
Yin Shen Demon Attached

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The question is why would people be against me cleaning up my karmic baggage and stopping the senseless exploitation of lower beings, if not because they themselves have been profiting on such behavior from my side? 


To help people grow sometimes one needs to address the dark sides too. 


My blackest magic have been done when I was unaware and emotionally out of reach. 

It is often so, that demonic influences suddenly appear when you begin cultivating because then you will be able to pay back your debt and thus free yourself from karmic bondage. 


Things to ponder on your side

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Daaaaamn. Interesting thread.



If you're so receptive and open to such influences. Why don't you make yourself available to positive influences instead as a substitute? Like a goddess or an ascended master or smth. Whatever your resonate with.

Edited by Salvijus
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I have and I'm trying to protect them from this mess I'm in because as soon as I ask for guidance and help from the divine demons around me try to snatch them I can litterally hear and see them trying to. 

I just need to balance my cleaning up my karma with cultivation so I don't get dragged down into their attempts to get me to bet and go along with their mindgames and become like them, more addicted to negative energy. 


I have spent time trying to help the guides back to their space as they were tried to become binded by some of the lower beings here. 


As is to say I have been surrounded by these parasites for a long time now but they have ramped up their game, when I finally noticed them for real. 


Exciting though as this will help me grow stronger than them in collective so I will really need to stick to my self protective work and cultivational praxis. 

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3 hours ago, Nahfets said:

as soon as I ask for guidance and help from the divine demons around me try to snatch them

invoke someone more qualified for the job then like Jesus or someone equivalent to that. Eazy. Problem solved haha. 


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7 hours ago, Salvijus said:

Daaaaamn. Interesting thread.


I have some experience with invoking demonic entities. Mm... it's quite an experience. Maybe I could share my experiences with it later.


Go on then .   It might illuminate you next comment ;


If you're so receptive and open to such influences. Why don't you make yourself available to positive influences instead as a substitute? Like a goddess or an ascended master or smth. Whatever your resonate with.


We should be doing both ; feet below the hells and heads above the heavens ... but until we find balance one will be drawn one way and another the other way ; those that are 'virtuous' , if needing hell or heaven shall seek it, to find and restore balance . Those who are not, will travel further down the same path  and not have balance .


'Hell', when not understood and balanced has a sneaky way of 'rising up through the feet '  .... thus 'the mighty have fallen ' . ..  the benevolent have been caught with their hand in the till , and the guru has molested .


Edited by Nungali

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3 hours ago, Salvijus said:

invoke someone more qualified for the job then like Jesus or someone equivalent to that. Eazy. Problem solved haha. 



Oh .....  :( 



I was hoping for something better from you .

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11 hours ago, Nahfets said:

The question is why would people be against me cleaning up my karmic baggage


I'm not against that.  These would be things you have done, you take responsibility for them.  That means they are not the product of evil spirits of past generations.  Or other people attacking you or taking advantage of you.  Or some other mysterious change in the world where things are becoming "dark".  Or imaginging that it is your destiny, your life-path that is to ... blame.


Cleaning up your karma means taking responsibility.  But, also, it can't be taken to an extreme where one is harming themself for things they actually didn't do.  That produces karma too.  Harm to oneself is still harm.  Ahimsa.  To yourself too. 



and stopping the senseless exploitation of lower beings, if not because they themselves have been profiting on such behavior from my side? 


Setting oneself up as the "hero"?  I simply don't think you're in a position to acccurately evaluate the enemy, or what to do about it. 


11 hours ago, Nahfets said:

To help people grow sometimes one needs to address the dark sides too. 


Of course, but, it can backfire.  And it's best not to attempt it solo.  Who is helping you?  Real flesh and blood humans?


11 hours ago, Nahfets said:

My blackest magic have been done when I was unaware and emotionally out of reach. 


Then it's probably not a good idea to engage in that, nor to pretend you would know what, when, where, why, and how, to do it safely.


And the seeking out some generational spirit to blame is heading in the w-r-o-n-g direcction if you want to get healthy.  If not... please by all means... feed those "black" spirits more of your "tasty" faith in them.


11 hours ago, Nahfets said:

It is often so, that demonic influences suddenly appear when you begin cultivating because then you will be able to pay back your debt and thus free yourself from karmic bondage


OK.  Reality check.  Just a few sentences ago, you said you only worked with black magic in a state of "unawareness".  Now you're claiming you know what "often" happens.  My friend.  Come on.  This is getting silly.  I don't think you're being intentionally dishonest.  I think you're actually being boastful about what you know, and what you've done.  But this is being masked by this facade of being afflicted.  I don't doubt you feel afflicted.  But it still could be nothing more than a magic-show your mind is conjuring.


