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I've joined the forums to learn more about daosim, buddhism and hinduism, and to share my thoughts with others who are interested in and/or practice these traditions. I guess I identify as agnostic, with a keen interest in nondualism. :)

I've meditated periodically for a number of years and I've read the Tao Te Ching (although, admittedly, it's been a while since last time I picked it up), a bit of buddhist and hindu literature as well as academic literature about each tradition. However, I don't know too many people who share my interest. Although the secularized version of mindfulness has been popular in Sweden for some time, I don't think nondual experience and ideology is something that people generally tend to engage with. 

Looking forward to many fruitful discussions! 

Best regards
Thousand Clouds
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Welcome to the Bums Thousand_Clouds.  Appreciate the name!


I definitely resonate with your experience of being often among folks who do not share an interest in exploring or discussing esoteric concepts.  While for me, it's perhaps my most consistent passion from earliest childhood.  I've come to soften my in person approach in time and let folks off the hook when I see their eyes glaze over... thankfully this place is an oasis of explorers of awareness with a potent mix of experiences and insights into the incredibly subtle aspects of the nature of reality.


Enjoy your time here.

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