system that is very simple ; first the highest inside point must have an air vent out , the hot air will rise out drawing up the air from below . If you put in some floor vents in will draw air up from under the house  (its on a trailer and wheels )  and if you grow some plants around the outside in the gap between g round and floor , as the air rises through the vents it will draw air through the plants and if a small micro sprayer  wets  them , you will have evaporative air conditioning inside .


"   OR  , we  could rig up an old solar water heater , put it down hill out the front and you could have underfloor heating for winter ... I can do all of that .  VERY cheap ."   ......   " No thankyou ."  < smile > 


her end cost was near $100,000 .     A  month after moving in the professional solar system is shot .... she  drained the batteries too much during our recent  major flood / cyclone event    ( she didn't use a back up generator  when batteries got to a certain low point  ) .  I have one but due to a better design and system , I never had to use my generator once during that flood . 


result ?     just after a month   ....  ' Tiny house for sale ! '   on Facebook marketplace  .    Thing is I don't see how someone could move it off the property and down the road ..... it has a huge bay window that makes it too wide and its surrounded by   stained glass windows .... just a transport 'lurch' and it could all come undone ! 


is anything being admitted ... would this new 'consciousness' ever admit  "I made a terrible mistake ' ?  NOPE  !   Not in my experience , with these types . people are still praising it !  It looks cute , innovative , all the mod cons !    Either this woman is gonna suffer big time because of all this nonsense and not listening to the voice of experience , or she will palm it off to some other similar type and BS about it  and how great it is . 


Like a new cool looking hipster t-pot ..... looks great on the shelf , friends admire it , and YOU ... for having it .  Then when you pour tea out of it it dribbles  down the spout , out from under the lid  and all over the table. 


Strange things  ...... strange consciousness       :wacko:




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@Nungali It gets me every time how little professionalism is left in the world.  Specialists in name only are all over the place.  Full of hubris and full of shit has become the default mode.


Not that lay people fare any better when they undertake creative tasks out of frustration with the way specialists do it or for to save money...  Know a family of two engineers in my old NJ neighborhood who got frustrated with architectural designers when renovating their home and decided to design their own kitchen.  They installed an L shaped counter with drawers on each side of the bend.  The drawers aren't flush with the face of the contraption, they elegantly protrude a bit, and then they have those [-shaped modern pulls that stick out even further.  Looks great.  Only problem is, you can't open any of them, the opening operations on either side are mutually exclusive. 


I could make a better engineer out of a chlamydia specimen.  

Edited by Taomeow
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Ahhh ... that old 2020   doggy report has resurfaced in social media  platforms  with new clothing and new graphics .  :)  


and before that  1998 -  'The Giza Powerplant ' .   






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don' worry, just make your tin foil hat bigger...




or gather in greater numbers to multiply the effect:


tin hats.jpg

Edited by old3bob
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What sort of 'graphics' are they supposed to be ?  Mostly unexplained .   Like why  put numbers all over them as reference but not  show what they are referencing ?   And the 'room' structures above ground with typical (of that period ) corbal roof structure with layered 'relieving chambers' (so called) stacked above them   (and the   dork on the YouTube explains how nothing like them have been seen before - there is at least one over the 'King's Chamber'  above , which is where the artist that made up this image  * probably got this idea from in the first place .


* for those that do not realize any scans would have shown nothing like this artistically rendered image . Let's see the original scans .  


And for those that get upset about me   exposing this rubbish  because you want a 'Hall of Records' under the great pyramid ... you got it !    They just associated this underground complex and hall of records with the wrong pyramid !    Look under the first one ! 


Kufu Pyramid  underground chambers 




An unfinished subterranean chamber , descending passage and 'well shaft ' . 


Now look under Djoser's pyramid ; 




"Underground city' indeed ! 









