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Is Spring Forest Qigong compatible with Flowing Zen Academy, if not mixed and done separately?

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Hi folks! After a phone healing session with one of their masters, it was so incredibly powerful on every level, and transformative in a life changing way, that I decided I needed to start practicing spring forest qigong if it produces healing like that. I find the benefits so amazing.


The one issue is, before SFQ I've been practicing under the guidance of Sifu Anthony Korahais of Flowing Zen Academy, who teaches traditional qigong, mostly Shaolin-inspired such as the 8 brocades, yi Jin jing, the 18 arhats and so forth. I absolutely love doing his qigong  because it's the only system where I find I can let my tension go.


Even with Spring forest the emphasis on visualization, the form, the tongue and so forth all creates a lot of tension to where even though I get benefits, I simply don't enjoy the actual process as much as Flowing Zen, and doubt I ever will. He emphasizes relaxing, "butcher the form" no visualization, relaxing the jaw and breathing out through mouth, and it's a lot more peaceful. 


I'm not willing to give up SFQ either though , because the benefits from it are so massive and quick afterwards, even if I don't enjoy doing the actual practice quite as much. The master I spoke to said to wait at least 3 hours before doing another system. But when I've heard Chunyi Lin speak about it, he says more like an hour. It doesn't seem these systems, which utilize a fairly similar style of movements, would be that THAT contradictory. Does anyone who does SFQ have any thoughts or experience about practicing a different system?


I was also doing Mingtong Gu's wisdom healing qigong (zhineng) but it's not been helpful at all so I've given it up now and am committed to just these two systems now. The general approach of the respective teachers definitely contradict each other, but I feel if I can keep the mindset and advice of Chunyi Lin when I do SFQ, but then that of Sifu Anthony when doing Flowing Zen, it can work. 

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