
Stranger things

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25 minutes ago, Taomeow said:


Both are words that gain meanings only in context.  The size of genome that is addressed in the OP (larger vs smaller) presupposes greater complexity -- much like The Iliad possesses greater complexity than a tweet.  Whether The Iliad is redundant compared to a tweet...  depends on who you ask.  Ask among the tweeting generation and it's highly likely you'll get an answer in the affirmative.  So?..



To make such a statement, you would have to get a very good handle on what a genome is and what complexity is -- not just in the colloquial sense -- tackle it as a term from complexity theory which presupposes a working understanding of linear and nonlinear algebra, graph theory, probability theory, basic abstract algebra (groups, rings, and fields), basic logic and fuzzy logic -- for starters.  I've seen geneticists and mathematicians alike in absolute awe of plant complexity, and yet you used the OP's humble word "complex" as a platform for debunking...  what exactly?  That plants may possess the kind of complexity which the johnny-come-lately organ of a new and experimental animal species, the neocortex, might still have a hard time comprehending?..  700 million years of evolutionary success can only be debunked by a matching/exceeding feat.  So, let's talk about it again in 700 million years.







Let me delete my posts and you can be on your merry way, then.



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Boo hoo.


Now onward to stranger things. 


What I find strange -- always -- is the universal response of the masses to being treated like manipulable morons, which boils down to, "if rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy."  


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Not that I ever get my coffee from Starbucks, but if I ever did, I would boycott them now.  


I will boycott whoever follows suit.  Don't know how long I'll still be able to procure basic necessities, but I'll hold out for as long as I can. 

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dam those bacteria for evolving, and some not so well according to some humans...


(so who is to blame?)


Edited by old3bob

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On 05/12/2023 at 1:24 AM, Taomeow said:

Boo hoo.


Now onward to stranger things. 


What I find strange -- always -- is the universal response of the masses to being treated like manipulable morons, which boils down to, "if rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy."  


May be an image of text


Not that I ever get my coffee from Starbucks, but if I ever did, I would boycott them now.  


I will boycott whoever follows suit.  Don't know how long I'll still be able to procure basic necessities, but I'll hold out for as long as I can. 


AI is gonna be a worse thing .


My medical centre closed down , they put fees up  and stopped 'bulk billing '  ( ie. they agree to charge only the government Medicare rebate, they process the payment and you pay nothing , OR  they charge what they like, you pay it and get a part refund with the rebate ) because they where going broke ( due to all these government regulations   :rolleyes: ) poor broke doctors !


All I want is my heart meds .  I stopped taking them , felt ok , but after a while got headache and thought I'd try going back on . I stopped taking them becasue my prescription ran out .   Dont worry, go to 'scripts on line ' - the chemist has to help anyone having difficulty .


So I go to the chemist as they are ''Oh dear, you have to keep taking those ."  So they give me a phone number .


AI  1.  " Press 1 for ....  2 for ....      "  ho hum ... I choose 4 ; speak to a person .  She gives me a website address .  I go to it and cannot navigate through it on my phone . I go the library and try a computer ,  it won't access the site .  Now the librarian tries . She gets through but the site is unnavigable  to us . I go to the chemist and get it back up on my phone . It takes 15 mins. 2 chemist assistants and a chemist to  fill out the forms the IT 'doctor' spits up .... the usual question .  They get my card details, say payment is confirmed  (all 'automatic' ) and then it says first a doctor  ( a real one ? )  will call me  and my script will be faxed to the chemist  .


I wait in town for ages , nothing .. Fuck this I went home.  That was last friday . No call whatsoever and script faxed . I go back to chemist after the weekend . They say no  script in .  I ring them, choose option 4 and explain. The person is incompetent and says that is not their field and gives me an email address .  I am now supposed to write them a letter ?   I do explaining everything .  No response .

days later I get an automatic email from them asking if I want to fill out a survey about how happy I am with their service .


I send them another message explaining  further and they respond with an email about how to get my script on line  , a lot of advertising about themselves and  offer a phone service if you need help as well . Which was the original number I rang in the first place .


I sent them a different type of email then .  I also asked if I have to take this  above their heads .