Playing with magic, specifically the type of magic you're working with, mixing a bunch  of stuff together, permits the mind to do this sort of thing... to itself


You'll work though it eventually, I'm sure. 


Edited by Daniel

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7 hours ago, Nungali said:


Oh .....  :( 



I was hoping for something better from you .


 Bro it was a legit solution haha. It works for me at least. I'm not sure what more could you want.


I used to practice in the presence and grace of Shiva for a number of years. I would have bunch of consecrated items and was initiated aswell so had a strong connection to Shiva's influence and that would always burn and wash all the nasty things both mine own and from outside. Never had to worry about protecting myself.


These days by some changes in life I shifted more to working with Yeshua. Was guided upon a little known ancient Essene lineage. Happened to get initiated multiple times with different attunements and energetic empowerments. Now yeshua's and the lineage's presence is very strong in my life.


Both influences never failed in protecting, dissolving, transmuting negative entities of any kind. I'm sure it works with other gods and goddess as well. It doesn't have to be Jesus.

Edited by Salvijus
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On 2023-10-05 at 1:11 AM, Nungali said:

Go on then .   It might illuminate you next comment ;

Hahahah, why does this sound like a dick measuring challenge :D



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23 minutes ago, Salvijus said:


 Bro it was a legit solution haha. It works for me at least. I'm not sure what more could you want.


I used to practice in the presence and grace of Shiva for a number of years. I would have bunch of consecrated items and was initiated aswell so had a strong connection to Shiva's influence and that would always burn and wash all the nasty things both mine own and from outside. Never had to worry about protecting myself.


These days by some changes in life I shifted more to working with Yeshua. Was guided upon a little known ancient Essene lineage. Happened to get initiated multiple times with different attunements and energetic empowerments. Now yeshua's and the lineage's presence is very strong in my life.


Both influences never failed in protecting, dissolving, transmuting negative entities of any kind. I'm sure it works with other gods and goddess as well. It doesn't have to be Jesus.



and there ^ is the ' better '   I was hoping for  !   :) 

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22 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

Hahahah, why does this sound like a dick measuring challenge :D


Errrrmmmmm ....  :unsure: ... because you feel like measuring dicks  ?


It could have been an invite for you to elucidate .... which you ended up doing .


22 minutes ago, Salvijus said:


There's one interesting that I could share. Once I was simply looking at enn lucifer chant on the internet. So as I was listening to the chant. I started experience insane flow of sexual arousal energy. And without even touching myself just by sitting with eyes closed I got into orgasm and later I even ejaculated. Also I had insane amount of pent up energy and was on the edge of anger that day. So that was cool. 


Its all cool man .....  as long as this did not happen at McDonalds .




22 minutes ago, Salvijus said:


I have a number of similar experiences like that. Some I intentionly invoked and in some cases I somehow absorb these entities from other people it would seen. But I stopped played with it because I'm not sure what would be the long term consiquences. So. That's that.



yeah , who knows what the long term consequences would have been  ... for you .   I know what they where for me though .   I never considered it 'playing ' .... I was deadly serious , did a lot of back ground study , backed it up with Comparative Religions and Divinity , courses (starting years back at Uni ) ,    tempered  it with large doses of psychology,  studied and  got initiated  through various levels in a  ' mystery school' . 


  Just so you know we might be on a similar page here . . . although the traditions sound different .








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17 minutes ago, Nungali said:

Its all cool man .....  as long as this did not happen at McDonalds

Hahahahaa. Actually worse then McDonalds. 🤣but I won't share that here 😅

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Funny stuff! No need to conjure up anymore succubi at Mc'Donals no, they will just form a union and demand free porn and cheap alcohol to the people. 


But had a weird Night, had several terror attacks and felt some demonic presence very heavily in my whole body not like something I've felt before. 


I was reading in a book about Chinese magic yesterday and when I came to a page with some symbols on it, the entity started to twist and turn inside me. I then thought why not write them on the place on my torso where it is attaching. I did that and fell a sleep. Not long after a had terrible visions of some sinister being trying to manipulate it's way around my body and my body trying to cast it out so I was bent over like a reverse plank all exorcist style in cramps for a while. Definitely not a pleasant experience. 

I bought a jade bracelet and usually it doesn't do anything, but tonight it left marks whereever it touched my body so I have these round dimplets many places when I woke up, strange indeed. 