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14 minutes ago, Nungali said:


That was then this is now.  Just the other day I read an account of a patient's family in Hawaii getting awarded something like $5 million (the patient himself died long before the courts, which took years to decide the case, finally did decide).  The patient was undergoing spinal surgery for back pain.  The surgeon was supposed to install two titanium rods, one on each side, to hold the spine.  In the middle of the surgery it turned out the rods were missing from the kit.  Rather than call it a day and try again at some later date, or alternatively wait an hour or so before they could be delivered, the surgeon took a screwdriver from the kit, sawed off the shaft and installed it in the patient's spine -- on one side only though, since he didn't have a second screwdriver handy.  A few days later the screwdriver snapped and shattered into pieces -- the approved titanium thingies for this procedure have flexibility, since they are supposed to have a range of motion, while the screwdriver doesn't -- in fact it's supposed to be stiff to work properly at its primary task of driving in screws.  The patient became paraplegic, underwent three more unsuccessful surgeries and died.  


This thread could get very very strange very fast if it veered into things medicine...   

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Since Giles is down voting even posts that   help him find   what he hopes to find  ......


More on Pyramid BS  :


The scans : 




From scan to 'tomography '    :D  


Even  the technology they claim they are using does not do what they claim ; 



The COSMO-SkyMed satellite constellation, developed by the Italian Space Agency (ASI), is equipped with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) technology that operates in the X-band. This system is designed for high-resolution Earth observation and can penetrate certain surface layers, such as clouds, vegetation, and even some soil, due to its radar capabilities. However, the claim that it can “see” two miles (approximately 3.2 kilometers) below the Earth’s surface requires careful scrutiny. 


Typically, X-band SAR (with a wavelength of about 3.1 cm) can penetrate only a few centimeters to a meter or two into dry, loose materials like sand or soil. In wet or dense materials, penetration is even less. Seeing two miles below the Earth’s surface would require imaging through solid rock, which is far beyond the capabilities of X-band SAR. Lower-frequency radar systems (e.g., L-band or P-band) can penetrate deeper—up to tens of meters in ideal conditions—but even these fall short of kilometers. Geophysical techniques like seismic imaging or ground-penetrating radar (GPR) used on-site can probe deeper, but these are not satellite-based and still rarely reach depths of two miles without specialized equipment and conditions. The COSMO-SkyMed system’s primary applications include surface monitoring, disaster management, and interferometry (e.g., measuring ground displacement over time). While it has been used to study archaeological sites by detecting subtle surface anomalies that hint at buried structures, there is no evidence in scientific literature or mission documentation that it can image features two miles underground.



Claims suggesting this capability, such as those circulating on platforms like X, may stem from misunderstandings or exaggerations of SAR’s penetration abilities, possibly conflating them with other technologies like muon detectors or seismic surveys (e.g., those used at the Giza Plateau). In conclusion, COSMO-SkyMed cannot “see” two miles below the Earth’s surface. Its SAR technology is limited to shallow penetration, and imaging at such depths would require entirely different methods not feasible from orbit.


However what  ever I put up will be scorned by some , just as they will believe whatever the 'other camp' puts up ....  what a 'strange thing ' .


Another strange thing is how many  hipster dufus youtube makers  and social media posters will 're-teweet' this and display to you their amazed emotions at this new 'discovery' - one was even encouraging people that they will be able to tell their kids that they lived through this great moment of discovery that will change the world    :)  


What will happen next ?   Nothing , it will fade into the background with a few cranks claiming a cover up because no one will allow   anybody  to dig down  under the pyramid . 



Maybe they are 'underground impeller thrusters '  ?





3....2.....1  ..... 





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just watch "Stargate" it has all the revealing info:



Btw, beware those little brain critters that can take over oneself....

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Should not octopussy have 4 boots  (and four gloves ) ? 


I hope so,  as cats are going to need all the hands they can get ..... soon .


To take the special chosen  Biblical 144,000 to paradise ! 


Yes, I said cats . 



Cat cult's travelling cat's luxury accommodation ; 









or as they say ..... apocalypse meow

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If the octopus is related to the cat.... where does the platypus fit in ?   


Did they all evolve from a common ancestor  ,  Minisauripus  ?   




( I had to study fossils as part of my campus corpus . )




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