Nah,  IT  doctor is not at like a real person at all  . If he had a son , who hated IT and doctors and dropped out of society and took drugs .... maybe I'd be convinced .


However ....    IT doctor may be like a real doctor .


I have opted to become de-medicated .     (So far  , we'll see .   ... Oh, the headache went away  .  ;)   )

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Albert Einstein's IQ was 163.  Marilyn Monroe's was 168.  So much for the dumb blonde.


She had about 400 books in her personal library, mostly quality fiction, some nonfiction.  She wrote poetry.  Here's a few of her poems:


O, Time Be Kind
Help this weary being
To forget what is sad to remember
Lose my loneliness,
Ease my mind,
While you eat my flesh.
Life, I am of both your directions
Existing more with the cold frost
Strong as a cobweb in the wind
Hanging downward the most
Somehow remaining
Those beaded rays have the colors
I've seen in paintings--ah life
They have cheated you
Thinner than a cobwebs's thread
Sheerer than any-
But it did attach itself
And held fast in strong winds
And singed by the leaping hot fires
Life - of which at singular times
I am of both your directions -
Somehow I remain hanging downward the most
As both of your directions pull me.
I left my home of green rough wood,
A blue velvet couch.
I dream till now
A shiny dark bush
Just left of the door.
Down the walk
Clickity clack
As my doll in her carriage
Went over the cracks-
"We'll go far away."
Don't cry my doll
Don't cry I hold you and rock you to sleep
Hush hush
I'm pretending now
I'm not your mother who died.
The smart one says
the eye is not truly round. His are,
though, fat with looking.


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I've longed to hear what Einstein's first wife's IQ was tested at...


Many theorize that Einstein and I among them would not have categorized, nor achieved his insights without her input.  Given the unlikely position of a woman studying at the leve she did at the time she did.


Милева Марић, pronounced [milěːva mǎːritɕ]; 19 December 1875 – 4 August 1948), sometimes called Mileva Marić-Einstein (Милева Марић-Ајнштајн, Mileva Marić-Ajnštajn), was a Serbian physicist, mathematician, and the first wife of Albert Einstein from 1903 to 1919. She was the only woman among Einstein's fellow students at Zürich Polytechnic. Marić and Einstein were study colleagues and lovers

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1 hour ago, silent thunder said:

I've longed to hear what Einstein's first wife's IQ was tested at...


Many theorize that Einstein and I among them would not have categorized, nor achieved his insights without her input.  Given the unlikely position of a woman studying at the leve she did at the time she did.


Милева Марић, pronounced [milěːva mǎːritɕ]; 19 December 1875 – 4 August 1948), sometimes called Mileva Marić-Einstein (Милева Марић-Ајнштајн, Mileva Marić-Ajnštajn), was a Serbian physicist, mathematician, and the first wife of Albert Einstein from 1903 to 1919. She was the only woman among Einstein's fellow students at Zürich Polytechnic. Marić and Einstein were study colleagues and lovers


Among physicists and mathematicians who knew them personally, there were persistent rumors Albert was plagiarizing, appropriating, and blatantly stealing Mileva's work.  (And was twice arrested for brutally beating her.)  So much for that other stereotype, The Scientist in Shining Armor.  


Hedy Lamarr, whose inventions are the foundation of a wide range of modern technologies, notably Wi-Fi, GPS, and Bluetooth, was totally disbelieved by those who knew her as a beautiful actress when they learned about her "other side," that of a brilliant technology innovator.  Attempts were made to ascribe all her work to picking the brains of her lovers.  Who were, you see, men, which should suffice to qualify them for mental feats a woman isn't cut out to pull off.


Of course there were many other supersmart women in science and technology who never got a fraction of a percent of recognition their equal-merit male counterparts always did.  

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Hedy Lamarr is one of my heroes.  What an incredible mind and polymath she was!  She laid much of the foundation of modern tech we all rely on without a second thought these days.  I got my son interested in her bio when he was looking for someone to do a project on in middle school, he was blown away.


Her life story is absolutely riveting and I'm hoping Coppola or some other savvy director/writer will put her story to the silver screen, it would be fire as the kidz say.  The time is ripe to begin shedding light on the unwritten genius women of the last few centuries.