Edited by Nahfets

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11 hours ago, Daniel said:


I'm not against that.  These would be things you have done, you take responsibility for them.  That means they are not the product of evil spirits of past generations.  Or other people attacking you or taking advantage of you.  Or some other mysterious change in the world where things are becoming "dark".  Or imaginging that it is your destiny, your life-path that is to ... blame.


Cleaning up your karma means taking responsibility.  But, also, it can't be taken to an extreme where one is harming themself for things they actually didn't do.  That produces karma too.  Harm to oneself is still harm.  Ahimsa.  To yourself too. 



Setting oneself up as the "hero"?  I simply don't think you're in a position to acccurately evaluate the enemy, or what to do about it. 



Of course, but, it can backfire.  And it's best not to attempt it solo.  Who is helping you?  Real flesh and blood humans?



Then it's probably not a good idea to engage in that, nor to pretend you would know what, when, where, why, and how, to do it safely.


And the seeking out some generational spirit to blame is heading in the w-r-o-n-g direcction if you want to get healthy.  If not... please by all means... feed those "black" spirits more of your "tasty" faith in them.



OK.  Reality check.  Just a few sentences ago, you said you only worked with black magic in a state of "unawareness".  Now you're claiming you know what "often" happens.  My friend.  Come on.  This is getting silly.  I don't think you're being intentionally dishonest.  I think you're actually being boastful about what you know, and what you've done.  But this is being masked by this facade of being afflicted.  I don't doubt you feel afflicted.  But it still could be nothing more than a magic-show your mind is conjuring.


Playing with magic, specifically the type of magic you're working with, mixing a bunch  of stuff together, permits the mind to do this sort of thing... to itself


You'll work though it eventually, I'm sure. 



First thing ones destiny and life path is not fixed. It changes once you clear up your karmic issues and continue doing good deeds. What does change is ones attitude to relationships where others feed on your energy and thus not to blame or be angry about it, I'm just cutting ties with those who I'm not able to protect myself from when I'm close and who are actively using me to their own ends. This stuff happens, I don't know if you have ever pondered the ways of generational trauma and baggage? I'm not being hateful about it as I get it, I don't won't allow it nor allow myself to become as such. 


As I mentioned when I take responsibility for the things I've willingly or unwillingly let myself become a part of, other areas in my life becomes very clear and I begin seeing things clearly. I'm not victimizing myself, nor am I being overly aggressive about the areas in which I'm being played or attempted to at least. I feel deep shame on the contrary over areas in which I've hurt innocent beings, and if making immense for this, offends others, this tells me more to as what is going on inside them, not me. 


Hero now? Again projecting here, as I mentioned not exploiting lower beings as a part of my own value system, you need for it to be a part of some egoistic powertrip for it to suit your own actions. "The enemy" said like you know for certain who is the perpetrator, sounds a bit like someone is playing you as to soldier on onto areas you yourself don't know much about. 


This is not being dishonest just because I know from sources and experience how demonic influences appear to affect people, it doesn't mean I'm well-suited in black arts, come on now, you're are grasping here. 

Being boastful about doing harm to others? This is again severely projecting 



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I've heard there is one very effective way to get rid of all the demons inside. You take a spoon of caster oil before bedtime and in the morning be prepared to rush yourself to the toilet. And the rest is no longer in your control 😅


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On a more serious note. Do you practice any kind of zen/abiding in pure witness awareness meditation? This practice alone can be enough to deal with such things I believe.



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Interesting with the castor oil. Will try this definitely. Thanks! 


My schedule has been daily practice of Medical Qigong, and sitting practice with martial fire, MCO and stillness. Occationally also some breathwork the more intense kind to flush the system. I've also begun doing som Hun Yuan Qigong and sitting in prayer. Besides that I exercise and eat healthy with vegan foods mostly fresh alongside natural supplements. 

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Sounds like a good routine.


6 hours ago, Nahfets said:

Not long after a had terrible visions of some sinister being trying to manipulate it's way around my body and my body trying to cast it out so I was bent over like a reverse plank all exorcist style in cramps for a while. Definitely not a pleasant experience. 

What would happen if you weren't resisting it? Because if it was me I would just surrender and be like, do whatever you want 😅. That's what I've always done.


The important part tho for this method to work is to stay as a pure witness of it, to shine the Light of awareness on whatever arises. To remain in that pure space that allows all things, embraces all things, and perhaps even loves all things if you want to involve the healing Light of the heart aswell.


