Sir Darius the Clairvoyent

My summary of bhagavad gita

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6 hours ago, Taoist Texts said:

… the cat and mouse case … all men are either one or the other, but there is a secret not to be either one

idk about “all men” but I ‘ve met people that are “either one or the other”, and

I totally agree the secret is “not to be either one“. :)



Edited by Cobie
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3 hours ago, Taoist Texts said:

yes i know. its right there in the wiki


this pundit disagrees


But thats not the point. The point is that the allegedly good Pandavas together with their alleged god of love Krishna created an unnecessary bloodbath over mere four  villages. Apparently you consider it a good dharmic action.Oh well.

Was it the five mere villages or was it the adharmic actions of the kauravas that got them killed, in spite of several attempts to prevent that fate for them? I think it is the latter. Krishna is not the alleged God of love, he is an avatar - he shows love to those who needed it, wisdom to those who needed it, wrath to those who needed and joy to those who needed it. The role of the avatar is to bring about the change needed for dharma to prevail over adharma. 

3 hours ago, Taoist Texts said:


an interesting trivia: neither of them was killed by their own sons

i eat meat i just dont kill it. so i dont do what the cat does

the mice was stupid enough to be killed. so i dont do what the mice does


Since you eat meat, are you not indirectly responsible for the death of the animals you eat? Just because you don’t “kill” them, doesn’t mean they are not killed. I’d say that what happens to the poor animals is far worse than what happened to the kauravas, since animals are not responsible for their death - the consumers of meat are, since they create the demand, and the market fulfills that demand via supplying the meat. I’d even say that the butcher is less responsible for the death of the animals than those who “just” eat the meat. :) 

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4 hours ago, Nungali said:

'good people' in the Gita that got killed  ?   Where they 'stupid enough '  ?  

oh you see in this epic to be 'good' means slaughtering own cousins over a piece of real estate as commanded by a god, only to be murdered by own son. In that light they were neither stupid nor smart. They were NPCs.

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On 10/13/2023 at 5:00 PM, NaturaNaturans said:

I agree and support this. The problem however, is that if some ethnicities adopts a more peacefull and tolerant perspective, while others do not, they can be outcompetet by the more «egoic» one.


That which is unconscious and egoic is self-destructive in the long run.



If you are driven by fear, anger or pride nature will force you to compete. If you are guided by courage, awareness, tranquility and peace nature will serve you.~ Amit Ray


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12 hours ago, Taoist Texts said:

oh you see in this epic to be 'good' means slaughtering own cousins over a piece of real estate as commanded by a god, only to be murdered by own son. In that light they were neither stupid nor smart. They were NPCs.

Why do you not want to take the text by it self? It is kind of the whole transformer debate, getting to caught up by the choice of Words instead of the overtall message… or as Daniel would say, the tree for the forrest

Edited by NaturaNaturans
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10 hours ago, Ajay0 said:


That which is unconscious and egoic is self-destructive in the long run.



Well, yess, but i will not sit down and meditate If i meet a hungry lion.


Nor am going to call it stupid or egoic, or an npc.

Edited by NaturaNaturans

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i am qouting myself from another thread here, but i belive it is relevant:


Have you read Nietzsche, or are you aware of his concept of unter/ubermench? I just started «thus spoke zarathustra,» but i am superfically familiar with his philosophy. I think it could be relevant for Your search of meaning and your view on ethics. Shame his repution has  been so besudled by the third reich.


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23 hours ago, Nungali said:

Ohfer gawds sake ... thats the point old3bob WAS making ; no direct contact but still, an effect passes.


and bob NEVER argued about connecting two parallel lines YOU DID THAT  !


I am rather sure, that he said they were all connected and that current was flowing in-between.  Direct contact was the point he wanted to make from the beginning.  That was the whole point of interjecting in the first place.  And that was the point he was arguing.  And it was the reason for objecting to pictures showing the flow of the current.


But it's easy to confirm.  I'll go check.

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On 10/8/2023 at 7:58 PM, old3bob said:

AC circuits do have a current transfer through induction otherwise it wouldn't work.


On 10/8/2023 at 8:23 PM, Daniel said:

No, the current does not transfer through induction


On 10/8/2023 at 9:22 PM, old3bob said:

current is transferred through induction


On 10/9/2023 at 11:19 AM, old3bob said:

again the sides are in contact so to speak


Now.  Where did this begin?


Here is my reply to the OP, we were discussing a specific set of scriptures:  a picture is best to illustrate it:




On 10/8/2023 at 4:03 PM, old3bob said:


or like a two way transformer, in which nothing is annihilated pre-se, just transformed...


Notice:  Bob is interjecting into a conversation about a story where entry is prohibited as a result of angels with a spinning sword saying, or it's like a transformer.


This comment is doomed for failure.  It's completely out of context.


Why is it doomed for failure?  Because, I was talking about direct contact, which would produce annihilation.  Bob says, "no... no, it's like a transformer."  And I said, no, it can't be because there is no current...


And it devolved from there, because Bob insisted there was current flowing through induction, which is false.  I showed pitctures where it was false.  I brought links showing it was false.  But the whole time, Bob really-really wanted there to be current flowing through induction.  Even though that doesn't fit in the conversation I was having, and, it's false from an electrical perspective.


Should I have ignored bob?  Maybe.  I doubt he'll be replying to me anymore.  So.  Problem solved.


Edited by Daniel

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17 hours ago, NaturaNaturans said:

Well, yess, but i will not sit down and meditate If i meet a hungry lion.


Nor am going to call it stupid or egoic, or an npc.


A hungry lion is not unconscious or egoic, it just wants to satisfy its hunger following its natural instincts. If you meet a hungry lion obviously your duty is to evade it successfully, and if there is no option available, to kill it in self-defense. Krishna tells Arjuna to do his duty as a soldier and does not exhort him to meditate on the field in the lotus position.


A mind that is filled with strong desires in the form of cravings and aversions is bound to be in psychological time, either in the past through memory or future through imagination. Such a mind is unnatural, and consequently in a state of misery. It is bound to be inauspicious and self-destructive in the long run unless it realizes its natural state.



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edit feature is sometimes useful; not only to self clean up possible insults or ad hominem offenses, before a Mod takes a closer look

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On 5.10.2023 at 10:44 PM, NaturaNaturans said:

They learn about the three qualities that govern the universe: goodness, passion, and ignorance.

This is kind of interresting. How there is no mention of evil, but instead ignorancr, as If bad deeds are a result of lack of knowledge or understanding.

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On 10/26/2023 at 3:35 AM, NaturaNaturans said:

This is kind of interresting. How there is no mention of evil, but instead ignorancr, as If bad deeds are a result of lack of knowledge or understanding.


These three qualities or elements are sattva, rajas and tamas, which is referred to in Sankhya philosophy. 


Sankhya means number in sanskrit, and Sankhya provided the philosophical conception for the numeral system used by the Indians, and later on by the Arabs and Europeans to the present day.


It is surprising hence for me that Sankhya philosophy is not studied by the world philosophers, as it would reap a lot of dividend and insight into Hindu and Buddhist philosophy and religions and world-view, as these elements are used extensively in their religious literature. It is also an integral element of eastern medical systems.


It has helped me a lot in creating a coherent understanding of  nature and existence . first principle%2C tamas%2C means,or mountain is very tamasic.

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