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that means something to you. I feel like music, as well as other forms for art, has an ability to speak to you on a level that words alone can not. Or maybe articulate an idea that you are not capable of articulating yet. Do not be shy, get it out there


Give me your hand, friend, when evening comes
It gets dark, and we need a hand
Let the bright and friendly thoughts
Guide us into the land of dreams
Let the warmth from someone who loves you
Ignite stars in the darkest night
Give me your hand, friend,
When evening falls
It gets dark, and we need a hand
Warm thoughts and comforting hands
Are like the sun over frozen ground
Feeling the warmth from someone close to you
Gives far more than big words
Let the warmth from someone who loves you
Ignite stars in the darkest night
Give me your hand, friend, when evening falls
It gets dark, and we need a hand


Play 'em our home movies
If they wonder who I was
Even if they don't
Then play 'em just because
Let 'em see the highlights
And don't forget the lows
Everybody's got a story no one knows
So just let 'em play until the credits roll
There's a story, I didn't know we'd write it
However long it took, it's an open book
If you love surprises
There's a song underneath the silence
You can hear the crowd sing the words out loud
In just the right pitch
But what we both didn't know
Was how far this thing would go
And we might not make it through
But if we do



Edited by NaturaNaturans
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Our best day 

Come listen to the light when the day is nigh
The sun lifts its trumpet to its mouth
Listen for the beat of white butterflies' wings
This day can be our best day
The path we walked yesterday is still as new,
Secret as by our first dawn
Much shall we face - and much shall we master
The day of today - it can be our best day
Come listen to the abyss when we row to day
Hear the manet tuning all its strings
Promising is the tone of the leaping fish
This day can be our best day
The fjord is still as new and blue and blank
Your gaze is free and back so straight
Much shall we face - and much shall we master
The day of today - it can be our best day
Dear, listen to the darkness when our day has passed
The night is humming over distant hills
Much the day has given us, both large and small
More, can be, than we have known
The moon above roofs and yards is still as new
But stays quiet about our next dawn of day
Much we shall face - and much we shall master
The day of today - it can be our best day
Much we shall face - and much we shall master
The day of today - it can be our best day


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5 hours ago, NaturaNaturans said:

Our best day 


FYI:  The video is not available in the US, it seems:




5 hours ago, NaturaNaturans said:

Share music that means something to you.


There's so much about the following video which is significant to me.  First It's the Soul-Train, baby. :D;) 


For me, as a spiritual person, a mystical person, this is significant on its own.  But the TV Show itself was extremely significant in its time and in its place here in America. I think one can truly feel that when watching the band as they are performing.  It's bitter-sweet at that time in history.  I love that.  I love the simultaneaity of the opposing forces, which are producing dancing, freedom, and joy.  Bitter recalling where they had been through and what was still happening.  Sweet because they are free in that moment to be themselves in their own way and in their own place.  Bitter because there's so much more that needs to be done.  Sweet because of what is happening "Right Now."




Also, the name of the band is significant.  The "5 stair-steps".  There's a great secret and a profound mystery there.  And the lyrics, of course.  Again the brilliant union of opposing ideas:  "Someday we're going to walk in the rays of a beautiful sun.  Right Now... Right now..."


Someday can be right now.  I love that.  I love being able to pivot from the finite temporal perspective and then pivot to the infinite and realize, all of it is literally 'now'.


And, right now, there's a war going on.  A physical war, and a spiritual war.  A war of ideas.  A war for the hearts and minds of each and every individual.  It's difficult feeling like everything could be so much better, so much easier, and there's such a simple solution hiding in plain sight.  So, this song is significant for me, because I need the hope, and I need it right now.  It's good to look back and reflect on a time in America when black and brown people couldn't ride in the front of the bus.  It's good because reflecting on it there's been a lot of progress, eventhough we're still far away from what I would consider home.  But, it's OK.  We're on the "soul-train", baby.  From the infinite perspective, the problem is already solved, we're already home, it's just a matter of time patience and perspective. 