In my experience initially the energy begins to ramp up and intensify as these energies begin to dissolve and leave the body but if you remain just as pure witness it will play itself out eventually. I found it to be a good practice for trancending fear and getting more established in our true Self that is beyond all these things.

Edited by Salvijus
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7 hours ago, Nahfets said:


First thing ones destiny and life path is not fixed.


Good.  This seems to be either a clarification of what you wrote previously or a departure from it.



What does change is ones attitude to relationships where others feed on your energy and thus not to blame or be angry about it, I'm just cutting ties with those who I'm not able to protect myself from when I'm close and who are actively using me to their own ends.


I've been through this, and you have my sympathy and support.  



I don't know if you have ever pondered the ways of generational trauma and baggage?


When you say "generational", that, to me, means you have not actually witnessed, in this lifetime, the trauma.  Because of this, I question, ( a question which does not need an answer ), who is it you are "cutting off"?  How much of the "energetic-vampirism" is actually happening in the here-and-now, and how much of it is, forgive me, being blamed on past generations.


Yes I have pondered these things.  You sound american, in the west these are called generational-curses.  They are a concept in evangelical christianity.  In truth, they are banished by simply turning away from them.  But preachers in "deliverance ministries" capitalize, take-advantage, exploit the desire of the petitoner to blame their problems on some unseen force.


Ironically, the evangelist in this case IS the "energy-vampire".  They are conjuring the demon they are attempting to banish.  This happens all the time.  


Since the root cause is "blaming-the-other" and this is "conjuring" the demon and feeding it, and the one who is banishing is simultaneously conjuring it, THEN.... ~poof~, magically, there is a steady flow of petitioners, and the collection plate is being filled.  And the petitioner's faith in the magical power of the preacher and the magic they are working is a tasty snack for the energy-vampire, who, like I said, is the preacher.  The faith is the energy that is feeding the demon.


Makes sense? Understanding it requires a mature comprehension of what a demon actually is.



I feel deep shame on the contrary over areas in which I've hurt innocent beings, and if making immense for this, offends others, this tells me more to as what is going on inside them, not me. 


I just wonder if this shame is warranted.  Is it "just", "proper", "correct", to inflict this shame on yourself.  If not, it is causing the same phenomena I described above.  It's a cycle.  It self-propagtes.


Previously I used the concept himsa, and recommended ahimsa towards yourself.  From that perspective, it's still a self-propogating cycle.  Simultaneously being the hero-and-the-villian is the same cycle.  Simultaneously conjuring and banishing the demon, is the same cycle.  It's all the same thing.


 Cutting the cycle is easier said than done.  But, in short, it's "turning over a new leaf".  Go ahead and make an accounting.  But the accounting needs to be accurate.  TThey way to get an accurate evalutation of what you actually did and the gravity of those "sins" is... by talking to an objective 3rd party about it.  Not me.  This is not self-promotion.  I am not a therapist.  I have my own job, my own profession, my own source of income.  I am not soliciting my services.  I'm just offering to help, because, you're here, and I'm here, and somehow, we were brought together in this same time and place, and you seem to have a problem, and maybe I can help, just by listening.  And maybe offering some objective outside perspectives.


After the accurate acccounting, make ammends with those you have harmed, if possible.  In a real, way, in the physical, flesh and blood and bones way.  Then take a deep breath and move on.


If you can't make ammends... the same applies.  If there is literally nothing that can be done, take a deep breath and move on.



Hero now? Again projecting here


I was replying to what you wrote.  


On 10/4/2023 at 6:33 AM, Nahfets said:

stopping the senseless exploitation of lower beings,


So you're saying that you are the enemy who is exploiting the lower beings?


Whomever is "stopping the senseless exploitation" is a hero.

Whomever is "exploiting the lower beings" is the villian.


Again, it's a cycle.... a self-propagating cycle.  A drum-beat... a heart-beat.  Heart.  Beat.  Heart.  I promise you, I know how this works.


If you are both the one who is exploiting, and the one who is stopping it, you are both hero and villian.  That is a natural conclusion reached from doing "shadow-work".  But, unless you have not been told, and it seems you do not have anyone helping you, my friend,  with shadow-work, it gets worse before it gets better.  Much much worse, and then... hopefully, it gets better.  The idea is... keep heading down hill....