I expect Mileva had an unrivaled mind of her age (or ours) and just as Albert used lifted the work of some of the previous generation's minds to formulate his ideas, he relied, borrowed and plagiarized her insights as well.  The fact that she was accepted to study at Zurich Polytechnic at the time she was should be a huge clue to folks regarding her exceptional qualities and abilities.  Getting through that acceptance board as a woman in those daze is a monumental achievement in itself.


Perhaps Albert's nod to her was in giving the Nobel Prize money to her after their split, not just an act to take care of their sons but quietly acknowledging her very real contribution. 


edit to add:  and by Coppola I mean Sophia

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... and I passed 5 of them on the a into town the other day  :(   Where there  are no intersections ! 


" Road repairs " .... some should be signed  "no repair work is being done hence the road will now stay one lane each way, alternating until .... "  .


other places they ARE doing the roadwork, but going over new works finished less than a month ago and the line marking done , now all tar sprayed over again ... and new sections being dug up and re-done while old bad ones left to neglect .


As some  patriots declare : "Well, if ya dont like it , go live in China !  "   :D 

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2 hours ago, Nungali said:

... and I passed 5 of them on the a into town the other day  :(   Where there  are no intersections ! 


" Road repairs " .... some should be signed  "no repair work is being done hence the road will now stay one lane each way, alternating until .... "  .


other places they ARE doing the roadwork, but going over new works finished less than a month ago and the line marking done , now all tar sprayed over again ... and new sections being dug up and re-done while old bad ones left to neglect .


As some  patriots declare : "Well, if ya dont like it , go live in China !  "   :D 


Very familiar.  I was running late to an appointment a couple of days ago because roadwork,  it stopped me inches away from my destination, well, maybe not inches but two minutes' worth of driving, tops.  Doesn't matter...  still stuck.  Started texting the person I was supposed to meet but her text to me interrupted, saying, "I'm stuck due to roadwork, running late."  Whew!  :D  


In addition, I live in an area of forever red lights.  I mean, once it's red, it stays red.  Maybe not forever but for a sizable eternity.  And also there's a green arrow that allows a left turn, and it's the turn I can't help having to make if I want to get home, so you sit waiting for all the red lights to pass their eternity and then the green arrow...  for a split second...  I could swear I saw it, right there...  but if there's more than two cars in front of you waiting for that arrow, chances are you won't make it.  It is on for a split second.  And then it's yellow for a nanosecond and then the eternal red light again.  But this time it's a bit easier to pass the eternity because now my car is first in line for that green arrow.  And there's two more lucky ones behind me whose drivers can relax and just wait, knowing they will make it.  But sucker number four...  you're shit out of luck, buddy.  No soup for you!    

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... or the 'lollipop man '  (  stop / go either side of a sign on a pole  operated manually ... or womanually  )   gives the go signal  for three cars  waiting , I am approaching with no cars behind me, the three go through and then  he turns the sign to stop .... bastard !


Not 'Mrs Smilie ' though ( Lollipop woman with a huge permanent  toothy grin  and a wave )  , same situation , she leaves the sign at stop but mimes  to me  ' Oh , go on then ' and then gets on the radio  to her opposite end , I suppose to say ; "...Make that four cars coming through. "   AND the nice lollypop lady that looks like 'Big Mum'   ( the indigenous ' Genius Loci '   ) ....   smile , wave  ... enthusiastic wave back and   after a few times she ' knows you ' ....   waves , now I'm blowing her kisses  :D   I'd like to run out and give her a hug and say " Thanks for everything you gave me "  .... but that might not go down well ... I think you are supposed to stay in the car  and NOT get out and touch hug or kiss the lollipop lady   :D 


But one cant really complain too much .... when the road does this ;


image.png.b3865a2b8821b63612c6d2d830e4124b.png ..........   image.png.d02998b2035845d1b954be03c2f74381.png   


or this , a different location near by




Road inspector's car accessing the safety on another section  after heavy rain  .... fortunately he had left the car to walk down the road a bit for a closer look - in the right direction .... then   SHLUMP  ! 