And someday, hopefully, I'll be able to look back on what is happening right-now, and even this will be for the good, because, in the future I will see the progress that has been made.  In that way, what is happening, right now, will be good, because it will be a reference point for realizing *progress*.  Someday is right now.  I'm picturing it in my mind.  And I can feel the hope.  But it's bitter-sweet.  And I love that.


(Hopefully this is viewable where you are.  It's the promise for a better life for all.  )




Edited by Daniel
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15 hours ago, NaturaNaturans said:

that means something to you. I feel like music, as well as other forms for art, has an ability to speak to you on a level that words alone can not. Or maybe articulate an idea that you are not capable of articulating yet. Do not be shy, get it out there

  Reveal hidden contents
Play 'em our home movies
If they wonder who I was
Even if they don't
Then play 'em just because
Let 'em see the highlights
And don't forget the lows
Everybody's got a story no one knows
So just let 'em play until the credits roll
There's a story, I didn't know we'd write it
However long it took, it's an open book
If you love surprises
There's a song underneath the silence
You can hear the crowd sing the words out loud
In just the right pitch
But what we both didn't know
Was how far this thing would go
And we might not make it through
But if we do






Edited by kakapo

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If you like Matis, I think you'll like this.  It's a great message, and part of what made him famous was his beat-box which is featured at the end of the song.  I remember when I first heard about him.  A co-worker knew I had Jewish heritage, and asked if I had heard of this Orthodox dude who sang reggae, crowd surfs, and can beat-box like you wouldn't believe.  I won't go on and on about it, but, hearing Matis started a whole chain of events that changed my life in a major way.



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This piece by Monteverdi has an inexplicable quality and beauty that touches my heart and raises my spirit.



Lyrics translated from the Italian -


Golden tresses, fairest treasure,

you bind me in a thousand ways,

whether you are coiled or loosened.


Choice little white pearls,

when you reveal the roses

that you cover, you wound me.


Lively stars that shine,

so fair and alluring,

when you laugh you slay me.


Precious, seductive

beloved lips of coral,

when you speak you give me bliss.


Oh fair bond that gives me joy!

Oh sweet life's leave-taking!

Oh this welcome wound of mine!


Testi della canzone


Chiome d'oro, Bel tesoro,

Tu mi leghi in mille modi

Se t'annodi, Se ti snodi.


Candidette Perle elette,

Se le rose che coprite

Discoprite, mi ferite.


Vive stelle Che sì belle

E sì vaghe risplendete,

Se ridete M'ancidete.


Preziose, Amorose,

Coralline labbra amate,

Se parlate Mi beate.


O bel nodo Per cui godo!

O soave uscir di vita!

O gradita Mia ferita!


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Ill share this, not because i like the song that much (a little old fashioned for my taste), but because of the lyrcis/meaning of the song, as well as the countless time I've heard It played live at family gatherings. Lyrics in spoiler.



Erik Bye's "Så lenge skuta kan gå" is a well-known Norwegian song. While the direct translation may not capture the full depth and poetic nature of the original lyrics, I can provide a general translation to convey the song's essence:

As long as the ship can go, As long as the heart can beat, As long as the sun sparkles on the blue waves, Even if it's just for a day or two, Stay contented nonetheless, For there are many who never see a glimmer of light.

Who has said that you came into the world, To experience sunshine and happiness on your journey? To be invited beneath the glow of stars, To be rushed into a shelter, To get a kiss or two in a swirling dance.

Who has said that you should have the privilege of hearing and sight, To hear the sound of the waves, and be able to sing? And who has promised you the finest menu, Or to swing like a bird atop the waves?

With the engines humming, And if your watch is long, Remember the bell will soon toll for you.

Embrace your job with joy, even if it's tough, For soon you'll rest for eternity. Yet, nothing stops you from being cheerful and spirited, So belt out a truly spirited seafaring waltz.

It's a tremendous fortune that you're alive, my friend, With opportunities ahead, If resources run low, embark on the sea once more, With the wind of adventures caressing your face.

Complete your tasks with flair, Land somewhere, And maybe snatch a kiss or two in a dizzying dance.