Water collects... down-hill.  creeks become streams, streams, become rivers, rivers become bigger rivers which eventually lead to the ocean.  The ocean is love, my friend.  The ocean is love.  Aloha. Once you make it to the ocean, you're out of the woods, and you can find your way home from there.  But it's not easy.  It gets worse before it gets better.  The river is super-choppy and dangerous as it empties into the sea.  Even building a raft... good luck.  You need a good raft, indigenous knowledge, and, for safety, one needs to be an excellent strong swimmer.  Just knowing how to "float" won't cut it. 


The nice thing about following the river down hill, is, it's great for navigation when lost in "the-unknown-territory".  But, without a raft or a guide.... it's treacherous.  Hiking along the banks... not a good option.  If you've ever tried this in real-life.  You know what I'm saying is true.



"The enemy" said like you know for certain who is the perpetrator,


Based on what you've written, and the shadow-work.  You are your own worst enemy.  But, my friend.  Hee-hee,  You're not alone.  I'm my own worst enemy too.  We're all our own worst enemies.  You're in excellent company, I promise.  That's the conclusion of shadow-work.  Literally.  Conclusion.  The end.  Finis.  Denouement.  Then ... Graduation.  Moving On to greener pastures and a brighter future.  


Edited by Daniel

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10 hours ago, Nahfets said:

Funny stuff! No need to conjure up anymore succubi at Mc'Donals no, they will just form a union and demand free porn and cheap alcohol to the people. 


But had a weird Night, had several terror attacks and felt some demonic presence very heavily in my whole body not like something I've felt before. 


I was reading in a book about Chinese magic yesterday and when I came to a page with some symbols on it, the entity started to twist and turn inside me. I then thought why not write them on the place on my torso where it is attaching. I did that and fell a sleep. Not long after a had terrible visions of some sinister being trying to manipulate it's way around my body and my body trying to cast it out so I was bent over like a reverse plank all exorcist style in cramps for a while. Definitely not a pleasant experience. 

I bought a jade bracelet and usually it doesn't do anything, but tonight it left marks whereever it touched my body so I have these round dimplets many places when I woke up, strange indeed. 




Does your tradition have practices that you learnt about such things ... or are you 'flying by the seat of your pants'  here ... looking up stuff and trying to figure what to do .


In my tradition and if this was me , I would be so amping up my banishing and stabilizing rituals and  a large dose of continual 'superego invocations ' .


Dont you have 'other good guys'  ....   'in there'    ... that can get a hold of this character  ?

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9 hours ago, Nahfets said:


First thing ones destiny and life path is not fixed. It changes once you clear up your karmic issues and continue doing good deeds. What does change is ones attitude to relationships where others feed on your energy and thus not to blame or be angry about it, I'm just cutting ties with those who I'm not able to protect myself from when I'm close and who are actively using me to their own ends. This stuff happens, I don't know if you have ever pondered the ways of generational trauma and baggage? I'm not being hateful about it as I get it, I don't won't allow it nor allow myself to become as such. 


As I mentioned when I take responsibility for the things I've willingly or unwillingly let myself become a part of, other areas in my life becomes very clear and I begin seeing things clearly. I'm not victimizing myself, nor am I being overly aggressive about the areas in which I'm being played or attempted to at least. I feel deep shame on the contrary over areas in which I've hurt innocent beings, and if making immense for this, offends others, this tells me more to as what is going on inside them, not me. 


Hero now? Again projecting here, as I mentioned not exploiting lower beings as a part of my own value system, you need for it to be a part of some egoistic powertrip for it to suit your own actions. "The enemy" said like you know for certain who is the perpetrator, sounds a bit like someone is playing you as to soldier on onto areas you yourself don't know much about. 


This is not being dishonest just because I know from sources and experience how demonic influences appear to affect people, it doesn't mean I'm well-suited in black arts, come on now, you're are grasping here. 

Being boastful about doing harm to others? This is again severely projecting 





Jezus !  ya got a Yin Shen demon on yer case .... and now Daniel too !


( I can tell you how to get rid of the 2nd one though  ..... out argue him with facts and logic and he will put you on ignore   ;)



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Use Your Illusion!  Guns-AND-Roses!  Simultaneously.




Shadow-work: ( From the lyrics of November-Rain )

Love-restrained,  hearts-can-change

Nothing-lasts-forever, in-the-cold-november-rain


Ooh, everybody needs some time on their own
Ooh, don't you know you need some time all alone

I know it's hard to keep an open heart
When even friends seem out to harm you


you could heal a broken heart:


** when your fears subside **
** and shadows still remain **


** when there's no one left to blame **


** never mind the darkness **




It's graduation-day.

Welcome Home!  Aloha!


Edited by Daniel

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