The local upper valley road meets a  larger road  that goes between towns ( the only way out  out basically ) , at the intersection  ....  a small 'village' and local store . In both directions where  land slides blocking the road , and other one's further along that stopped access to machinery  needed to clear these ones  ( they are  not allowed to just push it over the side into the river any more ) . So we where cut off for about  a week .  :)


It was interesting at the shop , some old unregistered paddock bashers ( cars )  where being used for transport . Parties where happening on the road , people drinking, smoking joints , loud music . . . Wah - hoo !  No one can 'get us' .


A helicopter eventually came and landed in the park and people scattered  .  But it wasnt the police search and destroy (and bust you ) unit - as usual  , it was the media wanting to do a story for the news  on the 'isolated people ' .  No one wanted to talk to them , eventually our lovely Laylarny   ( one of the nice young 'shop girls' ) fronted for an interview , I saw her on the news that night -


Reporter :  " And how is everyone coping "


"Well, I have been selling a LOT of alcohol .... as long as supplies hold out its all good  . "    



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Regarding Bagua  city planning .


Walter Burliegh Griffin designed a primitive version for our nation's capitol at Canberra , a sort f 'double one' with some 'ponds' in the middle






less traffic light ?   Well, no ...


Unfortunately in Canberra the opposite seems to be the norm. Even keeping to the designated speed limit it is usually the case that traffic will come to a halt ...




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16 hours ago, Taomeow said:

Bagua City in Eastern China.  The only city in China with no traffic lights.  


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No photo description available.


In Simcity, this type of design wastes space and creates traffic problems.


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6 hours ago, Master Logray said:


In Simcity, this type of design wastes space and creates traffic problems.



Definitely one of the overlords could use that space for his private estate.  Why waste it on plebeians?


I don't know much about video games but one look at Simcity snapshots told me that they, too, are designed as an instrument of brainwashing.  

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This has re-minded me of an insight I read long ago that resonates to this moment...


(paraphrasing from memory)_If one does not take steps to sculpt their own thinking process and by regards, their paradigm of reality... then the structure of their society will insinuate itself in and do it for them, utterly and completely

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1 hour ago, Taomeow said:


I don't know much about video games but one look at Simcity snapshots told me that they, too, are designed as an instrument of brainwashing.  


My son liked to play one of the early versions as a kid. I remember explaining this to him a bit.

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Do you question The Science®™ ?..   Help is on the way.


CDN media


Can't deny progress though.  At the time, New and Improved Science was mandatory only for some, and backtracked after having been administered to only 50 000 Americans.

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2 hours ago, Taomeow said:

Do you question The Science®™ ?..   Help is on the way.


CDN media


Can't deny progress though.  At the time, New and Improved Science was mandatory only for some, and backtracked after having been administered to only 50 000 Americans.


sticking someone in the head with an awl has been been updated to chemical lobotomy starting with primitive anti-depressant's which evolved into newer and fancier names which more or less do the same damage.

(I'm not an md. so do your own research on it)

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2 hours ago, Taomeow said:

Do you question The Science®™ ?..   Help is on the way.


CDN media


Can't deny progress though.  At the time, New and Improved Science was mandatory only for some, and backtracked after having been administered to only 50 000 Americans.


My partner's psychiatrist suggested that if Jose's current drug regimen doesn't work the next step would

 be electroconvulsive therapy, which he described as a "very good treatment."  Perhaps the doc is right.  I might be overly influenced by One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Next.  Still, I can't help but think that this is the modern version of a lobotomy.  (Fortunately it doesn't look like it will be necessary -- whew.)

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8 minutes ago, liminal_luke said:


My partner's psychiatrist suggested that if Jose's current drug regimen doesn't work the next step would

 be electroconvulsive therapy, which he described as a "very good treatment."  Perhaps the doc is right.  I might be overly influenced by One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Next.  Still, I can't help but think that this is the modern version of a lobotomy.  (Fortunately it doesn't like it will be necessary -- whew.)


did you ever look into that particular shrink i suggested a long time back?  Btw there are several good FYI books on the potential dangers of what your present shrink is talking about!


I wouldn't trust most shrinks who just give a prescription and then its hit or miss per their ignorance.

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