Please note this is a general translation and might not convey the exact sentiments of the original Norwegian lyrics. The song itself emphasizes the importance of perseverance and finding joy in life despite its challenges.


Feels a little weird to throw out a song from a kids show, but I think its a touching song tbh:


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4 hours ago, NaturaNaturans said:

Ill share this, not because i like the song that much (a little old fashioned for my taste), but because of the lyrcis/meaning of the song, as well as the countless time I've heard It played live at family gatherings. Lyrics in spoiler.


Erik Bye - Sa lenge skuta kan ga


Nice.  I liked this.  Yeah it's a little old fashioned, but It's fun imagining it live at a family gathering.  And when you're old, we'll still love you and bring you with us to the "gatherings".



Feels a little weird to throw out a song from a kids show, but I think its a touching song tbh:


Sesame Street:  I Don't Want to Live on the Moon 


I think it's great!  You brought a mix of old and new.   It is a sweet song.  Sesame Street was designed and written both for the child and for the parent so that they could watch it together.   


Here's my additions to the thread inspired by your choices.


1)  When the Ship Comes In - Bob Dylan:  Clearly I was inspired by the lyrics of the first song you chose.  It is also a little old-fashioned.  But I think you'll like the nice clean acoustic guitar and the passion brought in the lyrics and the message.   Originally it's an Arlo Guthrie song, but I think Dylan's version is better.  It's one of my favorite-favorite songs, not just by Bob Dylan, but for all time.  Yes, it's a protest song.  And the events that inspired these lyrics have, for the most part, ended.  But who hasn't felt that they were facing insurrountable opposition?  It's classic David/Golaith, and this is included in the lyrics.   Ultimately, for me, the song strongly cultivates "glory".  And I love that.


2)  The Rainbow Connection - Kermit The Frog:  Another classic inspired by your second choice.  Who doesn't love this song?  Besides the obvious meaning on the surface, I love the idea of connection and the rainbow.  The colors are not blended and poured into a melting pot of oblivion.  Philosophically, this strongly resonates in me.  Also, I love the lyric ... "someday we'll find it".  Again.  "Someday" is "right now", if I can pivot my perspective.  And.  I love the last part of the lyric:  "... the lovers, the dreamers, and me."  Whenever I hear this, or think about it, it provokes the questions in my mind:  "Wait a minute, Kermit is not a lover?  Kermit is not a dreamer?  The lovers, the dreamers, and me?  What does that say about Kermit?"  And then I answer it, in my own mind:  "Well of course silly, Kermit is a frog.  Even a frog can find the rainbow connection, and so can you (me)."  God Bless you, Jim Henson.




Oh, the time will come up
When the winds will stop
And the breeze will cease to be breathin'
Like the stillness in the wind
Before the hurricane begins
The hour that the ship comes in
And the seas will split
And the ship will hit
And the sands on the shoreline will be shaking
Then the tide will sound
And the wind will pound
And the morning will be breaking
Oh, the fishes will laugh
As they swim out of the path
And the seagulls they'll be smiling
And the rocks on the sand
Will proudly stand
The hour that the ship comes in
And the words that are used
For to get the ship confused
Will not be understood as they're spoken
For the chains of the sea
Will have busted in the night
And will be buried at the bottom of the ocean
A song will lift
As the mainsail shifts
And the boat drifts on to the shoreline
And the sun will respect
Every face on the deck
The hour that the ship comes in
Then the sands will roll
Out a carpet of gold
For your weary toes to be a-touchin'
And the ship's wise men
Will remind you once again
That the whole wide world is watchin'
Oh, the foes will rise
With the sleep still in their eyes
And they'll jerk from their beds and think they're dreamin'
But they'll pinch themselves and squeal
And know that it's for real
The hour when the ship comes in
Then they'll raise their hands
Sayin' we'll meet all your demands
But we'll shout from the bow your days are numbered
And like Pharaoh's tribe
They'll be drownded in the tide
And like Goliath, they'll be conquered





Why are there so many
Songs about rainbows
And what's on the other side?
Rainbows are visions
But only illusions
And rainbows have nothing to hide
So we've been told and some choose to believe it
I know they're wrong wait and see


Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me

Who said that every wish
Would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star?
Somebody thought of that
And someone believed it
Look what it's done so far
What's so amazing that keeps us stargazing
And what do we think we might see?

Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me


All of us under its spell
We know that it's probably magic

Have you been half asleep
And have you heard voices?
I've heard them calling my name
Is this the sweet sound
That calls the young sailors?
The voice might be one and the same
I've heard it too many times to ignore it:
It's something that I'm supposed to be

Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection
The lovers, the dreamers and me
Da-da-da-dee-da-da dum



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Another favorite of mine is Minha Alma (A Paz Que Eu Não Quero) by O Rappa

This is a very special cover by Maria Rita.





Another song that speaks to me by O Rappa - Tribunal de Rua





And one more from Brazil -  Tive Razão by the great Seu Jorge



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The following song choice was inspired by the recent thread started on individualization, specifically the passage of Carl Jung read by Alan Watts, but there are also elements of it that link up with the Hopsin song that was posted above, "Fly".


This song is called "Tether".  It's one of my very favorite songs by one of my very favorite artists, The Indigo Girls.  I've posted their music here before.  They're amazing.  They have a massive library of music.  They're brilliant song writers and lyricists.  There was a period in my life where they were all I listened to.  I had a folder on my phone with the majority of their songs and I listened to it on random constantly. 


"Tether" asks a simple question.


"Can we bring it together?"
"Can we call from the mountain to the valley below?"
"Can we make it better?
"Do we tether the hawk, do we tether the dove?"


Accepting these opposing forces, from the mountain above to the valley below... accepting them for the purpose of releasing them, not tethering them, strongly resonates with me.  While at the same time, if they are both accepted and released as a pair they will moderate each other naturally.  One becomes the other in an infinite glorious dance.  This, imo, is precisely what Jung was describing in the passage which was posted. 


On 10/31/2023 at 5:29 PM, NaturaNaturans said:

"Fly" - Hopsin  


   ... Open your eyes, open your mind, and fly ...





 ... Open your eyes, open your mind, and fly ...


6 hours ago, NaturaNaturans said:

Carl Jung - Individualization 


What we observe here is a fundemental law of life. Enantidromia or conversion into the opposite, and it is this that makes possible the reunion of the waring halves...




... it is this that makes possible the reunion of the waring halves ...





... do we tether the hawk? ...

... do we tether the dove? ...


... do we leave it unanswered? ...

... open your mind? and fly? ...


... the reunion of the waring halves?  ...


... walking a tightrope? ...

... bridging the gap? ...


... bring it together? ...

... do we tether? ...




Whatever it was, it wasn't manumission
To spill the blood, to pull the weed
You can bury the past, but it's a mausoleum
With the ghost of a fist that won't let us be
Can we bring it together
Can we call from the mountain to the valley below?
Can we make it better
Do we tether the hawk, do we tether the dove?
I kicked up the dirt, and I said to my neighbor
We keep making it worse, we keep getting it wrong
He tucked in his shirt, he stood a little bit straighter
We need a few less words dear, we need a few more guns
Will it bring us together
Can we call from the mountain to the valley below?
Can we make it better
Do we tether the hawk, do we tether the dove?
Enduring love
Why so much and so strong, beyond this short existence?
Don't be still
You say there's a long line behind you
And it's hardly worth the mentioning
But I will
'Cause we may flicker and fade
But we never will be through with this
I see this world battered but not broken
There's a fallow heart, it's waiting on a sowing hand
You can grow what you want
One day it's gonna rise up
So plant what you need to make a better stand
And we'll bring it together
And we'll call from the mountain to the valley below
And we'll make it better
Let go of the hawk, we let go of the dove
Can bring it together
Call from the mountain to the valley below
I'm telling you now
And we'll make it better
Do we tether the hawk, do we tether the dove?


Edited by Daniel
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